Republic Fleet Systems, a manufacturer of ships, came into existence during the era of the Old Republic.
Initially, the organization was established with the purpose of constructing military vessels intended to suppress rebellions supported by the Sith in the Republic's remote territories. As the years passed, the business expanded its operations into different sectors, creating vessels for colonization and exploration, passenger liners, and transports. RFS existed for a period of 15 millennia, before its dissolution by the Senate shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, at which point all of its possessions were taken over by the Republic Navy.
A significant shipbuilding facility belonging to the corporation was in orbit around the planet Abhean. The Jedi training ship known as the Chu'unthor was constructed at this location. Among their other significant creations were the Star Saber XC-01 starfighter and the Aurek-class tactical strikefighter.