Aurek-class tactical strikefighter

The Aurek-class tactical strikefighter, often referred to as the A-wing, represented a class of Republic starfighter. Throughout the Old Sith Wars, the Great Galactic War, the New Sith Wars, and even up to the Republic's final days, various iterations of this fighter saw action.


A squadron of Aureks on Serroco during the Mandalorian Wars

Measuring 9.2 meters in length, the Aurek fighter boasted a delta-wing configuration. Its armament comprised two powerful laser cannons and a pair of proton torpedo launchers, with a capacity of six torpedoes. The starfighter demonstrated remarkable acceleration and maneuverability, further enhanced by its variable-geometry wings. Its design facilitated easy refueling and rearming, thereby reducing operational expenses.

Despite its extensive service history spanning four millennia as the Republic's primary "hyperspace snub," the Aurek fighter underwent significant modifications and improvements across different eras.


In the aftermath of the Great Sith War, the Republic embarked on a period of rebuilding. During this time, the Republic Navy issued a request for a "Generation Tomorrow Starfighter" to succeed the aging Star Saber XC-01. The Aurek design emerged as the victor.

During the Mandalorian Wars (3976 BBY3960 BBY), the Jedi Civil War (circa 3956 BBY), the First Jedi Purge (circa 3951 BBY), the Great Galactic War (3681 BBY3653 BBY), and the New Sith Wars (circa 2000 BBY – circa 1000 BBY), the Republic employed Aurek fighter models. Additionally, the Onderonian navy and various civilian squadrons utilized these fighters, owing to a naval strategy of selling off damaged fighters and procuring new ones instead of undertaking repairs.

Several Aurek fighter squadrons were integral to the Republic fleet that launched an assault on the Star Forge during the Battle of Rakata Prime. Jedi Knights employed a number of these vessels to land aboard the Star Forge during the pivotal strike against Darth Malak's Sith Empire. Later on, General Vaklu's fleet, which imposed a blockade on Onderon amidst the Sith Civil War, included fighters of this designation. Six of these fighters engaged the Ebon Hawk upon its entry into the Onderon system, only to be obliterated by the ship's dorsal turbolaser turret during the ensuing aerial combat.

The Aurek fighter maintained its presence throughout the Great Galactic War and subsequently in the New Sith Wars. During the New Sith Wars period, Hammerhead-class cruisers possessed the capacity to accommodate a squadron of Aurek fighters. The Corellian Colonizer Praxeum ships of that era typically carried a minimum of 12 Aureks each.

The design persisted in later years, with models remaining in service until the ascent of the Galactic Empire, albeit as products of Outer Rim engineers rather than official shipyard design teams.

Behind the scenes

Similar to the majority of spacecraft featured in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, this particular ship initially lacked a formal designation. Eventually, the Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide tentatively identified the ship as the A-wing. However, with the publication of Darth Bane: Path of Destruction, the ship's designation was officially changed to the Aurek fighter, and Leland Chee verified that it was indeed the same vessel. Given that Aurek represents the first letter of Aurebesh, the alphabet of Galactic Basic, the revised name is interpreted as retaining the same underlying significance.

The sound effect employed for the Aurek fighter's engines is derived from that of the N-1 starfighter.

