Occurrences unfolded in the year 3951 BBY.
- The Peragus Mining Facility met its end through destruction. [1]
- In her quest to locate Vrook Lamar, the Jedi known as Meetra Surik journeyed to Dantooine. [1]
- Meetra Surik's search for Lonna Vash led her to Korriban. [1]
- Meetra Surik's quest to find Zez-Kai Ell resulted in her visiting Nar Shaddaa. [1]
- Meetra Surik's pursuit of Kavar involved a trip to Onderon. [1]
- The conflict known as the Onderon Civil War took place. [1]
- Darth Nihilus commanded an unsuccessful assault on Citadel Station, which orbited Telos IV. [1]
- The First Jedi Purge and the Dark Wars concluded with the obliteration of Malachor V. [1]
- Skirmish at Peragus II [1]
- Skirmishes on Citadel Station [1]
- Skirmish in the Ithorian Compound [1]
- Skirmish on Telos [1]
- Skirmish on Nar Shaddaa [1]
- Duel on the Ebon Hawk [1]
- Skirmish on Dxun [1]
- Onderon Civil War [1] Blockade of Onderon[1] Mission to Onderon[1] Second Battle of Onderon[1]
- Battle of Khoonda [1]
- Duel in the Korriban Academy [1]
- Duel in the Telosian Jedi Academy [1]
- Battle of Telos IV [1]
- Battle of Malachor [1]
On Citadel Station Benok[1] Batu Rem impostor[1] Luxa[1] Matu[1] Nahata[1]
On Dantooine Azkul[1] Zez-Kai Ell[1] Esok[1] Gerevick[1] Kavar[1] Vrook Lamar[1]
On Dxun Laane[1] Dezanti Zhug[8]
3C-FD perished aboard the Ebon Hawk [1]
On the Harbinger the Harbinger Captain Harbinger Medical Officer Harbinger Navigation Officer A Harbinger Soldier
Lonna Vash died on Korriban [1]
On Malachor V G0-T0[1] Hanharr[1] Kreia[1] Darth Sion[1]
On Nar Shaddaa C6-E3-GE3[1] C7-E3-GE3[1] C9-T9-GE3[1] Cahhmakt[1] Gonlo[1] Jubei[1] Saquesh[9] Squik[1] A Devaronian bartender[1] A Twi'lek majordomo[1] Ratrin Vhek[1] Visquis[1] Azanti Zhug[1]
On Onderon Bakkel[1] Ponlar[1] Sullio[1]
At the Peragus Mining Facility Coorta[1] Maban[1] Peragus Mining Facility Administration Officer[1] Peragus Mining Facility Dock Officer[1] Peragus Mining Facility Maintenance Officer[1] Peragus Mining Facility Medical Officer[1] Peragus Mining Facility Security Officer[1] Sien[1]
Darth Nihilus died aboard the Ravager [1]
Depending on whether the player aligns with the dark side in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the circumstances of certain deaths may vary. Vrook Lamar may be killed on Dantooine (while Azkul survives), Zez-Kai Ell may die on Nar Shaddaa alongside Mira, and Kavar may perish on Onderon with Queen Talia (leaving Vaklu alive). On Malachor V, instead of G0-T0 being destroyed, Bao-Dur's remote may be destroyed, preventing the Mass Shadow Generator from activating and averting the planet's destruction.