3C-FD, a 3C-series utility droid, fulfilled its functions during the period known as the Dark Wars. This particular droid was present on the light freighter named Ebon Hawk. The ship was en route from the Unknown Regions, carrying Meetra Surik—a former Jedi Knight, also referred to as the Jedi Exile—back to the Galactic Republic after her exile.

The utility droid T3-M4 had the objective of locating the woman. 3C-FD assisted T3-M4 in repairing the ship, bringing it back to a functional state after a perilous escape from the Sith. Working together, the droids managed to pilot the vessel near the Peragus Mining Facility. However, before the badly damaged ship and its unconscious passengers could reach the facility's docking bays, 3C-FD met its end, destroyed by an HK-50 series assassin droid.


3C-FD on the hull of the Ebon Hawk

Duwani Mechanical Products manufactured 3C-FD, a 3C-series utility droid, during the time frame encompassing the Jedi Civil War and the Dark Wars. In the year 3951 BBY, 3C-FD found itself aboard the light freighter Ebon Hawk. The ship made a jump to hyperspace to escape the Sith-infiltrated Republic cruiser Harbinger, but not before sustaining significant damage. The former Jedi Knight Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile, was unconscious. She was brought aboard from the Harbinger by the utility droid T3-M4 and the ex–Jedi Master Kreia, who were both seeking to find the Jedi and ensure her safety, as she was returning to the Galactic Republic following her exile. After emerging from hyperspace near the Peragus asteroid field in proximity to the planet Peragus II, the ship was adrift in space due to non-functional engines.

The Ebon Hawk appeared to be without life, except for T3-M4, who initiated his efforts to restore the ship to a flyable condition. He discovered a damaged 3C-FD within the cargo hold and proceeded to repair the droid, inviting it to assist him. Together, they gathered components from a proton torpedo and various spare parts scattered throughout the ship, utilizing them for the necessary repairs. After repairing the hyperdrive, they successfully restored power to the port engine. Although the starboard engine remained out of order, the single functioning engine was sufficient to make the ship spaceworthy. Consequently, T3-M4, with the assistance of 3C-FD, was able to navigate the Ebon Hawk toward the Peragus Mining Facility.

Before the Ebon Hawk reached Peragus Station, an HK-50 series assassin droid who had stowed away aboard the ship, shot 3C-FD multiple times, causing irreparable damage. Peragus officials placed the droid's remains in a quarantine locker, where T3-M4 later found them. Shortly after these events, the facility was destroyed, taking 3C-FD with it.


3C-FD was a typical utility droid manufactured by Duwani. It possessed four wheeled legs, with the front two being longer and jointed. Standing just under one meter tall, including its flat, rotating head, 3C-FD was equipped with a multi-functional arm, an auditory and sonar scanner, a radar eye, and visual sensors capable of processing all basic colors.

Behind the scenes

3C-FD, after being damaged by an HK-50 series assassin droid

The first appearance of 3C-FD was in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, a video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment and initially launched in December of 2004. The droid is initially presented as a playable character in an optional tutorial section called "Prelude" where the player learns how to interact with the world in the game while repairing the Ebon Hawk with T3-M4, and later in the Peragus Mining Station.

There are a minimum of two options for the player to utilize 3C-FD in Peragus: T3-M4 can issue it a self-destruct code to blast open the door to the locker from the inside, allowing T3 access to the ship's other gear. Alternatively, the door can be blasted open from the outside and 3C-FD simply abandoned in its broken state. On occasion, when returning to the quarantine area, the game's programming fails to render 3C-FD as destroyed due to a scripting error. Consequently, the droid looks around, bounces, and emits beeping sounds. When the player interacts with the droid, the text indicates that 3C-FD is damaged beyond repair.

Daniel Wallace's 2006 Essential Guide, The New Essential Guide to Droids, includes an entry dedicated to 3C-FD, featuring its technical specifications and a summary of the events leading to its destruction.

