T3-M4, frequently called Teethree, was a T3-series utility droid crafted to be a master slicer for the crime boss Davik Kang. His criminal career was cut short, however, when the Sith bombarded Taris, resulting in Davik's demise. Following this, he joined Revan in his quest to locate the Star Forge.
After Darth Malak's defeat, Revan departed for the Unknown Regions two years later, accompanied by T3-M4, seeking answers about the Mandalorians' reasons for war. Their journey eventually led them to Nathema, where Darth Nyriss and the Lord Scourge shot down the Ebon Hawk, and Revan was taken prisoner.
The droid then roamed the desolate planet on his own, gathering the necessary components to fix the Ebon Hawk. Ultimately, he rescued Meetra Surik from Darth Sion and aided her in her mission to thwart the Sith Triumvirate.
Subsequently, T3-M4 accompanied Surik in her pursuit of Revan in the Unknown Regions, a quest that ultimately brought them to Dromund Kaas. There, after freeing Revan, T3, Surik, and a Sith ally named Scourge confronted the Sith Emperor, where T3 was destroyed by the Emperor.

T3-M4 was a cutting-edge prototype of the T3-series utility droid line, constructed on Taris by Janice Nall for the local crime lord Davik Kang in 3956 BBY. The droid was state-of-the-art for its time, boasting exceptional code-breaking and computer slicing capabilities, as well as the ability to accommodate armor and weapon enhancements. T3-M4's initial task was to assist Canderous Ordo in infiltrating a Sith military installation on Taris for Davik Kang. Revan, suffering from amnesia, assisted in stealing the launch codes from the base, guided by Canderous. Following this, the group hijacked Davik's vessel, the Ebon Hawk, and fled the destruction of Taris ordered by Darth Malak. After their close call, the team embarked on a mission to locate and eliminate the Star Forge. Revan discovered his true identity during this quest, but T3-M4, being a droid, remained a loyal servant.
T3-M4 continued to travel with Revan in the years following the destruction of the Star Forge. Revan gradually regained his memories of his past life and set out with Canderous and T3-M4 to investigate the enigmatic True Sith that he had encountered in the Unknown Regions. Prior to this, however, Bastila Shan, Revan's wife, gave T3 specific instructions. According to this programming, if T3 lost touch with Revan, he would return to Republic territory and get in touch with her or anyone else who could help, such as the Republic or other Jedi.
Revan, Canderous, and T3-M4 initially journeyed to Rekkiad, where the Mandalorians, Canderous's people, were searching for Mandalore's Mask. Locating the mask, which Revan had concealed there years earlier following the Battle of Malachor V, unlocked more of Revan's memories. While Canderous remained in the known galaxy to rebuild the Mandalorians as Mandalore the Preserver, Revan and T3-M4 continued to pursue Revan's memories, which led them to the devastated planet of Nathema. Revan lost control of the Ebon Hawk because of the emptiness in the Force around Nathema, and Darth Nyriss and Lord Scourge, two Sith from the very Empire that Revan sought, who were coincidentally visiting the planet for their own purposes, shot them down. The Sith took Revan prisoner but overlooked T3-M4, who was left alone as the only living thing on the entire planet and gradually repaired the Ebon Hawk. He located all the required components after a number of years and, adhering to Bastila's instructions, went back to known space.
Unable to locate Bastila, he instead sought out Meetra Surik, the Jedi exile, due to her connection to Revan. Surik was traveling aboard the Republic ship Harbinger. However, the Sith Lord Darth Sion attacked the ship. The mysterious Force-user Kreia assisted Surik in escaping on the Ebon Hawk along with T3-M4 and another droid, 3C-FD. The escape caused significant damage to the ship, and both droids were essential in repairing and transporting the ship to the Peragus Mining Facility while the other crew members were incapacitated. However, upon docking, an HK-50 droid broke out of a sealed section of the ship and blasted the two utility droids. T3-M4 barely escaped with little damage, but 3C-FD was damaged beyond repair.
When Surik awoke in the mining facility's medical bay, T3-M4 assisted her in gaining access to the Peragus fuel depot before being discovered and disabled by the HK-50 droid and dumped in a fuel line, only to be discovered by Surik and Atton Rand as they made their escape from the facility.

Surik and the others were forced to flee to Telos IV after escaping the Peragus system on the Ebon Hawk, where they were held at Citadel Station. Atris had the impounded Ebon Hawk stolen from Citadel Station and moved to her Jedi academy in the polar region of Telos. T3-M4 was detained with the ship, and was thus also taken by Atris. At Atris' academy, his memory banks were downloaded by Atris's Handmaidens. The link between the academy's computer and T3-M4 worked both ways, however, and the droid was able to download a holorecording of Surik's trial before the Jedi Council and a list of the locations of the remaining Jedi Masters.
T3-M4 once again came to the rescue when Exchange thugs working for G0-T0 captured Surik on Nar Shaddaa. The droid was "sold" to Vogga the Hutt with the help of The Champ, a Chadra-Fan pazaak player, and assigned to work in his shipping warehouse. Goto had been intercepting all of Vogga's shipping by following his transports transponder codes. The freighters would be captured by Goto's droid yacht, which was cloaked in orbit. T3-M4 stole the transponder codes for one of Vogga's freighters and battled his way out of the warehouse when three HK-50 assassin droids tried to stop him in order to locate and infiltrate the yacht. The Ebon Hawk's codes were then changed to match the freighter, and Goto's yacht intercepted the ship as planned, allowing for the rescue of Surik and the destruction of the cloaked yacht.
T3-M4 was in charge of the Ebon Hawk's navigation during Surik's travels because he was the only one who could access the ship's navigation records due to a voice-printed lockout. Presumably, Revan had locked them in order to conceal his destination. Surik, with the help of T3-M4 and her other companions, confronted the Sith at the Trayus Academy on Malachor V. Darth Revan's Sith Order was destroyed along with the planet.
Meetra Surik and T3 went back to Coruscant, where Bastila Shan, who now had a three-year-old son named Vaner, talked about Revan and what had happened to him. Bastila gave T3 a holo-video of her and Vaner for Revan to watch when T3 and Meetra found him.
T3-M4 transported Surik to Nathema, where Revan had been imprisoned. The two discovered evidence pointing to Dromund Kaas, the capital of the Sith Empire Revan had encountered a decade prior. Meetra and T3 allied with Scourge, who was involved in a plot to depose the Emperor. Together, they successfully rescued Revan from Darth Nyriss' estate. They took refuge in a jungle cave, where Revan repeatedly watched the holo-vid of Bastila and their son.

The four devised a strategy to eliminate the Sith Emperor. Scourge got them into the Sith Citadel, but the Emperor's guards quickly realized they had been duped. Revan and T3 hurried into the Emperor's throne room, and T3 sealed the doors to prevent the guards from interfering. The Emperor, however, was more powerful than anticipated. He assaulted Revan with Force lightning, nearly killing him. T3, however, saved him by unleashing his flamethrower at the Emperor, causing him to lose concentration. The Emperor then used the full power of the Force to disintegrate T3, causing the loyal companion to explode into countless pieces.

T3-M4 possessed a wide range of abilities and fully merited the title of "utility droid." He developed a personality and quirks as a result of never having undergone a memory wipe. There is evidence that he was even resistant to memory wipes; if another droid attempted to erase T3-M4's memory, T3 could replicate the other droid's numeric matrices, slice into its system, and short-circuit that droid instead. T3 was able to participate in the card game pazaak. He was programmed to make his opponent go first, which Atton Rand thought was cheating.
T3-M4 was able to create security and computer spikes and transform himself into a makeshift workbench that Meetra Surik used to upgrade or disassemble objects in the field. He used weapons such as blasters and disruptors, as well as a variety of flamethrowers, scramblers, shock arms, and other droid-only weapons. He could be easily outfitted with a variety of droid armor and other upgrades. The droid was also a master of computer and security slicing.

T3 is most likely modeled after R2-D2, a utility droid from the Star Wars films who gained notoriety for his limited vocabulary, unique personality, and funny antics. T3 is also referred to as an astromech droid, the same classification as R2-D2. T3-M4's relationship with HK-47 differed from that of C-3PO and R2-D2. T3-M4 and HK-47 did not get along, as evidenced by some of their dialogue. T3-M4 actually attacks and disables HK-47 at a couple of points in Knights of the Old Republic II.
T3's voice changes noticeably between the first and second games. His speech in KOTOR is primarily composed of whistles and musical notes, whereas in KOTOR II he sounds more like R2-D2. His personality also changes; while he is loyal to his owners in both titles, he is more stoic in the original but somewhat more noble, assertive, and slightly more fond of making mischief in the sequel. The personality change is most likely due to the addition of more memories, which enhances his "eccentricity."
T3-M4 was known as T3-M3 during the development of KotOR I. A trace of this designation can be found in script files.
T3 was cast as belonging to Bastila Shan in an early game demo shown at the Electronic Entertainment Expo.
T3-M4 cannot be purchased until after Revan agrees to the deal made by Canderous Ordo. This is because Canderous previously purchased T3-M4 for the Exchange. However, after Revan met Canderous, T3-M4 was given to Revan to assist him in his mission to break into the Sith Base on Taris.
Before purchasing T3-M4 from Janice Nall's store, it is also possible to buy another droid for a "good price". However, the droid will soon break apart. After returning the defunct droid, Nall will offer Revan back his credits. The fact that T3-H8 broke apart just after being bought is notably similar to A New Hope when Owen Lars buys a red astromech droid only for it to be discovered that it has a 'bad motivator.'
T3's initial cost is 2,000 credits, but the player can use a variety of persuasion techniques to lower the price. A calmer approach with Nall would lower the price to 1,500, while a darker approach would make T3-M4 free.
Chris Avellone wrote him, like the majority of the Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords companions.
On the moon Nar Shaddaa, the player has the option of selling T3-M4 to a droid dealer. Even if sold, T3-M4 will still come to Meetra Surik's aid after she is kidnapped and taken aboard Goto's droid yacht. This loyalty is undoubtedly due to the fact that T3 has never had a memory wipe in his lifetime.
The Exile can improve T3's Constitution, Dexterity, and Intelligence, as well as learn a Moving Meditation that helps recover Force energy, with a high skill rank in Repair and Computer Use. Surik can also unlock a message hidden in T3's memory core with a high skill rank in Computer Use. Depending on Revan's gender and alignment, which can be chosen in the first dialogue with Atton Rand early in the game, the message depicts Bastila Shan or Carth Onasi.
Surik could ask T3 if he knew Mandalore in cut content. T3 would display a hologram of Revan leaving Canderous on the edge of the galaxy here, but the player would not see the hologram.