Canderous Ordo, who would later be known as Mandalore the Preserver, was a Mandalorian warrior belonging to Clan Ordo, actively engaged in the Mandalorian Wars spanning from 3976 BBY to 3960 BBY. As a member of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, he took part in numerous conflicts, gaining considerable renown and respect through his audacious strategies and command skills. Despite their many victories, the Republic forces, led by the Jedi Knight Revan, decisively defeated the Mandalorians. Ordo was among those who survived but were compelled to surrender their arms unconditionally. The Mandalorians dispersed throughout the galaxy, and Ordo took up work as a mercenary, eventually making his home on the planet Taris. While in the service of crime lord Davik Kang, he crossed paths with his former adversary, Revan. However, Ordo did not recognize Revan, who was suffering from memory loss and was now a Republic soldier.
Growing weary of his role as an enforcer and seeking fresh challenges, Ordo chose to join the Republic soldier, departing Taris alongside Revan and his companions to Dantooine for a meeting with the local Jedi Council. Revan, having been retrained in the ways of the Jedi, was tasked with locating the Star Forge, an ancient superweapon utilized by Darth Malak's Sith Empire. Ordo journeyed with Revan on this quest, confident that he would encounter new trials. Contributing his expertise as a warrior and commander, Ordo aided Revan throughout his adventure, content with having discovered a purpose worthy of his abilities. When Revan finally recovered his memories and revealed his true identity, Ordo remained steadfast, expressing his pride in serving alongside such a powerful warrior. Following the defeat of Darth Malak and the destruction of the Star Forge, Ordo, along with Revan and their comrades, was honored by the Republic for his contributions to the conflict.
In the aftermath of the war, Ordo, with Revan's assistance, reclaimed the mask of Mandalore and became the second leader of the Mandalorians following their defeat. Revan soon recalled a threat in the Unknown Regions and departed known space, entrusting Ordo with the mission of restoring the Mandalorians' strength in anticipation of his return. Ordo then embarked on the difficult task of reuniting the scattered clans and rebuilding their military force. During the process of reestablishing the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another former adversary from the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. Learning that Surik was being pursued by the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo resolved to assist her in gathering the Jedi Masters who had survived the Sith assassination campaign to prevent the Sith from regaining power. While traveling with Surik, Ordo continued to recruit Mandalorian clans and played a crucial role in helping Surik defeat the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus. After Surik eliminated the Sith Triumvirate, Ordo parted ways with her and awaited Revan's return from the Unknown Regions, maintaining the Mandalorians' readiness for war.

Canderous Ordo, a Human male, was born into Clan Ordo on the Mandalorian planet of Ordo. His upbringing coincided with a period of significant advancements in Mandalorian technology, particularly the refinement of the Basilisk war droids. In that era, young warriors demonstrated their abilities in actual combat against unknown enemies across various worlds. At the age of thirteen, Ordo underwent his verd'goten, the traditional Mandalorian rite of passage that signified his transition to adulthood, and earned the privilege of piloting his own Basilisk. Ordo retained vivid memories of nearly every battle he participated in, including his first, a dramatic eighty kilometer descent through the atmosphere of an enemy planet atop a Basilisk war droid. During this descent, he skillfully evaded self-guided projectiles and beam weapons with minimal [armor](/article/armor-legends] protection. His achievements in that battle garnered him considerable honor, establishing him as one of his clan's most promising young warriors.
Following the defeat of the Mandalorian Crusaders and their Sith allies during the Great Sith War in 3996 BBY, Mandalore the Ultimate recruited him into the Neo-Crusaders to serve as a battle tactician rather than a foot soldier.
At some point prior to 3963 BBY, Ordo and a group ventured through the asteroid belts of the Crispin system in Wild Space to hunt down pirates and smugglers who used the frozen methane gas shells of the main belt as cover. Ordo targeted a small asteroid with a thermal detonator, triggering an explosion of the outer layer of frozen gas that destroyed the hidden ships. However, the asteroid then began to rotate and fire thermal projectiles that easily penetrated Mandalorian armor, mysteriously fleeing before the Mandalorians could retaliate. They tracked the vessel to the edge of the galaxy but were forced to abandon their pursuit when the ship entered the Intergalactic Void.

By the time the Mandalorian Wars erupted, Ordo had risen to the rank of commander and played a significant role in leading the Mandalorian's aggressive campaign. For thirteen years leading up to their invasion of the Galactic Republic in 3963 BBY, the Mandalorians amassed resources from the worlds they conquered just beyond Republic jurisdiction. Ordo participated in countless battles throughout the wars, with one of the most noteworthy being the First Battle of Althir, where he triumphed over an Althiri fleet that was ten times larger than his own. This victory earned him command of an entire section of his clan. During the battle against the Althiri, Ordo initially planned to feint at the flanks of the Althiri fleet to draw them out and weaken their formation, intending to have the bulk of his forces attack from the rear and defeat them. However, when the Althiri split their fleet in two, leaving their center exposed, Ordo seized the opportunity, breaking formation and eliminating the enemy commander, swiftly ending the battle and minimizing further losses. Nevertheless, in abandoning his position, Ordo left part of his own forces vulnerable, resulting in significant casualties. The sole survivor of that stand, another Mandalorian named Jagi, harbored resentment towards Ordo, believing him to be a glory hunter, and was determined to seek revenge.
During the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian forces were widely feared and despised for their indiscriminate and brutal tactics, which often led to the complete annihilation of entire worlds. While Ordo did not relish wiping out worlds for its own sake, he believed that the tactics employed by the Republic when the Mandalorians finally entered their territory, such as establishing bases within major cities, left Mandalore with little choice but to raze entire worlds like Serroco as a form of provocation. Ordo expressed his disappointment with the weakness of the Republic forces, viewing their tactics as cowardly. Even when the Republic finally took action, the brutal efficiency of the Mandalorian advance overwhelmed Republic defenders, and they continued to carve a path into Republic territories. With the Republic teetering on the brink of defeat, a Jedi Knight named Revan and his followers defied the Jedi High Council's orders for neutrality and assumed command of the Republic war effort. In Revan, Ordo finally encountered the worthy opponent and challenge he had been seeking. Ordo was deeply impressed by Revan's tactics, many of which mirrored those of the Mandalorians in their efficiency. Under Revan's leadership, the war soon began to swing in favor of the Republic. Revan's ferocity, tenacity, and subtlety earned him considerable respect from Ordo. Despite the continual losses the Mandalorians suffered against Revan's forces, Ordo was pleased to have found a conflict worthy of his skills, even as the Mandalorians were pushed to the brink of defeat.
As the conflict drew to a close, Ordo was among two fleets that filled the space surrounding Malachor V, where the Mandalorians had committed all their forces in a final attempt to defeat the Republic. Unbeknownst to Ordo and the rest of the Mandalorians, Revan had intentionally lured them to Malachor V as part of a trap. With the fleets engaged, a Jedi General commanding the Republic fleet activated the Mass Shadow Generator, a superweapon that destroyed a significant portion of both fleets and devastated the planet's surface. Ordo was among those outside the range of the superweapon who managed to escape the mass shadows and survive the battle. In 3960 BBY, the Mandalorians surrendered unconditionally, with Mandalore having been personally slain by Revan. The surviving Mandalorians were stripped of their weapons and armor and exiled to the Outer Rim. Sometime before the end of the Mandalorian Wars, Ordo married Veela, a fellow Mandalorian, but he left his wife behind when he departed Clan Ordo and went into exile. With nothing to his name but the honor of having fought in the war, Ordo became a mercenary and roamed the galaxy in search of further challenges. He eventually found himself on the planet Taris, working as an enforcer for local Exchange boss Davik Kang, but he soon realized that his new job was ill-suited to him, offering no challenges worthy of his skill.

One year following the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, as Revan assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith and initiated his own crusade against the Republic, Ordo had become the most renowned Mandalorian mercenary in the Taris sector. By 3956 BBY, he had been engaged in combat across the galaxy for forty standard years. Ordo grew increasingly dissatisfied with his life as Kang's enforcer, a career he perceived as monotonous and devoid of honor. Reduced to little more than hired muscle, Ordo typically performed simple tasks that required little of his talent, such as threatening uncooperative clients who owed Kang money or salvaging useful equipment from Taris' Undercity. Unhappy with the mundane nature of his current life, Ordo yearned for new challenges and opportunities that would allow him to utilize his skills.
By this time, Revan's Sith Empire had achieved numerous victories against an already weakened Republic. Revan himself had since been betrayed by his Sith apprentice Darth Malak and captured by the Jedi. The Jedi Council then altered Revan's memories and programmed him to serve the Republic as a soldier. The war had even reached Taris, and the Republic warship Endar Spire was destroyed by Malak's forces over the planet. Ordo was unaware that the amnesiac Revan had been aboard the Spire and was one of the few survivors, along with Carth Onasi, a Republic captain who had served in the Mandalorian Wars. Ordo encountered Revan while collecting payment from the local gang known as the Black Vulkars for Kang in the Lower City, although he failed to recognize his former adversary. Ordo was soon sent on a salvage mission by Kang into the Undercity, where most of the Republic escape pods had landed. Ordo was reluctant to lead Kang's inexperienced men into the Undercity and was frustrated to find that the pods had already been stripped of anything valuable by local gangs. While continuing the search, his group was ambushed by rakghouls, deformed mutants native to the Undercity. While fighting off the rakghouls, Ordo encountered Revan again, who was also attempting to reach the escape pods in search of Bastila Shan, the Jedi Knight who had been in command of the Endar Spire. With Revan's aid, Ordo's group successfully fought off the rakghouls, although Kang's men sustained significant casualties. Ordo informed Revan of his findings at the pods before leaving and advising Revan to do the same.
Following the unsuccessful salvage mission, Ordo decided he was finished working for Kang and began preparations to leave the planet by stealing Kang's personal starship, the Ebon Hawk. He soon realized that leaving Taris would be more challenging than he initially thought, as Malak was blockading the planet while conducting his own search for Republic survivors. The only way to bypass the blockade was with the correct launch codes, which could only be obtained from the local Sith garrison. Ordo purchased the utility droid T3-M4, which was capable of bypassing the garrison's security, but knew he was too well-known to personally storm the base and left the droid at the shop until he could devise a better plan. He soon found his solution when he heard that Revan had successfully rescued Shan from captivity, wiping out the Black Vulkars in the process. Impressed by his recklessness and skill in battle, Ordo chose Revan for his plan to bypass the blockade and escape Taris. Ordo met with Revan in Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City and offered him a deal: Revan would retrieve the launch codes, and in exchange, Ordo would get them into Kang's compound to steal the Hawk. Revan agreed, and Ordo instructed him to obtain T3-M4, who could get him past base security.

Ordo then waited for Revan to obtain the launch codes and soon heard about his attack on the Sith garrison. Revan and Shan returned with the codes, and Ordo took them to meet Kang. Ordo vouched for Revan, claiming that he was a potential employee for Kang's operations, which gave the group free reign in the Exchange base. Ordo led the group to Kang's personal hangar just as an impatient Darth Malak ordered Taris bombarded. Unfortunately for Ordo, Kang and another one of his enforcers, the bounty hunter Calo Nord, were also hoping to escape, and Revan and Ordo were forced to deal with them first. After Kang was killed, Nord attempted to detonate a thermal detonator but was crushed by debris as the bombardment continued. Ordo narrowly escaped with the rest of Revan's companions aboard the Hawk as the city was leveled around them. Having experienced more combat and excitement than he had in years, Ordo resolved to continue traveling with Revan and contribute his experience to the group. The group decided to meet with the Jedi Council on Dantooine next, as Shan needed to report on recent events and express her concern over how Revan's memories and Force-sensitivity seemed to be gradually returning. The Council decided to re-train Revan in the Jedi ways and assigned him the task of finding the Star Forge, a superweapon being used by Darth Malak against the Republic. During the journey, Ordo aided Revan with his tactical insight and combat experience, although he often disapproved of Revan's more compassionate actions.
While searching for the Star Forge, Ordo often entertained Revan with tales of his past battles, later explaining that he hoped to continue finding battles worthy of his skill while traveling with Revan, something he could not do under Kang or any other employer. Ordo also expressed his opinion of the Republic's weakness, believing that the galaxy would have been in much better hands under Mandalorian rule. Ordo also kept a supply of stimulants and offered them for use by the rest of the crew, although he personally disdained using such substances. As part of their goal of locating the Star Forge, Ordo traveled with Revan in search of a series of Star Maps, each of which held a partial set of coordinates to the Star Forge. This journey took them to the worlds of Tatooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan and Korriban, and the crew faced near-constant interference from Malak's forces.
Eventually, Ordo was inadvertently reunited with his former comrade Jagi, now a Hutt-employed mercenary. Still harboring a grudge against Ordo for what he perceived as abandoning his men during the Battle of Althir, he challenged Ordo to a duel in the Dune Sea of Tatooine to answer for his choices. Ordo would not tolerate the insult and was determined to kill him to preserve his honor. Revan insisted on accompanying Ordo to the duel site and managed to convince Jagi that Ordo had saved many more lives with his choice despite the death of Jagi's unit. Shamed by his actions and having lost his purpose in life, Jagi committed suicide, greatly shocking and traumatizing the normally stoic Ordo. Despite this, Revan's actions had earned Ordo's loyalty, and Ordo expressed his gratitude for Revan's help.
At one point during their travels, the Ebon Hawk was ambushed by Admiral Saul Karath of the Sith Navy and taken aboard the Interdictor ship Leviathan. Revan, Onasi, and Shan were separated from the rest of the crew and detained separately for interrogation, but the three arranged for another crew member to release them. After being freed and releasing the rest of the crew from their cells, Revan, Onasi, and Shan went to the bridge to confront Admiral Karath and disable the tractor beam that had captured them, while the others followed Ordo to secure the Ebon Hawk. Fighting his way to the docking bays, Ordo's leadership ensured that the rest of the crew reached the ship without any casualties, and they escaped as soon as Revan and Onasi returned.
After escaping the Leviathan's weapons range, Revan explained to the crew that he had encountered Darth Malak while heading back to meet with them and that Shan had been captured while giving Revan and Onasi a chance to escape. Revan then confessed that Malak had informed him of his true identity as a former Jedi Knight and Sith Lord. Ordo was pleasantly surprised, and his loyalty remained unchanged due to his deep respect for Revan's prowess in the Mandalorian Wars. Proud to serve with such a powerful warrior, Ordo expressed his willingness to follow Revan wherever he commanded. Ordo continued traveling with Revan, their search soon leading to the planet of Rakata Prime in the Unknown Regions, where the Star Forge was located. Revan and his team boarded the Star Forge as the Republic fleet launched an assault on the Rakatan superweapon. Fighting his way through heavy Sith resistance, Revan succeeded in rescuing Shan and slaying Malak in single combat.

Following Malak's downfall and the return of more of Revan's fragmented memories, he began to recall a danger lurking in the Unknown Regions. Understanding that the galaxy was too weak to withstand an invasion, Revan initiated efforts to bolster the Republic's strength before venturing out to confront the threat personally. Revan sought Ordo's assistance once again, aiming to unite the scattered Mandalorian clans and restore their strength to aid the Republic. Despite Ordo's doubts about the clans' immediate reunification, he agreed to join Revan in locating Clan Ordo to assist them in discovering Mandalore's mask, which would legitimize Ordo's authority among the Mandalorians. While Ordo suggested gathering their old companions for one final mission, Revan opted to only bring T3, acknowledging everyone's existing responsibilities, especially with Bastila's pregnancy.
Revan and Ordo journeyed to the icy Outer Rim planet of Rekkiad, where Mandalorian clans had converged in search of Mandalore's Mask. Due to lingering animosity towards Revan among some Mandalorians, Ordo advised him to use an alias and avoid using his lightsaber. Upon finding his clan, Ordo received a warm welcome from his clanmates, though his wife, Veela, still harbored resentment for what she perceived as his abandonment after the war. Using information from Revan's recovered memories, Clan Ordo pinpointed the location of Mandalore's Mask, and Ordo began to mend his relationship with Veela. However, Revan was compelled to use his lightsaber during a conflict with a rival Mandalorian clan, leading Veela to uncover his true identity.
After the clan successfully retrieved Mandalore's Mask, Veela and several other clan members demanded Revan's execution for his actions against the Mandalorian people and urged Ordo to join them. Ordo refused to betray his friend and was forced to kill his wife in the resulting battle. Before departing to continue his search for the Sith Empire, Revan revealed to Ordo the truth about Mandalore the Ultimate and his Sith allies: the Sith had orchestrated the Mandalorian Wars as a test of the Republic's strength to facilitate their own future invasion. He warned that if the Sith returned, they would either annihilate the Mandalorians or manipulate them into supporting their ancient conflict with the Jedi. Following this revelation, Ordo claimed the mask, assuming the title of Mandalore the Preserver, vowing to unite the Mandalorian clans and stand with the Republic against the Sith if they returned.
As Ordo traveled to reunite the Mandalorian clans, he encountered a dying Taung who proclaimed himself to be the real Mandalore, asserting that "Mandalore the Ultimate" was an imposter. Before his death, this nameless Mandalorian entrusted his armor to Ordo, tasking him with preserving their traditions. Ordo took the armor, incorporating the mask Revan had given him. After integrating the Taung's clan into Clan Ordo, he returned to the Mandalorian base on Dxun, one of the four satellites of Onderon, to begin the process of reuniting the Mandalorians. Only a select few knew the new Mandalore's identity, as he reportedly never removed his armor and helmet, even while sleeping. Establishing Dxun as his base, the new Mandalore continued the difficult task of restoring the clans' prominence. He recruited from diverse backgrounds, including mechanics, scouts, and mercenaries working for clients across the galaxy. Inspired by Ordo's vision of a resurgent Mandalorian influence, numerous clans united and joined him on Dxun.

About three years after Revan tasked Ordo with reuniting the Mandalorians, Ordo encountered another figure from his past in the Mandalorian Wars, Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile. Surik was among the Jedi who joined Revan against the Council's wishes, leading the Republic fleet during the final battle at Malachor V. In the years following Revan's disappearance, the Republic had weakened due to the costly wars against the Mandalorians and the Sith. The Sith, now led by a new triumvirate of Sith Lords, seized the opportunity to regain power, culminating in a devastating attack that destroyed most of the remaining Jedi. Surik, a survivor, was tracking down the Jedi Masters who had gone into hiding after the purge.
Her search for Jedi Master Kavar led her to Onderon, which was blockaded by forces loyal to Onderonian General Vaklu, who sought Onderon's independence by severing all contact with the Republic. Vaklu's forces attacked Surik's ship, forcing her to crash-land on Dxun. The Mandalorian camp's sensors detected Surik's arrival, and Ordo was intrigued by her possession of the Ebon Hawk, last seen with Revan. Seeking answers, Ordo sent Mandalorian sentries to meet Surik and her companions outside the camp and bring them to him. Recognizing Surik, Ordo decided to observe her to understand her intentions. When Surik requested transport to Onderon, Ordo agreed to take her on the next supply run if she proved she wouldn't be a liability. Surik gained a reputation among his warriors by completing tasks for the Mandalorians, convincing Ordo of her worth.

Ordo honored his agreement and began preparing his transport for Onderon. During these preparations, Kreia, one of Surik's companions and a mysterious Jedi Master, confronted Ordo. She revealed that she had also been Revan's teacher and requested his loyalty to Surik. Ordo was initially angered by Kreia's disrespect towards his people, whom she dismissed as broken and scattered, but she also praised his loyalty to Revan and promised to explain why Revan didn't take Ordo with him when he left for the Unknown Regions, if Ordo kept Surik safe. Perplexed by the old woman's knowledge of him and Revan, Ordo resolved to watch her closely.
Before their departure, Sith assassins attacked the Mandalorian camp, having tracked Surik to Dxun. With Surik and her companions' help, Ordo repelled the initial assault, expedited the shuttle launch, and left the remaining Sith for his Mandalorian forces to handle. Upon arriving in Iziz, he directed Surik to Doctor Dhagon Ghent, an acquaintance he believed was in contact with Kavar. Though local authorities held Ghent as a suspect in the murder of Captain Sullio, an officer of the Onderonian army, Ordo and Surik proved his innocence by investigating the crime scene. In gratitude, Ghent arranged for a message to be smuggled to the Iziz Royal Palace, where Kavar was hiding under the protection of Queen Talia.
While traveling in Iziz, Ordo and Surik observed that the population was divided between supporting Queen Talia's policies and those of General Vaklu. As Talia's cousin, Vaklu sought to control Onderon and was secretly undermining Talia's rule. While Surik disagreed with Vaklu's morality, Ordo admired his tactics and ambition, suggesting Surik would be better off supporting the general. They also encountered Captain Bostuco, a Mandalorian Wars veteran who had fought against the Mandalorians during their occupation of Onderon. Ordo took offense at Bostuco's claim that the Onderonian military drove the Mandalorians off-world, insisting that the Jedi were responsible and that Mandalorians never yielded to Onderonian soldiers. Eventually, Kavar responded to the message and agreed to meet with Surik. Ordo was pleased to meet the Jedi Guardian, whose tactical prowess was renowned among the Mandalorians. They assumed Kavar would have led the Republic forces in the Mandalorian Wars, although Kavar had opposed Jedi intervention. General Vaklu's forces interrupted their meeting, forcing Ordo and Surik to return to Dxun. Before leaving, Kavar promised to contact Surik again. Upon their return to Dxun, Ordo decided to join Surik against the Sith to prevent their influence from spreading and to find more Mandalorian clans. After joining Surik's group, Ordo traveled to worlds such as Nar Shaddaa, Dantooine, and Korriban as part of Surik's search for the Jedi Masters.
Later, Kavar sent Surik another message, requesting her help against General Vaklu, who had launched a coup to seize power from Queen Talia. While Ordo respected Vaklu's ambition, he agreed to support Queen Talia upon learning that Vaklu's forces were receiving Sith aid. Returning to Dxun, Ordo learned that the Mandalorian camp's sensors had detected significant Sith activity in another part of Dxun. Surik divided her crew into two groups, with some leading Mandalorian forces to destroy the Sith presence on Dxun, while Surik planned to return to Onderon to aid Kavar and Talia. On Dxun, Surik's group and the Mandalorians found that the Sith were gathering around the ancient tomb of a Sith Lord, using the area's dark side energies to enhance their power. The Mandalorians and Surik's companions defeated the Sith forces in the tomb, subduing many high-ranking Sith. Meanwhile, Surik used a Basilisk War Droid provided by Ordo to return to Onderon. The Basilisk's presence significantly impacted the morale of Vaklu's troops, aiding Surik in breaking through the siege of the Royal Palace. With Kavar's help, Surik defeated Vaklu and rescued Talia.
Later, Ordo distinguished himself in the Battle of Telos IV, leading his forces alongside Carth Onasi, now an admiral in the Republic Navy, against the Sith fleet led by Darth Nihilus. Believing the Republic's forces were insufficient, he rallied his Mandalorians to defend Telos IV, confident in his soldiers' superiority. He boarded Nihilus' command ship, the Ravager, with his soldiers and confronted the Sith Lord alongside Surik and Nihilus' former Shadow Hand, Visas Marr. Together, they killed the Sith Lord, depriving the remaining Sith forces of leadership. Ordo also arranged for proton bombs to be set on the ship, destroying the Ravager and allowing Onasi's forces to eliminate the surviving vessels. After Nihilus' defeat, Ordo's suspicions about Kreia were confirmed when she revealed herself as the Sith Lord Darth Traya. Ordo joined Surik in pursuing her to Malachor V, though he was reluctant to return to the site of the Mandalorians' greatest defeat. Surik defeated Darth Traya, and Ordo parted ways with her soon after, continuing his mission to restore Mandalorian power.

According to Kreia's predictions, Ordo's future would be filled with battle. As a result of these battles and Revan's command to reunite the Mandalorians, Ordo and the Mandalorians would reclaim some of their former power, re-establishing themselves as a significant galactic faction. Ordo's success in reuniting the scattered clans was crucial in restoring the Mandalorians to prominence after their defeat in the Mandalorian Wars.
Around three centuries after Ordo traveled with Revan and Surik, the Mandalorians were divided over which side to support in the Great Galactic War. While most Mandalorians followed an Imperial puppet Mandalore and supported the resurgent Sith Empire, a faction led by Jicoln Cadera remained loyal to Ordo's legacy, believing the Mandalorians should support the Republic. Mandalore the Vindicated destroyed Cadera and his faction after killing the puppet Mandalore the Lesser. As Darth Traya predicted, Ordo eventually died in battle, and the Sith Empire acquired his skull by 3642 BBY. Displayed before a green-gold banner bearing the mythosaur skull, a smuggler who became known as the "Voidhound" found the skull on the Imperial ship King's Ransom during the Cold War; the skull had a piercing wound. A holostatue of Ordo was erected in the Leisure Garden of Axial Park in Coronet City on Corellia, alongside statues of Revan and his companions, commemorating their deeds.
Clone trooper Null-11, an Advanced Recon Commando in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, was named "Ordo" by Kal Skirata in honor of the legendary Mandalorian warrior. Around the rise of the Galactic Empire, MandalMotors' ground military division created a heavy assault vehicle similar to an AT-AT walker, naming it the Canderous-class assault tank in Ordo's honor.

Ordo, embodying Mandalorian ideals, lived for battle. He sought honor, believing it could only be attained through conflict with worthy opponents. In his youth, Ordo had dark hair, which later turned gray due to the stresses of combat. He admired displays of force and favored combat over diplomacy. Ordo respected Revan's aggressive tactics during the Mandalorian Wars and felt no anger or regret about being defeated by such a skilled foe. His key traits were ambition, discipline, aggression, and loyalty. Ordo spoke in a gruff, serious manner, often expressing his opinions bluntly. He willingly shared stories of his role in various conflicts, taking pride in his successes. He often questioned war veterans about their battles or their opinions of the Mandalorians, hoping to hear accounts from his former opponents. He was disappointed that many on the Republic's side didn't share his fondness for the past. This led to disillusionment after the Mandalorians' defeat, and he expressed to Revan that he felt he was no longer the Mandalorian he once was.
While Revan and Ordo became friends, Ordo maintained a professional demeanor, always referring to Revan as his employer. Initially allying with Revan to escape Taris, his respect for the former Sith Lord grew as he accompanied him, even before learning his true identity. Despite becoming distant from his people and culture while serving Davik, Ordo remained true to Mandalorian ways and stayed with the Ebon Hawk crew, believing their adventures would bring glory and honor to his diminished pride. Although distant to Revan's other companions, Ordo slowly respected Revan's programmed persona. While providing Revan with stimulants when asked, Ordo believed a true warrior should develop their own strength without such aid. When the amnesiac Jedi was revealed to be Darth Revan, Ordo, unlike the others, was pleased. He pledged his loyalty to the former Sith Lord, believing his service would bring him the battles and glory he sought.
As Mandalore the Preserver, Ordo led the reunited clans with strict discipline, reflecting his Mandalorian ideals. Choosing Dxun as his base, Ordo forced the Mandalorians to face the violent jungle daily, in addition to brutal training. His troops respected him implicitly, willing to die rather than face public shame, and obeyed his orders without question. He maintained a strong focus on honor as a leader, refusing to aid Surik until she proved her worth. As a leader, Ordo remained calm and collected, even in battle. When events didn't go as planned, his experience allowed him to adapt. Ordo's loyalty was a prominent trait, both to the Mandalorian way and to those he followed. Years after Revan's departure, Ordo's loyalty remained strong, and even when disagreeing with Surik's decisions, he only briefly expressed his opinion before following her lead.

As a trained Mandalorian soldier, Ordo could resist Jedi mind control, his battlefield experience allowing him to shrug off most mind-affecting effects. Fear-inducing Force abilities and weapons that would incapacitate most combatants had minimal effect on Ordo. He possessed great physical and mental stamina, as well as strategic and tactical skills, which he demonstrated in war and as a mercenary. During the Jedi Civil War, his cybernetic enhancements were limited but allowed him to regenerate minor wounds and recover faster than normal. His regenerative ability also allowed him to briefly enter a catatonic state to heal more severe injuries.
By 3951 BBY, his implants included selective ability boosters that Ordo could activate as needed without fear of damage, temporarily increasing strength and stamina. His weapon of choice from the latter part of the Mandalorian Wars onward was a prototype heavy repeating blaster that never went into general production. However, as leader of the Mandalorians, he wielded a common repeating blaster rifle. He also wore Mandalorian armor in exceptional condition. The years of combat took their toll on Ordo, and he revealed to Surik that his weakening body relied increasingly on his armor and implants. Despite his aging, Ordo continued to lead his troops from the frontline.

Canderous Ordo is a playable character in the PC and gaming titles Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, where he is credited as "Mandalore." John Cygan voices him in both games, and BioWare created him. Michael Chu wrote him for Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Although his birth date is unspecified due to the lack of official information on Mandalorian time measurement, Ordo was meant to be sixty-three Mandalorian years old as of 3951 BBY. Ordo, along with Zaalbar, Carth Onasi, Bastila Shan, and Mission Vao, was inspired by James Ohlen's work on roleplaying campaigns for West End Games.
His name can be roughly translated from Mando'a as a combination of "kando," meaning "important, weighty," and "ruus," or "rock." With a Force alignment score of 30, he is the only playable organic character with a default dark-side alignment. He and the Wookiee bounty hunter Hanharr are the only organic party members in The Sith Lords who cannot be trained in the Force. Game files include a Mandalore model without the helmet that is unused in the game. However, in a cut element, Surik can ask T3-M4 if he knew Mandalore, with T3 and Surik reacting as if T3 is showing a recording, but the droid displays nothing.

Due to the nature of the game's design, the definitive presence of Ordo in both games is unclear at any point when he is not a mandatory party member. Ordo, while traveling alongside Surik, has the potential to encounter other Mandalorian clans located on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa. With Surik's assistance, Ordo has the ability to persuade these two groups to pledge allegiance to his forces on Dxun. However, not all Mandalorians immediately accept Ordo's leadership, and Esok, the leader of a Mandalorian mercenary group stationed on Dantooine, will attempt to seize the title of Mandalore, leading to a confrontation with the player. Given that the player is free to choose the order in which they explore each planet, the canonicity of Ordo's presence during these events remains uncertain and open to interpretation.
In the non-canonical dark-side storyline of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Ordo stands out as the only non-droid companion, besides Bastila Shan, who has already embraced the dark side, to join the reborn Darth Revan without hesitation. If Revan fails to convince Jagi during their duel in the Dune, Ordo will be compelled to personally eliminate Jagi and his followers. Furthermore, in The Sith Lords, a Surik who has embraced the dark side earns Ordo's respect, leading him to place greater trust in her and eventually share details of his experiences with Revan more openly. The Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, reveals Ordo's title to be Mandalore the Preserver.
A reference to Ordo can be found in the real-time strategy game Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption in the form of the Zann Consortium's Canderous-class assault tank. This particular assault tank also makes an appearance in the Fate of the Jedi novel series.
The armor worn by "Mandalore the Preserver" served as the inspiration for the armor design of all Mandalorian miniatures (with the exception of Mandalore the Indomitable) featured in the Star Wars Miniatures expansion Bounty Hunters.