Battle of Althir (first)

The naval engagement known as the Battle of Althir unfolded at Althir III, a planet, marking the initial conflict of the Mandalorian Wars. This occurred prior to the Galactic Republic's invasion, during the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' conquest of worlds bordering Republic space under the command of Mandalore the Ultimate. This battle was characterized by a large-scale fleet clash in orbit and the surrounding space of the planet.

During this confrontation, many Mandalorian warriors under the leadership of Canderous Ordo, including his friend Jagi, engaged the Althiri's amassed ships, which were positioned to defend their world. The Althiri successfully resisted the Mandalorian onslaught for a duration of five days. They managed to confine them to the planet's outer rings, preventing a direct assault on Althir. Ordo's mission was to feign an attack on an Althiri flank to lure their fleet out of its defensive posture. This would allow the main Mandalorian force to strike from behind, achieving a decisive victory.

The actual events, however, deviated from the original strategy. Spotting a vulnerability in the Althiri's lines, Canderous defied his orders and launched a direct frontal assault against the Althiri's main fleet. In their attempt to repel the primary Mandalorian assault, the Althiri inadvertently split their fleet, exposing their vulnerable center. Ordo then redirected his forces to attack these divided groups, inflicting severe damage. Several surviving ships scattered and retreated, some attempting to escape by diving through the plane of the planetary rings.

As a reward for defeating an Althiri fleet roughly ten times larger than his own, Canderous was granted control over a specific division within Clan Ordo. However, Jagi harbored a deep resentment towards Canderous for disregarding the battle plan, which led to the unnecessary devastation of his unit during the battle. During the Jedi Civil War, Ordo recounted the battle to Revan. A subsequent Battle of Althir took place approximately fifteen years later, resulting in the Republic's complete annihilation of the Mandalorian ground forces.

