The following occurrences transpire during the year 3976 BBY.
- The Mandalorian Wars commence with the Battle of Althir. [1] The Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders initiate their campaign of taking over independent planets situated along the Outer Rim. [7]
- Zaalbar receives the 'madclaw' mark and is expelled from Kashyyyk after assaulting his brother. Subsequently, he falls into the hands of enslavers. [7]
- Jolee Bindo goes into self-imposed isolation within the Shadowlands of Kashyyyk, alongside Freyyr. [7]
- Conflict arises between the Swoop Gangs, specifically the Hidden Beks and the Black Vulkars, resulting in the war within the Lower City area of Taris. [7]
- Brianna [8]
- Mical [8]
- Visas Marr [8] was born on Katarr [9]