Althir III, also known simply as Althir, was a lone, autonomous planet situated in the Althir system, found beyond the boundaries of the Galactic Republic. This celestial body was characterized by a system of planetary rings composed of rock.
The Mandalorians discovered it early on during the Old Sith Wars, and it subsequently became the location for two significant conflicts. The native Althiri, who were not affiliated with the Republic, were compelled to defend their world when the first battle erupted in 3976 BBY. As the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched an invasion, Althir's warriors bravely resisted the savage invaders, but they were ultimately subdued by the forces under the command of Canderous Ordo.
After several years of Mandalorian control, Althir III gained its freedom when the Republic stormed the planet around 3960 BBY. Jedi Knight Revan spearheaded the assault and was credited with inflicting a major defeat on the Mandalorian military. Soon after, Revan embraced the Dark side of the Force and declared himself Dark Lord of the Sith. Revan, along with his adherents, established an Empire to challenge the Republic. Althir III joined this Empire and remained aligned with Revan until the Republic pushed back the Sith and once again emerged victorious against the enemies of the Jedi Order. During the Cold War, a proxy war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, a nearly-dead smuggler programmed the coordinates of his vast fortune into a droid, which then disappeared on Althir. Eventually, an individual was dispatched to the planet to locate the droid and recover the treasure.
Following the war, Althir did not align with the Republic, remaining in disputed territory throughout the New Sith Wars until the Ruusan Reformation, when it was deemed safe for the planet to maintain its independence.
Althir III remained free from the tyranny of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War, but Warlord Zsinj seized control of its space during his campaign against the New Republic. After being liberated from Zsinj's rule, the world reaffirmed its independence and chose not to join the Republic, even after the surrounding space was conquered by the Yuuzhan Vong. Although its status during the era of the Galactic Alliance remains unclear, Althir III was eventually forced to become a member of the Empire led by Darth Krayt.