
The Althiri were the inhabitants residing on the Outer Rim planet of Althir III. During the period of the Mandalorian Wars, their homeworld came under attack from the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. Despite successfully defending against the incoming forces for a period of five days, the Althiri ultimately faced defeat. Later, the Galactic Republic forces, led by the Jedi figures Revan and Malak, successfully pushed back the Mandalorians from Althir.


Ship makers

The Althiri people dwelled on the planet of Althir III, a world characterized by its multiple rings, situated within the Rolion sector located in the northern reaches of the Outer Rim Territories. They were manufacturers of their own starships and also produced weapons capable of mass destruction.


In the year 3976 BBY, Althir was situated outside the boundaries of the Galactic Republic. It was among the initial pair of targets assaulted by the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during the period that would become known as the Mandalorian Wars. For a duration of five days, the Althiri managed to hold off the Mandalorians at the outermost rings of their planet in a conflict that became known as the Battle of Althir, thereby preventing a direct assault on their homeworld. However, on the sixth day, the Mandalorian warrior Canderous Ordo orchestrated a feigned attack against one of the Althiri's flanks, with the intention of drawing out their forces, which would then allow the main Mandalorian force to launch an attack from the rear. Despite this, the Althiri were not deceived by these maneuvers and instead focused on repelling the primary force. However, in doing so, they ended up dividing their fleet, which left the central part of their fleet vulnerable. Ordo capitalized on this tactical error, redirecting his forces to assault the exposed center of the Althiri formation.

The Althiri starships, known for their slow responsiveness, were unable to react in time, leading to Ordo decimating their command vessels and defeating an Althiri force that outnumbered his own by a factor of ten. With the destruction of their leadership, the Althiri's organizational structure crumbled. The surviving starships dispersed, with some attempting to escape by crossing the plane of the rings. These Althiri ships were torn apart by the rings' asteroids, while others were slaughtered by the Mandalorians. As a result of his actions in the battle, Ordo was granted command of a subsect within his clan. The capture of Althir III provided the Mandalorians with another industrial world to fuel their war efforts, and Althiri frigates and corvettes were soon integrated into the Mandalorian fleet.

At some point between 3976 and 3960 BBY, the Galactic Republic launched an attack against the Mandalorian forces stationed on Althir in what became known as the second Battle of Althir, inflicting significant losses on the Mandalorian army and securing victory in the battle. This was one of several victories for the Republic under the leadership of the Jedi Knights Revan and Malak. Subsequently, when Revan embraced the dark side, Althir became incorporated into his Sith Empire. The Republic triumphed over the Sith Empire in 3956 BBY, and five years later, they scattered the Sith Triumvirate that had emerged to take its place. Following these victories, the Republic gradually reintegrated the territories it had lost.

Behind the scenes

BioWare was the company that originated the Althiri for the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game, which was launched in the year 2003.

