
Master Kavar, a respected figure within the Jedi Order, held a seat on the esteemed Jedi High Council. His service spanned the tumultuous eras of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. Moreover, he shared a close bond with Meetra Surik, who received informal instruction from him as a Padawan before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars.


The early years of Kavar's life remain largely a mystery. It is a possibility that he participated in the Great Sith War. What is confirmed is that he provided unofficial training to Meetra Surik, the individual who would later be known as the Jedi Exile. Their friendship developed over time. As the Mandalorian Wars began, Kavar engaged in several conflicts with the Mandalorians. The Mandalorians came to the conclusion that Kavar, the renowned "Jedi Guardian," would assume command of the Republic's war efforts once the Jedi became involved in the conflict.

However, the Council opted for neutrality, and instead, Jedi Knights Revan and Malak spearheaded a contingent of rebellious Jedi. Many Mandalorian survivors often wondered how the course of the war might have differed if Master Kavar, rather than Revan, had been at the helm of the Jedi forces. Following the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, the High Council judged Surik for aligning herself with Revan's campaign against the Mandalorians. The Council decided to exile her, not solely for her allegiance to Revan, but because they perceived her as a wound in the Force, fearing the potential consequences of her continued presence within the Order.

Limited details exist regarding Kavar's activities during the Jedi Civil War, except for his participation alongside the Jedi in their fight against Darth Malak's forces. He was believed to have perished at some point during these events, but this assumption proved to be inaccurate.

Exile on Onderon

In the aftermath of the Jedi Civil War, Kavar journeyed to Onderon and took on the role of advisor to Queen Talia. He maintained a discreet presence within the Royal Palace, and his counsel was characterized as enigmatic. As tensions escalated between Queen Talia and her cousin, General Vaklu, Kavar advised Talia to exercise patience until the true threat, Vaklu's hidden supporters, revealed themselves.

When the Ebon Hawk attempted a landing in Iziz, Vaklu's forces, under the command of Colonel Tobin, opened fire, igniting a dogfight between Onderonian forces and the Republic, further exacerbating tensions within the city. Through the Mandalorians on Dxun, the captain of the Ebon Hawk, Meetra Surik, coordinated a meeting with Kavar through a doctor named Dhagon Ghent. Kavar and Surik convened in the Iziz Cantina. Just as Surik was about to uncover the complete details surrounding her trial, Tobin's forces stormed the cantina and initiated gunfire. Kavar used stunned Tobin's men and made his escape to the palace, while Surik was compelled to fight her way back to her ship. During his escape, Kavar assured Surik that he would contact her when he could.

Kavar with his two lightsabers.

Shortly after these events, Kavar dispatched a message to the Mandalorian Kelborn, instructing him to inform Surik that he had arranged safe passage for her back to Onderon. Unfortunately, Surik received the message too late: the Council of Lords, influenced by General Vaklu, had declared Talia guilty of treason shortly after the message was sent. With the Onderonian military divided in its allegiance between Talia and Vaklu, the Onderon Civil War erupted, rendering passage to the planet unsafe. Upon receiving the message, Surik swiftly returned to Dxun and sought the assistance of the Mandalorians there. She subsequently utilized a Basilisk war droid to reach Onderon.

As Surik advanced toward the palace, Kavar and a contingent of troops engaged Vaklu's supporters, the Sith and their beasts, at the palace gates. Kavar was compelled to retreat within the palace, where he oversaw the battle. The Exile eventually reached Kavar, who directed her to Captain Kadron. Upon Surik's arrival in the throne room, Kavar intervened and eliminated some of Vaklu's troops. However, he remained in the background as Talia and Surik confronted Vaklu directly. He also refrained from intervening when Talia decreed Vaklu's execution, although Vaklu was ultimately spared and apprehended at Surik's insistence. This concluded the brief but devastating civil war, ensuring the rightful ruler remained on Onderon's throne.

Kavar addressed Surik's inquiries but was taken aback by the revelation that Atris had survived the attack on Katarr, unaware that she had never attended the conclave. He committed to joining the Council on Dantooine once the Exile had assembled all the remaining Jedi Masters.


Kavar is killed by Kreia's Force drain along with Vrook Lamar and Zez-Kai Ell.

Once Surik accomplished this task, he convened with fellow Masters Vrook Lamar and Zez-Kai Ell at the rebuilt Jedi Enclave, marking his final encounter with Surik. The Council determined that it was time for Surik to learn the truth, revealing that she was a wound in the Force and had severed her connection to it. All three Masters deemed it necessary to sever Surik's ties to the Force, fearing she posed a threat to all life. However, as they prepared to sever Surik's connection to the Force, Kreia, whom Kavar and the other masters had previously believed to be dead, made her presence known.

After revealing herself, Kreia resolved to make the three Jedi "see the Force through the eyes of the Exile" and eliminated them using a potent form of Force drain, leaving them lifeless and devoid of the Force.

Powers and abilities

Kavar was a practitioner of Jar'Kai variations of the lightsaber combat forms Ataru, Shien, Niman, and Juyo. He wielded two blue lightsabers in combat: a standard lightsaber in his right hand and a shoto in his left. During his initial meeting with Surik on Onderon, he carried only his standard lightsaber. He also possessed the ability to use several Force abilities, which he used on Surik.

Kavar demonstrated mastery of advanced Force forms, and his proficiency in Force Stun enabled him to stun multiple targets simultaneously. He was also adept at employing Force wave against adversaries and utilizing the Jedi healing ability.

Behind the scenes

Conversations between Kavar and Meetra Surik reveal that she received some degree of training from the Jedi Master; however, Kavar explicitly stated that she was not his Padawan, although he did say that he considered making her his Padawan.

His voice was provided by Tom Kane.

Alternate endings

If the player guides the Jedi Exile towards the dark side, they will align with General Vaklu. The Exile will then engage Kavar in combat, who will express surprise at his former friend's fall from grace. Consequently, the player is compelled to kill Kavar, resulting in his absence on Dantooine.

Even if the Exile supports Talia, there remains a possibility of killing Kavar in the Enclave if the Exile has killed either of the other Masters, Vrook or Zez-Kai Ell.

In content that was removed from the game, Kreia has additional dialogue for the Masters after draining them of the Force. They do not meet an immediate end; instead, Kreia uses Force Crushes or Force Chokes on them. Kreia inquires of Kavar whether, during his time on Onderon, he had sensed what had taken place on its moon Dxun.

