The Meetra Surik trial occurred in the year 3959 BBY within the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. During this proceeding, a Jedi General who participated in the Mandalorian Wars was exiled from the Jedi Order. This punishment involved being sent to roam the galaxy, far removed from the battlefields where she had fought, with the goal of attaining a genuine understanding of the consequences of her actions at Malachor V at the conclusion of the war. Subsequently, Meetra Surik became widely recognized as the Jedi Exile.
Jedi Masters including Kavar, Vrook Lamar, Lonna Vash, Atris, and Zez-Kai Ell held positions on the Jedi High Council when they passed judgment on Surik during her trial. Lamar, Vash, and particularly Atris, exhibited the greatest degree of opposition. According to Kavar, the Council had recently discovered that Revan had betrayed them and was leading a Sith fleet from the Unknown Regions at the time of the trial. Meetra Surik stood as the lone Jedi to be judged by the Council following the wars, and because all the others had died or fallen to the dark side of the Force, many people suspected her of being a spy. Vrook and Atris were of the opinion that the only reason she did not follow Revan against the Jedi was because she had lost her connection to the Force.
Vash ranked among the Masters who were most insistent on her conviction. However, Vash sensed a change in Surik since the events on Malachor, and she challenged Atris after Surik had left the Council chamber, when she claimed that the wound Surik carried was evidence of dark side corruption. As she was sentenced to exile, the former Jedi General was ordered to give up her lightsaber, which she thrust into the center stone in defiance. Atris retrieved the weapon and kept it as a reminder of the dangers of allowing passions to control one's actions, which was how she viewed Surik's decision to go to war. However, the truth is that Atris wished she had the strength to follow her, which she almost did actually, eventually renouncing out of fear to defy the Council. She once revealed to Brianna, one of her Handmaidens, that Meetra Surik was a personal hero to her, and that she was devastated when Surik chose Revan over the Jedi.

Nearly ten years later, Atris orchestrated Meetra Surik's return to Republic space, leaking information about her presence with the intention of drawing out the Sith. The Force guided her to the Telosian Jedi Academy, where Atris was prepared to retry her for supposedly causing the failure of the Telosian Restoration Project, which was actually her fault for exposing Surik to a Sith attack during the skirmish at Peragus II. Meetra Surik's utility droid, T3-M4, recovered a holorecord of her trial from Atris' databanks, revealing the councilors' debates after she had left. She realized that her decision to go to war was not the primary concern that led to her expulsion from the Order. Consequently, she sought out the surviving members of the Council and spoke with them, except for Lonna Vash, who had died. As she questioned them about the true reasons for her exile, she discovered that their fear of her, specifically her innate ability to influence people through Force bonding, was the real motivation. Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell even admitted that seeing what she had become after losing her Force-sensitivity was frightening, and that this was probably why they sent her away rather than try to understand what happened. The assassin droid HK-47, who served both Revan and Meetra Surik, once suggested that Revan allowed her to return to the Council because he believed it would weaken their resolve, similar to parading defeated leaders before their people.
On the very day of the trial, Master Ell made the decision to leave the Jedi Order. When Meetra Surik located him on Nar Shaddaa, he explained that his and many other Jedi's departure was due to their disillusionment with the Jedi teachings, which he had come to see as flawed. He believed that the numerous falls of Jedi throughout history resulted from a backlash caused by the self-righteous actions Jedi took to protect the galaxy, and that they dismissed the one opportunity to identify their mistakes. He even conceded that Surik was justified in her actions, asserting that the Jedi who went to war were not at fault, as they were trained to protect the innocent, even when their Masters refused to do so. However, when Surik urged the remaining Jedi Masters to convene on Dantooine, their judgment remained unchanged. He, Vrook, and Kavar maintained their conviction that the wound Meetra Surik carried would lead to the Jedi's demise, so they decided that she should leave for good, and without her tie to the Force. Darth Traya confronted and killed the three in the ruins of the Jedi Enclave as they attempted to cut her off from the Force.
This event is portrayed in the video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Scrapped ideas that remain in the game files suggest that Kreia was originally intended to be the mastermind behind the Council's verdict. Additional cut content includes more lines from the trial scene, where Vash stated that the Jedi played into the enemy's hands by allowing the Order to be divided during the Mandalorian Wars, and that the only way to understand what had happened to Meetra Surik and what the future held for her was to allow her to return to Malachor V. The color of Surik's lightsaber, chosen in a conversation with Atton Rand after Peragus, determines the color of the lightsaber in the holorecord and the color of the lightsaber Atris kept after the trial. Canonically, the color of her second lightsaber appears to be of the cyan crystal, however, it is unknown what color was the blade of the one taken by Atris.