The six daughters of Echani General Yusanis were known as the Handmaiden Sisters. Following the events of the Jedi Civil War, they became handmaidens under the service of Jedi Master Atris at a secret Jedi Academy situated on Telos IV. Their training was extensive, encompassing various combat forms with both close-quarter weaponry and unarmed combat techniques. All of them were highly proficient in the famous Echani martial art and its more advanced applications. They favored the use of a quarterstaff that could be collapsed into its handle; Brianna, the youngest of the sisters, possessed such a weapon that had once belonged to their father.
The five eldest sisters appeared to be identical, a common trait among Echani siblings from the same parents, making them difficult to distinguish for non-Echani individuals. However, the sixth and youngest sister, Brianna, shared the likeness of her mother, Jedi Master Arren Kae. After Kae was exiled from the Jedi Order and chose to join Revan during the Mandalorian Wars, their father followed her, betraying his prior loyalties. His actions brought disgrace upon his daughters because of his affection for Kae, who had also broken her vows. This led them to disparage their younger sister, often suggesting that betrayal was inherent and that she resembled her mother. Despite her determination not to follow their path, Brianna still held her parents in high regard and sought to honor their legacy by wearing Kae's Jedi robes during training and wielding her father's weapon.
Although their primary purpose was to serve the Jedi, the sisters had pledged their loyalty to Atris, vowing never to embrace the Jedi ways. Atris intended them to be the embodiment of strength that she believed the Order lacked, serving as observers and judges of the Jedi, providing support if their power led to corruption, and ultimately eliminating those who succumbed to the dark side. Their rigorous discipline shielded them from the Force, even if they possessed Force sensitivity, and rendered their minds resistant to mind tricks. However, Atris's true motivation for choosing them was their inability to sense the malevolence emanating from the Sith artifacts she had collected or the encroaching darkness within herself. Brianna, unlike her sisters, harbored curiosity about the relics Atris kept in her chamber and desired to experience the Force. In 3951 BBY, Meetra Surik arrived at the academy in search of the Ebon Hawk, which Atris had seized to assess her involvement in the destruction of the Peragus Mining Facility. The Handmaidens reluctantly greeted Surik, Kreia, and Atton Rand, disarming them and placing them in Force cages until Atris had spoken with Surik and determined their intentions. They also rescued another of Surik's companions, Bao-Dur, a Zabrak military engineer, who was found unconscious in the snow on the plateau. Aware of Surik's influence over her followers, Atris cautioned her servants about the potential disruption they could cause. While Atton and Kreia posed little challenge, the Handmaidens considered Rand dangerous due to his Echani training, which he inadvertently revealed when he adopted a defensive stance in response to a perceived threat to Surik.
After Surik explained the events surrounding the Peragus disaster, Atris agreed to allow her to gather the Lost Jedi survivors of the war, hoping they could convene a council and address the Sith threat. Before leaving the academy, Surik inquired about the Handmaidens' mission, their mistress, and the nature of the academy itself. While Atton was primarily interested in the women's striking resemblance, Kreia frequently engaged in conversations, acknowledging the value of the Jedi knowledge Atris had preserved while also criticizing her plans to train Force-sensitive individuals who had yet to appear. The Handmaidens, barely tolerating their presence, were easily irritated and welcomed Surik's interest in a sparring match on their dojo mat. During their conversation with the Exile, they admitted that her decision to defy the Jedi Council and go to war was not an easy one, acknowledging that if they had served Atris during the Mandalorian Wars, when the Echani worlds were under attack, they would have been forced to refrain from protecting their own people.
Because of her Jedi lineage through her mother, Brianna possessed Force sensitivity, unlike her half-sisters. She was considered the least skilled among them because she was easily distracted by matters unrelated to her duties, preventing her from fully dedicating herself to her training. The Handmaidens suggested that Surik speak with her to learn more about the artifacts kept by their mistress, as she had seen them and expressed interest in them. Atris sent her to accompany Surik as an observer, but Kreia ultimately used her to gain access to the academy after revealing herself as a Sith.
When Brianna was confronted by her sisters, they accused her of treason and attacked her with lethal intent. Brianna used her Jedi training to swiftly disarm and paralyze her sisters with precise strikes, as she did not want to kill her misguided sisters.
The fate of the Echani Sisters following Atris's exile at the hands of the Jedi Council remains unknown.
Despite dialogue in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords suggesting that Brianna looks different from her sisters, they all share the same character model and textures in the game when Meetra Surik is in Atris' academy. Brianna's model differs only in that she has braids on the sides of her head, but these braids are concealed when she wears her Handmaiden garments.
In the game, Brianna will only join male player characters, but later sources established as canon confirmed that she follows the Exile regardless of their gender. Her Jedi heritage allows her to be trained in the ways of the Force, which her sisters consider an act of betrayal. Near the game's conclusion, they attempt to execute her, but are killed in the process.