Lonna Vash

During the eras of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War, Lonna Vash served within the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Human female Jedi Master and a member of the esteemed Jedi High Council. Notably, she participated in the decision to banish Meetra Surik from the Order, alongside other Masters.


Jedi Master

Lonna Vash, a Force-sensitive Human, underwent training in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order. She achieved the rank of Jedi Master before the outbreak of the Mandalorian Wars. Having earned a position on the Jedi High Council and stationed at the newly established Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Vash was present when the Council reassigned Jedi Masters Xamar, Raana Tey, Q'Anilia, Feln and Lucien Draay. This reassignment followed their unsuccessful oversight of the Order's academy on Taris and their failure to anticipate the massacre of their Padawans by the renegade apprentice, Zayne Carrick.

After the conclusion of the war against the Mandalorians and the Jedi Civil War, which was spearheaded by Darth Malak and Darth Revan, Master Vash continued to hold her position on the Council. She played a role in the trial of Master Meetra Surik, ultimately declaring that the former Revanchist was no longer a member of the Order. Even though she openly condemned Surik for her actions during the war, she believed that Surik had evolved since the conflict's end. She also challenged Master Atris' claim that the wound Surik carried indicated dark side corruption. Following the trial and Surik's expulsion from the Order, Vash regretted her silence about the true reasons for Surik's banishment. The Council had been apprehensive about the sway Surik held over others and her capacity to forge deep connections.


Vash was tortured to death by Darth Sion in the Sith Academy on Korriban.

During the Jedi Purge that was initiated by the Sith Triumvirate, the Order was disbanded. Vash went into hiding and successfully fled Coruscant. Shortly after, Master Atris convened a conclave on Katarr to identify the threat looming over the Jedi. While neither Vash nor Atris attended the meeting, the planet was devastated by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Nihilus. Vash and the surviving Masters went into self-imposed exile. Similar to her fellow Council members Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell, she mistakenly believed that Atris had perished on Katarr. In reality, Atris was responsible for the tragedy, having leaked information about the conclave to lure out the Sith. At Kavar's suggestion, they dispersed to different planets, concealing their presence in the Force, hoping the Sith would believe they had won and emerge from the shadows. They sought out war-torn locations, both to make detection more difficult and in the hope that Surik might return to those places to reconcile with her past actions. During her exile, Lonna Vash journeyed to Korriban and took up residence within the abandoned Sith Academy there.

During her time in exile, the Sith Lord Darth Sion arrived on Korriban and captured Vash. He subjected her to torture in the academy's dungeons, intending to draw out Surik. Upon Surik's arrival on Korriban, her companion, Visas Marr, sensed Sion's execution of Master Vash. Entering the Valley of the Dark Lords, Surik and her companions ventured into the academy, only to find the entrance sealed behind them. As they delved deeper into the building, Surik discovered Vash's lifeless body in a pool of blood. The droid HK-47's diagnostics confirmed that Vash had been dead for less than an hour. The bounty hunter Mira speculated that the Jedi Master had been left as a "message" for Surik and her companions. Nevertheless, Atton Rand concluded their mission for her become a huge waste of time.

While examining Vash's body, Surik discovered that the Jedi Master had created a user account under her name in the academy's security system. This account was intended to provide her with a means of escape in case of danger. Using this account, Surik managed to flee the academy after a brief confrontation with Sion, whom she found impossible to defeat.

Behind the scenes

The original concept from the developers, Obsidian Entertainment, envisioned a more substantial role for Lonna Vash. However, like many other unfinished elements, it had to be removed due to the game's premature release.

She was initially intended to be found by the player on M4-78, a droid-populated planet, where she had come in search of Meetra Surik, accompanied by her Padawan, Kaah Ohtok. The dialogue between Surik and Vash was even recorded and included in the game files, but it was never implemented in the final game, similar to the incomplete planet. Nevertheless, given Vash's role as a Council member in a crucial cut scene, the developers placed her deceased body on the equally incomplete Korriban to provide an explanation for her fate.

Master Vash's voiceovers from M4-78 suggest that she held views that diverged significantly from the rest of the Jedi Council, not only regarding Surik's exile but also concerning the approach to dealing with the Sith. Her inclination to fight led her to attack the colonists on the droid planet. Despite her earlier statements to Surik during the trial, when the player encounters Lonna in the main Behavior Core, she refers to the Exile as "Jedi." If the player chooses a dialogue option stating that she's no Jedi, she replies that it depends on the point of view on who can be called by the term "Jedi" and that she actually considered Surik a Jedi.

While the type of lightsaber Lonna Vash wielded is never explicitly stated, a lightsaber (with a random color and type) is found in the interrogation chamber. Cut content depicts her wielding a lightsaber with either a cyan or silver blade, but as cut content is not officially canon, this has not been confirmed.

