Telosian Restoration Project

The Telosian Restoration Project represented an initiative spearheaded by Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa aimed at revitalizing the Telos IV ecosystem. This planet had been left barren as a result of orbital bombardment during the Jedi Civil War, leaving it lifeless. The success or failure of this project would greatly influence the Republic's approach to the worlds of the Outer Rim. Should it prove successful, the Republic would consider funding the restoration of other planets devastated by the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.

To oversee the Restoration Project, the massive Citadel Station was constructed, positioned in orbit around Telos. Chodo Habat and his Ithorian herd provided guidance for the project. The surface of Telos was systematically divided into designated "restoration zones," each identified by a specific code. The Republic then commenced the process of importing various lifeforms from different planets. For instance, cannoks, intended to regulate the herbivore population, were sourced from Onderon, its jungle moon of Dxun, and Ithor itself.

Around 3951 BBY, the Ithorians faced a challenge from the Czerka Corporation, who, through questionable methods, sought to seize control of the Restoration Project. Czerka's plans diverged significantly from the Ithorians' vision. Instead of prioritizing the restoration of Telos' natural environment, they advocated for its urbanization. In reality, Czerka viewed the project merely as a facade, their true objective being to gain access to abandoned Republic military installations located on the planet's surface. However, Meetra Surik ultimately exposed the corruption within Czerka's department on Citadel Station, leading the Telosian Council to expel the company from Telos.

Darth Traya predicted that the Restoration Project would achieve its goals, resulting in the return of life to Telos for generations to come. As of 3643 BBY, more than three centuries later, the project remained in progress.

