The era of 3643 BBY, or Before the Battle of Yavin, occurred during the Cold War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. It was also widely recognized as year 10 ATC, or After the Treaty of Coruscant. The year was defined by the rekindling of hostilities between the two galactic superpowers and an increase in anxiety felt across the galaxy. A multitude of occurrences, including the Desolator crisis, the defection of the Republic's elite Havoc Squad, an attack directed at the Republic cruiser called the Esseles, and other various conflicts spread throughout the galaxy, all contributed to the growing political unease and apprehension of the preceding decade.
- The Cinzia is discovered in the Jet Nebula, which initiated the Sebaddon affair and the Hex droid crisis. (Approximate date) [8]
- Under the sway of the Dark Jedi known as Bengel Morr, the indigenous Flesh Raiders inhabiting Tython began to attack the Jedi Order and the Pilgrims with increased frequency and in greater numbers.
- With assistance from the astromech droid T7-O1, the new apprentice to Jedi Master Orgus Din successfully defeated Morr, thereby ending the threat posed by his Flesh Raider army. [9]
- The Jedi High Council detected a dark presence on Coruscant, leading them to dispatch Din's apprentice, now a Jedi Knight, and T7 to investigate. [9] There, the pair joined forces with Padawan Kira Carsen and Agent Galen from the Republic Strategic Information Service to recover the blueprints for the Planet Prison superweapon [1] and rescue Doctor Eli Tarnis, the project's chief scientist, from the clutches of the Black Sun criminal organization. [10]
- The Imperial warship Emperor's Glory, captained by Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, launched an attack on the Republic cruiser Esseles with the assistance of Mandalorian mercenaries, in an attempt to capture Ambassador Vyn Asara. However, a joint team of Jedi and Republic personnel successfully repelled the assault and disabled the Glory's tractor beam, which allowed the Esseles to break free and escape. [11]
- Using the completed Desolator weapon, Angral attacked the planet Uphrades, obliterating the surface of the agriworld's as a demonstration of the superweapon's destructive power. [12]
- Sebaddon affair Skirmish in the Gnawer's Roost (Approximate date)[8] Skirmish in Tassaa Bareesh's palace (Approximate date)[8] Independent Operation Sebaddon (Approximate date)[8]
- Flesh Raider uprising [2] Duel in the Gnarls cave[2] Raid on the Flesh Raider weapons cache[13] Raid on the Tythos Ridge shield generator[14] Skirmish in the Kalikori village fields[14] Assault on the Flesh Raider command base[14] Raid on the Forsaken Den[15] Battle of the Forge[9]
- Separatist War [16] [17] Battle in Drelliad village[16][17] Blockade of Talloran village[18][19] Havoc Squad's mission to Ord Mantell[19][20][21] Havoc Squad's mission to Talloran village[19] Mission in the Avilatan Badlands[20] Mission to Mannett Point[21] Voidhound's mission to Talloran village[18] Skirmish in the Fort Garnik hangar[22]
- Mission to Ajunta Pall's tomb [23]
- Search for Tulak Hord's artifacts [24] Mission to Naga Sadow's tomb[24] Duel in the Sith Academy[24] Mission to Grathan's estate[24] Mission to Skotia's bunker[24] Duel in the Sith Sanctum[24] Duel in the Dark Temple[24]
- Assault on the Esseles [11]
- Attack on the Brentaal Star [25]
- Merchants' Guild Crisis [26]
- Raid on the Black Sun's clinic [27]
- Dromund Kaas rebellion [28]
- Grathan's revolt [29]
- Tytonus's revolution [30]
- Battle for Hammer Station [31]
- Operation Midnight Freedom [32]
- Operation Silent Roar [33]
- Battle of Javaal [34]
- Battle of the Balosar system [35]
- Attack on the Hutt Cartel listening post [36]
- Battle above Saleucami [37]
- Battle aboard the Voidstar [38]
- Mission to Athiss [39]
- Battle for the Allusis [40]
- Battle of Balmorra [41]
- Alderaan Civil War [42]
- Battle of the Archenar asteroid field [43]
- Battle of Makem Te [44]
- Battle of Nez Peron [45]
- Battle of Sarapin Four [46]
- Desolator crisis [1] Mission to Coruscant[1] Raid on a Republic Military warehouse[1] Raid on the Migrant Merchants' Guild warehouse[1] Kidnapping of Doctor Tarnis[10] Skirmish in Docking Bay 84[10] Raid on the Black Sun headquarters[47] Mission to Justicar territory[48] Duel in the Jedi Temple ruins[49] Mission to Ord Mantell[50] Mission to Taris Battle in the Resettlement Zone laboratory Battle in the Brell Sediment laboratory Duel in the Lake Brell colony bunker Raid on the Imperial Intelligence Outpost Mission to Nar Shaddaa Attack on the Power Guard recruitment center Skirmish in the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab Raid on the SIS safe house[51] Assault on the Imperial weapons factory Raid on Sadic's laboratory[52] Duel at the Czerka mining facility[53] Mission to Tatooine Attack on the Shock Drum facility Skirmish in the Shock Drum facility Duel on the Esus Mesa[54] Mission to Alderaan Attack on the Mensaav Military Laboratory Skirmish in the Mensaav Military Laboratory Assault on the House Thul compound Battle in Nefarid's hideout[55] Devastation of Uphrades[12] Attack on the Daybreaker[12] Battle of the Oppressor[56]
- Ambush on Taris [57] [58]
- Mission to the Vesla system [57] [59]
- Dark Plague crisis [60] Mission to Coruscant[60] Mission to Taris[61] Mission to Nar Shaddaa[62] First Carida[63] Second Carida[63] Mission to Tatooine[64] Mission to Alderaan[65] Duel on Vivicar's ship[66]
- SpecForce Incident Operation: Stoneduster[67] Operation Poltergeist[68]
- Search for Skavak [69]
- Hunt for Jaesa Willsaam Mission to Tatooine Duel on Hutta
- Great Hunt [70]
- Hunt for the Eagle Destruction of the Dominator[71] Operation: Blackout Operation: Glass Echo Operation: Ghostbreaker Raid on Tholatin Operation: Silverplate
- Cademimu uprising [72]
- Battle of the Syvris system [73]
- Battle of the Llanic system [74]
- Battle of the Taspan system [75]
- Battle of the Ezran system [76]
- Reclamation Service Tatooine expedition [77]
On Alderaan Count Alde Renata Alde Xin Baliss Blenks Corwin Muriel Corwin Dutonian[78] Darth Jaga Kan'grell Bex Kolos Rangos Lanar Lord Nefarid[55] Elric Organa Gesselle Organa Nomar Organa Vala Organa Deris Panteer Prinn Rehanna Rist Elana Thul Kendoh Thul Volryder Voron Gregor Willsaam Parvin Willsaam Windredd
Onboard the Aurora Tarro Blood Kellian Jarro Thendys Noori Ofaree
On Balmorra Durmat Eligyn Mashallon Rylon Zixx
Onboard the Brentaal Star Yadira Ban Ghulil Republic General
Onboard the Black Talon Brukarra Hetter Revinal Orzik Sylas
Aboard the Cinzia Kenev[8] Marg Sar[8]
On Coruscant Jonkan and four other scientists[48] Jorin[47] Miel Muwn Salarr[47] Eli Tarnis[49] Urbax
On the Czerka asteroid mining facility Valis[53]
On Dromund Kaas Dumat[79] Vereta Fraabaal[80] Beelzlit Grathan[81] Cellvanta Grathan[81] Irex[79] Theovor Mindak[82] Quilon[79] Ralesk Satik[79] Skeesk[79] Skarsk[79] Darth Skotia[83] Slestack[84] Grik Sonosan TuMarr[84] Vacuus Darth Zash (Body) Dri'kill Ba'al
Aboard the Emperor's Glory Ironfist[11] Vokk[11]
Aboard the Esseles Isric[11] Tyrus[11]
Aboard Hammer Station Kreshan
Aboard the Justice Zora
On Korriban Ffon Althe Balek Devotek Dolgis Gerr Klemral Kory Khreusis Naman Fal's son Niloc Ortosin Solentz Tremel Vemrin Wydr
On Nal Hutta Braden Huttsbane Karrels Javis Jory Nomen Karr Luunti Nails Ia Nirvin[8] Robann Potannin[8] Dheno Rey Targen Vexx Yeama[8]
On Nar Shaddaa Andrik Anuli Rylee Dray Eidolon Fawste Girik Graul[51] Hirosho Qiltakka Rathari Rieekan[51] Halidrell Setsyn Lord Sadic[52] Skavak Hedarr Soongh Destris Veran Ybann Nok Drayen
On Ord Mantell Bellis Bol Dalern Dareg Ferav[50] Kindin Marcovic[50] Saphrro Viidu Vyru Xo'ru
On Sebaddon (Approximate date) Adamek[8] Cha[8] Darth Chratis[8] Gurin[8] Ses Jopp[8] Mond[8] Ozz[8] Rukil[8] Cinzia Xandret[8]
On Taral V Hasper Shivanek
On Taris Ryler Dorant Gerrard Sarven Rora Seake[85] Valoy Vorzoth
On Tatooine Brazzer Chomm Diago Hixan Shurg Yonlach Yul-Li Vaverone Zare
On Tython Bloodskin Callef[2] Cha'nagh[2] Flesh Raider Bladewielder[15] Flesh Raider Chieftain[14] Flesh Raider Ravager Chieftain[14] Grand Chieftain Keshk Mar'gavrok A Flesh Raider Warmaster[13] Laotah[15] Saylew's wife[13] Sumari[14]
On the Oppressor Darth Angral[56] Souske[56]
On the Sun Razer [57] Ngani Zho[86]