Rycus Kilran, a male Human, held the distinguished rank of Grand Moff within the Sith Empire during both the era of the Cold War and the Galactic War. His most notable achievements include his pivotal involvement in the Sacking of Coruscant, an event that led to his infamous moniker, the "Butcher of Coruscant," and his success in quelling the Togruta Uprising.
Kilran's life began on Dromund Kaas, where he was born into a prosperous family known for its deep-rooted military heritage. He matured into a brilliant military mind and innovative strategist. Predictably, he demonstrated his value as a competent second-in-command to the Sith during the Empire's initial offensives in the Brema sector. Following the death of his Sith superior during the Battle of Ord Ibanna—where Rycus served as tactical advisor—he took control of the battered Imperial fleet and secured a swift and decisive victory.

In subsequent years, Kilran's influence expanded alongside his growing list of victories. Both the Sith and the Minister of War developed a profound respect for his unconventional strategic thinking. His ruthlessly efficient operations during the war's final stages, along with his strategies employed during the Sacking of Coruscant, resulted in the Captain being dubbed "the Butcher of Coruscant" by the Galactic Republic populace, a title he embraced with sardonic amusement. His valiant defense against a Jedi boarding party left him with lasting scars. At the war's conclusion, he was awarded the honorary title of Grand Moff to acknowledge his significant contributions.
Following the Great Galactic War, Kilran rose to become the commanding officer of the Imperial Fifth Fleet. In the year 3643 BBY, the Grand Moff instructed Revinal Orzik, the captain of the Imperial transport vessel Black Talon, to intercept a Republic warship known as the Brentaal Star and eliminate a sought-after passenger: a renegade Imperial general. When Captain Orzik declined what he perceived as a suicidal assignment, Kilran dispatched a small team of operatives to address the matter. Simultaneously, Kilran launched an assault on the Republic vessel Esseles with the intention of apprehending Ambassador Vyn Asara on accusations of terrorism and subversive activities against the Empire. However, the Grand Moff was forced to contend with a Republic boarding party that targeted his flagship, the Emperor's Glory.

As the Cold War neared its end, Kilran was entrusted with overseeing the prison located within the Maelstrom, where the Sith Emperor had confined a formidable prisoner—the Jedi Master Revan—for three centuries. He encountered the same Republic strike force from the Esseles, now sent by Master Oteg. The team had acquired a Gree computer to navigate the Maelstrom from the Imperial base on Taral V, despite Kilran's attempts to bombard the planet before their successful escape.
Both impressed and angered by the Republic team's tenacity, Kilran personally boarded the prison and informed Darth Malgus—who observed via a nearby holoterminal—of his intention to end the intruders' lives. Malgus instructed him to prioritize the prisoner's safety, but Kilran chose to attack, confident in his ability to handle the situation. Ultimately, he proved incapable of withstanding the assault, and the Republic forces defeated him in the prison's core, marking the end of the Butcher of Coruscant.
Following his demise, Kilran was succeeded by Grand Moff Ilyan Regus. A memorial statue was commissioned to honor Kilran, with plans to erect it once the Ministry of War determined a suitable location on Dromund Kaas.
Beyond his status as the Empire's most astute Imperial strategist, he was recognized for his charisma and intellectual prowess. He possessed a strong sense of patriotism towards the Empire and would undoubtedly fight to the very end for its sake. He also displayed considerable pride; when confronted by the team that had consistently thwarted him, he defied Darth Malgus's orders to secure Revan, instead choosing to eliminate them. Furthermore, he had a refined appreciation for fine wines.

Kilran's initial introduction occurred through a development diary published by BioWare.
His official website page features several phrases written in Aurebesh. When translated, these phrases reveal the messages "defense of the secret prison," "Chasing the General," and "personal combat expert."