Unidentified Imperial commander (Brema sector)

During the time of the Great Galactic War, which spanned from 3681 to 3653 BBY (years), a commander of the reconstituted Sith Empire's armada spearheaded an offensive. Their objective was to wrest control of the Brema sector away from the Galactic Republic. This Sith commander, whose lineage traced back to either Human or Sith pureblood ancestors, met their end during the battle that unfolded above Ord Ibanna. The fleet under their command suffered significant setbacks, and the commander was killed in the end. Following the commander's death, a tactical advisor named Rycus Kilran, a Human lacking Force-sensitive abilities, assumed leadership of the fleet and successfully secured a victory against the Republic forces.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to the Sith commander appeared within the Rycus Kilran entry on The Holonet. This online database provides supplemental details pertaining to Star Wars: The Old Republic, an upcoming video game developed by LucasArts.

