Attack on the Brentaal Star

During the time of the Cold War, which pitted the re-established Sith Empire against the Galactic Republic, operatives from the Empire initiated an assault on the Republic's damaged [Thranta]-class corvette](/article/thranta-class_corvette), known as the Brentaal Star. Their objective was to intercept the vessel and either capture or eliminate a Republic general on board, identified only as The General. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran gave the order for this attack, entrusting its execution to the crew of the Imperial transport Black Talon. However, the Talon's captain, Revinal Orzik, refused to comply with the Grand Moff's directive. Consequently, Kilran dispatched a team of Sith agents to execute Orzik, compelling the crew to participate in the assault.

As the Black Talon engaged the Brentaal Star, it encountered heavy fire from laser cannons and faced Republic boarding parties. The Sith agents joined forces with the ship's Sith trooper garrison to fend off the boarders. After successfully repelling them, the agents seized an Imperial assault shuttle and boarded the Brentaal Star in pursuit of their target, The General. They eventually located and eliminated him, then returned to the Imperial ship to withdraw before Republic reinforcements could arrive.


In the year 3643 BBY, the Cold War, a conflict fought by proxy between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, had persisted for a decade. When a brilliant General defected from the Sith Empire to the Republic, Grand Moff Rycus Kilran tasked the ship Black Talon with intercepting the Republic ship carrying the General, intending to capture him. However, the captain of the imperial starship, Revinal Orzik, deemed the mission suicidal and disobeyed the orders.

Kilran deployed his specialized protocol droid, NR-02, to the Black Talon. NR-02 assembled a team of Sith agents, including an Intelligence agent, Darth Baras' apprentice, Lord Zash's apprentice, and a bounty hunter, to regain control of the Black Talon and proceed with Kilran's mission to capture The General.

The team complied, battling through Imperial troops who were attempting to enforce the captain's lockdown order to reach the bridge. There, they confronted Captain Orzik, executed him, and placed his second-in-command, Lieutenant Sylas, in charge of the ship. Sylas immediately obeyed Kilran's orders, directing the ship toward the corvette Brentaal Star to initiate an attack.


As the Black Talon approached the Brentaal Star, the Republic ship launched pods filled with war droids to sabotage the Imperial vessel, while simultaneously attacking with laser cannon fire. The droids, led by the GXR-5 Sabotage Droid, seized control of the engine room. Kilran's team defeated the droids, destroying the GXR-5, and returned to the bridge. The Black Talon then received a hologram transmission from the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, Satele Shan, who warned the Sith against engaging, threatening to arrive with her own fleet of 17 vessels to crush the Imperials. Ignoring her warning, the Imperials proceeded, eventually boarding the Republic ship in an Imperial assault shuttle.

Once aboard the Brentaal Star, Kilran's team engaged a series of republic troopers and advanced through the decks. They fought and defeated Special Forces Commander Ghulil and his escorts, as well as the GXR-7 command droid, ultimately reaching the General as he attempted to evacuate. The Jedi Padawan Yadira Ban attempted to protect the General but was killed.

The team confronted the General, who was seriously wounded from the fighting. They chose to execute him and extract his cybernetic implant to secure his knowledge. Subsequently, they fled the Brentaal Star before Republic reinforcements could arrive.

While the strike team was aboard the Brentaal Star, the Black Talon crew panicked, with several members fearing execution upon the team's return. Lieutenant Sylas attempted to restore order, but during the ensuing chaos, the entire command crew was killed. Their remains were discovered by the strike team upon their return to the vessel.

Grand Moff Kilran congratulated the strike team on their success via hologram. After the debriefing, NR-02 piloted the Black Talon onward to Dromund Kaas.


Following the battle, the treaty between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, although fragile, remained in effect for another year. In 3642 BBY, direct warfare eventually erupted, known as the Galactic War.

