The Brentaal Star was a Thranta-class corvette that served within the ranks of the Republic Navy during the period known as the Cold War.
During the Cold War, the Brentaal Star engaged in an unsanctioned battle with Republic warships just outside the boundaries of Imperial territory. After sustaining damage in the skirmish, the ship was compelled to withdraw from combat. A defecting Imperial General, carrying top-secret information regarding the Empire's superweapon development programs, was aboard the ship. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, understanding the potentially devastating consequences of this information falling into Republic hands, assigned the mission to the Black Talon, an Imperial Gage-Class transport. Captain Revinal Orzik of the transport was reluctant to accept this assignment. The Black Talon's Captain chose to disobey the orders from the Grand Moff, which led to the latter taking a more forceful approach by placing several Imperial Operatives, who were on their way to the Sith Capital world of Dromund Kaas, on board. They received orders to seize control of the ship and launch an attack on the Brentaal Star, a task they accomplished by fighting their way to the bridge and confronting Captain Orzik. His fate would be in their hands, and his knowledge would help turn the battle. Once the situation with the Captain was resolved, the Black Talon emerged from hyperspace near the Brentaal Star and initiated its attack. The Brentaal Star, still in the process of repairing the damage it had suffered, was prepared for the assault. The transport came under attack and was subsequently boarded by Republic forces accompanied by Jedi. Kilran's operatives, determined to ensure the mission's success, stormed the ship with the objective of capturing the fleeing passenger—a General who had chosen to defect to the Republic.
Prior to the boarding action, the Black Talon received a communication from Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan who was bringing Republic reinforcements to the damaged Republic warship. The operatives advanced through the ship until they encountered the General, who was being guarded by Padawan Yadira Ban, who would die during the battle. The wounded General, along with several remaining Galactic Republic troopers, made their way to the escape pods. The operatives located the General and carried out his execution.