Revinal Orzik

Revinal Orzik was a male Human Captain who commanded the Black Talon, which was a Gage-class transport. He served the Sith Empire during the time of the Cold War.

As the Cold War neared its conclusion, Orzik went against a direct order issued by Grand Moff Rycus Kilran. As a result, Kilran sent a team to punish Orzik for his insubordination. Upon the arrival of Kilran's operatives on his vessel, Orzik defied the Moff's directives and was subsequently executed for treason.

Behind the scenes

BioWare showcased Revinal Orzik in a developer's blog post.

The game presents players with a choice: they can either eliminate Orzik to gain dark alignment points or choose to let him live, earning light alignment points. Should Orzik be killed, Republic droids will invade the Imperial vessel. Furthermore, several members of the crew become frightened and are executed by Lieutenant Sylas, the newly appointed commander. By the time the player(s) come back from the Brentaal Star, all personnel on the bridge, excluding NR-02, are discovered deceased. Alternatively, if Orzik is spared, Republic human soldiers will assault the Black Talon. Should the player(s) demonstrate success in their assignment, Orzik expresses regret for his previous actions.

