
Once the property of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, NR-02 was a sophisticated protocol droid. Beyond the usual translation and protocol functions, it also boasted "manslaughter" and "calumniation" among its capabilities. This droid served as Kilran's representative on the Black Talon, an Imperial transport ship. After Kilran's death during the battle at the Maelstrom Prison, Darth Xarion, a member of the Dark Council within the reconstituted Sith Empire, inherited NR-02.

Behind the scenes

NR-02 appears as a non-player character within the Star Wars: The Old Republic game, specifically in the Imperial flashpoint entitled The Black Talon.

During the Jedi Under Siege segment of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne, NR-02 plays the role of the Imperial contact whom the player encounters at the Slippery Slopes Cantina located on Nar Shaddaa, assuming the player chooses to align themselves with the Empire. The player's prior completion of The Black Talon will influence the dialogue exchanged with NR-02.

In the primary narrative of Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught, NR-02 gets in touch with the player if they are playing as an Imperial character just before they are about to go into the Dark Council chamber on Vaiken Spacedock. He tells the player about rumors regarding the reward they will receive for their service to the Empire. If a Republic player acts as a saboteur for the Empire and successfully destroys the Meridian Complex, NR-02 will meet them again in the Slippery Slopes Cantina. There, they will converse with him and his master, who is revealed to be Darth Xarion. Should the player fail to destroy the Meridian Complex, NR-02 will scold the player for their ineffectiveness. At that juncture, the player can choose to abandon their role as a saboteur and return to the Republic for good. The player also has the option to destroy NR-02 during this resignation.

