A significant engagement occurred in the Maelstrom during the early years of the Galactic War, pitting the forces of the Galactic Republic against those of the Sith Empire. Jedi Master Oteg, who also held the rank of fleet admiral within the Republic Navy and commanded the First Expeditionary Fleet, received intelligence about a powerful Jedi being held captive by the Sith Emperor in a secret prison located within the Maelstrom. Consequently, he assembled an elite squad with the objective of rescuing this Jedi. After acquiring a Gree computer to navigate the Maelstrom's ever-changing regions, the team infiltrated the prison facility to liberate the captive, while Oteg's fleet engaged the defending Imperial forces in orbit.
Meetra Surik's Force ghost contacted Oteg, informing him that the Sith Emperor had kept a Jedi prisoner for three centuries within a clandestine prison in the Maelstrom. Oteg, thinking that this prisoner could be the key to ending the escalating war, gathered a specialized team of Jedi, Republic soldiers, and mercenaries. Their mission: to infiltrate an Imperial fortress on Taral V and retrieve a Gree computer necessary for navigating the Maelstrom.
Oteg's strike team, using a captured Imperial shuttle, successfully breached the fortress. They overcame both the resident Imperial garrison and the jungle creatures that had been subdued and controlled. As they secured the Gree computer, they were confronted via holocommunication by Grand Moff Rycus Kilran, the commander of the Imperial Fifth Fleet and a figure reviled by the Republic as the "Butcher of Coruscant." Kilran ordered his ships to bombard the fortress, aiming to prevent the strike team's escape. The team narrowly escaped back to Oteg's flagship, the Valor-class cruiser Telos, just before Kilran's fleet destroyed the fortress.
With the Gree computer integrated into the Telos's navigation systems, Oteg prepared for the next phase. He rallied his fleet and directed them to set course for the Maelstrom. His ships were to engage the station's defenses, while the strike team from Taral V would board the station and find the Jedi prisoner.
As planned, the strike team boarded the station upon arrival. However, Kilran—renowned as one of the Empire's most astute military minds—had anticipated Oteg's arrival and positioned himself in ambush within the Maelstrom. As the team boarded the prison and breached its defenses, Kilran trapped Oteg's fleet between his own warships and the station's defensive systems. Contacting the strike team in the station's security control room, Kilran boasted that Oteg had overextended himself, adding that Darth Malgus would be pleased with the outcome.
Oteg then contacted the team, knowing that his ships' presence between Kilran's fleet and the station provided the team with the time they needed to complete their mission. The team, recognizing that Oteg's fleet would be destroyed if they remained, advised Oteg to execute a fighting retreat from the system while they continued towards their objective within the station.
After fighting through the station's defenders—including captured beasts, battle droids, Imperial soldiers, and even several Sith—the Republic team reached the station's secure prison cell. There, they encountered Kilran and two bodyguards from his fleet. Kilran was engaged in a holoconference with Darth Malgus, who instructed Kilran to prioritize the Emperor's prisoner over the attackers. Kilran responded that he could handle both issues simultaneously. Kilran engaged the Republic attackers using a customized sniper rifle with exceptional accuracy, but despite his skill, he was ultimately defeated.
Following Kilran's defeat, the strike team approached the holding cell in the prison's core, which contained a single figure adorned in elaborate robes. The team deactivated the cell, causing the figure to collapse. As the Jedi regained his footing, he momentarily panicked, questioning the team's actions. The Force ghost of Meetra Surik, who had revealed the prison's location and assisted the strike team, appeared before him, asserting that his freedom was essential to prevent a catastrophic outcome, and that the Emperor was drowning him in "black waters." The Jedi prisoner revealed himself to be Revan, a Jedi Knight and a celebrated hero of the Mandalorian Wars. After defeating the Mandalorians at Malachor V and discovering the Sith capital of Dromund Kaas, Revan and his friend Malak were corrupted by the Sith Emperor, returning to the Republic as Sith Lords. The newly christened Darth Revan initiated the Jedi Civil War, nearly bringing the Republic to ruin. After losing his memory due to Malak's treachery, Revan was recovered by the Jedi Order, redeemed himself by uniting the Republic, and ultimately destroyed Malak.
Revan recounted that, following the Jedi Civil War, he and his allies had embarked on a mission to locate and eliminate the Sith Emperor on his homeworld of Nathema. However, they were delayed for years on Dromund Kaas, where he eventually confronted the Emperor. Due to betrayal from within, Revan's allies were killed, and Revan himself was captured by the Emperor. He was held in a state of suspended animation, devoid of aging and sensation, through Sith sorcery. Throughout his imprisonment, Revan and the Emperor were mind-linked. The Emperor attempted to force Revan to submit and revert to Darth Revan, while Revan tempered the Emperor's hatred, preventing him from attacking the Republic until the first Great Galactic War, roughly three centuries later. He also convinced the Emperor that peace was in his best interest at the war's conclusion. Now that the link was broken, Revan feared the resumption of war, but Meetra informed him that the peace had already ended.
After escaping the Maelstrom, the heroes reconvened with Revan in the situation room aboard the Telos. Revan was preparing to travel to Tython, the Jedi Order's headquarters, to share the knowledge he had gained during his three centuries of imprisonment with the Jedi High Council. Revan also revealed that he had managed to conceal one piece of information from the Emperor: the location of a space station known as the Foundry, a lost relic of the Rakata Infinite Empire. He bid farewell to his rescuers, urging them to return to the war and use their strength to defend the Republic. Following his meeting with the Council, Revan traveled to the Foundry and began producing extermination droids—based on his earlier creation, the assassin droid HK-47—to destroy the Emperor and his followers. However, Revan was eventually hunted down and defeated by an Imperial strike team dispatched by Darth Malgus, and the Foundry fell under Imperial control despite Revan's efforts.
Kilran's death led to the rise of Grand Moff Ilyan Regus, who had long been overshadowed by Kilran's career and reputation. As the war continued, Regus would oversee the most critical military operation since the Sacking of Coruscant: Operation Dark Ice.
The fate of Master Oteg is influenced by the choice made immediately after the initial holocall from Grand Moff Kilran in the prison's security center. The light side option (considered canon) involves instructing Oteg and his fleet to retreat, allowing him to survive the battle and participate in the debriefing at the end of the "Jedi Prisoner" quest. The dark side option entails instructing Oteg to continue fighting, despite the unfavorable odds. During the debriefing, Revan reveals that Oteg was killed by a direct hit on the Telos's bridge.