Scourge, a male Sith of pureblood lineage, initially functioned as a Sith Lord within the re-established Sith Empire. He later became the Emperor's Wrath, the personal enforcer serving the Sith Emperor. However, he ultimately allied himself with the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython to thwart the Emperor's scheme to obliterate all life in the galaxy. Born several decades prior to the Jedi Civil War – a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire led by Sith Lord Darth Revan – Scourge distinguished himself as a student at the Sith Academy situated on the Imperial capital world of Dromund Kaas. After two years spent serving in the Empire's outer territories, Scourge was summoned back to Dromund Kaas. His mission: to identify the individual responsible for the recent assassination attempts targeting Darth Nyriss of the ruling Dark Council.
During his quest for the truth, Scourge faced both political maneuvering and rivalries. After being manipulated into believing that Darth Xedrix, another Dark Councilor, was the culprit, Scourge killed Xedrix. He then discovered that Nyriss had orchestrated the entire situation as a test of his loyalty. Nyriss then revealed a conspiracy against the Emperor, explaining how the Emperor had stripped the Force from his homeworld of Nathema, resulting in the deaths of millions, all to achieve immortality. Convinced that the Emperor needed to be stopped, Scourge formed an alliance with Jedi Masters Revan and Meetra Surik while plotting to confront the Emperor. However, after experiencing a vision of the future in which another Jedi was destined to defeat the Emperor, Scourge betrayed his allies to ensure his own survival.
Granted immortality and the title of Emperor's Wrath, Scourge served the Emperor faithfully for over three centuries, eliminating enemies and executing his commands. It was not until the outbreak of the Galactic War between the Empire and the Republic that Scourge encountered the Hero of Tython, the Jedi from his vision, and initiated his plan to assist the Jedi. Scourge observed as the Hero was forced to become a servant of the Emperor after a Jedi strike team failed to capture the Sith ruler. However, when the Hero broke free from the Emperor's control, Scourge betrayed the Sith, aiding the Jedi's escape. Pledging allegiance to the Hero, Scourge assisted the Knight and their crew in preventing the Emperor from repeating the dark-side ritual he had used to devastate Nathema, but on a galactic scale. With Scourge's support, the Hero vanquished the Emperor's servants and ultimately defeated the Sith ruler in a final confrontation. Scourge was awarded the Republic's Cross of Glory for his pivotal role in stopping the Emperor's plans.

Scourge, a pureblood Sith, entered the world a number of years before the Jedi Civil War (3959–3956 BBY). This war was a major conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire under the command of the Sith Lord Darth Revan. However, Scourge's birth occurred within the domain of a different Empire – the reconstituted Sith Empire. This Empire had remained hidden in the Unknown Regions for nearly a millennium following the fall of the original Sith Empire in 5000 BBY. During his formative years, Scourge was frequently threatened with frightening tales of the Jedi when he misbehaved. This instilled in him a firm belief that the Jedi Order would readily eradicate the Sith if given the opportunity. Identified as being Force-sensitive in 3964 BBY, Scourge was dispatched to the Imperial capital planet of Dromund Kaas, where he was enrolled as a young acolyte in the Sith Academy. Upon his arrival on Dromund Kaas, the youthful Scourge sensed the potent dark side energy emanating from the Imperial Citadel. This Citadel served as the seat of the Imperial government and the Empire's governing Dark Council, and he vowed to himself that he would one day enter that building. At some point, Scourge developed feelings of love for another individual.
Scourge dedicated eight years to his studies at the Academy, mastering the ways of the Force and demonstrating a natural aptitude for interrogation and torture early in his training. Recognized as one of the most promising students, Scourge was commended for both his Force abilities and his unwavering commitment to Sith philosophy. He drew upon the dark-side power radiating from the Citadel to sustain himself during training. By the time he completed his studies at the Academy, Scourge had become a master of interrogation. However, his hopes of being stationed on the Imperial capital were dashed when he was unexpectedly assigned to the Empire's outer regions to suppress a series of rebellions in 3956 BBY. Scourge suspected that one of his instructors had recommended him for this assignment out of jealousy or spite, but he was unable to substantiate his suspicions. Despite his posting, Scourge cultivated a formidable reputation by crushing the resistance movements and pursuing their leaders, thereby attracting the attention of several influential figures within the Imperial Military.
In 3954 BBY, Scourge was elevated to the rank of Sith Lord and was instructed to return to Dromund Kaas at the personal request of Darth Nyriss, a senior member of the Dark Council. Tasked with uncovering the individual responsible for the recent assassination attempts against Nyriss, Scourge arrived in Kaas City and was greeted by Nyriss's chief aide, Sechel – a Sith pureblood whose limited Force abilities elicited Scourge's immediate contempt. Dismissing Sechel's obsequious attempts to appease him, Scourge ordered the aide to escort him to Nyriss's stronghold, and the two departed through the perpetual rain that plagued Dromund Kaas. However, two mercenaries failed to yield to Scourge, as was expected of the Subjugate caste within the Empire. Only Sechel's frantic efforts to move them aside prevented Scourge from having the two Humans arrested. As Sechel piloted Scourge to Nyriss's compound in a speeder, the Sith Lord grew perplexed as to why Nyriss had not dispatched a full honor guard to receive him. Such a presence would have served as a public declaration that the attempts on her life were being addressed.

Upon reaching Nyriss's stronghold, Scourge was incensed when her head of security, a Human named Murtog, refused to grant him entry until he verified Scourge's identity. Enraged, Scourge used the Force to grip Sechel by the throat and interrogated him about Murtog's impudence. He learned that he had been misinformed – Nyriss had not requested Scourge's presence on Dromund Kaas; rather, the Sith Emperor himself had. Nyriss and her subordinates viewed Scourge's assignment as an intrusion. The Sith Lord was contemplating his new situation when he sensed an approaching speeder and detected a threat through the Force. Drawing his lightsaber, Scourge reached out to the newcomers through the Force. His suspicions were confirmed – they intended to kill him. However, Scourge was forced to leap aside to avoid blasterfire. Using the Force to enhance his speed, Scourge raced across the entrance courtyard of Nyriss's compound to evade the speeder's automated blaster cannon before disabling the weapon by throwing his lightsaber. Avoiding a falling statue that had been damaged by his attackers, Scourge charged the downed speeder, only to recognize the same two mercenaries from earlier. The Sith leaped to avoid the female mercenary's blasterfire and killed the second attacker by cutting him in half, though his attempt to attack the first mercenary resulted in him being struck by several blaster bolts in the shoulder.
Despite this, Scourge channeled the pain to strike the female mercenary with the Force, sending her crashing into one of the courtyard statues. The woman recovered quickly enough to draw an electrorod before Scourge could reach her, and the two began to circle each other as the Sith offered to hire her if she revealed who had arranged the attack. However, the mercenary was abruptly killed by Murtog and several security guards, who had just arrived in the courtyard. Murtog then informed Scourge that Nyriss would now receive him, and the Human led the Sith Lord through Nyriss's stronghold as Scourge ignored the pain from his recent wounds. Disregarding Sechel's continuous commentary on the artwork displayed in the building, Scourge began to consider the reasons behind the attempt on his life. He realized that any number of parties might be responsible – a jealous rival, Sechel, Murtog, or any combination of the three. Scourge's thoughts were interrupted when the group arrived at Nyriss's chambers. The Sith was surprised by the extent to which the dark side had affected the Dark Councilor's physical appearance – her face was particularly sickly and aged, and her form frail after years of immersion in the dark side.
Nyriss informed Scourge that she was impressed with how he had handled the mercenaries. The elder Sith dismissed both Murtog and Sechel after Scourge made it clear that Murtog's killing of the female mercenary had been a mistake – they could have interrogated her for information. Once they were alone, he explained his suspicions as to who had hired the assassins, but Nyriss surprised him by revealing that she had arranged the attack as a test for him. The Dark Councilor then informed her new vassal of a lead that he could follow up on in the investigation of who was trying to kill her – the droid used in the latest attempt had been traced to the Uxiol Droid Manufacturing plant on the planet Hallion. Nyriss wanted Scourge to accompany Sechel to the plant so that Sechel could hack into the facility's computer systems, but the two would not depart for several days. Dismissed from Nyriss's presence, Scourge followed Sechel to his own room in the compound, where he received treatment from a medical droid for his shoulder.
By the time they arrived at Hallion, Scourge had discovered that Sechel's previous persona as a servile aide had been a facade; the man was actually an accomplished former operative of Imperial Intelligence. However, Sechel's mission planning failed to account for the three-meter-high security fence surrounding the Uxiol plant. This oversight only served to exacerbate Scourge's growing sense of unease. Scourge proceeded with the mission nonetheless, leaping over the fence in a single bound and relying on the Force to lift him the additional centimeters needed to avoid the electrified metal. After ensuring that he was not being observed, Scourge headed for the nearby gate to allow Sechel to enter. Eliminating the lone patrol drone guarding the gate, the Sith Lord let Sechel into the compound, and the two infiltrated the plant itself.
However, Sechel was unable to open the door to the records room. A frustrated Scourge destroyed the security panel with his lightsaber, triggering a facility-wide alarm that attracted the attention of more patrol drones. Scourge charged at the first two drones to appear and quickly destroyed them. He then dispatched another drone with a toss of his lightsaber before repeatedly smashing a fourth into the floor with the Force. However, Scourge was then confronted by a three-meter-tall UDM assault droid equipped with two heavy blaster cannons. The Sith Lord was forced to seek cover as it opened fire and charged. Utilizing the manufacturing plant's catwalks, Scourge ascended the room, avoiding further attacks from the assault droid due to the droid's limited range of mobility.
Scourge used this reprieve to eliminate two of the five patrol drones following him by using the Force to cause them to collide, sending both crashing into a nearby vat of molten metal. The Sith then raced along the catwalk until he was above the assault droid and leaped down onto it, cutting into its armor plating with his lightsaber. Tossing himself off the droid, Scourge attacked his opponent from its blind side, inflicting deep cuts with two strikes before it lashed out with one of its legs. This blow fractured several of Scourge's ribs and sent him crashing to the ground. However, he recovered quickly enough to get underneath the droid before it resumed firing, delivering two more strikes to its underside that caused the droid to topple to the ground.
Scourge's satisfaction was short-lived as a swarm of patrol drones entered the room alongside two more assault droids. Although exhausted from his previous fight, the Sith was prepared to fight to the end when the room suddenly went dark. Using his night goggles, Scourge realized that the entire factory had been shut down. He contacted Sechel to inquire about what had happened. The other man reported that he had copied the files they were seeking before shutting down the facility's power grid. However, Sechel warned him that the trivium generators powering the vats had been destabilized. The pair raced out of the building, narrowly avoiding the massive explosion that destroyed the factory just as they passed through the perimeter fence. Injured but able to walk, Scourge and Sechel limped back to their shuttle and departed Hallion, returning to Nyriss's compound on Dromund Kaas.
Over the next week, Scourge's wounds were treated with daily doses of kolto. However, the Sith Lord was angry with himself about how the mission to Hallion had unfolded. Scourge was practicing lightsaber combat in the courtyard when Nyriss's Twi'lek enslaved worker arrived to escort him to Nyriss. As they walked to Nyriss's chambers, he pondered whether Sechel had attempted to kill him in the factory on Hallion. Sechel had not warned Scourge about the trivium generators, and he had assured Scourge that UDM did not possess assault droids, when in fact they did. During his meeting with Nyriss, Scourge was irritated when the elder Sith had him recite the Sith Code and then reprimanded him for his lack of understanding of basic Sith tenets. Nyriss continued her lecture by explaining that Scourge possessed what she described as a "special gift" – the ability to draw strength from living opponents by consuming their emotions, amplifying his powers beyond the normal levels of a Sith. However, as Nyriss explained, Scourge's ability came with a drawback, as he weakened himself by attempting to feed off the emotions of droids in combat.
Thanking Nyriss for her counsel, Scourge listened as the Dark Councilor discussed Sechel's findings on Hallion. Her aide had traced the payment for the custom assassin droid used against her to a Human separatist movement on the planet Bosthirda, a long-standing member world of the Empire. The two discussed the possible reasons behind the attacks on her life and why the separatists would target her instead of the Human Darth Xedrix, who had served on the Council longer than she had. Nyriss then announced that she would be sending Scourge, Sechel, Murtog, and her soldiers to Bosthirda that night to eliminate the separatists and uncover more information. Despite his reservations about Sechel, Scourge bowed to Nyriss and departed the room to prepare. The group headed to Bosthirda within a few hours.

On Bosthirda, the forces of Scourge and Nyriss discovered the location of the separatists' headquarters, a building with two stories, situated in Jerunga, the planet's capital city. They strategically postponed their attack until the setting of Bosthirda's sun, during which Scourge observed the building from the concealment of a nearby alley. As darkness fully enveloped the area, Murtog contacted Scourge via his comlink, communicating that his team had reached their designated positions. Scourge instructed the soldier to hold back until he signaled, intending to first disable the cameras. He then dismissed Sechel's attempts at provocation and commanded Murtog to prevent Sechel from participating in the combat. Subsequently, the Sith Lord stealthily moved around a neighboring structure and ascended a utility ladder to gain access to the roof. From there, he executed a ten-meter leap across the street, landing on the roof of the separatists' building. Upon regaining his balance, Scourge ignited his lightsaber and used telekinesis to neutralize the four security cameras. Following this, he gave the order for Murtog's soldiers to initiate their assault. He waited until they had begun deploying flash-bangs and stun grenades into the building before advancing across the rooftop towards the access hatch leading inside—just before a pair of separatists emerged from it.
Scourge swiftly eliminated the first separatist with a strike from his lightsaber. He then seized the second Human by the collar and forcefully threw him off the roof, drawing strength from the man's fear. Following this, Scourge jumped through the hatch, landing in a large room on the second floor, where he found himself amidst twenty unprepared separatists. The Sith Lord then began to slaughter the Humans, wielding his lightsaber and using the Force to hurl bodies against the walls. Reveling in the terror and disarray of his adversaries, Scourge cut down the only two women who dared to fight back. Both Scourge's and the soldiers' engagements concluded within a matter of minutes. However, when the Sith Lord instructed Murtog to bring Sechel to him, he was enraged to discover that the two had already entered the building, defying his explicit orders. Upon locating them in the building's command center, Scourge voiced his fury towards Sechel and Murtog. Sechel, amused, explained that he had entered the building to ensure the retrieval of information from the separatists' computers before they could erase anything. Scourge decided to postpone the issue to examine Sechel's discoveries. The three were surprised to find a partial recording of a communication between the separatists and the Dark Councilor Darth Xedrix. Scourge then directed Murtog and his soldiers to load all of the computer terminals so that Sechel could achieve more comprehensive results back on Dromund Kaas. Shortly after, the team departed for the Imperial capital.
Upon their return to the palace, Scourge, Sechel, and Murtog were met by Nyriss's Twi'lek slave, who overruled Scourge's attempt to have Sechel begin working on the datafiles. Instead, the slave informed the Sith Lord that Nyriss requested their presence. However, as the trio began to discuss Xedrix's treachery with the Dark Councilor, Scourge felt confident enough in his analysis to express his opinion that Xedrix's betrayal seemed questionable. Nyriss assured him that Xedrix had ample reason to betray the Emperor and the Dark Council, but Scourge was disturbed to learn that she had no intention of reporting Xedrix's treachery to the Emperor. Nyriss then suggested that Scourge himself assassinate Xedrix. Sensing Scourge's hesitation, she dismissed Sechel and Murtog to speak with him in private. The Dark Councilor then detailed how Xedrix's age and frailty presented vulnerabilities that Scourge could exploit. The younger Sith gradually resolved to accept Nyriss's proposition to test his abilities and elevate his standing.
Sechel arranged a meeting with Xedrix by impersonating the separatist leaders, and Scourge traveled to the cave designated for the meeting. After waiting for almost an hour, Xedrix finally arrived, accompanied by two Sith acolytes. As Xedrix passed Scourge's hiding place, the Sith pureblood attacked the elder Human. Scourge discovered that he could not draw upon Xedrix's emotions because the Dark Councilor maintained tight control over them. Channeling his own emotions to amplify his strength, Scourge prepared to battle Xedrix and his acolytes. However, he was surprised when Xedrix retreated and allowed his subordinates to fight alone. Scourge drew more power from his opponents as he engaged the two Sith. Early in the fight, Scourge noticed that the female acolyte held affection for the male acolyte. He transitioned from the defensive Soresu lightsaber form to the agile and offensive Ataru form, then began to exploit the woman's protectiveness. This strategy quickly led to the woman's demise, and Scourge then eliminated his second opponent with a throw of his lightsaber.
Scourge then turned to face Xedrix, exchanging taunts with the elder Sith before realizing that Xedrix was building up a massive surge of Force lightning. Scourge was unable to fully block the attack, which severely injured him and sent him crashing to the ground. Xedrix gloated about Nyriss's manipulation of Scourge as the younger Sith struggled to rise. Scourge soon realized that the Dark Councilor had expended all of his power in that single attack. Advancing, Scourge scoffed in contempt as Xedrix began to plead for his life. He then sliced the Dark Lord from shoulder to hip with a single strike before decapitating Xedrix to retain his head as proof for Nyriss. However, Scourge sensed the truth in Xedrix's words about Nyriss and resolved to confront Sechel to uncover the truth.
Upon returning to Nyriss's estate, Scourge proceeded to stealthily enter Sechel's room and covered the aide's mouth with his hand. He began to interrogate Sechel, severing the man's facial tendrils when he refused to answer Scourge's questions. Sechel revealed that Xedrix was not behind the assassination attempts and that Nyriss herself had hired the assassins—but further questioning was interrupted when Nyriss herself entered the room. Taking Scourge to her chambers, Nyriss promised to answer his questions but first inquired about his loyalty to the Empire—and then informed him that the Emperor himself was disloyal to the Empire. According to Nyriss, the Emperor intended to initiate another war with the Republic. She revealed that she and Xedrix had been part of a conspiracy to overthrow the Emperor. The assassination attempts against herself were intended to divert suspicion from the conspiracy, and Xedrix had been sacrificed to distance the group from the separatist movement and maintain the alliance's secrecy. The Dark Councilor then explained that she was revealing all of this to Scourge so that he could join their cause—though if he refused, he would be implicated in the conspiracy and thus unable to expose its existence. To ensure Scourge's genuine belief in their cause, Nyriss announced that she would take him to Nathema, the Emperor's homeworld, so that he could witness the Emperor's crimes firsthand.

One week later, Scourge and Nyriss boarded a private shuttle and departed Dromund Kaas for the isolated planet of Nathema. During their voyage, Nyriss recounted the Emperor's history to Scourge: how the Emperor had been born in 5113 BBY as Tenebrae, the illegitimate offspring of Lord Dramath of the planet Medriaas, and how he had murdered his mother and adoptive father at the age of six. Tenebrae conquered Medriaas's northern continent over the next four years before assassinating Dramath. Shortly afterward, he was summoned before the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, Marka Ragnos. Ragnos proclaimed Tenebrae as Lord Vitiate, ruler of Medriaas, and Vitiate promptly renamed his world Nathema. A century later, as the first Empire crumbled in the wake of the Great Hyperspace War, Vitiate persuaded thousands of Sith Lords to join him in a ritual of Sith magic on Nathema. However, the ritual had drained the Force itself from Nathema, killing every living being on the planet and rendering Vitiate immortal.
Scourge was doubtful of the veracity of Nyriss's narrative, but the Dark Councilor assured him that he would witness the truth for himself upon their arrival on Nathema. When they finally arrived in the Nathema system, Scourge realized that the star system was devoid of the Force—and the unsettling sensation intensified as they approached the planet. On the surface, Scourge was horrified by the overwhelming sense of death that enveloped them. He came to fully comprehend why Nyriss and her fellow Councilors had resolved to oppose the Emperor—if the Sith ruler achieved his goals, all life would be extinguished, and the galaxy itself would be erased from existence. Scourge fought back the urge to vomit as they ascended from Nathema, but as his ability to sense the Force returned, both he and Nyriss became aware of a powerful presence in the Force. Locating a newly arrived ship, Nyriss fired the shuttle's ion cannon at the light freighter, causing it to crash onto Nathema's surface.
Returning to Nathema's surface, the two Sith scanned the crashed freighter. Nyriss dispatched Scourge to search the interior of the ship after detecting a life-form. Scourge discovered an unconscious man, approximately forty years old, wearing brown robes in the cockpit. He was astonished to see that the man carried a lightsaber. Taking the weapon, Scourge carried the man out of the wrecked ship and presented him to Nyriss, who recognized him as Revan—a Jedi Master. Revan and his companion Malak had discovered Dromund Kaas five years prior, but they had been captured and supposedly executed by the Emperor. Scourge and Nyriss realized that the Emperor must have released them for some reason, likely under his mental control. The Dark Councilor decided that they would take Revan back to her stronghold for interrogation.

Scourge and Nyriss imprisoned Revan in one of the cells beneath Nyriss's fortress. Scourge was assigned to oversee his interrogation when the man regained consciousness. Nyriss was surprised to learn that Revan's memory had been erased since his last presence on Dromund Kaas. Scourge employed an interrogation droid to assist him over the next four hours before Nyriss ordered him to take a break. When questioned about how much longer it would take to break Revan, Scourge admitted that it would be futile—Revan lacked the information they sought. Nevertheless, Nyriss instructed Scourge to continue his interrogation of Revan, as she sought to understand how the Jedi had broken free from the Emperor's mental control so that she could break the Emperor's control over his servants, such as the Emperor's Hand and the Imperial Guard.
Over the next three years, Scourge continued to question Revan, learning that the Jedi High Council had wiped Revan's mind and that he had come to Nathema to recover his lost memories. Nyriss had lost interest in Revan after six months, but Scourge had gradually become obsessed with the Jedi prisoner—Revan's incredible strength in the Force was palpable even though he was constantly drugged, and his unique perspective on the Force, having utilized both the light and the dark sides, made Scourge eager to learn from the Jedi. Over the years, Scourge used his expertise at interrogation to take advantage of Revan's isolation, gradually building a relationship with his prisoner and learning bits and pieces of Revan's knowledge of the Force. Revan manipulated Scourge in return, and upon learning that Scourge and Nyriss wanted to overthrow the Emperor, the Jedi had gradually worked to build trust with his captor. Scourge was also sent on missions for Nyriss, and the Dark Councilor had quickly realized not to send Scourge and Sechel on assignments together, as they would likely kill each other.
In 3950 BBY, Scourge was making yet another visit to Revan, for whom he had developed a great deal of respect, when he confessed to the Jedi that he was frustrated with Nyriss's refusal to act against the Emperor. During their conversation, Revan implied that he might be an ally against the Emperor, but his clumsy attempt was too obvious to Scourge, and the Sith Lord laughed openly at the suggestion. However, Scourge was interested when Revan claimed to have witnessed a vision that he would be freed soon, and Scourge's curiosity was only heightened by Revan's cryptic warnings. Curious but irritated, Scourge departed from the prison cell.
Revan's words continued to linger in Scourge's mind almost a week later. He was contemplating Revan's proposition of an alliance in his quarters when Sechel knocked on the door. Preventing the other Sith pureblood from entering his quarters, Scourge listened as Sechel informed him that he had encountered a Human woman earlier in the Nexus Room cantina. The woman possessed a hologram of Scourge and was searching for the Sith Lord. When Sechel hesitated to enter Scourge's quarters to discuss the matter further, Scourge briefly constricted Sechel's throat with the Force to encourage him to finish his story. The woman desired to meet Scourge in person, but Sechel suggested that Scourge bring Murtog and his soldiers along to the meeting. Realizing that Sechel had cornered him—he could not decline the meeting, as he had to deal with the woman in case she was a threat—Scourge accepted Sechel's suggestion and instructed him to arrange the meeting.

At the cave that was the arranged meeting place, Murtog and three soldiers attempted to capture the woman and her utility droid as Scourge waited in the back of the cave, but the woman—actually a Jedi named Meetra Surik—quickly killed the four soldiers while Scourge watched in silence. When Surik began to cautiously approach him, Scourge realized that Revan had been truthful about his impending freedom. He explained that Revan had foretold her arrival. Surik demanded that Scourge reveal Revan's captivity location, but Scourge countered by offering to escort her and her droid to see Revan. However, the woman refused, believing the offer to be a trap, forcing Scourge to explain that he wished to collaborate with Revan and the Jedi against the Emperor. Upon learning that the Jedi woman had visited Nathema, Scourge informed her of the planet's history, and he promised to return with proof of his story the next day.
Returning to Kaas City in his speeder, Scourge immediately began to strategize how to ensure Sechel's silence. Locating the aide at the Nexus Room, Scourge sent a young slave to inform Sechel that Murtog wanted to meet with him. He then concealed himself in a nearby alleyway until Sechel departed from the cantina. Scourge followed Sechel for several blocks until they reached a small apartment building. The Sith Lord then forced his way into the building to continue pursuing Sechel. Upon finding Sechel in one of the upper suites, Scourge struck Sechel in his windpipe before he could make a sound and warned the man to remain silent. After confirming that Nyriss remained unaware of the meeting between Scourge and the Jedi, and that Scourge had approximately three days before the Dark Councilor realized Murtog was dead, Scourge demanded Sechel's files on the conspirators. Once Sechel had retrieved a set of data disks from a wall-mounted safe, Scourge broke Sechel's neck with his bare hands.
Returning to the cave where Surik was waiting, Scourge gave the files to her droid, T3-M4, to demonstrate his sincerity. He then promised to return in another three hours. When he finally returned, Surik informed Scourge that she believed him, but the Sith Lord announced that he would be unable to free Revan with only Surik's help. However, Scourge had a plan: He was going to enlist the aid of the Emperor himself by revealing the conspiracy. Traveling to the Imperial Citadel, Scourge demanded an audience with the Emperor from the two members of the Imperial Guard who stood at the Citadel's entrance, claiming that he possessed information on a threat to the Emperor himself. Captain Yarri of the Guard escorted Scourge into the depths of the Citadel, though he almost started a brawl with some of the Guard when Yarri denied his request for an audience with the Emperor. The Sith Lord finally convinced Yarri to take him to the Emperor, and though she warned him that he would pay with his life if the information was not worth the disturbance, she brought him to the Sith ruler's throne room.
The Guardsmen's apparent lack of concern over allowing an armed Sith Lord to speak with the Emperor alone unnerved Scourge, as their evident trust in the Emperor's immense power sparked doubt in his mind as to whether they could truly defeat the Sith ruler. Steeling himself, Scourge entered the throne room and approached the Emperor's throne. As the Emperor rose to his feet, the doors swung shut behind Scourge, and the Sith Lord dropped to one knee upon reaching the foot of the throne's dais. Finding his voice, Scourge gave the Emperor a brief summary of his service to Darth Nyriss over the last few years. The Emperor's voice gave Scourge further pause, as it seemed to be composed of a great number of voices speaking in harmony, but Scourge continued and delivered an altered version of recent events: that Scourge had killed Sechel because he had been allied with the separatists.

However, the Emperor made it clear to Scourge that such a story was beneath his concern, forcing Scourge to come to the point quickly. Handing over Sechel's data disks—which had been altered to remove evidence of his involvement—he informed the Emperor of Nyriss's conspiracy. Though the Emperor did not visibly react, the air around him seemed to grow cold, and the Emperor briefly questioned Scourge further before telepathically summoning Yarri and a Sith to take the disks from Scourge. When the Emperor ordered Yarri to take Scourge into custody, Scourge quickly told the Sith ruler that Nyriss was expecting his return. Though the Emperor allowed him to leave, he briefly touched Scourge's mind with his own consciousness, and Scourge collapsed in agony at the mental contact. Scourge recovered only moments later, and Yarri escorted him out of the Citadel, informing him that the Imperial Guard would purge the traitors on the Dark Council if Scourge's information was correct. Yarri promised that the Guard would be ordered not to harm Scourge but warned the Sith Lord to stay out of the way just to be safe.
A day later, Scourge, Surik, and T3-M4 made their move to free Revan. With Surik posing as Scourge's newly purchased slave and T3-M4 as his droid, the trio entered Nyriss's stronghold without incident—though a guard informed Scourge that Nyriss was searching for Murtog and Sechel. Concerned, Scourge informed Surik that he would likely have to meet with Nyriss to allay her suspicions, but the Jedi refused to let him out of her sight. The two had begun to argue about Surik's suggestion that they free Revan immediately when the entire fortress was rocked by an explosion. Realizing the Imperial Guard had begun its attack, the trio raced to the dungeons amidst the battle, though Scourge pulled Surik out of the way when they encountered a group of attacking Guardsmen. True to Yarri's word, the Guard ignored Scourge and his companions, and the two soon reached the dungeons.

However, Scourge's passcode did not work, as the system was in emergency lockdown, and he ordered T3-M4 to slice into the door as quickly as possible because he believed that Revan's guards had been ordered to execute him. Yet the Jedi had convinced his guards to surrender, and Scourge and Surik encountered no opposition upon entering the dungeons. Scourge was astonished to learn that Revan had promised to protect his guards, but when the Jedi nearly collapsed on account of the drugs in his system, Scourge set aside his disbelief and retrieved the antidote for Revan. Revan collapsed into unconsciousness when Surik returned Revan's mask to him, as it caused his memories to return and overwhelm him.
Scourge and Surik had little time to worry, however, when T3-M4 detected someone approaching. At Scourge's orders, Revan's guards retrieved their weapons and scouted the stairway, but the two were killed by a blast of Force lightning when Nyriss herself descended into the dungeons. The furious Dark Councilor laughed when Surik emerged from Revan's cell with her lightsaber drawn to stand with Scourge, and Nyriss unleashed another blast of lightning that Surik and Scourge dodged before she drew her own lightsaber and leaped into battle with them. Nyriss proved more than a match for her opponents, and after their bout ended with her throwing the two across the room with the power of the Force, Nyriss approached her fallen enemies and prepared to unleash a storm of lightning that would kill them.
At that moment, Revan emerged from his cell, intercepting Nyriss's lightning with his bare hands before he redirected it against her and incinerated the Sith. Astonished by Revan's immense power, Scourge became confident in his choice to ally with the Jedi against the Emperor, and he handed Revan his lightsaber before the four of them raced out of Nyriss's crumbling fortress to Scourge's waiting landspeeder. The group fled back to the same cave where Scourge and Surik had first met, and Scourge dropped off the two Jedi and T3-M4 before he returned to Kaas City to learn more about the Emperor's attack against the conspirators.
In Kaas City, Scourge was surprised to learn that not only Nyriss, but all twelve members of the Council—including the seven Councilors who had not been part of the conspiracy—had been killed. The Emperor had summoned nine of the Councilors to the Citadel, excluding Nyriss and the two traitors whom he had believed would not respond to his summons, and killed them mere hours before he sent the Imperial Guard to assault the estates of the other three Councilors. Riots had broken out across the city, causing the Emperor to declare martial law and a curfew that was enforced by the Imperial Guard. The Emperor had also effectively quarantined the planet, forbidding any ships to land on or depart from Dromund Kaas and also shutting down all off-world communications.

A few hours later, when Scourge made his way back to their refuge, he discovered Revan and Surik engrossed in a holographic projection of a Human woman and her child. T3-M4 quickly deactivated the recording as Scourge drew near. Intrigued, Scourge inquired about their identities, only to be taken aback upon learning they were Revan's wife and son. However, Scourge swiftly acknowledged the boundaries of their alliance, recognizing that he and Revan were not true friends. He decided to drop the subject before divulging his own discoveries. Revan, in turn, shared his own revelations, explaining how, while examining his restored memories, he had learned that an Imperial Guard member had deceived him and Malak into a snare. In this trap, the Emperor had broken their spirits, transforming them into mere puppets. They had been dispatched as Sith Lords to spearhead the Emperor's campaign against the Republic, with orders to report back after securing victory. Yet, Revan and Malak had defied the Emperor's control, instead seeking power for their own ambitions.
Upon realizing Surik's suspicion of his potential betrayal, Scourge reassured his companions that his exposure to the Emperor's mind and the devastation of Nathema had solidified his conviction that the Emperor must be stopped. When Surik displayed a look of horror during their discussion, Scourge misinterpreted her expression as doubt. Surik clarified her true concern: with the planetary quarantine, the Emperor might be contemplating replicating the Nathema ritual on Dromund Kaas. Revan, however, disagreed, arguing that Dromund Kaas held too much strategic importance for the Emperor to risk such a ritual there. Scourge then suggested launching an assault on the Emperor at dawn, exploiting the Imperial Guard's stretched resources due to curfew enforcement. The trio then settled down, attempting to find some sleep.
Scourge found himself unable to meditate in the manner of his Jedi companions, though he made an effort to center himself and open his mind to the Force, as Revan had previously described. These attempts triggered a vision of their impending battle, depicting their defeat at the Emperor's feet. The vision culminated with the Emperor placing his hand on Scourge's forehead, causing him to scream in agony and terror. Jolted back to reality, Scourge contemplated the vision's implications and ultimately resolved to seek answers from Revan. Approaching the Jedi Master, who was again observing the hologram of his family, Scourge began to probe the nature of Force visions. He was surprised to discover that Revan's earlier "vision" of Surik had been a fabrication. Revan conceded that he did have a vision of Surik shortly after, and Scourge continued to question Revan about the future and the Force, all while concealing his own vision from the Jedi.
Their conversation soon shifted to the light and dark aspects of the Force, and Scourge was incensed to learn that Revan had entertained the possibility of their failure. Nevertheless, the Jedi maintained that even in failure, their efforts would impede the Emperor's plans. Revan then expressed his belief that the Force would summon another champion to thwart the Emperor if they were to fail. A bewildered Scourge spent the following hours grappling with the meaning of his vision as he awaited the arrival of dawn.
At sunrise, Scourge, accompanied by the two Jedi and T3-M4, departed from their cave dwelling. In silence, the four traveled via Scourge's speeder through the light rain toward Kaas City. Surik had entered a state she termed a warrior's trance, while Revan was lost in contemplation of his past. Scourge brought the speeder to a halt on the outskirts of the city, and the group stealthily navigated past the Imperial Guardsmen patrolling the streets, making their way to the Imperial Citadel. Cautioning his companions to allow him to do the talking, Scourge led them up the steps to the entrance of the Emperor's wing of the building. However, they were abruptly confronted by a group of Guardsmen, who demanded their surrender for violating the curfew. Scourge insisted on an audience with the Emperor, and one of the Guardsmen reluctantly permitted them entry into the Citadel but summoned Captain Yarri to meet them at the throne room.
Upon reaching the throne room, however, the captain was nowhere to be found. Scourge demanded that the Guardsmen grant them access. Before they could comply, Yarri arrived and ordered Scourge's companions to distance themselves from the entrance. As Revan turned to face Yarri, she recognized him as the same Guard who had lured him and Malak into a trap years prior. The hallway then erupted into a fierce battle. While Revan, Surik, and T3-M4 engaged the Guardsmen, Scourge ignited his lightsaber and clashed with Yarri. The woman quickly realized her disadvantage and adopted a defensive posture, attempting to hold off Scourge until another Guard joined her in the fight. This forced Scourge to defend himself against two assailants as he retreated into the throne room after Revan forced open the doors.

Scourge's concentration was briefly disrupted by thoughts of his vision when he noticed that Revan had not come to his and Surik's assistance. This allowed Yarri to strike his right shoulder with her electrostaff, forcing him to switch his blade to his left hand. Once all four allies were inside the throne room, T3-M4 began sealing the doors with a powerful adhesive used for repairing starships. Meanwhile, Scourge and Surik battled Yarri and the three remaining Guardsmen. Drawing upon the dark side, Scourge swiftly overwhelmed and defeated his opponents before responding to Surik's call for aid to Revan, who was losing his battle against the Emperor. The Emperor's barrage of lightning had overwhelmed the Jedi, and T3-M4 had been destroyed by the Sith. Surik hurled her lightsaber, dislodging Revan's weapon from the Emperor's grasp and preventing him from killing Revan. However, Scourge realized that had she aimed for the Emperor, she could have killed the Sith at the cost of her friend's life.
As the Sith Lord joined Surik beside a recovered Revan, the Emperor expressed his disappointment with Scourge. Scourge's mind became flooded with countless possible futures as Revan addressed their adversary. Overwhelmed and unable to determine the correct course of action, Scourge experienced a moment of clarity in which he envisioned a powerful young Jedi standing triumphant over a defeated Emperor—but it was neither Revan nor Surik. Understanding what he needed to do, Scourge moved behind Surik and plunged his weapon between her shoulders. A stunned Revan quickly succumbed to the Emperor's lightning, and Scourge knelt before the Emperor. When questioned, Scourge fabricated a story, claiming that he had lured the two Jedi into a confrontation with the Emperor, as he had been unable to defeat them alone. He had killed Surik to demonstrate his loyalty. At the Emperor's command, Scourge removed Revan's helmet and prepared to kill the unconscious Jedi, but the Emperor halted Scourge's blade before he could carry out the act, informing the Sith Lord that the Jedi could still be of use. Bowing low, Scourge reaffirmed his loyalty to the Emperor before departing.
In the days that followed, the Emperor rewarded Scourge by bestowing upon him the newly created title of the Emperor's Wrath, designating him as the Emperor's personal enforcer and executioner. Furthermore, the Emperor subjected Scourge to a scientific and alchemical adaptation of the immortality ritual, rendering him immortal as well. However, this gift of immortality came at a steep price. Scourge would endure constant and excruciating pain for the remainder of his existence, eventually developing immunity to the pain, sacrificing his emotions, senses, and humanity in exchange for power and eternal life.
For the next three centuries, Scourge faithfully served the Emperor, unleashing the Emperor's wrath upon his enemies in his role as the Wrath. Throughout his career, Scourge eliminated hundreds of ambitious Sith. In the decades leading up to the Empire's return to the broader galaxy in 3681 BBY, the Wrath was tasked with eliminating Jedi whom the Emperor deemed to be growing too powerful. Even the members of the Dark Council speculated about how Scourge had managed to survive far beyond his natural lifespan. Some lesser Sith even entertained the notion that "Scourge" was merely a title, suggesting that the role of the Emperor's Wrath had been filled over the centuries by numerous individuals who had undergone surgical alterations to resemble the original Scourge. However, the members of the Dark Council were well aware that he was the same individual, and even the most powerful among them avoided offending him for fear of losing their lives.
During the Great Galactic War between the Empire and the Republic from 3681–3653 BBY, the number of Jedi and Sith slain by the Emperor's Wrath continued to increase. Scourge found amusement in the fact that Dark Councilor Darth Vowrawn had begun studying him in an attempt to discover how to neutralize the Wrath should the need ever arise. Scourge derived a vindictive pleasure from feeding Vowrawn cryptic hints over the years, which only served to further obscure Vowrawn's understanding of his motives. By the time the Galactic War with the Republic had erupted in 3641 BBY, Scourge had encountered the pureblood Sith Praven, the apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Angral. Scourge also had dealings with the renowned Sith sorcerer Lord Fulminiss and the non–Force-sensitive pureblood Sith Krannus, who led a death cult within the Imperial Military that venerated the Emperor and included officers such as Colonel Hareth and Rayfel.
Around 3642 BBY, the Empire invaded the resource-rich planet Quesh as part of its strategy to draw the Republic into full-scale war. However, an Imperial officer identified a Jedi Padawan assigned to a Republic research facility as Darth Sajar, a former Dark Councilor who had been converted to the light side of the Force during the Great Galactic War by his Jedi Master, Tol Braga. Upon learning this, the Emperor dispatched his Wrath to eliminate the traitor Sajar, whose internal struggle with the dark side prevented him from effectively defending the facility alongside the Republic's 86th Infantry Division. However, upon Scourge's arrival, he discovered that the facility's defenders had repelled the Imperial forces with the assistance of a young Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython. Scourge approached the facility's entrance just as the Hero and Lieutenant Gundo of the 86th Infantry activated ray shields, and he was surprised to recognize the young Jedi as the Knight from his vision three centuries prior. Reflecting on the enigmatic nature of the Force, Scourge realized that the fulfillment of his vision was imminent. He informed the Hero that the Jedi could keep Sajar before departing.

Upon returning to the Emperor, Scourge informed his master that he had encountered the same Knight whom the Emperor had learned of months earlier during the recent conflict between Darth Angral and the Republic. The Hero had aided Kira Carsen, a former Child of the Emperor—an extension of the Emperor's will—in breaking free from the Emperor's control. The Emperor feared what the Hero's future held for his plans. Days later, the Hero and the rest of a strike team led by Tol Braga boarded the Emperor's Fortress above Dromund Kaas. Scourge was present on the space station at the time, guarding the Emperor in his throne room as five Jedi—Braga, Warren Sedoru, Leeha Narezz, the Hero of Tython, and the latter's former apprentice, Carsen—fought their way to the chamber. The Hero and Carsen were the first to arrive in the throne room, and the Wrath ignited his lightsaber, blocking their path. Falsely informing the two Jedi that their companions had perished, Scourge engaged them in a duel.
As they battled back and forth across the chamber, with the Emperor watching impassively from his throne, Scourge was eventually forced into defeat by the powerful young Jedi and fell to his knees just as Braga, Sedoru, and Narezz reached the throne room. Braga's arrival prompted the Emperor to descend from his throne and mock the Jedi Master for his arrogance. As the Emperor unleashed a torrent of Force lightning at the five Jedi, Scourge moved away from the Jedi, the Emperor carefully directing his attacks to avoid striking his Wrath. The Sith Lord observed as the Emperor sent his opponents crashing to the floor with a final blast of lightning. Proclaiming the Jedi to be his servants and slaves, the Emperor dominated their minds and twisted them to the dark side of the Force.
Corrupted by the dark side and now designated as Dark Jedi, the captives were placed in kolto tanks to heal their injuries. Scourge visited the Hero at least once to observe the young Jedi. Once the Hero had recovered, Scourge took the Dark Jedi to Overseer Chaskar, who served as the Hero's instructor in the ways of the dark side for several months. The Emperor soon relocated the other strike team members, but he kept the Hero aboard his personal fortress for training. Scourge frequently observed the Hero's training sessions, but it was only after the Hero broke free of the Emperor's mental control that the Wrath became convinced that the Hero was the Jedi he had foreseen—the one capable of defeating the Emperor. The Hero's liberation came at a crucial time, as Scourge had recently learned that the Emperor's agents were preparing to commit genocide on the newly discovered Republic prison world of Belsavis in order to initiate the Emperor's ritual. Seeking to curry favor with his future ally, Scourge sought out the Hero's non-Jedi companions, who had been held in the station's hangars since their capture following the failed mission to eliminate the Emperor.
Scourge effortlessly dispatched the guards in the hangar before freeing the Jedi's companions: the astromech droid T7-O1, the Chagrian soldier Fideltin Rusk, and the medic Doc. Scourge had just freed the three when the Hero and the recently liberated Carsen arrived in the hangar. The Hero immediately ordered the Sith Lord to retreat. Ignoring the threats, Scourge calmly informed the Hero that they should depart on the Jedi's ship before they were discovered. He revealed that he had been waiting centuries for the arrival of the young Jedi. To prove his sincerity, Scourge knelt before the Knight and pledged his loyalty, declaring that the Hero and Carsen were special and that only a select few had ever broken free of the Emperor's control before. At Scourge's urging, the Hero agreed to take the former Emperor's Wrath to the Jedi homeworld of Tython to consult with the Jedi Council. The six then boarded the ship and departed from the station.

Upon arriving on Tython, Scourge was immediately brought before the few members of the Jedi Council who were present on the planet: Masters Bela Kiwiiks and Jaric Kaedan and Grand Master Satele Shan. As promised, Scourge recounted both his vision and the Emperor's plans to destroy the galaxy, explaining how the Emperor intended to replicate the same ritual he had performed on Nathema, but on a galactic scale, in order to ascend to godhood. Informing the Jedi that the ritual required the sacrifice of billions of lives to initiate, Scourge relayed his findings regarding the Emperor's plans for Belsavis. However, his inclusion of himself in the Jedi's plans drew the ire of Kaedan, who ignited his lightsaber and prepared to kill the Sith before the Hero intervened. Despite her reservations, Shan concurred with Scourge and the Hero that the Sith Lord's assistance was necessary, and she instructed the two to travel with their companions to Belsavis.
With Scourge as an uneasy ally, the Hero and crew journeyed to Belsavis. Upon arrival, the Sith Lord met with the Hero in the ship's main conference room to speak with Shan. The Grand Master informed the two that the Empire had just launched an attack on the prison world and that her agent on the surface—a Jedi named Enna Tabord—had determined that Executor Krannus had recently arrived on Belsavis. Scourge immediately deduced that the fanatically loyal Krannus was acting on the Emperor's orders. The Hero and crew then landed on the surface. The Hero and a companion were able to foil Krannus's forces and prevent him from detonating the planet's hyperspace power core, ensuring that Belsavis would not be used to initiate the Emperor's ritual.
Scourge, the Hero, and the rest of their group were then dispatched to the Korriban's Flame space station, where a Jedi Knight named Jomar Chul had disappeared while investigating rumors of a meeting between Sith Lords on the Emperor's orders. Scourge bluffed the station's personnel into believing that their ship was carrying Grand Moff Resh, allowing the group to land on the station without incident. On the station, the Jedi discovered that the entire affair was a trap set by a corrupted Leeha Narezz. However, the Hero defeated Narezz and broke the Emperor's hold over her.
From Narezz and Chul, the Jedi learned that Lord Fulminiss had been sent to the planet Voss, and the group immediately set course to follow. In conference with Shan and the Hero, Scourge explained that Fulminiss was a powerful Sith sorcerer with years of experience in twisting life with the power of the dark side. The Hero pursued Fulminiss across Voss's surface and defeated him, preventing him from releasing the malevolent entity known as Sel-Makor and spreading a plague of madness across the planet. Shan next sent Scourge and crew to defeat the fallen Jedi Master Warren Sedoru after he captured the Republic cruiser Valiant. Sedoru revealed to the group that Braga, now under the Emperor's control, had been sent to the embattled planet Corellia to ensure that the Emperor's genocidal plans were carried out.
In light of the revelation about Braga's involvement on Corellia, the Hero was appointed Supreme Commander of all Jedi forces in the Battle of Corellia. Scourge and the rest of the Jedi's crew accompanied the Hero as the group joined forces with General Var Suthra of the Republic Military to combat the Sith and Imperials under Braga's command across Corellia's capital of Coronet City. In a final battle with Braga above the city's government district, the Hero defeated and redeemed the Jedi Master and also learned of the Emperor's location on Dromund Kaas. When the group contacted Shan, she decided to launch an all-out assault on Dromund Kaas with the Republic Navy so that the Hero could engage the Emperor in a final confrontation.

Once the Republic Navy commenced its attack, Scourge utilized his knowledge of Dromund Kaas' defense network to assist the Hero and Carsen in flying their ship to the surface. They landed on the outskirts of Kaas City and convened in the ship's secondary conference room. After examining the coordinates provided by Braga, Scourge determined that the Emperor was located deep within the jungle at the ancient structure known as the Dark Temple. He recommended that they acquire one of the Emperor's private shuttles to gain access to the highly restricted location. On Sergeant Rusk's suggestion, the six companions split into pairs. While the Hero and T7-O1 made their way through the city to the shuttle, Scourge, Rusk, Doc, and Carsen broke into pairs and traveled through the city separately. As the city was under military lockdown, Scourge and his companion fought their way to the shuttlepad, arriving just as the other four reached it.
Scourge informed the Hero that none of them could accompany the Knight into battle with the Emperor, fearing they would fall under the Emperor's influence. However, T7-O1 volunteered to go, citing the Emperor's inability to influence droids. The Sith Lord then proceeded to fly the six of them to the Dark Temple. He, Rusk, Carsen, and Doc exited the shuttle before the Hero and T7-O1 to engage the Temple's defenders. As the four battled the Imperial Guard, Sith acolytes, and guard droids, the Hero and T7-O1 fought through the Temple's defenders and engaged the Emperor in combat in the depths of the Dark Temple. The Jedi emerged victorious from the battle and contacted Scourge to report that the Emperor had been defeated. However, as he had not sensed the Emperor's death, Scourge correctly surmised that the Sith ruler was not truly defeated. He urged the Hero to deliver the final blow. Before the Knight could act, the Emperor proclaimed that the Hero would die with him, and his dying energies began to cause the Dark Temple to collapse.

Believing the Emperor to be dead, Scourge, the Hero, and their companions raced out of the collapsing structure and back to the Emperor's shuttle, which they used to return to Kaas City and their waiting vessel. Upon contacting the Grand Master and reporting the success of the mission, the group was ordered to rendezvous with the Valiant in the Core Worlds. There, Scourge, Carsen, and the Hero followed their other companions into the Valiant's main hangar. Dozens of people had gathered to celebrate the Hero's victory. Scourge reluctantly followed his Jedi companions to the far end of the hangar, where Admiral Dabrin, Grand Master Shan, and the Hero's other companions were waiting. In the ceremony that followed, Shan conferred upon the Hero the rank of Jedi Master, and Dabrin awarded all six of them—including Scourge—the Cross of Glory, the Republic's highest honor. Unable to return to the Sith but unwilling to join the Jedi, Scourge remained a wary ally of the Hero as the Jedi Master traveled the galaxy amidst the war between the Republic and the Empire.

Following the Emperor's downfall, Scourge chose to remain alongside the Hero of Tython and their assembled team. While aboard their vessel, the Sith engaged in lightsaber training with Carsen, a lightsaber duel when the Hero was abruptly struck by a Force vision, compelling them towards the world of Rishi. Throughout this journey, Scourge stood by the Hero's side, facing off against the Revanites, a group under the command of the former Jedi Master Revan. This dark incarnation of Revan had survived his prior demise and now led the organization.
The defeat of Revan on Yavin 4 not long after revealed his plan: to fully restore the Sith Emperor's strength through a ritual, intending to then vanquish him and bring salvation to the galaxy. This endeavor, however, was unsuccessful. The Emperor regained his power independently and escaped the planet before consuming all life on Ziost.
Shortly after these events, the Hero journeyed to meet with Darth Marr aboard his flagship, where both the Republic and the Sith Empire had agreed to collaborate on a mission to locate the Emperor. He had remained largely silent after his actions on Ziost. However, the Eternal Fleet originating from Zakuul unexpectedly materialized from hyperspace to initiate an attack on their combined forces. The Hero instructed their allies to evacuate, a decision Carsen reluctantly agreed to.
Following this encounter, the Hero was presumed missing, and news of Darth Marr's death at the hands of the Emperor reached both factions. Scourge and Carsen both attempted to locate the Hero, but their efforts proved fruitless. They were accompanied by Archiban Frodrick Kimble, who later became separated from them on Begeren. According to Kimble, Scourge developed an obsession with something related to the Sith Emperor, though its exact nature remained unclear to him.

Around 3630 BBY, Scourge and Carsen managed to defeat Vitiate's original physical form concurrently with the Commander's victory over his Valkorion persona on Zakuul during the battle there. However, this act triggered a powerful Sith ritual inscribed by the former Emperor on his body as a final contingency against his adversaries. Due to Scourge's prior infusion with the Emperor's power and Carsen's history as a former Child, the ritual did not kill them. Instead, it rendered them comatose for over a year, until Grand Master Satele Shan and her followers intervened to save them. However, Shan and her group also succumbed to Vitiate's plague, compelling Scourge and Carsen to isolate them on a vessel deliberately set adrift in the Outer Rim until they could secure sufficient assistance.
As time passed, Scourge and Carsen grew increasingly concerned upon discovering that the minds of the plague's victims were communicating and merging. They suspected that the plague might be an attempt to resurrect Vitiate. This prospect deeply troubled Scourge, who feared that the former Emperor had feigned his own demise, as he had done in the past. Consequently, Scourge journeyed to Mek-Sha in 3627 BBY, where he ambushed the Commander, seeking to engage them in combat to ascertain whether Vitiate still existed within their mind. Once satisfied, he retreated. Following the Meridian Complex assault, he and Carsen revealed themselves to the Commander (who recognized Scourge as their attacker) and explained the gravity of the threat they faced when they reconvened on Odessen.

It was also at this point that Scourge realized that the immortality bestowed upon him by the Emperor had vanished with the latter's death. As a consequence, all the sensations that had been suppressed within Scourge, including emotions, surged back, initially unsettling him as he grappled with how to react to these restored feelings. Ultimately, Scourge concluded that he welcomed their return.

Later, in 3626 BBY, Scourge and Kira Carsen, aided by T7-O1, successfully located the vessel where they had placed Satele and her students. With the assistance of the Alliance Commander, they boarded the ship to prevent Tenebrae from fully resurrecting. Aboard the ship, they were attacked by remnants of the Emperor's Hand, led by Servant Four, whom they battled to reach Satele. Kira Carsen then guided them through a ritual that allowed them to enter Satele Shan's mind.
Within the mindscape, Scourge, Carsen, and the Alliance Commander fought their way to the center, supported by the spirits of Revan, Meetra Surik, and Darth Marr. At the center, they confronted the Emperor, joined by the spirits of all those victimized by Tenebrae throughout the ages. After a prolonged and arduous battle, they successfully vanquished the Sith Emperor for good.

Scourge, a pureblood Sith distinguished by crimson skin, facial tendrils, bright red eyes, and a robust torso, possessed ambition and a thirst for power before achieving immortality. His arrogance and pride were among the few emotions that endured after the Emperor's immortality ritual robbed him of his senses and humanity. The ritual distorted Scourge's perception of the world, rendering him incapable of experiencing simple pleasures like the aroma of his favorite foods or the warmth of sunlight, though his physical capabilities remained unaffected. Consequently, he cherished the memories of the sensations he could no longer experience. Scourge was characterized by his sardonic nature and grim fatalism, developing a uniquely cynical perspective over his centuries of service as he witnessed the self-destructive tendencies of his fellow Sith. After the Emperor's final demise, Scourge lost his immortality and regained his emotions. This restoration of his senses made him realize the importance of companionship.
Unlike many Sith, Scourge demonstrated a willingness to dedicate himself to causes beyond personal gain. However, his Sith mindset made him willing to sacrifice allies to further his objectives, as he did with Revan and Meetra Surik. Scourge possessed intelligence and cunning, relishing the use of power and manipulation to achieve his goals. He detested greed and selfishness but also scorned mercy and other Jedi ideals, viewing them as weaknesses. Nevertheless, the Sith Lord acknowledged that the strengths of the Jedi were not inherently inferior to those of the Sith. While Scourge valued strength and power, the Emperor's desire to sacrifice all life for power horrified him, leading him to dedicate himself to stopping the Emperor by any means necessary. His role as the Emperor's Wrath prevented him from taking an apprentice, and the immortality ritual rendered him unable and unwilling to pursue romantic relationships or start a family.
A skilled swordsman, Scourge possessed exceptional Force abilities, with Jedi Master Revan recognizing his immense potential. As a Sith Lord, he wielded a blood-red lightsaber featuring a spiked crossguard and fang-like hilt, demonstrating proficiency in at least three lightsaber combat forms: the defensive Soresu, the aggressively offensive Juyo, and the acrobatic Ataru. In battle, Scourge employed both powerful two-handed strikes and sweeping blows with his lightsaber, supplementing his attacks with unarmed combat. He often channeled Force lightning into his fist to deliver powerful punches. His skill with the blade, whether wielded with his dominant right or left hand, was so formidable that even his instructors at the Sith Academy hesitated to spar with him during his apprenticeship. Scourge's primary ability was to draw strength from the emotions of his opponents, feeding on their fear and anger to amplify the dark side within himself. While this initially hindered him against non-living opponents, he overcame this weakness and became equally adept at fighting droids.

Scourge was adept at using the Force to sense enemies in his vicinity and frequently employed telekinesis both in combat and as a tool of intimidation. He enhanced his physical capabilities with the Force to increase his speed and agility and could guide a thrown lightsaber to strike his intended target. Another of his skills was the ability to shroud himself in the dark side, concealing his presence and providing warmth.
Early in his training at the Sith Academy, Scourge displayed a natural talent for interrogation and torture. He possessed an innate ability to discern the truth and instinctively knew which questions to ask to obtain the desired answers. A master of interrogation, Scourge could enhance his skills with the power of the dark side, dominating the minds of the weak-willed and undermining the strong-willed. His centuries of service to the Emperor gave him a unique perspective on his fellow Sith, allowing him to analyze a person's flaws and personality after only a brief observation.

Upon becoming the Emperor's Wrath, Scourge underwent extensive biochemical enhancements to augment his strength and sustain the effects of the immortality ritual. He was classified as a heavily armored, close-combat assassin, equipped with a suit of heavy, black, spiked armor and a personal energy shield generator to protect himself from blaster fire and other attacks.
Scourge made his debut in the 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan by Drew Karpyshyn, a tie-in to the BioWare–LucasArts video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, released later that year. The novel introduced Scourge and much of the Sith Empire and Emperor's backstory, while also continuing the storylines of Revan and Meetra Surik, the player characters in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and its 2004 sequel, The Sith Lords, respectively. The novel also established the backstory for the Jedi Knight class in The Old Republic, in which Scourge is a companion character acquired at the beginning of Act III.
Scourge is voiced by Joseph Gatt in The Old Republic, and as with all companion characters, the player can gain or lose affection with Scourge based on their actions and choices in cutscenes. Scourge gains affection when the player uses power against the weak or expresses anger, revenge, or spite and loses affection when the player makes decisions that are greedy or merciful or submits to Jedi or Republic authorities. The character was initially excluded as a romance option for the Jedi Knight due to budget limitations, practicality, and creative direction. However, with the release of Onslaught, Scourge has become a romance option for both male and female Jedi Knights.
As a companion character, Scourge is one of five characters who can be utilized by player characters. Unlike companions like Kira Carsen and T7-O1, he is not required to accompany the player character on any class missions. Therefore, this article assumes only that one of the companions accompanies the Knight on the class missions but does not specify which one. Also, as a Republic character, the Jedi Knight is assumed to be a light-side character; therefore, the Hero of Tython—the in-game title for the character—is assumed to choose only options that result in the maximum light-side points. Scourge also receives a number of optional customizations that can alter his skin color, hair color, and hairstyle.
Scourge has received mentions in The Old Republic's official site and the 2012 reference guide The Essential Reader's Companion, and the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia gave further information on the character's history and motivations in its summary of the Knight's companions. Scourge also appears as a companion character for the Jedi Knight in The Old Republic's paid expansion, Rise of the Hutt Cartel, but as the expansion can be played by any of the four Republic classes, it is uncertain as to who canonically performed the events of the expansion. As such, this article excludes information from the expansion.