Mission to Bosthirda (3954 BBY)

In the year 3954 BBY, acting on instructions from Dark Councilor Darth Nyriss, and following the discovery of the droid that nearly killed her during an assassination attempt, which was acquired by the Bosthirda separatists, the Sith Lord Scourge, along with her advisor Sechel, her security chief Murtog, and a contingent of soldiers, attacked the separatists' base located on the planet of Bosthirda. A fierce battle ensued, after which the group uncovered the fact that the separatists were collaborating with Nyriss's rival, Darth Xedrix. Subsequently, Nyriss commanded Scourge to eliminate the betrayer.


Bosthirda and Dromund Kaas, capital of the Sith Empire

In 3954 BBY, after Darth Nyriss, a member of the Dark Council, survived multiple assassination attempts, including one involving a droid manufactured at a factory on Hallion, she dispatched Sith Lord Scourge and her advisor Sechel on a mission to the aforementioned planet to determine who had purchased the droid. The pair discovered that the Bosthirda separatists were the purchasers. Upon informing Nyriss of this revelation, she ordered Scourge, Sechel, her security chief Murtog, and several soldiers to attack a building in Jerunga, the capital city of Bosthirda, which was being used as a base by the separatists.

The raid

Upon their arrival on Bosthirda, the team meticulously examined the building, seeking any defenses of which they were unaware. Finding none, Scourge ascended the building and employed the Force to disable the roof-mounted cameras. Shortly thereafter, he commanded Murtog and his squad to move in. They complied, utilizing flash and stun grenades in conjunction with suppressive fire. As the separatists returned fire on Murtog's team, Scourge found himself under attack by a pair of snipers.

Scourge employed his lightsaber to eliminate the first sniper, then seized the second by the collar and hurled him from the roof. He subsequently entered the building and proceeded to massacre twenty separatists who were caught off guard by the assault. He simply severed their appendages, beheaded a select few, and used the Force and his lightsaber to dispatch the remainder. After a few minutes, the raid concluded, with all the separatists dead and only three or four members of Murtog's team having perished in the battle.



Following the raid, Sechel successfully hacked into the separatists' mainframe and discovered that Darth Xedrix was in league with the separatists. The group subsequently returned to Nyriss with the evidence, and Nyriss dispatched Lord Scourge to eliminate the traitor. After a brief and brutal duel, Scourge emerged as the victor.

Behind the scenes

The raid was initially featured in Drew Karpyshyn's novel titled The Old Republic: Revan, which was published on November 15, 2011.

