The Dark Council functioned as the highest authority within the Sith Empire. This body consisted of twelve members and acted as the governing force for a significant portion of the Empire's existence. Each Dark Council member possessed the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and held dominion over one of the twelve Spheres of Influence inside the Sith Empire, which meant that the Council members were second in power only to the Sith Emperor himself. Positions on the council were highly sought after among the Sith, and the terms of service for councilors varied greatly, ranging from a few months to several decades. Ultimately, every individual within the Empire was accountable to a member of the Council through the established Imperial hierarchy.
From its establishment at the founding of the Sith Empire in 4980 BBY, the Dark Council attempted to depose the Emperor on two separate occasions, both of which ended in failure and resulted in the purging of its members. Following the revelation of Emperor Vitiate's true intentions, the Dark Council denounced Vitiate as a traitor, removed him from his position as Emperor, and assumed control of the Empire. In the wake of the Eternal Empire's conquest, Darth Marr met his end at the hands of Valkorion, Darth Nox and the Empire's Wrath disappeared, and the majority of the Dark Council was either eliminated or vanished, leaving Darth Acina as the sole remaining member to declare herself Empress of the Sith.
Composed of twelve Sith Lords, each bearing the title of Dark Lord of the Sith, the Dark Council served as the governing body of the Sith Empire. As the Sith Emperor withdrew from public life, the Dark Council assumed responsibility for the Empire's daily operations, and holding a seat on the Council signified being among the most influential figures in the Empire, second only to the Emperor. Traditionally, the apprentice of a deceased Council member was the primary candidate to succeed them, although other avenues for obtaining a seat existed. The Emperor retained the authority to appoint new members, as demonstrated after the two purges of Councils deemed traitorous. Furthermore, if a Councilor was killed by another Sith, the victor was guaranteed to inherit the fallen member's seat. In cases where the traditional succession process failed, the remaining members could select new Councilors through a unanimous vote during their meetings, although consensus was not always achieved.
Each member of the Council presided over one of the twelve Spheres of Influence within the Empire, and the various Sith under their command maintained their own power bases. Through this system, every Sith in the Empire ultimately reported to a member of the Dark Council, and every non-Sith organization also fell under the jurisdiction of one or more of the Councilors' Spheres of Influence. The Spheres of Military Offense and Defense of the Empire received guidance from the Sphere of Military Strategy, and together, these three Councilors oversaw the Imperial Ministry of War. The Dark Councilor in charge of the Sphere of Imperial Intelligence directed the Ministry of Intelligence, while the Sphere of Production and Logistics controlled the Ministry of Logistics. The Dark Councilor leading the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge commanded the Imperial Reclamation Service, while the Sphere of Mysteries operated in secrecy to safeguard the secrets of the Sith, and the Sphere of Sith Philosophy ensured adherence to the Code of the Sith and propagated anti-Jedi sentiment throughout the Empire. The Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy oversaw the Imperial Diplomatic Service and the expansion of Imperial territories, while the Sphere of Laws and Justice maintained order and justice within the Empire. The final two Spheres, Technology and Biotic Science, were responsible for the Empire's technological advancements and medical science, respectively.
Following the defeat of the Eternal Empire, Empress Darth Acina restructured the Dark Council, reducing its membership from twelve to five councilors, each responsible for overseeing two to three of the spheres previously managed by the original council. This reorganization aimed to mitigate the internal conflicts that had plagued the Dark Council in the past.
The councilors are in charge of the following spheres:
- Sith Doctrine: A combination of the spheres of Ancient Knowledge , Mysteries & Sith Philosophy . [15]
- Military Command: A combination of the spheres of Defense of the Empire , Military Offense & Military Strategy . [15]
- Scientific Advancement: A combination of the spheres of Technology & Biotic Science . [15]
- Civil Administration: A combination of the spheres of Production and Logistics & Laws and Justice . [15]
- Galactic Influence: A combination of the spheres of Sith Intelligence (formerly Imperial Intelligence) & Expansion and Diplomacy . [15]
In 4980 BBY, when the Sith Emperor established his new Empire on Dromund Kaas, he also gathered the twelve most knowledgeable and powerful Sith Lords who had accompanied him during their long exodus and formed the Dark Council. As the Emperor began to withdraw from public life, the Dark Council gradually assumed control of the new Empire's daily administration, with each Councilor taking charge of a specific aspect of the Empire. Darth Zavakon, the Councilor who chose to focus on the study of ancient knowledge, soon discovered that his subordinates were withholding the knowledge they acquired from ancient ruins throughout the fledgling Empire. In response, he decided to pair disciplined officers from the Imperial Military with civilian experts in archaeology and history for an expedition into an ancient Sith complex. The findings of this combined group far surpassed those of the Sith who had previously explored the ruins, and Zavakon presented their results to the Council. Impressed, the eleven other Councilors approved Zavakon's proposal and authorized him to formally establish the Imperial Reclamation Service.
During the early centuries of the Empire's existence, Dark Councilor Darth Lokess convened a meeting of her fellow Dark Councilors and persuaded them to join her plot to eliminate the Sith Emperor. The other eleven Sith Lords agreed to support Lokess' cause, but when they assembled on the steps of the Imperial Citadel to confront the Emperor, all eleven perished instantly in a burst of light. Lokess was imprisoned within the Citadel's depths by the Emperor, who subjected her to torture until her death. Around 4043 BBY, two members of the Dark Council—Darths Qalar and Victun—engaged in a Kaggath. This ancient Sith duel caused significant damage to the Citadel, and the other ten Councilors summarily executed the two combatants when they declared a draw. On the Council's orders, both Qalar and Victun's family lines were eradicated, and the two Councilors' resources were used to construct the new Citadel.
Several years prior to 3954 BBY, Dark Councilors Darth Nyriss and Darth Xedrix joined forces with two other Council members to form a conspiracy aimed at removing the Emperor from power and preventing him from launching further attacks against the Republic. When the Emperor grew suspicious, Nyriss orchestrated assassination attempts on herself to divert attention. Nyriss then guided Lord Scourge, the Sith chosen by the Emperor to investigate, through a series of trials and manipulations to assess his suitability for joining the conspiracy. She recruited him to their cause by revealing the Emperor's devastated homeworld of Nathema after the Sith Lord killed Xedrix. However, Scourge ultimately betrayed the conspiracy to the Emperor four years later in order to free the captive Jedi Master Revan. Scourge had allied himself with Revan's friend Meetra Surik in an attempt to destroy the Emperor, and he was also dissatisfied with the conspiracy's inaction due to power struggles and betrayals that hindered their progress. The Sith ruler summoned the nine uninvolved Council members to his chambers while dispatching the Imperial Guard to eliminate the three conspirators. He promptly killed the nine innocent members as the Guard killed the three traitors and dismantled their power bases. Revan, Surik, and Scourge's attack failed, but the Emperor appointed twelve new members to the Council, implicitly warning them that traitors would suffer the same fate as Nyriss and her cohorts.
In 3678 BBY, Darth Marr, along with two of his fellow councilors, dispatched Sith apprentice Teneb Kel to hunt down Exal Kressh, the Emperor's renegade apprentice. After Kel completed his mission, he demanded that the Council elevate him to the rank of Sith Lord and bestow upon him the title "Darth Thanaton." The Council granted his demands when he agreed to reveal one of the Emperor's secret schemes.
At some point before the war's conclusion, one councilor renounced the dark side and his title to join the Jedi Order as a Padawan.

Following the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant and the end of the Great Galactic War in 3653 BBY, the Emperor withdrew to pursue his own enigmatic objectives, delegating authority over the Empire to the Dark Council. The Dark Council then oversaw the consolidation of the Empire's new territories from the citadel on Dromund Kaas. Only 7 members of the Dark Council survived the war.
At the onset of the Galactic War, Darth Baras attempted to seize the position of Emperor's Voice. While some on the Council believed his claim, others saw an opportunity in supporting him, and Baras plotted against those who opposed him. Ultimately, his claim was challenged and defeated by the new Emperor's Wrath. The Dark Council swiftly disavowed their support for Baras and pledged their allegiance to their Emperor's Wrath.
After Baras' defeat, Darth Thanaton faced a rising threat to his power in the form of Lord Kallig, a former slave and descendant of an ancient Sith of the same name. He challenged Kallig to a Kaggath on Corellia but was defeated by the young lord and fled to the other Dark Council members on Korriban. Similar to the duel between the Emperor's Wrath and Baras, Thanaton faced off against Kallig in the Dark Council chambers, with the entire council observing. Despite putting up a valiant fight, he was ultimately defeated, and Kallig earned his seat on the council under the new title, Darth Nox.
Following the Hero of Tython's attack against the Emperor, the Dark Council was left in control of the Empire. Darth Marr, regarded as the de facto leader of the Empire, worked diligently to quell infighting among his fellow Council members while leading the Imperial forces against the Republic's offensive.
The Dark Council was later secretly infiltrated by Darth Arkous, a member of the Order of Revan, a heretical cult that the Dark Council had been attempting to eradicate for years. Even after Arkous' death on Rakata Prime, the Dark Council remained unaware of the Revanites' infiltration of both the Empire and the Republic until the Order's existence was revealed at the Battle of Rishi. Marr acknowledged that the Dark Council would not agree to an alliance with the Republic against the Order and thus formed one independently. Following the Revanites' subsequent defeat during the battle of Yavin 4, the battle resulted in the resurrection of the Sith Emperor.

After Vitiate consumed all life on Ziost, Marr led a combined Imperial-Republic fleet into Wild Space in pursuit of the former Emperor. This intrusion led them into the territory of the Eternal Empire, secretly established by Vitiate under the guise of Valkorion. Marr and the Outlander were captured, with Valkorion executing Marr for his refusal to pledge allegiance and imprisoning the Outlander. Valkorion's son, Arcann, usurped his father's throne and launched a campaign against the Sith Empire and the Republic. By the war's end, Darth Acina was the only Dark Councilor – including Darth Nox – who had neither disappeared nor died, and she claimed the title of Empress of the Sith. The only other confirmed survivor of the former Dark Council was Darth Vowrawn, who continued to serve the Empire under Empress Acina.
In 3631 BBY, the Outlander was freed and formed the Alliance to break the Eternal Empire's control over the galaxy. After Empress Vaylin succeeded her brother, Arcann, as the ruler of the Eternal Empire, Empress Acina seized the opportunity to ally the Sith Empire with the Alliance and assist the Outlander in claiming the Eternal Throne. In forging this alliance, she acted unilaterally, relying on government ministers composed of both non-Sith and Sith, such as Darth Vowrawn, leaving it unclear whether Empress Acina had fully reinstated the Dark Council.

With the Eternal Fleet and the Gravestone gone, the Sith Empire was able to strike at the Republic and the Jedi without fear of retaliation from the Eternal Alliance. The new battle commenced on the ancient Jedi world of Ossus where the Sith Empire dispatched Dark Council member Darth Malora to lead the campaign of disrupting Jedi attempts to revitalise the planet. It was later revealed via an Intelligence Report from Lana Beniko that Empress Acina had consolidated the Dark Council from 12 members down to 5, with new seats merging the oversight of multiple spheres.
Sphere of Ancient Knowledge Darth Zavakon[1] ( Pre–c. 4980 BBY–) Darth Arctis†[1][24] (–3640 BBY) Darth Thanaton†[10] (3640 BBY)[25] Darth Nox[10] (3640–3636 BBY)
Sphere of Biotic Science Darth Acharon†[26] (–3640 BBY)[25]
Sphere of Defense of the Empire Darth Marr† (Pre-3678–3636 BBY)[7]
Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy Darth Ravage[2] (–c. 3636 BBY)
Sphere of Imperial Intelligence Darth Jadus (–3643 BBY)[1] Darth Zhorrid (3643 BBY)[1]
Sphere of Laws and Justice Darth Mortis[2] (–c. 3636 BBY)
Sphere of Military Offense Darth Vengean† (–3642 BBY)[1] Darth Baras†[2] (3642–3640 BBY)[25] Darth Arho† (3640 BBY)[1] Darth Malgus (3640 BBY)[27] Darth Arkous† (–3637 BBY)[28]
Sphere of Military Strategy Darth Azamin† (–3653 BBY)[29] Darth Decimus†[30] (3653–3640 BBY)[29][25]
Sphere of Mysteries Darth Rictus[1]
Sphere of Production and Logistics Darth Vowrawn (Pre–3678–c. 3632 BBY)[7]
Sphere of Sith Philosophy Darth Aruk[1]
Sphere of Technology Darth Mekhis†[13] (–3643 BBY)[31][32] Darth Hadra†[30] (3643–3640 BBY)[25] Darth Karrid† (3640 BBY)[13] Darth Acina†[33] (3640 BBY–c. 3636 BBY)
Unknown Sphere Darth Arrid[23] (Post-Darth Vax) Darth Ekkage†[34] Darth Gorgos†[35] Darth Howl[16] (–c. 3640 BBY) Darth Igrol† (Between 3984 and 3974 BBY–3950 BBY)[9] Darth Lokess†[1] Darth Nyriss† (c. 3974–3950 BBY)[9] Darth Qalar†[1] (–c. 4043 BBY)[17] Darth Sajar[19] (–3653 BBY) Darth Soverus† (–3637 BBY)[36] Darth Vax†[23] (Pre-Darth Arrid) Darth Victun†[1] (–c. 4043 BBY)[17] Darth Xedrix† (c. 3984–3954 BBY)[9]
- Sith Doctrine (formerly Ancient Knowledge, Mysteries, & Sith Philosophy) Darth Anathel[15]
- Military Command (formerly Defense of the Empire, Military Offense, & Military Strategy) Darth Krovos[15]
- Scientific Advancement (formerly Technology & Biotic Science) Darth Malora[15] (–3628 BBY)
- Civil Administration (formerly Production and Logistics & Laws and Justice) Darth Vowrawn[15] (c. 3632–3629 BBY)
- Galactic Influence (formerly Sith Intelligence & Expansion and Diplomacy) Darth Xarion[15]
The Dark Council was initially presented to the public in the 2011 novel The Old Republic: Revan, a companion novel to Star Wars: The Old Republic. The novel provided significant details regarding the Empire's origins. Within the novel's narrative, the Emperor eliminates the entire Dark Council as a consequence of a conspiracy, regardless of their involvement.
The Council later appears in The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game launched by BioWare on December 20, 2011. The fates of many Council members are subject to player choices during the game. Currently, only the light side choices for Republic characters and the dark side choices for Imperial characters are considered canon, and the fates of the individuals in the game will be reflected as such.
Upon ascension to the Dark Council Darth Nox can also be dubbed Darth Occlus or Darth Imperius, should they be neutral or light sided, respectively.
Both the former, Scourge, and the succeeding Emperor's Wrath were said to possess powers and skills comparable to or greater than those of a typical Dark Councilor.
Darth Acina's character was first introduced in Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel, the initial Digital Expansion for Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, her Codex entry incorrectly stated that she succeeded Darth Hadra, who had been killed on Corellia. This contradicted the 2012 novel The Old Republic: Annihilation, which stated that Darth Karrid was chosen as Hadra's successor. Update 2.1.1 rectified the Codex entry's error, correctly stating that Acina succeeded Karrid.
In Chapter 4 Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire, Lana confirms that Acina is the only live and present Dark Council Member, now Empress. However, later updates contradict this, as Vowrawn, Mortis, and Ravage all appear alive, though only Vowrawn appears to have kept his seat on the council. What happened to Mortis and Ravage is unknown, as they do not appear until the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint.
At the beginning of Onslaught a Sith Inquisitor Outlander can demand their seat back from Darth Anathel, who will dismiss the claim. Following the end of the expansion, as the Emperor/Empress dismisses the council, the Inquisitor will cast Force lightning on Darth Anathel and yank him out of his throne, killing him and taking the Sith Doctrine Seat as their own. Later during the "Chains in the Dark" storyline, when meeting with Darth Krovos on Ord Mantell, Krovos and the Inquisitor can address each other as fellow Dark Council members.
If the Imperial player is a saboteur, they can allow Darth Savik to be killed on Onderon. Additionally, Darth Shaar can be killed on Mek-Sha, or if Acina is Empress, both Shaar and Darth Vowrawn can be killed. If the player killed Shaar and/or Vowrawn on Mek-Sha during the Onslaught expansion, then Darth Norok will replace them on the Dark Council. When complimenting his work on Darth Malgus's prison cell, Darth Krovos will comment that Darth Eldrid may become Savik's rival for her Council seat if she is alive, or her replacement on the Council if she is dead.