Arcann, a Human male strong in the Force, was born to Senya Tirall and Tenebrae, who inhabited the body of Valkorion, the "Immortal Emperor" governing the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. He had a twin brother named Thexan, and together they spearheaded numerous raids targeting planets across the galaxy. During the attack on Korriban, Arcann suffered severe injuries in an explosion, resulting in the loss of his left arm and extensive scarring on the left side of his face; these injuries were addressed with a cybernetic replacement. This event fueled Arcann's animosity towards Valkorion's apathy, leading him to attempt patricide, an act that was thwarted by Thexan, who was fatally struck by Arcann's lightsaber.
When Valkorion proposed sharing his power with the Outlander, Arcann made another attempt to assassinate Valkorion, this time succeeding in destroying Valkorion's physical form, although Valkorion's spirit then latched onto the Outlander, whom Arcann subsequently imprisoned by encasing them in carbonite. Arcann then ascended to his father's Eternal Throne and spearheaded a massive invasion of the broader galaxy, leading the Eternal Empire. Within a year, the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic were subdued, forced into paying tribute, and Zakuul became the dominant galactic power.
For five years following his father's demise, Arcann reigned as Emperor. This lasted until the Outlander's rescue from carbonite, which ignited a war against Zakuul. During the Battle of Odessen, the Outlander defeated Arcann, leading to his mother taking him to recuperate. Meanwhile, Arcann's sister, Vaylin, along with SCORPIO, seized control of the Eternal Throne in his absence. Following his recovery on Voss, Arcann returned to Zakuul and joined the Alliance to assist the Outlander in opposing his sister.

Arcann, along with his twin brother, was born to Senya Tirall, a member of Valkorion's elite guard from the Knights of Zakuul, and the "Immortal Emperor" who ruled the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. In their youth, Arcann and Thexan frequently exchanged clothing as a prank on their servants. While Senya showed affection for the twins, they did not reciprocate, even after the birth of their sister, Vaylin. The siblings would engage in play, including sparring near the Eternal Fleet or venturing into the Endless Swamp for extended periods. From an early age, the twins underwent warrior training, but Arcann developed resentment towards his father's perceived indifference, which intensified over time, despite Thexan's efforts to appease him. Eventually, due to Vaylin's dangerously unstable power, Valkorion confined her to Nathema to control her abilities. When Senya attempted to leave Valkorion and take her children, Arcann and his siblings responded with laughter, dismissing her as weak.
Upon reaching adulthood, Arcann freed Vaylin from her confinement in the Sanitarium on Nathema. Upon his arrival, Arcann noticed the planet was devoid of the Force and felt its corrupting influence on his mind. Later, when Valkorion gifted Vaylin her first lightsaber, Arcann and Thexan moved to protect their father when she activated the weapon, but they stopped at his command. To their relief, Vaylin deactivated her lightsaber and knelt before Valkorion.

By 3636 BBY, Arcann and Thexan sought their father's approval to conduct an offensive to evaluate the capabilities of the major galactic powers. Valkorion granted permission, but stipulated that Thexan alone would command the Eternal Fleet, while Arcann was to remain on Zakuul. Defying his father's orders, Arcann joined his brother regardless. Together, they engaged in battles across numerous worlds, pushing back the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire, before launching an assault on Korriban.

In the Valley of the Dark Lords, they clashed with the Sith forces led by Darth Atroxa. During this conflict, Arcann sustained severe injuries from an explosion, resulting in the loss of his arm and facial scarring. Following the incident, Arcann underwent surgery and was fitted with a cybernetic arm and a durasteel mask to conceal his burns. The following day, Arcann resumed fighting, killing Darth Atroxa by using his new cybernetic arm to twist her wrist.

Upon returning to Zakuul, Arcann and Thexan presented their father with the lightsabers of fallen Jedi and Sith as trophies. However, Valkorion remained silent, and Arcann, consumed by the dark side of the Force, attempted to attack him. Thexan intervened to prevent his father's death, pulling his brother away. Arcann turned on Thexan, fatally striking him with a blow to the stomach, and the dark side faded from his eyes as he cradled his brother. Following Thexan's death, Valkorion instructed Arcann, now his only son, to join him.

Arcann later attempted to inform his father about an approaching joint Imperial-Republic fleet, but Valkorion was already aware and dispatched the Eternal Fleet to intercept them. Following the battle, Arcann recovered two survivors, Darth Marr and the Outlander, and brought them to his father on his Eternal Flagship. Before entering the throne room, Arcann was approached by Heskal, a Scion, whom he mocked for believing in the Scions' prophecies before dismissing him.

Arcann presented the prisoners to Valkorion, who they identified as the former Sith Emperor. When Valkorion offered them a chance to kneel, Darth Marr refused and was executed. Vaylin then dismissed the Knights and Scions, leaving Arcann, Valkorion, and the Outlander alone. As Valkorion offered to share his Empire with the Outlander, Arcann struck him down, killing his physical body while his spirit attached himself to the Outlander, who was incapacitated. Arcann seized the Eternal Throne and, as the new Emperor, blamed the Outlander for his father's murder, using it as a pretext to launch an attack on the Core Worlds. Sensing Valkorion's presence within the Outlander, he had the Outlander frozen in carbonite.

Arcann's war was swift and decisive, resulting in the subjugation of both the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic within a year. Both factions, represented by the Galactic Senate and the Minister of Logistics, signed treaties with Zakuul, agreeing to pay tribute and accept arms limitations, making Zakuul the dominant galactic power. Arcann effectively ruled the galaxy, ignoring the Republic-Empire animosity, as they were more focused on fighting each other than uniting against him.

Soon after taking the throne, Arcann initiated a Scion massacre, intending to eliminate the Scions of Zakuul for their belief in prophecies and a pre-ordained order, which Arcann despised. He also allowed the heretical Heralds of Zildrog to govern the Old World of Zakuul while imposing restrictions that rendered them powerless. He harshly punished dissidents, branding those who questioned his rule or followed the Old Ways as traitors, forcing many into exile. With his rule established, Arcann reigned unchallenged for five years.

In 3631 BBY, Lana Beniko, a former Sith Intelligence Minister, and Koth Vortena, an exiled Zakuulan naval officer, freed the Outlander from carbonite and evaded Vaylin and the Knights, much to Arcann's frustration. The Emperor deduced that the escaped prisoner would seek refuge in the Endless Swamp and deployed Skytrooper forces to sweep the area. However, the dissidents located the Gravestone, a legendary starship capable of overpowering the Eternal Fleet, and launched it. Arcann ordered the Eternal Fleet to destroy the vessel as it attempted to escape Zakuul, only to witness the Gravestone destroy numerous Eternal Fleet warships with a single omnicannon blast before jumping into Hyperspace.

Vaylin later confirmed that their mother aided the Outlander, betraying her children after the Scion massacre. While Vaylin speculated that Senya might be trying to restore Valkorion's rule, Arcann dismissed it, vowing that their mother would either return or face the consequences. Soon after, the Outlander and Senya were spotted in the Old World. When Vaylin informed Arcann, he wondered why they would return after escaping and publicly alerted the residents of the Old World to watch for the fugitives. Unexpectedly, Heskal, the leader of the Scions-in-hiding, contacted Arcann and revealed that the Outlander was at the Asylum shadowport, in accordance with his prophecy. Arcann deployed the Eternal Fleet, confident that the Outlander could not escape.

Arcann arrived at Asylum before his Eternal Fleet and executed five Scions in their hideout before impaling Heskal just as the Outlander arrived. Arcann offered the Outlander a peaceful return to carbonite until Valkorion could be exorcised, and the surrender of the Gravestone, in exchange for the freedom of the Outlander's companions. When his terms were refused, Arcann engaged the Outlander in combat as the Eternal Fleet bombarded the shadowport. A shuttle crash interrupted the fight, allowing the Outlander to escape. Arcann then went to the Control Spar to prevent the Gravestone from leaving.

When the Outlander released the docking mechanisms, Arcann fought again, destroying the droid HK-55. However, Arcann was knocked out of the Control Spar, allowing the Outlander and their companions to escape on the Gravestone. After the battle of Asylum, Arcann told Vaylin that Valkorion's power had diminished. Upon returning to Zakuul, Arcann began to brood over Valkorion's betrayal. Vaylin revealed that she had told Senya that Arcann killed Thexan, not that he died in the Core Worlds. Arcann remarked that Thexan should be alive, ruling the Empire alongside his brother and sister.

Despite a large search for the Gravestone and the Outlander, neither Vaylin nor the Eternal Fleet could find them for weeks. Arcann ordered Vaylin to bombard one inhabited world in five sectors, hoping to lure the Outlander out or incentivize someone to reveal their location. As this order was carried out, the Outlander allied with the terrorist Firebrand for a raid on Overwatch, destroying the controls for the droids that maintained the Spire, Zakuul's capital city. Arcann used this attack as an excuse for the bombardments, claiming that the targeted worlds supported the Outlander.

Blaming the Knights of Zakuul for their inability to capture the Outlander, Arcann ordered them to fight to the death in pairs. Vaylin voiced her concern that the search efforts would be impaired, but Arcann ignored her. The Outlander formed an Alliance against Zakuul, making strikes against the Eternal Empire, while the location of its headquarters remained a mystery. Arcann voiced his frustrations at his father for refusing to face him, to which Vaylin suggested that Valkorion was punishing Arcann for stealing his throne. Arcann countered that their father was devoid of emotions, not even acknowledging him murdering Thexan. As Vaylin became nostalgic, Arcann asked whether he still had her support, which Vaylin affirmed.

The Alliance then struck at Vandin, where the Eternal Empire's stealth treasury ship, the Gilded Star, was hiding. Alliance operatives raided it and escaped with its treasure just as Vaylin arrived. Upon her return to Zakuul, Arcann interrupted his sister's fantasies of revenge against Senya by asking whether she remembered their mother from when they were children. Vaylin refuted her belief that Senya hated her for being more powerful, with Arcann agreeing that Senya never truly understood her children or their father. Though Vaylin reminded him that the Outlander and Senya stole their riches, which would inspire rebellions, Arcann assured her that the riches could be replaced and fear of his power would discourage uprisings.

Arcann and Vaylin later observed a holographic report of a Mandalorian army assaulting an Eternal Empire weapons factory on Darvannis. Vaylin suggested dispatching the Eternal Fleet to annihilate the Mandalorians, but Arcann was content to watch their enemies struggle and declined. As the Mandalorians gained the advantage, Arcann realized the Outlander was on Darvannis alongside them. As Vaylin rebuked him for not taking her advice, Arcann decided to hunt the Outlander himself. As Vaylin threatened to execute a Knight for the loss of the factory, Arcann received a distress call from a warship transporting Imperial Admiral Zasha Ranken, Republic Senator Tai Cordan and exiled holo-performer Malita Tal to Zakuul for interrogation.

The distress call from a GEMINI captain revealed that the Outlander and Senya were attempting to commandeer the ship, which Arcann deemed foolish. He then took his Eternal flagship and a detachment of the Eternal Fleet to intercept his enemies, but the Gravestone escaped into hyperspace just as the Eternal Fleet arrived. Not long afterwards, Vaylin informed her brother that all Eternal Fleet vessels outside their sector were not responding to the orders. Arcann dismissed this, determined to hunt down the Outlander and Valkorion before worrying about the Fleet. Neither was aware that SCORPIO had taken over the Eternal Throne, controlling the Skytroopers and the Eternal Fleet.

In an attempt to let her enemies destroy each other, SCORPIO revealed her actions to Arcann, also informing him that the Alliance base was located on Odessen. Consumed by revenge, Arcann ordered his detachment of the Eternal Fleet to attack Odessen, planning to deal with SCORPIO after killing the Outlander and his father. The Alliance faced the Eternal Fleet with the Gravestone, causing massive damage with the omnicannon. As the battle raged, the Outlander, Senya Tirall and Lana Beniko boarded the Eternal Flagship to kill Arcann. Seeing her mother on the cameras, Vaylin revealed Arcann's position to the Outlander, while luring Senya away to confront her personally. As the Outlander confronted Arcann on the bridge, SCORPIO took control of the remaining Fleet and used the ships to fire at the Flagship, intending to eliminate both Arcann and the Outlander.

Demanding a response from his father, Arcann battled the Outlander while SCORPIO's assault tore the flagship apart. Arcann was overcome and crushed by debris, forcing the Outlander to retreat. However, Senya arrived and pulled Arcann from under debris, his cybernetic arm destroyed. Lamenting her inability to save him, Senya was interrupted by Vaylin and offered both her children to come back to her. Vaylin refused and struck at her mother, but Arcann Force-pushed her away, saving Senya and enraging Vaylin. While Vaylin retreated back to Zakuul, Senya carried Arcann away to his shuttle and escaped into hyperspace to heal him away from the Alliance forces.

Upon her return to Zakuul, Vaylin forged an alliance with SCORPIO and seized control of the Eternal Throne. One of the initial actions undertaken by Vaylin as the new Empress of Zakuul was to place a bounty on her own mother's head. While the majority of the Knights of Zakuul maintained their allegiance to the new Empress, a segment of them harbored fears that Vaylin might dismantle or eradicate their order. This faction of Knights contacted Senya, proposing a meeting on Ord Mantell where they offered to provide medical supplies to heal Arcann. However, Vaylin discovered the dissenting Knights and executed them all before Senya could arrive with Arcann's shuttle. Vaylin confronted Senya amidst a conflagration of burning rhydonium, but Senya managed to escape, taking off in the shuttle with Arcann's still-unconscious form.

Senya eventually arrived on Voss, hoping to employ a Voss healing ritual to mend both Arcann's physical wounds and his corrupted spirit, aiming to rid him of the consuming hatred. However, Vaylin pursued her and initiated an invasion of Voss, determined to eliminate her entire family in one decisive strike. The Eternal Fleet encountered resistance from the Alliance forces, compelling Senya to seek assistance from the Outlander, now the Alliance Commander. The Commander, accompanied by Theron Shan, journeyed to Senya's location at the Shrine of Healing, where the Voss Mystics were attending to the still-unconscious Arcann, offering to hold off the Zakuulan forces so the healing ritual could be completed. The Voss healing process involved drawing strength from many to heal the injured, and as it became clear that time was running out before their position was overrun, Senya instructed the Mystics to channel her strength into healing her son. The Mystics complied, transferring her life force to him, which resulted in Senya falling into a comatose state.

Upon awakening, Arcann was disoriented and, witnessing his mother's seemingly lifeless body, hastily departed from the Shrine, returning to his shuttle under the assumption that she was dead. As he was boarding, the Alliance Commander intercepted him and attempted to intervene, but Arcann, despite having only one functional hand, successfully piloted the shuttle away and escaped into hyperspace. His mind now healed, Arcann discarded the mask concealing the scarred side of his face and acquired a new cybernetic prosthetic for his left arm. He also gathered a group of Zakuulan loyalists, willing to assist him in reclaiming the Eternal Throne from his sister. Despite an extensive search by Alliance Intelligence, they were unable to find any reliable leads to his whereabouts.

When Vaylin proclaimed the forthcoming Grand Festival of Empress Vaylin, Arcann recognized it as an opportunity to confront his sister directly. During the Festival, a shuttle carrying his followers launched a series of missiles at the Palace of the Eternal Dragon, with Arcann and his loyalists disembarking amidst the resulting chaos. This disrupted the Alliance Commander, who also viewed the event as an opportunity to strike at Vaylin, having learned that Valkorion had conditioned her to become powerless when the phrase "Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul" was uttered in her presence. Arcann located Vaylin on the Palace balcony and attempted to reason with her peacefully, but Vaylin became convinced that her brother was complicit in her conditioning and attacked him in a fit of rage. The arrival of the Alliance Commander and Theron Shan interrupted their altercation, allowing Vaylin to flee on a speeder bike.

Much to the Commander's astonishment, Arcann addressed them calmly, acknowledging his past transgressions without any signs of animosity. When Theron Shan expressed doubts about his trustworthiness, Arcann joined him and the Commander in battling the Horizon Guard who arrived to eliminate them. After the Guards were defeated, Arcann questioned whether the Commander was being controlled by his father like a puppet or simply harboring his essence. Valkorion's spirit then revealed itself to Arcann and denounced him as weak, to which Arcann responded that he was no longer his father's son and that the Commander was more deserving of the Eternal Throne than he was. Arcann's offer to join the Alliance and oppose Vaylin was accepted, and the Commander broadcast the act of him swearing allegiance to the galaxy. Upon witnessing the broadcast, Vaylin was infuriated and ordered the Eternal Fleet to reduce the entire Palace to rubble, but Arcann managed to escape with the Alliance on a shuttle piloted by Lana Beniko.

Upon his arrival at the Alliance base on Odessen, Arcann was initially met with hostility by the Alliance personnel, many of whom had suffered under his rule for years and had joined the Alliance specifically to oppose him. However, the Commander insisted that having the former Eternal Emperor on their side would be beneficial for both morale and for increasing the pressure on Vaylin. Knowing his sister's nature, Arcann likened her to a wounded predator and predicted that she would find a way to retaliate. The Alliance soon discovered that Vaylin had found a means to break her conditioning, which required her return to Nathema. Arcann provided the location of the planet and cautioned about its nature as a void in the Force, warning that visiting it could cause him to revert to his former self. Appreciating Arcann's honesty, the Commander traveled to Nathema with Lana Beniko and Theron Shan, but was unable to prevent Vaylin from breaking her bonds, an act which caused Senya to awaken from her coma in fear.

Now free from her conditioning, Vaylin immediately launched an assault on Odessen, intending to annihilate the Alliance and her entire family who opposed her. As the battle unfolded on multiple fronts, Arcann and his mother joined forces to defend the dry-docked Gravestone from the Zakuulan forces. When the Commander arrived, the mother and son reaffirmed their support for the cause and offered to stand alongside the Commander against Vaylin. The Commander contacted Vaylin via holo-call, successfully goading her into abandoning the safety of her flagship and traveling to the surface of Odessen for a direct confrontation. Holding an Alliance member hostage, Vaylin awaited the arrival of the Commander and her family on the Alliance landing platform, ready to stop her. Her power spiraling out of control, Vaylin killed her hostage and unleashed a massive Force Storm, leaving the Commander with no alternative but to strike her down. As Vaylin lay dead, Senya and Arcann mourned her loss, but were relieved that the conflict had come to an end. Arcann expressed concern about the surge of energy that flowed to the Commander when Vaylin was defeated and cautioned them to remain vigilant about a potential trap set by Valkorion.

However, Vaylin's demise left the Eternal Throne vacant, causing the GEMINI captains to revert to their default programming and command the Eternal Fleet to bombard inhabited worlds indiscriminately. The Alliance leadership boarded the Gravestone and set course for Zakuul, determined to eliminate the threat once and for all. Utilizing upgrades acquired from Iokath, the ship managed to penetrate the Eternal Fleet blockade, and Senya and Arcann volunteered to accompany the Commander through the Spire. Together, they descended to the surface in a boarding pod that landed in the Garden of Izax and proceeded towards the Spire as the Eternal Fleet rained destruction upon Zakuul around them. Upon entering the Eternal Throne room, Arcann was visibly affected by the sight of his former Throne and lamented the millions of deaths he had caused while occupying it, while Senya reassured him that he had become a better person since then.

Arcann suggested that the Commander seize the Throne and pacify the Fleet, but as soon as it was done, Valkorion revealed his ultimate objective, launching an assault on the Commander to seize control of their body. Within the depths of their mind, the Commander fought back by seeking out Dramath's holocron, which was rumored to possess the power to destroy Valkorion once and for all. The Throne room was breached by attacking skytroopers, and the mother and son held them off temporarily, until Senya instructed Arcann to use the physical holocron to join the Outlander in the battle against his father. Meditating on the holocron, Arcann's consciousness materialized within the Commander's mind, where he discovered that Vaylin's essence remained bound to Valkorion after her death. The Commander employed Dramath's holocron to liberate Vaylin from Valkorion's direct control, and although she initially considered avenging her own death, she ultimately agreed that her father's perspective had merit. However, the Commander and Arcann managed to sway her, and the three of them engaged Valkorion in the mind-space.

After toying with them for a while, Valkorion shattered the holocron, asserting that nothing could stop him. However, because his spirit was now linked to Vaylin's, the Commander invoked the phrase "Kneel before the Dragon of Zakuul" to strip him of his power. Overwhelmed and weakened, Valkorion watched as Senya joined her children in the Commander's mind, and together the family witnessed the Immortal Emperor's final words and moments, until the Commander brought an end to his millennia-long existence. Back in the physical realm, Arcann observed that he no longer sensed his father's presence and doubted that he could ever return to the realm of the living. The Commander then proclaimed the dawn of the Eternal Alliance, uniting the military forces of Zakuul and the Eternal Fleet with the cause of the Alliance, an endeavor in which Arcann and his mother continued to participate.

Arcann and Senya later accompanied the Commander when Lord Scourge and Kira Carsen revealed the existence of Valkorion's ultimate weapon, a plague unleashed upon Jedi Master Satele Shan and her followers. They journeyed to Kira Carsen's ship, where they reunited with T7-O1 and learned that the last Scions of Zakuul had perished in a conflict with Servants who followed Valkorion in his Sith Emperor persona. The Commander and the others entered the hive mind of Satele and her followers in a meditative trance, but became separated within. Arcann and Senya encountered spirits of their deceased loved ones, Thexan and Vaylin, while Kira and the Commander were joined by Darth Marr and Revan. Valkorion appeared alongside his other forms, known as Vitiate and Tenebrae, revealing to Arcann's family the true nature of their patriarch for the first time. Together with other victims of Tenebrae, both living and dead, they succeeded in destroying this mental imprint of him, eliminating any possibility of his return.
Following the Alliance's integration into Task Force Nova to support the Republic in the Third Galactic War, Sana-Rae suggested dispatching Arcann on a reconnaissance mission to a planet near Zakuul to gather more information on Darth Nul, despite potential opposition to deploying the former Zakuulan Emperor.

Arcann possessed the qualities of a calculating, astute, patient, and merciless young man. He harbored a profound desire for love and recognition from his father, Valkorion, but his father's indifference towards his children fostered a deep-seated resentment within Arcann, leading him to attempt to kill his father in a moment of rage. Both of Arcann's parents believed that jealousy was his hidden and critical flaw. Arcann held a strong affection for his sister Vaylin, and his acknowledgment of her abilities ensured her loyalty to him. Arcann also exhibited arrogance, considering himself beyond the grasp of fate.
Arcann was a formidable frontline warrior, and when fighting alongside his brother Thexan, they formed an almost invincible duo. As children, Arcann and Thexan were inseparable, with Thexan providing assistance to Arcann in times of need and Arcann maintaining unwavering faith and loyalty in Thexan. After Arcann lost his arm, Thexan remained constantly by his side, a gesture that Arcann deeply appreciated. Following the accidental killing of Thexan, Arcann was shocked and devastated by his actions, which he later expressed remorse for. Arcann spoke of missing Thexan to their sister Vaylin, believing that Thexan would have sided with him against their father.

Following his healing on Voss, Arcann's personality underwent a significant transformation, becoming more composed and humble, and he no longer concealed his scarred face behind a mask. When addressing Valkorion, he expressed regret for his past atrocities and dismissed his father with ease, without displaying any signs of anger or hatred. He pledged his support to the Outlander and remained loyal even after Vaylin's death. Despite a brief temptation to reclaim the Eternal Throne, Arcann supported the Outlander's ascension to the throne and even entered their mind to assist in the final battle against Valkorion, ultimately defeating his father for good. Regardless of the Alliance Commander's decision regarding the nature of the newly formed Eternal Alliance, Arcann assured the Outlander of his continued support.

Arcann possessed a natural aptitude for the Force and was a highly skilled duelist, capable of defeating both Sith Lords and Jedi Knights. He wielded a yellow-bladed lightsaber in combat. He exhibited the use of yellow Force lightning and powerful Force pushes, demonstrating a high level of proficiency in telekinesis. Arcann's most notable ability was his command of Force Lightning. Even with a cybernetic arm hindering him from achieving mastery of the ability like his father, Arcann could still conjure small storms with it. Arcann was also adept at Convection; he could combine Lightning and Convection into an ability that instantly destroyed HK-55. Defensively, Arcann could employ Tutaminis, enabling him to briefly withstand Valkorion's Force storm. Arcann also possessed political acumen, and after seizing control of Zakuul, he transformed it into the most influential political power in the galaxy. He also demonstrated talent as a military commander, managing to defeat both the Republic and the Empire within a single year using the might of the Eternal Fleet.

Arcann made his debut in Sacrifice, a cinematic trailer produced by Blur Studio for Star Wars: The Old Republic's fifth digital expansion, Knights of the Fallen Empire. The trailer was unveiled at the Electronic Entertainment Expo on June 15, in 2015, and his name was revealed on the official website's page for the new expansion, which was launched on the same day. In the game, Arcann is voiced by Erik Todd Dellums, who also provided the voice for his twin brother Thexan. If a player makes a Light Side choice during Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter I, Arcann is redeemed and subsequently joins them as a permanent companion. Conversely, if a Dark Side choice is made, Arcann is killed, although his spirit temporarily becomes a companion in Chapter X. Two customizations for Arcann are available from the Dark vs. Light vendors on the fleet: one reflecting his Fallen Empire appearance and another depicting his Eternal Throne Dark Side appearance. Game update 5.8 introduced Arcann as a romance option for players, regardless of gender, provided the light side option of keeping him alive was chosen.
In Chapter I: The Hunt, players are presented with the choice to either kneel before Valkorion or refuse to bow, neither of which is classified as a Light or Dark side decision. If the player kneels, Valkorion will begin to imbue the player with his energy, enabling Arcann to betray and stab Valkorion in the back, resulting in his death. If the player refuses to bow, Valkorion will order Arcann to execute them, but Arcann will betray his father, instead freeing the player and allowing them to strike down Valkorion. Regardless of the choice, both scenarios culminate in Valkorion's death, the player's unconsciousness, and Arcann's ascension to the Eternal Throne. [10]
In Chapter VIII: Taking Flight , players will engage Arcann in combat twice. During the second duel, Arcann will gain the upper hand, at which point Valkorion will intervene and offer players the opportunity to harness his power to defeat Arcann. If the player accepts Valkorion's power, they will unleash a devastating barrage of lightning blasts that force Arcann off the platform and result in the deaths of many fleeing Asylum inhabitants. If the player refuses Valkorion's power, Arcann will overpower the player and stab them, although he is still knocked off the platform by the players' companion Lana Beniko or Koth Vortena, depending on which one is romanced. [16]

- In Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen , players will battle Arcann once more. When Arcann is defeated, the player can offer him a final opportunity to surrender or proceed with an attempt to kill him. Regardless, the duel concludes with Arcann being crushed beneath rubble. Senya Tirall later rescues him and attempts to escape in a shuttle. The player has the option of attempting to shoot them both down; Senya manages to escape into hyperspace regardless. [6]
In Chapter I: Wrath and Ruin , the player encounters Arcann on Voss, where Senya pleads for a chance to heal her son's rage. If the player permits this, Senya sacrifices her life essence so that the Voss Mystics can heal Arcann's mind and body before he flees. If the player refuses, Senya is killed, and the Voss Mystics are unable to heal Arcann, so he departs still consumed by anger and vengeance. [24]
In Chapter V: Ascension , if Arcann was not healed, the player learns that he traveled to Nar Shaddaa and underwent significant cybernetic enhancements. [25]

In Chapter VI: The Dragon's Maw , Arcann battles his sister on Zakuul, but Vaylin manages to escape. If Arcann was healed, he will fight alongside the player against the Horizon Guards before pledging allegiance to the Alliance. If Arcann was not healed, he will attack the player in a final act of vengeance, but will be struck down. [3]
In Chapter VII: Into the Void , if Arcann was healed, he will participate in the briefing on Odessen and offer insights into the planet Nathema, but decline to go there himself, fearing that he may revert to his former self in its Force-void presence. If he was not healed, T7-O1 will provide the insights instead. [8]
In Chapter VIII: End Times , if Arcann was healed, he will fight alongside Senya in defense of the Gravestone . Subsequently, he and Senya will join the player in the duel against Vaylin and her Horizon Guards. If Arcann was not healed, Theron Shan and Lana Beniko will replace him and Senya. [26]

- In Chapter IX: The Eternal Throne , if Arcann was healed, he and Senya will accompany the player as they fight their way to the Eternal Throne. When the player is rendered unconscious by Valkorion, Arcann will meditate and enter the player's mind to assist in the battle against his father. He will later appear on Odessen. If Arcann was not healed, it is revealed that his spirit was consumed when the player killed him in Chapter VI. Valkorion uses Arcann's spirit to attack the player, but the player uses a holocron to free him from his father's control. Once freed, Arcann supports the player and helps destroy Valkorion alongside Vaylin's spirit. [5]
- In Whispers in the Force , if Arcann was healed, Sana-Rae will recommend sending him on a reconnaissance mission to a planet near Zakuul. The player can choose to send Arcann or hold him back, in which case two Jedi and two Sith would be sent in his stead. [31]