
Skytroopers represented a specific type of battle droid. These droids were both manufactured and deployed by the Eternal Empire's military forces.


Skytroopers were built within factories situated on the planet of Zakuul and also on board the Star Fortresses. These droids supplanted the overwhelming majority of living soldiers within the Zakuul military. Each standard Skytrooper came equipped with a blaster rifle and rocket boosters integrated into the back portion of its main body. However, certain elite Skytroopers existed as a three-legged variation, featuring weapons mounted directly onto their arms. Skytroopers were also outfitted with flamethrowers, which they employed in attempts to incinerate any obstacles encountered.

Skytrooper attack squad

The Eternal Empire developed at least one Skytrooper variant known as the Heavy Skytrooper, specifically for the purpose of planetary assaults. This particular model of Skytrooper saw extensive use during the Invasion of Voss. Another variant existed called the Siege Skytrooper, which possessed sufficient power and height to confront a walker in combat.


Following the collapse of the Eternal Empire and the subsequent establishment of the Eternal Alliance, the Head of Science, Dr.Juvard Illip Oggurobb, gained access to the Overwatch control center located on Zakuul. From there, he reprogrammed the entire Skytrooper force. While a portion of these forces remained on Zakuul to assist with reconstruction and similar tasks, the majority were immediately dispatched to Odessen, which served as the Alliance's capital. From this central location, the Eternal Alliance experienced rapid expansion, resulting in the deployment of Skytroopers throughout its territory. These droids fulfilled roles in law enforcement, military operations, and numerous other duties, mirroring their functions under the preceding Eternal Empire. Several Alliance Skytroopers were reprogrammed by the Order of Zildrog and were then used to defend the Order's operations on Nathema.

