Star Fortress

Star Fortress A Star Fortress is seen positioned above Alderaan.

The Eternal Empire of Zakuul brought into existence a type of battle station referred to as a Star Fortress. These were designed by Commander Tassar following the conquest of the galaxy. These colossal space stations, which derived their power from Sun Generators, were strategically located in orbit around subjugated planets to guarantee their continued obedience. These fortresses housed numerous hangars, factories dedicated to skytrooper production, and significant Zakuulan military contingents. Furthermore, any excess plasma from the generator could be unleashed upon a planet's surface as a destructive weapon. Each Star Fortress was governed by an Exarch, a Knight of Zakuul of considerable power who had undergone augmentation with cybernetic and biological enhancements. In addition to this, each Star Fortress was situated in geosynchronous orbit above a fortified bunker. The operation of the station's computerized systems, especially the deployment of the sun generator's plasma against a planet, relied heavily on an EPHEMERIS AI system, which could transfer its functions to a mobile droid. The destruction of the EPHEMERIS datacores and the droid would cause many systems to fail, making the station less dangerous for a short time.

Following his successful military campaigns, Arcann, the Emperor of Zakuul, positioned Star Fortresses in orbit around numerous worlds, possibly numbering in the hundreds. These battle stations, with their immense power and the threat of planetary destruction, allowed Arcann to effectively hold entire planets hostage without the need for occupying armies, thereby discouraging any organized resistance against the Eternal Throne. A prime example of their destructive capability occurred when a rebellion arose on the Bothan homeworld of Bothawui; the Star Fortress stationed there unleashed its power upon the planet, causing near-total devastation.

Despite the looming threat posed by these fortresses, a clandestine Alliance was forged in 3631 BBY on the secluded world of Odessen. This Alliance was spearheaded by an individual known as "the Commander," a prominent adversary of Arcann. Theron Shan, a former agent of the Republic SIS, joined this Alliance and, despite the devastation inflicted on Bothawui, collaborated with underground resistance movements on occupied planets to devise strategies to neutralize and ultimately dismantle the Star Fortresses.

KotET Star Fortress Tassar made an attempt to build a Star Fortress which used Rakatan technology. After her projects were destroyed, Tassar fell from grace. To avoid Empress Vaylin's anger, she fled the Eternal Empire. She took the Zakuulan Forward Recon Battalion, and other willing followers, to Lehon. There, she designed a new Star Fortress model using technology from the Rakatan Infinite Empire. This new fortress would have self-repairing capabilities, making it virtually indestructible. After the Eternal Empire's collapse, her followers thought this project would restore Zakuul's former glory. However, during the Battle on Rakata Prime, the Forward Recon Battalion was annihilated and Tassar was killed, ending the Star Fortress program permanently.

