Republic Strategic Information Service

The Republic Strategic Information Service, often shortened to Strategic Information Service (SIS) or Republic Intelligence, functioned as the Galactic Republic's internal and external intelligence organization during both the Great Galactic War and the subsequent era of political instability. While the agency's origins predated the beginning of the Great War in 3681 BBY, where it served as a monitoring and decryption branch of the Senate Library, the Galactic Senate responded to the escalating conflict by transforming the small decryption unit into a fully operational information and espionage service.

Despite being younger, smaller, and more thinly spread than its Sith Empire intelligence equivalent, the SIS proved effective during the Great War and the following Cold War. In 3643 BBY, under the leadership of Marcus Trant, Agent Theron Shan embarked on a mission to the Vesla system to gather intelligence on the Sith Empire from Jedi Master Ngani Zho. During this endeavor, Shan uncovered the Empire's clandestine warship construction facility, the Sun Razer, designed by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Mekhis. Shan's destruction of the Sun Razer and the ensuing political repercussions brought the Republic and Empire closer to renewed, large-scale warfare. The agency was also tasked with investigating the theft of classified blueprints for the Republic's superweapon, the Planet Prison. The investigation led to the recovery of the plans and the revelation that the superweapon's designer, Doctor Tarnis, was a Sith Lord. This incident exposed other classified Republic projects, such as the Power Guard Project, to potential compromise, prompting the SIS and Jedi to safeguard these projects from Sith acquisition.


The SIS Director's office in the Heorem Complex.

The Republic Strategic Information Service fulfilled the role of an espionage organization for the Galactic Republic. While it operated with a smaller network of spies and informants and was less established than its intelligence counterpart within the Sith Empire, it was still considered a valuable intelligence asset. Before the Great Galactic War, the SIS functioned as a branch within the Senate Library, tasked by the Galactic Senate with tasks involving monitoring and codebreaking. As war erupted, the agency became responsible for supplying intelligence to both the Republic Military and the Jedi Order. By the time the war concluded and the Cold War began, its responsibilities encompassed network management, counter-intelligence, foreign intelligence gathering, military intelligence support, and assistance to local law enforcement agencies.

The SIS maintained its headquarters within the Heorem Complex located on Coruscant. The organization was headed by the Director of SIS, to whom several agents on special assignments reported directly. Reporting to the Director were regional operational directors, including positions such as the Director of Core World Operations and the Director of Mid Rim Operations. Below the regional Directors were Station chiefs, who oversaw operations within a specific sector. Planetary operations were managed by Bureau Chiefs who supervised both Special Agents and regular agents. The SIS also included other ranks such as Senior Agent, along with military ranks including colonel, captain, and lieutenant.

All SIS operatives received training in Huttese language proficiency.


Early operations

Theron Shan with the Director and two bodyguards

Prior to the Great Galactic War, the Galactic Senate established the SIS as an intelligence organization tasked with monitoring and decryption duties for the Senate Library. Although Republic Intelligence had previously existed during the Mandalorian Wars before being disbanded, the SIS continued to be known as Republic Intelligence. Years before the war, Republic scientists discovered an ancient Rakatan prison complex on the planet Belsavis. In a series of secret meetings, the SIS decided to repurpose the complex into a new detention facility designed to hold dangerous prisoners who could not be executed or were simply too valuable to kill.

With the rise of the Sith Empire and the outbreak of war, the Senate removed the agency from the Senate Library's control and expanded its mandate. Due to its relatively small size and recent establishment, the SIS lacked the extensive network and bureaucratic infrastructure of its Sith counterpart. This presented both advantages and disadvantages. The SIS faced minimal oversight, but it operated within legal boundaries and sought loopholes and ethical boundaries, as demonstrated by the imprisonment of the Cathar hero Prince Shange. However, penetrating the Sith Empire proved challenging for the agency. Following its transformation into an intelligence bureau, some conspiracy theorists claimed that the SIS was the Republic's thirtieth or fortieth attempt at creating an espionage agency, a claim that was not entirely unfounded.

In 3661 BBY on Belsavis, Prince Shange, a Cathar hero, opposed the Cathar's alliance with the Republic. To silence him, SIS operatives kidnapped Shange and his followers, imprisoning them in stasis within the Belsavis prison. During several engagements with the Empire, Republic warships disappeared, their crews succumbing to an unknown terror. SIS listening posts in the Outer Rim intercepted coded messages related to these incidents and a group of Sith Lords known as the Dread Masters. Armed with this information, Jedi Knight Jaric Kaedan and a team of Republic Special Forces soldiers infiltrated the Imperial dreadnaught and captured the Sith Lords. The Masters were then imprisoned within The Tomb prison complex on Belsavis.

During Hylo Visz's assault on the Mandalorian blockade of the Hydian Way, the SIS received intelligence about the battle and dispatched starfighters to assist the smuggler in her mission to break the blockade for the Republic. Visz and the Republic achieved victory, reopening the Rimma Trade Route for the transport of goods and military supplies. Jedi Master Gnost-Dural, the keeper of the Jedi Archives, referenced this SIS action in his holodocumentary and his journal.

Cold War

Despite the agency's relative effectiveness during the war, it possessed limited knowledge of the inner workings of Imperial Intelligence. In Anchorhead on Tatooine, the SIS managed to establish a spy network. However, an SIS station on Nar Shaddaa was shut down, and rumors of Imperial mobilization in the area intensified. As a result, every lead became crucial. When Ngani Zho, a renowned Jedi warrior who had vanished after the war, was sighted near the Imperial border, the SIS took immediate interest. Discovering that Zho claimed to have returned from the Vesla system, a "Black Sector" ceded to the Empire under the treaty, the SIS dispatched agents to investigate, hoping to glean information from Zho's time behind enemy lines. However, none of the SIS agents returned. In the aftermath of the Treaty of Coruscant, the SIS became stretched thin. The Director faced pressure to gather intelligence on the Sith while also dealing with a bounty on his head and an investigation into his ex-wife by the Senate. Seeking new leads into Imperial Intelligence, the SIS director decided to send Agent Theron Shan to locate Zho and uncover his knowledge.

Agent Shan observing a target

After several weeks, Shan, accompanied by Teff'ith, a female Twi'lek criminal he had encountered on Coruscant, successfully tracked down the missing Jedi Master Zho on Taris. They were ambushed by Sith Knights under the command of Darth Mekhis, a Dark Lord of the Sith. They defeated the Knights and escaped Taris. Shan then questioned Master Zho about his experiences in the Vesla system. The Jedi Master remembered little, except that the system was controlled by Darth Mekhis, who was constructing terrible weapons. He was adamant that Darth Mekhis had to be stopped. Shan consulted with the SIS Director, learning that the Sith Empire had closed an SIS station on Nar Shaddaa and that there were rumors of Imperial Guard mobilization. Sensing an opportunity, the SIS Director authorized Shan to investigate the activity within the Vesla system.

After obtaining clearances and navigation charts at Port Nowhere, Shan and his team entered the Vesla system and established an observation post equipped with telescopes and a spy ray developed by SIS scientist Dr. Nasan Godera. Days later, the planet's rotation allowed Shan to observe the other planets in the system. He discovered Darth Mekhis's shipyard, powered by the Sun Razer, which used the energy of the system's sun to construct a new class of experimental warship called the Javelin Dreadnought. The warship could use its weapons to irradiate a planet's surface from space, eliminating all life within a three-kilometer radius. Shan recorded the information and attempted to leave the system with his companions, but they were discovered and captured by the Imperial Navy dreadnaught Valor Prevails under the command of Captain Eisek.

Taking action

Agent Shan shoots Darth Mekhis

Following their capture, Shan was given a tour of the facilities by Captain Eisek, while Master Zho was subjected to interrogation. During the interrogation, Zho recounted his experiences, explaining how he had infiltrated the slave labor force used by the Empire to build the Sun Razer in order to investigate the Vesla system. After the tour, Shan was taken to the same room as Zho and placed in restraints. Darth Mekhis ordered Zho's execution, but Shan freed both of them before it could be carried out. They then rendezvoused with Teff'ith to plan their next move. Instead of attempting to escape and report to the SIS, Shan decided to destroy the Sun Razer.

Shan proceeded to the control center to disable the facility's shields, exposing it to the sun's energy and causing its destruction. Meanwhile, Teff'ith and Zho headed towards the hangar, engaging Imperial forces in a fire fight to create a diversion for Shan. Teff'ith and Zho reached the hangar, but Zho was killed by Imperial troopers when he pushed Teff'ith out of the line of fire. Shan entered the control center and confronted Darth Mekhis. After battling her Sith Knights and other Imperial soldiers, Shan was seemingly captured. He drew Mekhis closer by revealing his name and pretending to be a Jedi. As Mekhis approached, Shan shot her with a toxin concealed in his arm. He then eliminated the remaining Imperials and lowered the facility's shields. Shan and Teff'ith escaped the ensuing explosion and destruction of the Sun Razer and the shipyard in their ship. Shan returned to Coruscant and reported his actions to the Director. Although the Sun Razer and its surrounding shipyard were destroyed, several of the warships built there were already operational in the Sith fleet, leading the Director to believe that the Cold War was on the verge of escalating into full-scale conflict. Shan expressed his intention to continue investigating, with a particular focus on a light-speed cannon capable of eliminating hyperspace targets, known as the Gauntlet.

Ord Mantell operations

During the Separatist War on the Republic world Ord Mantell, SIS agent Ebenga monitored Alma, a resident of Talloran village, whom he suspected of being an Imperial spy. An attack on the village by separatist forces forced Alma to flee her home and seek refuge at a refugee camp outside Fort Garnik. Ebenga subsequently entered Alma's abandoned home in search of an alleged heirloom necklace he believed was a disguised communication device used by Alma to transmit information to the Empire, but the necklace had already been stolen from the home by scavengers. When Republic heroes arrived at Alma's home seeking the necklace at her request, Ebenga revealed his suspicions and the location of the scavengers to them. The heroes raided the scavenger camp outside the village, defeating several scavengers and recovering the necklace which they delivered to Ebenga who promised to use the evidence to secure Alma's arrest.

A few months prior, the pirate Veem Set approached the Republic offering information on the separatist movement for which the Republic offered him protection. Set was captured by the separatists before the Republic could ensure his safety. Before initiating an assault on the Separatist stronghold, the Republic heroes were asked by SIS official Milo Phipps to release Set from captivity to fulfill the Republic's promise. The heroes assaulted the stronghold, defeating over fifty separatist fighters, and released Set, who was retrieved outside the base by Phipps' agents. Set subsequently conveyed his information to the Republic who planned further assaults against the separatists.

An hour prior to the heroes entering the separatist stronghold, the SIS was tipped off that the separatists were meeting with leaders of violent splinter groups across the Republic. Outside the stronghold, the heroes encountered SIS field agent Burne who asked them to access a computer terminal in the stronghold to ascertain the leaders' locations and defeat them and their bodyguards.

Coruscant operations

Around this time, the SIS had been infiltrating agents into the Finaq Shipping Company on the Republic capital world Coruscant for months to investigate contraband weapon shipments. The Black Sun criminal group began hijacking the company's freighters, killing the crews and stealing the cargo, obstructing the investigation. SIS agent Nurls Yorksin recruited Republic heroes to locate the stolen freight in Black Sun territory and tag stolen shipments with tracking beacons so they could be recovered. While in the gang's territory, the heroes eliminated at least fifty-eight of their members and three leaders and defeated gang member Teven Liss'ard and retrieved stolen shipping manifests to aid the SIS investigation.

After a holodisc containing schematics for secret underground tunnels on the planet was stolen by the Justicars' Brigade militia, SIS agent Fieler Dan was assigned to track the thieves and locate the disc. She failed to report in to Coruscant Security Forces, prompting the recruitment of Republic heroes to locate her and the disc. The heroes found Dan in Justicar territory and struck a deal to turn the disc over to her before returning it to Coruscant Security so her daughter, head of a local relief group, could use the information for her own operations. The heroes retrieved the schematics from the Justicar's main computer while also defeating at least sixty of their members including Jessa Bo'den, from whom they retrieved access codes that had allowed the Justicars to access secure facilities. The heroes allowed Dan to make a copy of the disc before submitting it to the custody of local authorities.

In the Justicars' territory, SIS agent Reid Gandon theorized that the Justicars were being supplied by the Sith Empire but required proof. He enlisted the aid of Republic heroes to retrieve three manifest data packets in the Justicars' shipping docks to help identify their supplier. The heroes defeated at least thirty Justicars in the docks and provided the data to Gandon who relayed them to his superiors.

SIS agent Galen briefs Republic and Jedi officials on a local threat.

Following a raid on a Republic military storehouse by a group of thieves, SIS agent Galen received the assignment to pursue a lead, aiming to locate both the criminals and the stolen, encrypted design schematics for the Planet Prison superweapon. Galen and his team, utilizing surveillance footage, identified Vistis Garn, an associate of the Migrant Merchants' Guild, as the leader of the thieves and subsequently dispatched a Jedi Knight to the thieves' hideout, with the objective to recover the stolen files alongside other pilfered goods.

After the successful retrieval of the stolen items, Galen informed the Jedi Knight that Doctor Tarnis, the chief architect of the Planet Prison, had been kidnapped. He then directed the knight to undertake a rescue mission at the nearby spaceport. Simultaneously, Galen's team discovered that the stolen files contained sensitive data concerning multiple Republic superweapon research facilities. Consequently, Galen prepared to leave Coruscant to fortify one of these sites. Before his departure, Galen connected the knight with a specialized Coruscant Security unit to assist in a forthcoming raid on the Black Sun headquarters.

Nar Shaddaa operations

On Nar Shaddaa, a moon under Hutt control, SIS operative Jatta Kuum endeavored to shut down the pit fighting enterprise managed by Kata the Hutt, a local crime lord, within the Nikto Sector. This occurred before the operation escalated to a perilous level and Kuum was placed under surveillance by the Hutt's forces. Kuum's motive for dismantling the pit fights stemmed from the fact that Kata was using the generated profits to finance various separatist factions within the Republic, which posed a threat of triggering numerous localized conflicts and undermining the Republic's capacity to effectively counter the Imperial threat. Kuum later enlisted the aid of Republic heroes, who triumphed over at least ten of Kata's arena combatants, including the pit fighting champion, and employed explosives to obliterate Kata's vault, which housed all the essential information required to maintain the pit fights' operations. Kuum assessed the strike as a significant setback to separatist endeavors and committed to infiltrating the movement to dismantle it from within.

The SIS strategically positioned a listening post within the Corellian Sector of the moon to monitor Imperial communications. To maintain the secrecy of this post, the SIS disseminated stolen reports to local Krayt gang slicers, who then offered to sell the information on the black market. After Ghost, a local information broker, revealed to Imperial heroes that the gang had breached Imperial databases and stolen several confidential reports, the heroes proceeded to recover the reports and deliver them to Keeling, an Imperial Intelligence officer. During this process, they defeated at least fifteen members of the gang. Keeling discovered that the reports contained SIS slicing signatures, along with coordinates leading to their listening post, and consequently dispatched the heroes to destroy the post's communication terminal. At least ten SIS personnel were defeated during the assault on the listening post.

In the Upper Industrial Sector's Lenstrum Market, SIS operatives were in the process of negotiating a deal with local arms dealers to acquire experimental armor designs when they were ambushed and defeated by Imperial heroes. The heroes had been recruited by Factor Jarvus from the Empire to subdue the gangsters and SIS agents and retrieve the armor schematics. To discourage future dealings with the Republic, the heroes defeated at least ten arms dealers.

In the nearby Lower Industrial Sector's Labor District, SIS agent Kalda Biss was dispatched by Ganuk, a local resistance leader, to investigate allegations that the Empire was manufacturing toxins designed to eliminate specific sentient species at a nearby chemical factory, but subsequently lost contact. Ganuk later arranged for Republic heroes to install a scanner into a mainframe at Pharmalux Technologies, one of the Empire's front organizations, revealing that the Empire was indeed producing chemicals with the intent to exterminate all the Evocii on Nar Shaddaa. While storming the Pharmalux Waste Processing facility to thwart the alien genocide, the heroes liberated Biss from Imperial captivity. Biss then instructed the heroes to halt Vergost, the Imperial commander's extermination program, and eliminate other Imperial leaders within the facility, while she worked to secure additional Republic reinforcements. The heroes overcame at least ten Imperial wardens and captains before ultimately taking Vergost into custody.

SIS agents Alys and Kesler were in the process of gathering intelligence regarding the Labor Alliance's interactions with the Empire when Kesler's cover was compromised. Consequently, Kesler was imprisoned in Shadow Town, a slum utilized by the Empire as a detention center for individuals deemed potentially useful, before he could transmit his report, which the SIS required to ensure the success of an impending sting operation. Two weeks following Kesler's imprisonment, Alys requested that Republic heroes establish contact with Kesler in Shadow Town's Forced Retirement Home to retrieve the report. Upon locating Kesler, he disclosed that he had concealed his report on a modified cred stick, which the heroes recovered from one of the Imperial prison provosts. Kesler decrypted the cred stick before the heroes delivered it to Alys.

Around the same period, the SIS discovered that the Empire was upgrading the cranial bombs implanted in Shadow Town prisoners to prevent escapes. Recognizing this as a unique opportunity, the SIS initiated an ultraviolet-level mission seeking assistance to acquire the schematics for the explosive technology. This would allow Republic scientists to devise a method to disable the cranial bombs, enabling the SIS to extract prisoners from Shadow Town. Four Republic heroes raided Shadow Town's prison control center, downloaded the schematics, and destroyed several research computers, while defeating at least twenty-five Imperials.

Also around this time, SIS agent Zan Loren, who had been stationed on the moon for six years, was coordinating the SIS effort to secure the liberation of the Jedi Ako Domi and other Republic prisoners from Shadow Town. To initiate the operation, Loren tasked the Republic heroes with obtaining access codes to Camp 27, the location where the Empire was holding Republic prisoners of war, from prison wardens as they ventured outside the prison's shields.

Given that Shadow Town's security access code was fragmented into parts and changed frequently, the heroes first retrieved the primary, security, and subsystem access codes from Imperial prison wardens and returned them to Loren before the codes could be altered. To facilitate their forthcoming assault on Camp 27, the heroes defeated at least fifteen prison guards while acquiring the codes.

Upon entering Camp 27, the heroes unlocked four cell blocks, releasing the Republic POWs confined within, and defeated at least another fifteen guards. While interrogating an Imperial interrogator regarding Ako Domi's whereabouts, the interrogator summoned Domi, who was revealed to have succumbed to the dark side of the Force. Domi and his Sith apprentices engaged the heroes in combat but were defeated. SIS agents then arrived, took Domi into custody for transfer to the care of a Jedi healer, and seized the camp's records.

On Nar Shaddaa, the SIS had established a substantial covert operation. Under the direction of Bureau Chief Rieekan, agents tracked Imperial and Hutt Cartel activities on the planet. When personnel associated with the Power Guard Project, a program designed to create super-soldiers, disappeared, including Agent Galen, the SIS initiated an immediate investigation, aided by a Jedi Knight. The Jedi Knight discovered at the SIS headquarters that Agent Galen was expected to be at the Power Guard recruitment center. Upon arriving there, the Knight found that Imperials had raided the recruitment center. Vell Narroc, an SIS Power Guard recruiter, informed the Knight that Galen had been captured and taken by the Sith to the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab. There, the knight was able to track down Galen's location and also discovered that the Sith had taken control of the Power Guard project.

SIS headquarters on Nar Shaddaa

Upon returning to the SIS safe house, the Jedi Knight discovered that Imperial forces had raided the location, resulting in the deaths of several agents, including Chief Rieekan. Special Agent Tander assumed the role of acting Bureau Chief. The Jedi Knight proceeded to Shadow Town to rescue Galen and eliminate Lord Sadic, the Sith commander responsible for the Empire's operations. Beginning at the SIS base outside of Shadow Town, an Imperial prison camp, the Knight fought towards Galen's location. However, Galen had been transformed into a Power Guard cyborg, controlled by Sadic through the infliction of pain. After battling the Knight, Galen fled to Sadic's lab and attacked the Sith, only to be defeated and severely wounded. The Knight also went to Sadic's lab but was able to kill him. Special Agent Tander, along with Agent Diyaz and commandos from Black Star Squad, destroyed the Power Guard files, Sadic's lab, and all equipment related to the project. Agent Galen, now freed from his enslavement, was given a special assignment by the SIS where his unique cyborg powers would be needed.

Other actions

The SIS also furnished technical assistance and intelligence to a trooper tasked with tracking down a defected Republic Special Forces soldier and rogue war droids. On Tatooine, the SIS investigated a Czerka Arms facility that the company had abandoned, despite labeling it as containing a doomsday device. Due to staffing shortages on Tatooine, the SIS enlisted the help of an individual to secure the doomsday device.

On Voss, an aspiring Sith named Durik Vesh ventured into the Nightmare Lands in search of the source of the dark side energy present there. During his journey, Vesh descended into madness before being captured by Republic forces and taken to a SIS camp on the planet. Interrogators attempted to extract information about the Empire and the Nightmare Lands from Vesh's deranged mind. Eventually, the SIS decided to relocate him. Darth Serevin discovered the SIS's intentions and dispatched the Sith Lord Kallig to ambush the convoy and eliminate Vesh, preventing him from divulging any further information to the SIS.

Galactic War

Operation End Game

The Ascendant Spear, a Terminus-class destroyer by its design, was undergoing modifications to transform it into a long-range battle cruiser near the conclusion of the Cold War. Boasting enhanced hyperdrive capabilities and a devastating megalaser as its primary weapon, the Ascendant Spear was widely regarded as an Imperial superweapon. It was to be commanded—directly—by Darth Karrid via a cybernetic interface.

The Republic had become aware of the ship's existence several years prior, when a covert SIS operation uncovered its presence in the Vesla system. Ultimately, the understanding of the threat culminated in a mission to Imperial space, where SIS agent Theron Shan partnered with Jedi Master Gnost-Dural to steal a black cipher encryption device from the Empire, enabling them to track the ship's movements. The functionality of the encryption device was validated when the SIS learned of an impending imperial attack on Ruan, a Republic agriworld. However, to safeguard the knowledge that the Republic possessed the cipher device, Supreme Commander Jace Malcom was compelled to withhold military assistance from the doomed world. As a result, Imperial forces launched their assault, resulting in thousands of casualties and the destruction of Ruan's agricultural production capabilities.

While Karrid commenced the selection of her next target, Republic forces hastily arranged a trap. Through Republic covert intelligence operations, Darth Karrid was enticed into attacking the Republic shipyards orbiting the planet Duro. The ambush proved successful. Republic forces, under the command of Supreme Commander Malcom, engaged and destroyed the fleet led by Moff Nezzor, which in turn allowed Agent Shan and Master Gnost-Dural to infiltrate the Ascendant Spear itself. The pair succeeded in defeating Karrid, leading to the destruction of the Imperial superweapon.

Revanite crisis

Theron Shan played a role in planning the Korriban Incursion in 3637 BBY to acquire strategic data that could shift the tide of the war. Following the Assault on Tython, which coincided with their assault on Korriban, Theron grew suspicious of a conspiracy involving Colonel Rian Darok and Darth Arkous. Theron monitored Darok and informed a Republic ally of his suspicious conduct, noting that he did not share the intelligence with the SIS.

Jakarro and Theron Shan on Rakata Prime

Theron later established contact with Lana Beniko, Arkous' advisor, who also suspected her superior of engaging in illicit activities. They concluded that the attacks were rapid, targeted operations aimed at recovering Rakata technology. They dispatched a strike team to Manaan, where they laid siege to an underwater base where Arkous and Darok were developing invincible cyborg supersoldiers. However, the two conspirators managed to escape with their research and scuttled the base, leaving the team to perish. Theron successfully assisted the strike team in escaping before the base reached crush depth. Upon reuniting with Lana, the Sith revealed that Arkous and Darok were members of the Order of Revan. They were then joined by Jakarro, a Wookiee smuggler who had been imprisoned by the Revanites after delivering their medical supplies, seeking retribution against the two men. Theron agreed to collaborate with him to track down the Revanites.

After assisting the pursuers in locating Arkous and Darok on Lehon (then known as "Rakata Prime"), Theron had hoped for the capture of the two Revanite leaders to gain further insight into their plans; however, both refused to surrender and were killed as a result. It was then that the true Revanite leader was revealed to be Revan himself. After escaping from Rakata Prime, Theron met with Lana, Jakarro, and their allies one last time on Manaan, where he disclosed that he was classified as a "disavowed rogue agent, apprehend on sight" (in contrast to the others, who received death sentences - twelve in Jakarro's case), believing that Director Trant had managed to secure him the "lesser" punishment. However, to avoid being located by the Revanites, he, Lana, and Jakarro were compelled to go into hiding, leaving their allies to deal with hunting down Revan and his followers.

Later history

In time, the SIS was superseded by the Senate Bureau of Intelligence as the primary intelligence agency for the Galactic Senate.

Notable members

The Director

Marcus Trant

The Director had been a part of the SIS since its early days, when it was a branch of the Senate Library. By the time the war concluded, he had risen through the ranks to become the Director. Along the way he made sacrifices in his personal life when his marriage ended, and in public where he had to deal with an understaffed agency and a bounty that had been placed on his head. However, he believed his role to be crucial. He considered the Senate and the Jedi Order to be antiquated institutions resistant to change, necessitating a flexible organization to safeguard the Republic, a role that the Director believed the SIS fulfilled and thus merited his loyalty.

Theron Shan

Theron Shan

Theron Shan served as an agent for the SIS during the Cold War period following the Treaty of Coruscant. Shan excelled in his work, although his attitude was characterized by both sarcasm and a degree of resentment towards his abilities as a spy and the life he led. Shan was also the secret son of Grand Master Satele Shan and was raised by Jedi Master Ngani Zho. Shan maintained some Jedi traditions by meditating and fasting in the morning, before abandoning the latter habit. While investigating the Black Sun crime syndicate for potentially selling slaves to the Sith Empire, Shan apprehended a female Twi'lek named Teff'ith, who was involved in the deal. In a display of his unique sense of humor, Shan chose not to hand her over to Coruscant Security, instead opting to take her, bound and chained, on his newly assigned mission to locate Ngani Zho. He later developed a tentative working relationship with her and released her after the mission. Shan was also accompanied on his mission by his droid, M-6.



Galen was an agent for the SIS during the Cold War. In 3643 BBY, he was summoned, along with agents from the Coruscant Security Force, to investigate the theft of several plans for the Planet Prison superweapon. Galen discovered the thief's location in Migrant Merchants' Guild territory. With the help of the Jedi, the plans were recovered. However, with Doctor Tarnis missing along with the Planet Prison, Galen's task became more challenging. Galen dispatched the Jedi and CSF agents to rescue Tarnis from the Black Sun kidnappers at the Coruscant Spaceport. There, they discovered that it was a diversion and that Tarnis was actually deep within Black Sun territory. Galen then offered the assistance of the CSF Special Tactical Unit to rescue Tarnis. Galen himself departed to secure other vital Republic stations. The Jedi, along with the Tactical Unit, were able to locate the supposed hideout, only to discover that Tarnis was, in fact, a Sith Lord. Subsequently, Galen traveled to Nar Shaddaa to secure the Power Guard Project. There, he was captured by Sith operatives and transformed into a Power Guard soldier himself, enslaved to the commands of Sith Lord Sadic. Galen fought back but was defeated and severely injured. He later went on to be planted by the SIS behind enemy lines.

Behind the scenes

The SIS was created for Star Wars: The Old Republic, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by BioWare and released on December 20, 2011. The organization is not playable, but it features prominently in various class storylines. The SIS also played a leading role in the Star Wars: The Old Republic—The Lost Suns comic book series, which began publication in June 2011.

Although the SWTOR website Timeline 2 online video refers to it as Republic Strategic Information Systems, Alexander Freed, a The Old Republic developer and writer of The Lost Suns comics, confirmed its official name as the Republic Strategic Information Service, and it has appeared under that name in subsequent publications.

