Justicar territory, alternatively referred to as the Justicars' Sector or sector 439, encompassed a region within Coruscant's lower levels that was governed by the Justicars throughout the duration of the Cold War. Following the devastating Sacking of Coruscant, the Republic's available resources were dramatically reduced, resulting in the withdrawal of the Coruscant Security Forces from this particular zone. Capitalizing on the resulting instability, criminal organizations like Black Sun infiltrated the area, exploiting the vulnerable Coruscanti populace. Incensed by their homes and neighborhoods being subjected to attacks, former Republic soldiers established their own militia, identifying themselves as the Justicars' Brigade. They repurposed a former Coruscant Security installation as their base of operations, renaming it the "Justicars' Tower." The Justicars then imposed martial law within the sector, expelling both Black Sun and the remaining Coruscant Security personnel. Any opposition to their rule was met with extreme force, effectively isolating the sector from external contact.