Sadic, a Sith Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire and a male Human, played a significant role during the Cold War against the Galactic Republic. Born to parents of low social standing, his inherent Force-sensitivity led to his enrollment at the Sith Academy on the planet of Korriban. There, he masterminded the deaths of numerous rival acolytes, ultimately becoming the personal assassin and apprentice to the Sith Lord Umbriss. Following Umbriss's demise at the hands of his superior, Darth Angral, Sadic became Angral's apprentice, rising to the rank of Sith Lord alongside Nefarid and Praven. In 3643 BBY, after Angral's son, Tarnis, was killed by a Jedi Knight, Sadic was dispatched to the moon Nar Shaddaa. His mission was to seize control of the Republic's Power Guard supersoldier project as part of Angral's war of vengeance against the Republic. Seeking greater power, Sadic willingly underwent the Power Guard process himself, intending to create a vast army of Power Guards from the masses of refugees on Nar Shaddaa. However, his ambitions were cut short when he was killed by the same Jedi Knight responsible for Tarnis's death.
Within the Sith Empire, the individual who would become Sadic was born a male Human to parents of humble origins. Consequently, his life began with a status barely above that of a slave in Imperial society. However, sometime after 3681 BBY, Sadic displayed Force-sensitivity, resulting in his transfer to the Sith Academy located on the planet of Korriban. He distinguished himself as the sole surviving acolyte from his cohort during the rigorous trials on Korriban, having murdered numerous fellow apprentices and other inhabitants of the Academy during his time there. Despite these actions, Sadic remained unsuspected, and the killings ceased only when he departed the planet to become the apprentice of the Sith Lord Umbriss. For several years, Sadic served as Umbriss's personal assassin until Umbriss incurred the wrath of the more powerful Sith Darth Angral and met his end. Angral then acquired Sadic, along with Umbriss' estate and wealth. Despite Sadic's vow of eternal loyalty, Angral, aware of Sadic's potential treachery, maintained strict control over him. Under Angral's guidance, Sadic attained the rank of Sith Lord during the Cold War against the Galactic Republic.

In 3643 BBY, Sadic participated in a holoconference with Angral, Angral's son Tarnis, and Angral's other apprentices, Praven and Nefarid. They were using a secret Imperial facility on Ord Mantell to contact Tarnis, who was on the Republic capital of Coruscant. Tarnis had abandoned his undercover role as a Republic scientist to steal the Planet Prison superweapon for use against Coruscant. As Tarnis set up the weapon within the ruins of the Jedi Temple, he informed his father and Angral's apprentices of his success. However, a young Jedi Knight arrived with Padawan Kira Carsen. Amused by Tarnis's failure to eliminate his Jedi pursuers, Sadic mocked him for his oversight. Along with Angral and the others, he watched as Tarnis engaged the two Jedi in a duel, which resulted in the Knight striking down Tarnis. Enraged, Angral declared war on the Republic.

Utilizing information obtained from Tarnis regarding Republic weapons projects, Angral dispatched his apprentices to seize control of these projects as part of his campaign for vengeance. Sadic was assigned the task of securing the Power Guard Enhancement System, a program focused on creating supersoldiers through cybernetics and adrenals, located on the neutral moon of Nar Shaddaa. Accompanied by a contingent of Imperial soldiers, Sadic located the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab in Nar Shaddaa's Red Light Sector, capturing it along with the Power Guard recruitment center in the Nikto Sector. While the Imperials began sending captive recruits to the lab for "testing," Sadic's soldiers captured Agent Galen of the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence agency, who was attempting to infiltrate the center. Intrigued, Sadic ordered Galen brought to the lab, where he subjected him to the Power Guard process, replacing two-thirds of his body with cybernetics.
After losing contact with his men at the recruitment center, Sadic retreated to another facility in the Imperial prison district of Shadow Town, where he began implementing his plan to build an army of Power Guards from the refugees on Nar Shaddaa. He left Commander Graul and a small group of soldiers to defend the main project lab, promising the officer the opportunity to execute the person responsible for the deaths at the recruitment center. His suspicions about the individual's identity were confirmed when the Knight who had killed Tarnis arrived at the project lab. Speaking to the Knight and the Jedi's companion via hologram, Sadic revealed that he had left several Mark I Power Guards to assist Graul, and his callous disregard for the lives of those he had converted appalled the Knight before Sadic ended the transmission. Sadic then dispatched a squad of Mark II Power Guards to the recently discovered SIS base at the Promenade shopping complex.

Under Sadic's command, Agent Galen confronted the Knight in an Imperial weapons factory in the Lower Industrial Sector. Sadic took pleasure in torturing Galen through his implants to force his obedience. After Sadic ended his holotransmission, Galen attacked the Jedi. Though Galen, with the Jedi's help, managed to break free of Sadic's control, Sadic then willingly underwent the Power Guard process himself to enhance his power. The Knight subsequently assaulted Sadic's base in Shadow Town, defeating several Mark III Power Guards and Imperial defenders before encountering Sadic in the facility's main room. Flanked by two Power Guards, the newly upgraded Sith marveled at the increased power granted by the Power Guard technology, claiming he could calculate seventeen different ways to kill the Jedi within the brief time he spoke with his opponent.
As Sadic considered adding the Knight to his Power Guard army, Galen charged in to aid the Jedi. Amused, Sadic used voice commands to increase his control over the converted agent. However, Galen pushed through the pain and joined the Knight in battling Sadic. The Sith drew his lightsaber to press the attack. Despite Sadic's increased strength and the support of his Power Guards, he was unable to overcome the combined efforts of the Knight, the Jedi's companion, and Galen. The battle concluded with Sadic's death. Shortly afterward, Sadic's body was destroyed when the Republic commando unit Blackstar Squad demolished the lab with explosives at the Knight's command. Upon learning of Sadic's demise, Nefarid sent a message congratulating the Knight and thanking him for eliminating a rival for Angral's favor.

Before undergoing the Power Guard process, Sadic was a Human male with light skin, blue eyes, and black [hair](/article/hair-legends], of average height and slight build. Afterward, he became significantly taller and more physically imposing. The Power Guard process replaced over two-thirds of his biological mass with cybernetics, an exchange Sadic considered an excellent trade for increased power. Even as a young acolyte, Sadic was highly ambitious and determined, willing to murder his fellow acolytes to eliminate competition. Like many in the Empire, he viewed aliens as little more than animals and had no qualms about subjecting unwilling subjects to the Power Guard process. Sadic enjoyed inflicting pain and found Galen's resistance to his mental control an amusing challenge to overcome through increased torment.
Sadic wore a silver and gray mask with red eyes and metallic mandible-like attachments over his mouth. He typically wore dark, hooded robes with a belt from which hung his red-bladed lightsaber. After his body was enhanced by the Power Guard process, he added shoulder armor to complement his increased size.
Sadic was strong in the Force and proficient in the use of the dark side. He wielded a red-bladed lightsaber in combat. The Power Guard conversion process greatly enhanced his reflexes and physical strength. His mind could quickly process combat situations, assessing his opponents' strengths and weaknesses. The enhancements also allowed him to run through scenarios and calculate probabilities to determine the most efficient way to defeat his opponents.
Lord Sadic first appeared as a recurring figure in the Jedi Knight class storyline in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game released in 2011 by BioWare and LucasArts. He appears as a hologram in the mission "Race to the Ruins" and serves as the primary antagonist on Nar Shaddaa for the Jedi Knight. The "Fate of the Galaxy" trailer, shown at PAX East 2011, included footage of Angral watching a space battle as Sadic and Nefarid approached, although that scene, like others in the trailer, was not included in the final game. The fight with Sadic can vary depending on whether the player helps Agent Galen break free of Sadic's control. Refusing to kill Galen earns fifty light-side alignment points, and Galen will angrily flee. The player will later find Galen heavily injured in Sadic's base, having defeated most of the Power Guard defenders. Killing Galen earns dark-side alignment points, and the player fights Sadic alone. Convincing Galen to fight Sadic earns 100 alignment points, and Galen will assist in the final battle.
This article assumes the player chooses only the moral light-side options that maximize alignment points as a Republic Jedi Knight, thus assuming Galen was convinced to help the Knight and the project was destroyed. The 2012 reference guide Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia mentioned Sadic, Nefarid, and Praven in the entry for Darth Angral.