Mark I Power Guards represented the initial iteration of soldiers enhanced by the Power Guard Enhancement System, a supersoldier initiative conceived by the Galactic Republic. In 3643 BBY, the Sith Lord known as Sadic took command of the Power Guard endeavor. He began to generate Power Guards by exploiting refugees, erasing their identities and turning them into unthinking weapons under his direct control. Although the Mark I Power Guards were the least advanced Power Guard model, they possessed sophisticated weaponry and armor, akin to their successors. A contingent of Mark I Power Guards was stationed to defend the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab following Sadic's relocation of the program. However, they proved insufficient against a young Jedi Knight who arrived shortly thereafter. Following Sadic's downfall, the entire project was terminated.
The Galactic Republic conceived the Power Guard Enhancement System as an element of the Republic superweapon initiative during the Cold War that transpired between the Republic and the Sith Empire. The Power Guard system was initially implemented on willing participants residing on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. However, in 3643 BBY, the Sith Lord named Sadic usurped the project's control, redirecting it towards his personal objectives. Instead of relying on voluntary recruits, his forces resorted to the abduction of refugees, subjecting them to the Power Guard transformation while simultaneously erasing and reprogramming their minds, resulting in [droid](/article/droid-legends]-like supersoldiers loyal to Sadic.
When a young Jedi Knight commenced disrupting Sadic's operations, Sadic moved the Power Guard program to another location, leaving behind a small number of Mark I Power Guards alongside his subordinate Commander Graul at the original Power Guard Cybernetics Lab. The Jedi Knight and an ally swiftly located the facility and stormed the premises. Upon the Jedi's entry into the main chamber, the Knight engaged in a brief holocomm exchange with Sadic, after which Sadic activated the remaining Mark I Power Guards stored within the lab to reinforce Graul. Nevertheless, the Knight and companion killed both Graul and the Power Guards.
The Power Guard program was discontinued shortly thereafter, with the Republic systematically destroying all associated files.
A Mark I Power Guard represented a supersoldier enhanced via the Power Guard Enhancement System, which incorporated a range of cybernetic augmentations and adrenal stimulants. Every Mark I Power Guard was a Human or humanoid who underwent the Power Guard modifications. Consequently, each Power Guard exhibited unique characteristics regarding height, weight, and gender. While the Power Guard system was initially intended to produce supersoldiers who maintained their individual personalities, Sadic's takeover led to the addition of mind-wiping and mental programming, transforming them into drone soldiers subservient to his commands.
Each Power Guard was outfitted with advanced armor derived from the standard Republic trooper design, along with an advanced blaster rifle and vibrostaff for combat purposes.
Mark I Power Guards made their debut in the Jedi Knight-class mission titled "Red Light, Black Heart" within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game launched by BioWare in 2011. The Power Guard project presents a choice between salvaging it for dark-side alignment points or destroying it for light-side alignment points. However, given the Jedi Knight's Republic allegiance and the assumption of light-side choices, this article presumes the project's destruction.