In 3643 BBY, a brief engagement took place at the Power Guard Cybernetics Lab located on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. This occurred during the personal war waged by Sith Lord Darth Angral against the Galactic Republic, amidst the larger Cold War between the Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Sith Lord Sadic, having taken control of the [Power Guard Project](/article/power_guard_enhancement_system] which produced supersoldier, discovered that a young Jedi Knight was searching for the project. Consequently, he moved the program to a different site. However, he left behind a small contingent of Imperial soldiers under the command of Commander Graul to defend the facility, along with several Mark I Power Guards. Ultimately, the soldiers and Power Guards proved insufficient to defeat the Jedi Knight, who, after the battle, obtained Graul's datapad and utilized it to locate the project.
Darth Angral, a Sith Lord, initiated a personal war against the Galactic Republic in 3643 BBY during the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, following the death of his son, Tarnis. Angral deployed his apprentices to seize control of multiple Republic superweapon programs, utilizing stolen data regarding the Republic superweapon initiative. Lord Sadic, Angral's apprentice, was dispatched to the moon of Nar Shaddaa, where the Republic had been developing the Power Guard Enhancement System, a program involving cybernetic enhancements and adrenal stimulants to create supersoldiers. After capturing the Power Guard recruitment center, Sadic discovered the location of the main Power Guard Cybernetics Lab in Nar Shaddaa's Red Light Sector, and his forces quickly gained control of the facility. However, upon learning that a young Jedi Knight had arrived at the recruitment center and was searching for the cybernetics lab, the Sith instructed his forces to relocate the project's data and equipment to his lab in the prison district of Shadow Town. Sadic delegated Commander Graul and several Mark I Power Guards to guard the facility, as Graul sought revenge on the Jedi for the deaths of the Imperials who had been guarding the recruitment center. The Jedi Knight, aided by the Republic Strategic Information Service, the Republic's intelligence agency, and a companion, located the lab by damaging power conduits throughout the Red Light Sector to identify the building with an independent power source.
Upon entering the lab, the Knight and a companion eliminated the guards and the two scientists present within the facility. Reaching Graul in the main chamber, the duo was met by a hologram of Sadic, who commended the Knight's progress. Eager to avenge the deaths of his men, Graul activated the three Mark I Power Guards remaining in the lab, and Sadic terminated the communication as the battle commenced. Despite the Power Guards' advanced armor and weaponry, Graul and the Power Guards were unable to overcome the Knight and the Jedi's companion, who killed the officer and defeated the droid-like supersoldiers.
Following the conclusion of the battle, the Knight examined Graul's body and discovered an encrypted datapad, although the rest of the facility provided no further clues regarding Sadic's whereabouts. The Knight reported the finding to SIS Chief Rieekan, who instructed the Jedi to return it to the SIS safe house located at the Promenade shopping complex. However, Sadic was aware of the safe house's existence and dispatched Mark II Power Guards to eliminate the SIS agents stationed there; the Knight arrived just in time to rescue some of the agents.
The conflict within the cybernetics lab was initially featured in the Jedi Knight-class mission "Red Light, Black Heart" on Nar Shaddaa in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that BioWare released in 2011.