Umbriss's estate

The estate belonging to Umbriss was a property held by the Sith Lord Umbriss of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the time of the Cold War with the Galactic Republic. Nevertheless, after Umbriss faced the ire of and was killed by his superior, a Sith known as Darth Angral, the estate was seized. Angral took his defeated foe's assets, including Umbriss's estate and his apprentice Sadic.

Behind the scenes

The sole reference to Umbriss's estate, alongside its owner, is in the 2011 video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, which includes an in-game Codex. The Codex entry for Lord Sadic, Umbriss's apprentice, recounts his death and Darth Angral's subsequent acquisition of Sadic as his own apprentice. This entry is awarded to Jedi Knight players upon their victory over Sadic in the class mission "Showdown with Lord Sadic" on the planet Nar Shaddaa.

