Lower Industrial Sector

The Lower Industrial Sector, situated on Nar Shaddaa, contained some of the most ancient factories and storage buildings still functioning on the moon. A number of these structures were centuries old, erected by the Evocii who originally developed the metropolis. Although covered in layers of corrosion, new occupants continued to exploit the area's resources.


During the period of the Cold War, the Sith Empire utilized this sector to run a collection of shell corporations from Nar Shaddaa, primarily situated on the lower levels. These businesses offered reduced prices on cutting-edge weaponry and technologies to the Sith, while also supporting the slave trade that supplied the Empire's workforce throughout the galaxy. Moreover, the Imperials leveraged the Sector as a central hub for moving cargo, credits, and people through territories outside of Imperial control.

The Hutt Cartel also developed and sustained a vested interest within the Sector. The buildings not rented by the Empire were used to store spice, adrenals, and implants. Consequently, the warehouses in the Lower Industrial Sector were heavily protected, and during the Cold War, whispers circulated that they served as concealed locations for unique endeavors undertaken by individual Hutts seeking to protect them from their competition.

