The Coruscant Eastern Spaceport, also known as either Eastport or the Coruscant Spaceport, functioned as a major spaceports facility on the planet of Coruscant. It resided within the world's Port District. A large industrialized area, it served as the initial point of entry for most individuals arriving on Coruscant, and while its scale could be overwhelming for first-time visitors, it was well-equipped to accommodate beings of diverse physiological backgrounds.
The terminals of the spaceport were designed with a blend of practicality and elegant, flowing curves. Prominent display boards provided travelers with essential information, and a strict code of conduct regulated movement throughout the facility. The Coruscant Eastern Spaceport included a transit car terminal featuring multiple levels of narrow walkways. The port experienced its peak activity during the Separatist Crisis, commencing in 24 BBY. During this period, migrant traffic surged by 6,000 percent, and heightened inter-species tensions within the port culminated in a significant brawl between Houk and Weequay immigrants.
In 7956 C.R.C., the Coruscant Security Force intercepted a consignment of contaminated Moogan tea at the Eastport Docks, one of Eastport's numerous docking facilities. In 5 BBY, Syril Karn, a former employee of Preox-Morlana, traveled back to Coruscant from Morlana One via the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport. In the same year, Kleya Marki, a rebel agent, utilized a transit car to reach the spaceport en route to a meeting with fellow rebel Vel Sartha.

The Coruscant Eastern Spaceport, sometimes referred to as Eastport or the Coruscant Spaceport, was a sprawling spaceport area and one of the two primary ports serving Galactic City, the ecumenopolis that covered the entirety of the planet Coruscant. While Westport, the other major port, primarily handled departures from the planet, Eastport served as the arrival point for most visitors. It was also utilized by some travelers for their daily commutes, or as the starting point for long voyages across the galaxy.
Located within the Port District, both Eastport and Westport were more than just spaceports; they were extensive industrialized zones encompassing a diverse range of port facilities. The Eastport Docks, platforms 7-12, and 7-13 were examples of such facilities. While the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport's sheer size could be daunting to newcomers, it was equipped to accommodate the diverse physiologies of the countless individuals who passed through its gates. Port authorities maintained a tolerant approach to cultural and social differences whenever possible. The spaceport handled tens of thousands of passengers daily, providing numerous gates, wide, winding corridors, and expansive, airy atria. Prominent arrivals and departures boards kept the masses informed about their journey's status and designated platforms. AA-9 Freighter-Liners routinely departed from the port, heading to new destinations on a near-daily basis.
The terminals at the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport were intentionally designed to combine practical functionality with elegant, sweeping lines. A strict code of conduct governed passenger movement, ensuring efficient traffic flow. One terminal complex, for example, featured a long, curved walkway adjacent to the landing platforms, with a series of floor-to-ceiling windows offering views of arriving ships. A water feature traced the curve of the walkway along the exterior base of the windows, with an overhanging lip positioned above. The terminal's color scheme was predominantly white both inside and out, complemented by gray flooring. At least two large information displays were positioned above the walkway, and a narrow, winding platform connected to one of the displays hung above the walkway. Similar displays lined the walls of a windowless section of the walkway.

The Coruscant Eastern Spaceport also incorporated a transit car terminal, allowing passengers to disembark onto multiple levels of narrow walkways. Directly in front of the arrival area, a circular desk was staffed by two protocol droids at small terminals. A holographic transit car map was positioned at the desk's center, and a sign in Aurebesh above the arrival area warned travelers to be mindful of the gap. The transit car terminal connected to a windowless corridor featuring gray flooring, white walls, and a white ceiling. The corridor was illuminated by strip lighting running down its center, flanked by rows of small circular lights on either side, and gray grating ran along the center of the corridor's walls.

The Separatist Crisis, which began in 24 BBY with numerous planets seceding from the Galactic Republic, marked the busiest period in the history of both Coruscant's eastern and western spaceports. This resulted in many Coruscant citizens departing to return to their newly independent homeworlds, alongside a surge of refugees arriving from those same worlds. Over the course of two years, the ports experienced a 6,000 percent increase in migrant traffic. The mixing of various species during this tense period inevitably led to conflicts, with port authorities frequently needing to subdue volatile Wookiees and aggressive Trandoshans – species with a history of animosity – to prevent altercations.
In one instance of inter-species conflict, a massive and uncontrolled brawl erupted in Eastport between immigrant members of the Houk and Weequay species, resulting in fifteen deaths and forty-five serious injuries. In 7956 C.R.C. during the Clone Wars, Inspector Tanivos Divo of the Coruscant Security Force confiscated a shipment of several pallets of tainted Moogan tea from the Ardees Beverage Company at Eastport Docks. This action followed a tip from Captain Patrok Ru-Saxon of the Sundari Police Authority. The shipment, originating from a Moogan smuggling ring linked to a poisoning incident on Mandalore, was destined for the Coruscant Underworld before its interception, thus averting potential harm.
In 5 BBY, Telgordo Travel operated within Eastport, providing transport services to destinations including Hosnian Prime, Plexis, Eufornis Major, Balfron, Jonsior, Lanz Carpo, Foerost, Tepasi, Zeltros, Ord Mantell, Cantonica, Mawan, Cato Neimoidia, Obroa-skai, and Sluis Van. After being terminated from the Consolidated Holdings of Preox-Morlana Corporation on Morlana One, Syril Karn, a human, returned to Coruscant through the eastern spaceport, carrying two suitcases through one of its terminals. As he walked past an astromech droid on the curved walkway, an announcement indicated that Telgordo Travel's services to Hosnian Prime, Plexis, and Eufornis Major were departing from platforms 7-12 and 7-13.

Later that year, Kleya Marki, a rebel agent, arrived at the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport via transit car, disembarking alongside a crowd of human and alien passengers. Joining the flow of travelers, she passed several uniformed staff members before entering the windowless corridor. A guard detail consisting of four Imperial stormtroopers and an Imperial officer observed both Marki's orderly line and another line moving in the opposite direction. Marki then passed a holographic advertisement for peezos and a reminder to carry chain codes from the Imperial Security Bureau before leaving the spaceport to meet with fellow rebel Vel Sartha. Exantor Divo, Divo's grandson, included details about the tea shipment seizure at the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport in his book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, published in 34 ABY.
Within current Star Wars canon, the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport initially appeared under the name Eastport in "AA-9 Coruscant Starfreighter," an article featured in the "Starship Fact File" section of the fiftieth issue of the Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine, released by De Agostini around December 16, 2015. Subsequently, the 2024 reference book Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy retroactively identified a spaceport featured in "Aldhani" – the fourth episode of the first season of the Disney+ television series Andor – on September 28, 2022, as the Coruscant Eastern Spaceport.

Prior to this, the spaceport had only been referred to as the Coruscant spaceport in the Episode Guide for "Aldhani," and later as Coruscant Spaceport in the article "Galactic Britain II: Cassian's Travels," authored by Mark Newbold and Sander de Lange and published in Star Wars Insider 219 on June 13, 2023. The name Eastport originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, first appearing in the 1996 novel Before the Storm by Michael P. Kube-McDowell. It was visually depicted for the first time in the 2010 LucasArts video game Kinect Star Wars. The name Coruscant Spaceport also has separate roots in Star Wars Legends, appearing in BioWare's 2011 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game Star Wars: The Old Republic.
For Andor, filming of the spaceport took place at the McLaren Technology Centre located in Woking, England. The visual effects team led by Industrial Light & Magic visual effects supervisor Scott Pritchard raised the landing pad several stories above ground level, reasoning that a starship would need to land externally. Pritchard expressed his desire to retain the caustic reflections, leading the team to design a small moat along the building's edge. The team then utilized the water from the plate and justified the caustics in this manner.