In the galactic timeline, the year 5 BBY, equivalent to BBY 5, corresponds to 3272 LY in accordance with the Lothal Calendar, and 7972 as per the C.R.C. calendar. These are the key happenings of that period.
- The Galactic Empire establishes a blockade of Ghorman trade routes. [15] [16]
- The Arvala-Six conflict de-escalates, enabling the resumption of mining activities in the territories previously under occupation. [15] [16]
- Cassian Jeron Andor meets Luthen Rael , is forced to escape his adopted home planet of Ferrix after being ambush by the Preox-Morlana security Inspection team , [17] and subsequently becomes a member of the Aldhani rebel infiltration team . [15] Together, they manage to steal approximately eighty million credits from the Aldhani Garrison . [18] [16]
- The Morlani system is brought under the Galactic Empire's direct control . [15] [16]
- The celestial event known as the Eye of Aldhani takes place. [18] [16]
- Following the Aldhani heist, the Imperial Emergency Act and the Public Order Resentencing Directive are enacted. [6] [16]
- Ezra Bridger enlists with the group known as the Spectres . [2]
- A prisoner uprising erupts within the imperial prison complex situated on Narkina 5 . Numerous inmates, including Cassian Jeron Andor and Ruescott Melshi , successfully break free. [19] [16]
- Anto Kreegyr and his rebel group launch a raid on the Spellhaus Imperial power station . The operation ends disastrously, with all participants, including Kreegyr, perishing. [20] [16]
- A citizen uprising occurs on Ferrix during Maarva Carassi Andor 's funeral , leading to the deaths of several Imperial personnel, including ISB Attendant Corv [20] [16]
- Jyn Erso is abandoned by Saw Gerrera . [21]
- The compilation of The Rebel Files is completed. [11]
- An armed rebellion ignites within the Atrivis sector . [11]
- The Search for Kerri takes place. [14] [16]
- The Ambush on Ferrix unfolds. [17]
- The cutoff of Ghorman shipping lanes occurs. [15] [16]
- The Arvala-Six conflict continues. [15] [16]
- The Takeover of the Morlani system is executed. [15] [16]
- Ferrix is under Imperial Occupation.[15][16]
- The Aldhani heist is carried out. [15] [16]
- Niamos is occupied. [6] [16]
- The Narkina 5 prison escape is executed. [19] [16]
- A Skirmish above Segra Milo occurs. [22] [16]
- The Spellhaus attack is launched. [20] [16]
- Maarva's funeral procession takes place. [20] [16]
- The Hunt for Cassian Andor begins. [23] [16]
- An Uprising occurs on Ferrix.[20][16]
- A Mission in Capital City is undertaken. [2]
- A Mission to free Wookiee prisoners is launched. [2]
- A Raid on an Imperial supply convoy is executed. [24]
- An Attack on a Lothal airfield is carried out. [25]
- A Mission to steal Imperial weapons is undertaken. [26]
- An Attack on Imperial Troop Transports is launched. [27]
- A Duel on Stygeon Prime occurs. [28]
- A Mission to destroy a kyber crystal is undertaken. [29]
- An Attack on an Imperial convoy is carried out. [30]
- A Skirmish on Vyndal takes place. [31]
- A Mission to Tamsye Prime is undertaken. [1]
- The Battle on Mantooine unfolds. [11]
- Mapo is born. [32]
- Beaumont Kin is born (approximate date). [33]
- On Morlana One [14] [16] Verlo Skiff dies[14][16] Kravas Drezzer dies[14][16]
- On Ferrix [17] [16] Timm Karlo dies[17][16] North-3 dies[17][16] Salman Paak dies[34] Maarva Carassi Andor dies[22][16] Nurchi dies[20][16] Xanwan dies[20][16] Corv dies[20][16]
- On Aldhani [18] [16] Soden Petigar dies[18][16] Jayhold Beehaz dies[18][16] Gorn dies[18][16] Kimzi dies[18][16] Taramyn Barcona dies[18][16]
- On Frezno [18] [16] Arvel Skeen dies[18][16] Karis Nemik dies[18][16]
- A stormtrooper dies on Kessel . [2]
- On Narkina 5 [7] [16] Veemoss dies[7][16] Ulaf dies[35][16] Ulaf's replacement dies[19][16] Birnok dies[19][16] Xaul dies[19][16] A box guard dies[19][16] A console guard dies[19][16]
- A rebel pilot dies [19] [16]
- Anto Kreegyr dies during the Spellhaus attack [20] [16]
- On Lothal [36] [16] Angrigo dies[36] Herdringer dies[36] Jenkes dies[36] A Kratchell twin dies[36] Another Kratchell twin dies[36] Ferpil Wallaway dies[36]
- Yeleb dies on Vyndal [31]
Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide offered clarification on the 5 BBY timeline, specifying that the events described in "Announcement" had already transpired before the events depicted in Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion. The guide's timeline also indicated that the Public Order Resentencing Directive was a direct consequence of the Aldhani heist, occurring at some point prior to Bridger's recruitment by the Spectres.