The Eye of Aldhani, or Mak-ani bray Dhani in the native Dhani's language, was a predictable astronomical occurrence on the planet, happening every three years. This regularly occurring event, predictable to the minute, was perceived by the Dhanis as a divine phenomenon. However, it was actually the planet traversing a crystal belt, causing meteors to safely enter and incinerate within the atmosphere.
To observe and celebrate the Eye, Dhanis journeyed far and wide. Following the Galactic Empire's occupation of Aldhani, the Dhanis faced relocation. Consequently, the number of Dhanis arriving in the sacred valley, which had been seized by the Imperials, to witness the Eye decreased over time. The Aldhani dam base's Imperial personnel were also intrigued by the event, with many hoping to observe it.
During the Aldhani heist, a rebel infiltration team's mission on Aldhani used the Eye as a distraction. The chaos of the meteors would improve the odds of the group's escape in the Max-7 Rono box freighter from pursuing Imperial TIE fighters.