The Imperial Emergency Act represents legislation enacted by the Imperial Senate in 5 BBY. This occurred following a substantial robbery that took place on Aldhani, where the sum of over 80 million credits was stolen from the local garrison.
Emperor Palpatine personally introduced the Imperial Emergency Act to the Imperial Senate. Its primary objective was to enhance the Imperial's power within the military and intelligence sectors. It, along with the Public Order Resentencing Directive which focused on civil authority, became a cornerstone of the Galactic Empire's fresh strategies in the aftermath of the unprecedented assault on the Aldhani armory.
Immediately, ISB agents gained the power to request personnel, information, and resources from both the Army and Navy. Previously, intelligence officers had considerable difficulty securing such support. The ISB received precedence over Imperial Intelligence and was granted access to galaxy-spanning Data Blends, rather than being limited to individual sectors. Furthermore, its Supervisors were given emergency powers, including the authority to order civilian executions and conduct interrogations on behalf of local administrations.
As a direct consequence of the Aldhani heist, which exploited the local Eye festival to infiltrate the local garrison, all local festivals and customs suspected of supporting partisan activities were immediately prohibited, and Imperial tolerance was withdrawn. The Eye festival was the first to be targeted by the Act, leading to the immediate arrest of 134 Dhanis on suspicion of aiding the attack.
Mon Mothma voiced opposition to the Act within the Imperial Senate; however, it was ultimately approved.