Public Order Resentencing Directive

The Public Order Resentencing Directive (P.O.R.D.), alternatively named the Public Order Decree, represented legislation enacted by the Galactic Empire concurrently with the Imperial Emergency Act following the attack targeting the Aldhani dam during the year 5 BBY. This law mandated escalated punishments for individuals found guilty of committing offenses impacting the Empire and categorized these attacks as Class One Offenses. Complete payment of all outstanding debts and taxes became obligatory.


Emperor Palpatine himself presented the P.O.R.D. to the Imperial Senate after the rebel assault against the Aldhani dam in 5 BBY, with the aim of enforcing stricter regulations and financial settlements concerning civilian matters. Together with the Imperial Emergency Act, which prioritized expanding Imperial power within the military and intelligence sectors, it served as the cornerstone of the Empire's revised strategies in response to the event.


Civil affairs

The P.O.R.D. stipulated that all unpaid fines and levies, including those newly established by the Emergency Act, were to be settled immediately; any prior payment deferrals were nullified, and no leniency was granted to those in violation.

Justice system

The P.O.R.D. had repercussions for the Imperial judicial and penal systems. All existing prison terms underwent reevaluation, and sentences for crimes, even those remotely affecting the Empire and its infrastructure, were doubled, now designated as Class One Offenses. For instance, Cassian Jeron Andor, apprehended on Niamos under the alias Keef and accused of disturbance, anti-Imperial rhetoric, evading the scene of anti-Imperial activity, and damaging Imperial property, saw his initial six-month sentence transformed into a six standard year term. Furthermore, system-wide penalties were implemented, requiring any system suspected of harboring rebel elements to remit a tribute tax equivalent to five times the value of the credits pilfered from the Aldhani vault: a total of 400 million credits.

Other ramifications of the P.O.R.D. remained concealed from the broader galaxy. Conditions of confinement within Imperial detention facilities deteriorated. Specifically, the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex ceased releasing any prisoners, opting instead to perpetually cycle them through the system to continually serve their "sentence."


Within the Imperial Senate, the Directive encountered substantial resistance from dissenting senators such as Mon Mothma, who denounced it as "the inevitable progression toward absolute and unchallenged dominion." Mothma's critique sparked considerable debate within the Senate, yet the Directive ultimately secured passage.

