Spice mines thrived on the planet of Kessel, a world situated within the Akkadese Maelstrom. In addition to spice, the planet was a source of both coaxium and Kesselstone. The northern hemisphere of Kessel was primarily dedicated to mining operations, whereas the southern hemisphere boasted flourishing sanctuaries. During the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire and the Pyke Syndicate oversaw several mining endeavors, utilizing slave labor. These mining operations, which relied on enslaved individuals, became targets for various factions within the underworld and rebel groups.
Within the Outer Rim Territories' Kessel sector, the planet Kessel could be found amidst the Akkadese Maelstrom. A large portion of its northern hemisphere was used for mining spice, coaxium, and also kesselstone. Despite much of Kessel's terrain being used for mineral extraction, the planet's southern hemisphere contained thriving sanctuaries. The climate of this world was hot and humid, and it teemed with life.
It's believed that the presence of spice on Kessel originated from the volatile region of space surrounding the planet. Over vast stretches of time, material from the swirling singularities of the Maw Cluster and the encompassing Akkadese Maelstrom gathered to form the planet's mass. This world, abundant in minerals, became a haven for a vibrant ecology with expansive forests.
Kessel played a vital role in the spice trade, where slavery was employed in the production of goods. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], King Yaruba of the Yaruba Family of Kessel held dominion over Kessel. On one occasion, Kinash Lock, Yaruba's majordomo, acting on the king's behalf, brokered a deal with Rafa Martez to transport spice to Marg Krim of the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah.
The Pykes engaged in spice transactions originating from Kessel for years, relying on smugglers and freighter captains to transport it to crime families located on Coruscant. The Galactic Empire also maintained a mining operation, using numerous slaves, including Wookiees, to gather spice. Meanwhile, the Yaruba Family of Kessel resided in luxurious sanctuaries in the planet's southern hemisphere, choosing to ignore the harsh working conditions within the northern hemisphere's mines.
In 10 BBY, Quay Tolsite, a Capo from the Pyke Syndicate, oversaw a coaxium mine on the planet, which was operated by enslaved laborers. During a mission to acquire coaxium for Dryden Vos, the crime lord of Crimson Dawn, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Qi'ra, and the droid L3-37 liberated the enslaved miners and droids from the Pyke Syndicate. Subsequently, they fled into the Akkadese Maelstrom aboard the Millennium Falcon, the freighter of smuggler and gambler Lando Calrissian.
While being pursued through space by Imperial TIE fighters and TIE heavy starfighters, Solo piloted the Falcon through the perilous Maw Cluster. Despite facing an attack from a Summa-verminoth, Han Solo and his crew successfully completed the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs.

In 5 BBY, the Spectres rescued several Wookiee prisoners from Spice mine K76. During this operation, Kanan Jarrus, a former Jedi Padawan, revealed himself as a Jedi by activating his lightsaber, drawing the attention of the Grand Inquisitor.
When the Empire boarded the starship Tantive IV, which carried Princess Leia Organa on a secret mission for the Rebel Alliance, C-3PO, a protocol droid, voiced his concern that he and his counterpart, R2-D2, might be sent to the spice mines of Kessel.
Following the collapse of the Empire in 5 ABY, the lucrative spice trade on Kessel descended into complete chaos. Without the oversight of Imperial officials or the protection of the Mining Guild, the competition for Kessel spice devolved into a violent free-for-all. Operating at processing hubs like Formos and Oba Diah became hazardous, ultimately leading to the rise of the pirate gang known as the Spice Runners of Kijimi.
The planet Kessel was initially mentioned in the 1977 film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Its first canonical appearance occurred in Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, the premiere episode of the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. The series incorporated designs and concepts for Kessel developed by Star Wars creator George Lucas, who shaped its appearance, culture, and economy.
Kessel was visually depicted for the first time in the movie premiere of Star Wars Rebels, where the planet was shown without any surrounding cloud cover. In Solo: A Star Wars Story, which is set before Rebels, the infamous Kessel Run is portrayed as the sole entry point to Kessel through a cloud formation encircling the mining planet. Pablo Hidalgo later clarified that the canon representation of Kessel, featuring one side that is lush and prosperous at the expense of the other, originated from George Lucas himself around 2009. In the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Deal No Deal," Kessel appeared as it had been depicted in Solo, and also marked the first appearance of Kessel's "royal" side. Previously, stories such as Solo that had only shown the industrial side of Kessel had needed to balance depicting the world while also keeping the lush hemisphere out of shot, thus preserving the reveal of the full planet.