Deal No Deal

"Deal No Deal" represents the sixth installment within the seventh and concluding season of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Official description

Upon discovering that the cargo they are carrying is intended for the Pyke Syndicate, Trace impulsively makes a critical decision.

Plot summary

Rafa's gambit

At Trace Martez's repair shop, Trace takes note of Ahsoka Tano's proficiency in repairing starships and inquires about the academy she attended "topside." Ahsoka responds that she is a graduate of the Skywalker Academy, a fact unknown to Trace. Trace clarifies that there are no such academies in the Coruscant Underworld, and even if they existed, she could not afford them. Trace then explains that she and her sister Rafa Martez inherited the hangar following their parents' separation. Rafa also secured her shop through a gamble, using it as a cover for her various schemes.

Trace further elaborates that she acquired her starship, the Silver Angel, through various odd jobs and mechanical work, constructing it manually with Rafa's assistance. Ahsoka expresses her admiration, but Trace cautions her to wait until the ship's hyperdrive is operational before offering a full compliment. Ahsoka finds the name unusual but respects Trace's choice. Trace jokingly refers to Ahsoka's speeder bike as "Trash." Trace expresses her concern for Ahsoka's safety, referencing her recent crash-landing into her hangar. Ahsoka concurs, stating that her situation could hardly worsen. She agrees to extend her stay, provided Rafa approves.

Upon Rafa's inquiry about her skills, Ahsoka responds that she possesses only "useful ones." Rafa then informs Trace and Ahsoka that she faces a challenging situation, having contracted a starship and crew for a particular assignment. Rafa's intention was to complete the task, earn some credits, and return. However, the pilot withdrew, taking the ship with them. Trace expresses her frustration that her sister did not consult her beforehand. Rafa justifies her actions by stating that she needs Trace's assistance. Trace agrees to help, but only in a supporting role.

Ahsoka inquires about the nature of the job, to which Rafa replies that she will disclose the details once they are underway. Trace is hesitant to participate in one of Rafa's schemes but ultimately complies with her sister's request. The Martez sisters consent to Ahsoka's accompaniment, although Rafa remains suspicious of Ahsoka's motives. She questions whether Ahsoka is interested in her mech-bay or ship. Tano denies any ulterior motives, stating her only intention is to keep them out of trouble. Rafa retorts that Ahsoka might be the very source of trouble that Trace needs to avoid.

The rookie pilot

Ahsoka joins the Martez sisters within the cockpit of the Silver Angel. Rafa voices her disapproval of Trace's name choice for the ship. The sisters pilot the Silver Angel from Trace's garage and into the congested airspace of Coruscant. They then ascend from the Underworld into the skies above Coruscant. Trace enters a military lane, disregarding Ahsoka's warning.

They are promptly hailed by an orbiting Venator-class Star Destroyer. Trace expresses her desire to respond, but Ahsoka advises against it, cautioning the sisters against any suspicious actions. Trace proceeds to answer the comlink regardless and is hailed by Wullf Yularen, who demands to know her purpose in military airspace. He threatens to revoke her starpilot license, which Trace does not possess. Rafa intervenes, claiming that she is instructing her younger sister how to fly. Ahsoka deactivates the comlink and instructs Trace to enter the transport lane and proceed.

Aboard the bridge of the Star Destroyer, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker inquires about the identity of the transport. Yularen reports that it was merely a group of rookie pilots performing their initial maneuvers. He adds that he was preparing to dispatch a detachment to apprehend them. Anakin closes his eyes and senses Ahsoka's presence through the Force. He decides against sending a detachment to arrest the crew, allowing Ahsoka and her companions to depart.

Once in space, Ahsoka questions Rafa about their destination. Rafa remarks that Tano dislikes surprises and whispers into Trace's ear. Trace then asks Rafa how she managed that before piloting the Silver Angel into hyperspace. While traveling through hyperspace, the ship begins to shake. Trace expresses her excitement about her first hyperspace journey, having previously only flown speeders and maintenance vehicles. Rafa informs Ahsoka that this is the reason she hired a different pilot, citing Trace's lack of starship flying experience. When Trace asks what she was discussing with Ahsoka, Rafa pretends to compliment Trace's flying skills. When Ahsoka remarks that she is a bad pilot, Trace recalls that she forgot to disengage the brakes.

Guest of the majordomo

Upon exiting hyperspace, they arrive above the stormy atmosphere of Kessel. When Ahsoka notices their destination, Rafa replies that she is taking them to fame and glory. While Rafa has heard legends of Kessel, Ahsoka points out that the planet is legendary for its corruption. She asks what they are doing there, and Rafa replies that they are picking up "medicine."

They fly over the forested southern hemisphere of Kessel, which Trace finds beautiful. Rafa tries to reassure Ahsoka that they have nothing to worry about. They land at the hangar of a beautiful castle in the middle of the forest where they are greeted by a red Twi'lek who is flanked by several guards. The Twi'lek introduces himself as Kinash Lock, King Yaruba's majordomo. He tells Rafa that the King has prepared a banquet to thank her for her services.

Inside the palace, Ahsoka, Rafa, and Trace are attended to by several servants. When Trace asks when the King is coming, Kinash claims that Yaruba leaves matters like this to him. He adds that if she shows herself to be dependable, they might get the opportunity to meet the King. Rafa says that they won't disappoint while Trace claims that they have one of the fastest ships. When Ahsoka asks what kind of medicine they are transporting, Kinash explains that their job is deliver three containers of unrefined spice. He promises that if they are successful, they will be given a full delivery and contract to transport for the King on a continual basis.

Rafa and Trace are eager to be working for a King but Ahsoka is skeptical, opining that not everything made out of spice is good. One of the servants drops a tray. Rafa is uncomfortable and the majordomo claims that their spice is refined into medicine. He claims that the Yaruba family has always been a promoter of health and happiness across the stars. Kinash leads Rafa to load spice into the ship.

Later, Ahsoka tells Rafa and Trace that running spice is dangerous because the transport ships get attacked often. Rafa claims that the pirates only target the bigger Kessel transport ships and that the King hired them because their ship does not meet the usual profile. Ahsoka suspects that is more to the King's business deal. Rafa remarks that Ahsoka knows a lot more about Kessel than a mechanic usually would. Ahsoka replies that she has only heard the stories. Rafa quips about Trace's flying abilities.

Ahsoka attempts to caution Trace that transporting spice is not a simple business transaction. Trace maintains her belief that her older sister has her best interests at heart. When Ahsoka inquires about the frequency of Rafa's involvement in such jobs, Trace reveals that this is her first time. Ahsoka implores Trace to consider the danger that Rafa is exposing them to, but Rafa counters that there is a first time for everything. They board the Silver Angel, which departs from the Kessel palace.

They fly over the forested southern hemisphere into the northern hemisphere, which has been designated as a mining zone. Due to the extensive mining, the northern hemisphere is barren and treeless. Ahsoka is familiar with this side of Kessel. Rafa responds that spice mining has made the people of Kessel wealthy and that there is always a price to be paid. Trace flies the ship to a platform. As they approach the mine, Trace thinks that there are thousands of droids below but Ahsoka points out that those are people.

The pick-up

Below, numerous human and Twi'lek workers labor in the mining pit. After landing, Rafa remarks that she thinks that those are workers but Ahsoka counters that they are slaves. Rafa says that the Republic would shut the place down but Ahsoka is pessimistic that the Republic would. Upon landing, they are greeted by a Zygerrian overseer, who tells them that the shipment is ready to depart. Several bulky labor droids load the bins aboard the Silver Angel.

After Trace sends Ahsoka away to make sure that the droids secure the bins, Rafa confides that she does not trust Ahsoka. Trace responds that Rafa has never liked any of her friends. Rafa responds that she is not family. Trace says she will keep an eye on her. Rafa tells Trace that she got them a job and that the rest is up to her. They depart with the spice aboard the Silver Angel and jump into hyperspace.

A fraught delivery run

While traveling through hyperspace, Rafa and Trace reveal that they plan to transport the spice to the Pyke Syndicate crime lord Marg Krim on Oba Diah. Ahsoka recognizes that Marg Krim is a crime lord. Rafa asks how Ahsoka knows so much about the Pykes. Ahsoka warns Rafa that she can't make a deal with them. Rafa counters that she already did and asks Ahsoka how she knows so much. Tano responds that she pays attention to the world around herself including the fact that they are gangsters, opining that they are much worse than Pintu Son-El. Ahsoka warns them that they will take her ship and life.

Rafa counters that they needed all the money they could get. Ahsoka says this is bad. Trace asks Rafa about the trouble she has gotten them into. Ahsoka tries to defuse the argument by suggesting that they deliver to somewhere it can be used for medicine. Rafa responds that she and Trace took the job because they are owing a lot of people on Coruscant money. Trace is upset that she might lose her ship. Ahsoka points out that Rafa is the only one owing the money and not Trace. Rafa argues that they can't pay off debts with her morality.

Ahsoka tries to convince Rafa to take the spice somewhere else but Rafa is determined to finish the job. Trace reiterates that nobody is taking her ship and ditches the spice into hyperspace to the shock and horror of Ahsoka and Rafa. Trace responds that neither of them gets their way and that she gets to keep her ship. Rafa and Ahsoka agree that Trace has made a terrible choice.

Ahsoka says that the spice gave them options while Rafa tells Trace that she has sabotaged their deal to deliver spice to a galactic crime syndicate. Trace replies that she thought that delivering spice to galactic gangsters was a bad thing. Ahsoka counters that you have to pay them somehow and that they now owe the Pykes. Trace asks how turning the spice into medicine is going to solve anything. Ahsoka replies that was more of an ethical debate but that she had not figured out how to solve the Pyke problem yet.

Rafa proposes selling off the Silver Angel to make up for the 30,000 credits worth of spice that Trace had dumped into space. Ahsoka tells them to calm down and says that they will find out how to deal with the problem. As they approach Oba Diah, Ahsoka asks if they can go over their plan again. Rafa thinks that it won't work because it is a bad plan. Ahsoka thinks that her plan, which she hasn't revealed, is the best one available. Rafa is skeptical of their chances of success but Tano counters that she knows some tricks that they don't know about. Ahsoka doesn't want to share it yet.

Unsatisfied customers

The Silver Angel traverses the rocky terrain of Oba Diah and touches down above a designated landing platform. They are met by a contingent of armed Pykes who encircle them. Marg Krim inquires whether they encountered any difficulties while transporting the spice from Kessel. Rafa asserts that they experienced no issues. Krim cautions that any unforeseen circumstances would have resulted in severe repercussions for them. He assigns one of his subordinates to handle their payment. Before Rafa can accept the briefcase, he insists on inspecting the cargo.

When Rafa expresses hesitation, Krim retorts that he harbors distrust for anyone who is not a Pyke. Ahsoka raises her hand and employs a Jedi mind trick to persuade Krim to provide them with the credits and permit their departure. Rafa expresses her satisfaction with Ahsoka's actions, but Krim's majordomo, Fife, remains suspicious and convinces his superior to allow him to examine the shipment.

While the cargo is being unloaded, Rafa instructs Ahsoka to activate the hyperdrive. Fife demands the access code to unlock the bins. Rafa claims that she already transmitted it to Fife. However, Fife resorts to force, shooting the lock open and discovering that the crates are devoid of contents. Simultaneously, Rafa closes the docking ramp. When Fife demands to know the whereabouts of the spice, she alleges that Kessel must have betrayed them. Fife commands patrol ships to intercept the Silver Angel and orders his men to engage the tractor beams.

Trace powers up the Silver Angel as several Pyke patrol ships converge on it. They attempt to escape, but are ensnared by the tractor beam. Realizing their predicament, Rafa accuses Ahsoka of being responsible for everything, but Trace counters that the blame is shared among all three of them.


