The Republic Stealth ship is one example of a patrol ship.
A patrol ship, which can also be called a patrol boat or patrol craft, was a kind of warship whose main purpose was to watch over a specific zone. Examples include the experimental Galactic Republic's IPV-2C Stealth Corvette, as well as the Auzituck anti-slaver gunship, and the Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft; all of these were considered patrol ships. The Chiss Ascendancy possessed its own class of patrol ships. Zyzek System Defense made use of patrol ships, as well. The Lioaoin Regime utilized a patrol craft. Numerous patrol ships belonging to their military were positioned above the Lioaoin heartworld, along with Lioaoin freighters, Lioaoin corsairs, and space stations. Certain patrol boats utilized by the Vak Combine functioned as starfighters.