The Auzituck anti-slaver gunship, alternatively known as the Auzituck-class gunship, or the Wookiee gunship, represented a type of gunship produced by Appazanna Engineering Works. Wookiees utilized this craft extensively in their conflicts against those engaged in slavery.

The term "Auzituck" can be loosely interpreted as "liberated one" when translated from Shyriiwook, the indigenous language of the Wookiees. This gunship distinguished itself with its speed, robust armor, substantial armament, slender form, and sizable engines. Its design incorporated a two-level, bubble-shaped canopy. The upper, rear section accommodated the pilot, while the copilot and gunner occupied the lower, forward section. The internal structures were constructed using wroshyr trees, with sap serving as an adhesive.
During the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire, a particular vessel of this class, employed as a combatant against the Galactic Empire, was scheduled to meet with the crew of the Ghost through arrangements made by Cikatro Vizago. However, upon its discovery, it was found to have been attacked by Trandoshan enslavers, left abandoned, and its crew had been sold into Imperial servitude.
On a separate occasion, another gunship met with the Ghost with the purpose of retrieving the Wookiee crew that they had rescued.
The Wookiee bounty hunter known as Krrsantan also possessed his own Auzituck gunship during the period of the Galactic Civil War.
During the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Wookiee gunships were part of the Citizens' Fleet that fought alongside the Resistance against the forces of the Sith Eternal.
The Auzituck anti-slaver gunship made its initial appearance in Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion, which served as the extended premiere episode for the Star Wars Rebels animated series. The name "Auzituck" can be traced back to the May 1973 early script of what would eventually become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Specifically, in scene 135, set within the "Wookee [sic] camp," an early version of Chewbacca was greeted by his father, Auzituck, who held the position of Chief within the Kaapauku tribe.

The children's book Star Wars Rebels: Head to Head, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and showcasing various confrontations from the series, depicted a patrol gunship engaging an Imperial freighter, with the gunship inflicting damage on the freighter before successfully escaping.
In the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures episode titled Peril on Kashyyyk, Wookiees are shown using these gunships to conduct raids on a Trandoshan prison facility. Later, in the season two episode A Perilous Rescue, the rebels seek refuge within the wreckage of a crashed gunship before being rescued by the Freemakers aboard the Arrowhead.
The design of the ship, notably its distinctive bubble cockpits, bears a resemblance to the real-world Mi-24 "Hind" helicopter gunship, similar to the LAAT.