In the year 4 ABY, a small-scale battle unfolded on the world of Kashyyyk. This conflict saw the Alliance to Restore the Republic, alongside their Wookiee comrades, clash with the forces of the Galactic Empire. The Freemakers played a crucial role in shifting the battle's momentum, employing the Arrowhead to obliterate the AT-AT and AT-ST vehicles.
During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the Freemakers embarked upon a mission to construct the Arrowhead. Rowan Freemaker was convinced that this ship held the potential to alter the course of the war. After experiencing numerous adventures, the Freemakers successfully completed the Arrowhead and were able to rescue the Alliance Fleet from the clutches of the Galactic Empire.
During the period of the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance and their Wookiee allies, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colvett Valeria and Chief Attiburra, engaged in a skirmish against the forces of the Imperial Army. Chief Attiburra managed to cause a tree trunk to fall upon several scout troopers; however, the rebels were ultimately compelled to retreat due to the advance of an AT-ST walker.
The rebels, accompanied by their Wookiee allies, retreated to an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship located near a beach, while Valeria sent out a call for assistance to the Freemakers. Despite facing navigational challenges, the Freemakers successfully arrived in their starship, the Arrowhead, and proceeded to destroy the AT-ST walker. Valeria and her forces were then able to compel the AT-ST drivers and scout troopers to withdraw.
Before the rebels could celebrate their victory, three AT-AT walkers advanced onto the beach. Kordi Freemaker attempted to persuade the Imperials to surrender, but the AT-AT commander believed she was bluffing. Subsequently, Kordi authorized Rowan and Zander Freemaker to utilize the Embersteel Blade against the walkers, resulting in their decapitation. The Imperials then retreated into the jungle.
Following the triumph over the Imperial walkers, Valeria expressed her gratitude to the Freemakers for their assistance. The Freemakers then returned with the Arrowhead to the MC80 Star Cruiser Home One, where they were received as heroes. Zander then departed for an attack on an Imperial repair dock situated near Alzoc III, while Kordi was promoted to the Alliance's Strategy Council.
While Rowan struggled to deal with his boredom, he received an emergency transmission from his Lurmen friend Maynar. Rowan and Roger then set off for Qalydon, only to be ensnared in the trap set by the Imperial hunter droid M-OC.
The Skirmish on Kashyyyk was first depicted in the LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Second Season episode entitled "A Perilous Rescue," which was initially broadcast on Disney XD on August 10, 2017.