Quest to build the Arrowhead

In the year 4 ABY, the Freemaker family, who were scavengers, began a journey to find the components needed by the Rebel Alliance to construct the Arrowhead.


During the time of the Galactic Civil War, Quarrie, a Mon Calamari starship engineer, had a vision of creating a starship that would shift the balance of power in favor of the Rebel Alliance. After a salvage mission on the planet Tibalt, his young apprentice Rowan Freemaker had a Force vision about utilizing the Force to construct a starship, fueled by a kyber crystal, known as the Arrowhead.

Rowan shared his vision with Quarrie the next day, but he struggled to recreate a model of the ship. To gain inspiration, Quarrie persuaded Rowan and the B1-series battle droid Roger to accompany him to the city of Alistan Nor in order to experience different styles and craftsmanship. After scaling the Tower of Alistan Nor, Rowan had another Force vision concerning the Arrowhead, which gave him a clearer understanding of how to build the starship. Despite an attack by the Imperial hunter droid M-OC, Rowan and his companions successfully returned to the Alliance Fleet.

Upon their return to the Rebel Alliance's flagship Home One, Rowan sought the assistance of his older brother Zander and sister Kordi Freemaker in acquiring the necessary parts to build the Arrowhead. After consulting with Quarrie, the Freemakers were assigned the task of collecting several items, including embersteel blades, a Farium fusion conduit, a proton suspension housing, an energy matrix activator, and a bantha–sized Kyber crystal. Despite the challenges of the quest, Rowan remained determined to construct the Arrowhead.

The Quest

Obtaining embersteel blades

In their search for embersteel blades for the Arrowhead, Kordi successfully convinced Admiral Ackbar to lend them 100,000 credits to purchase a Theta-class H-2 executive star shuttle, which possessed embersteel wings, from a Mygeeto Auction House. Disguised as Princess Alo Kortessi, a Clawdite from Zolan, she and her family journeyed to Mygeeto. However, the mission became complicated when Zander placed a bid of 30,000 credits on an Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, leaving them short of funds to purchase the shuttle.

The Freemakers encountered a further issue when their longtime adversary Graballa the Hutt kidnapped Kordi after his henchmen Baash and Raam mistakenly bid on the Theta-class shuttle. Believing Kordi to be Princess Kortessia, Graballa planned to demand a ransom from her wealthy parents. Rowan and Zander launched a rescue operation and successfully fought off Graballa's bounty hunters, who were piloting starfighters. Meanwhile, Kordi managed to talk her way out of captivity and created conflict between Graballa and his subordinates. The Freemakers managed to escape with the Theta-class shuttles and its embersteel blades, but Zander's Jedi starfighter was destroyed in the process.

Mission to Taul

During a mission to rescue the rebel agent Major Bren Derlin, Rowan convinced Kordi and Zander to visit Takodana Castle to gather information on how to obtain a proton suspension housing for the Arrowhead's kyber crystal. Following the advice of the Weequay pirate Hondo Ohnaka, the Freemakers journeyed to the dangerous, acidic, and stormy world of Taul. Despite the perilous conditions, the Freemakers successfully retrieved the proton suspension housing from a Corellian Defender that had crashed into a lake of acid.

However, the unscrupulous Hondo stole their starship StarScavenger and fled offworld. Fortunately for the Freemakers, Roger subdued Hondo and locked him in a crate, before returning to Taul. Meanwhile, M-OC caught up with the Freemakers. After a chase, the Freemakers temporarily disabled him by electrocuting him in a lake of acid. After being rescued by Roger, the Freemakers rescued Major Derlin and returned Hondo to Takodana to face justice at the hands of the bounty hunter Zek.

Return to the Wheel

Seeking an energy matrix activator, the Freemakers made their way back to their old home on the Wheel. Kordi devised a plan for the Freemakers to infiltrate their former business, Freemaker Salvage and Repair, which had been transformed into a cantina owned by Wick Cooper, under the cover of night. Roger was assigned the task of slicing into the station's guidance systems to guide them and unlock the doors.

However, their mission was complicated by several factors. First, Roger was attacked by a group of Ranats who sought to steal his datapad. Second, Furlac reported the Freemakers to the Hutt crime lord Graballa, who intended to collect an Imperial bounty on Rowan's head and acquire more kyber crystals. The Freemakers were captured by Graballa and his bounty hunters Dengar, IG-88, Bossk, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM. Graballa informed Darth Vader about Rowan's capture.

Despite their predicament, the Freemakers managed to escape when Kordi successfully created conflict between the droid and organic bounty hunters. After evading the bounty hunters in a speeder bike chase, the Freemakers managed to steal stormtrooper armor and recover the energy matrix activator. They attempted to return to the Lower Ring to meet Roger, but their lift was taken over by Darth Vader. Meanwhile, Roger managed to escape the Ranat gang and used a trapdoor to rescue the Freemakers. The group then returned to the rebel fleet with the energy matrix activator.

Mission to Qalydon

With assistance from Roger, Kordi, and the Lothal astromech droid BG-81, a list of planets with kyber crystals was obtained from an Imperial Star Destroyer. However, Roger accidentally replaced a document containing fake rebel plans with his Ugnaught bean casserole recipe. This allowed M-OC to track them down.

Using the list of planets, the Freemakers traveled to the planet Qalydon, which was home to a Lurmen village. The Lurmen villages used their kyber crystal necklaces to commune with the Force. Although the villagers were initially unwelcoming, their Chief Biz welcomed the Freemakers to their village.

The Imperial officers Durpin and Plumestriker raided the village, seeking to use the kyber crystals to construct the second Death Star. Rowan and Biz's daughter Maynar used the StarScavenger's firepower to drive the Imperials away, causing their Gozanti-class cruiser to crash in the nearby mountains.

The Freemakers embarked on a mission to recover these crystals with Maynar's help. Despite an attack by M-OC, the Freemakers managed to recover the crystals from Durpin and Plumestriker, who had fled to the Marriten system. After returning the crystals and Maynar, a grateful Biz offered his people's crystals. Unwilling to deprive the Lurmen of their crystals, Rowan and his siblings continued their search for the crystals.

Building the kyber crystal

While meditating in hyperspace, Rowan sensed a planet rich in kyber crystals located twelve parsecs past the planet Terminus in the Outer Rim. Despite being pursued by M-OC, the Freemakers managed to escape into hyperspace. After a crash landing, Rowan and Kordi searched for the crystal while Zander and Roger repaired the damaged StarScavenger.

After a series of trials inside an underground temple, Rowan learned that he had to build the kyber crystal by fusing several smaller crystals through the Force. Overcoming his doubts, Rowan successfully forged a large kyber crystal. Meanwhile, Zander had Roger distract several mynocks by leading them away with his jetpack while he finished repairing the damaged starship. Having obtained the crystal, the Freemakers returned to the Alliance Fleet.

Saving the rebel fleet

The Freemakers returned to the rebel fleet only to find it under attack from Imperial forces. Quarrie convinced the Freemakers and the rebel pilot Lieutenant Colvett Valeria to travel to the planet Jakku to assemble the Arrowhead as it was too dangerous to do so aboard the Home One during a space battle.

Braving Imperial forces, the Freemakers and their rebel allies traveled to Jakku. While Zander managed to land the StarScavenger safely, Valeria landed the Arrowhead in a patch of quicksand, causing the ship to explode. Although the group managed to recover most of the pieces, they discovered that the energy matrix activator had fallen into the hands of the Imperial officers Durpin and Plumestriker.

After a failed attempt by Zander and Roger to recover it, Kordi disguised herself as Darth Vader and distracted the Imperials long enough for Valeria to knock them out. Meanwhile, Rowan and Quarrie worked on rebuilding the Arrowhead. Valeria and the other Freemakers soon returned with Durpin and Plumestriker in pursuit. Valeria and Zander managed to hold off the Imperial officers' AT-ST walker long enough for Rowan and Quarrie to finish rebuilding the Arrowhead.


After Zander used the Arrowhead to destroy Durpin and Plumestriker's walker, the Freemakers used the starship to save the rebel fleet. Zander destroyed an Imperial Star Destroyer, forcing the Empire to retreat. Due to their efforts in saving the rebel fleet, the Freemakers were celebrated as heroes by the rebels. Rowan was promoted to Master Ship Builder, Kordi became Admiral Ackbar's new quartermaster, and Zander became a flight cadet.

Enraged that Rowan was using the Arrowhead to tear his fleet apart, Emperor Palpatine tasked Darth Vader and M-OC with working together to hunt down Rowan, obtain the Kyber Saber, and capture the Arrowhead. In the Alliance's service, the Freemakers used the Arrowhead to attack Imperial walkers on Kashyyyk and later to destroy an Imperial fleet near Alzoc III. However, M-OC managed to lure Rowan into a trap on Qalydon. Lord Vader then ambushed M-OC and claimed Rowan for the Emperor, taking him back to the Emperor on Coruscant.

Determined to save Rowan, Kordi, Zander, and Roger embarked on an unsanctioned mission to rescue Rowan from the Empire. Despite rescuing Rowan, the Freemakers lost the Arrowhead to M-OC, who delivered the ship to the Emperor. The Emperor then sent M-OC to hunt down and destroy the Freemakers. With Quarrie's help, the Freemakers lured M-OC into a skirmish on Shantipole where both the Arrowhead and StarScavenger were destroyed.

Although the Arrowhead was destroyed, M-OC took parts of the ship including the giant kyber crystal and several engines, which he used to travel to the second Death Star in the Endor system. Rowan also incorporated other parts of the Arrowhead including its Embersteel Blades into a rebuilt version of the StarScavenger, which took part in the Battle of Endor, which saw the demise of M-OC and the Empire.

