Space station BDT-0978, more commonly referred to as The Wheel, functioned as a space station within the Mid Rim territories of the galaxy, specifically located in the Besh Gorgon system.
Known formally as space station BDT-0978, The Wheel was a massive orbital installation positioned within the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, residing in the Besh Gorgon system. It hovered above Besh Gorgon, at least during the High Republic Era. The station's primary structure, the Middle Ring, lived up to its name by resembling an enormous spinning ring. This ring, approximately the size of a small moon, sparkled with the illumination emanating from countless portholes. Two lengthy spokes intersected at a central, bulbous hub. From this hub extended a vertical axis, which supported two smaller rings, including the Upper Ring, a later addition made around 26 BBY.
This space station was structured into levels that featured numerous casinos, cantinas (such as the Cosmo Lounge), sporting venues (including Ashton Stadium on the third level), and various shopping centers.

The Wheel's existence dates back to the High Republic Era. During this period, Jedi Grand Master Yoda convened with members of the Jedi High Council, specifically Jedi Masters Pra-Tre Veter and Ela Sutan, within a corridor of the Wheel as it orbited Besh Gorgon. Yoda, who had been residing on Turrak at the time, traveled to the Wheel to engage in discussions with the Jedi Masters. Their debate centered on whether Yoda should return to [Coruscant](/article/coruscant], a matter that was resolved when Yoda presented them with a Taratti, a type of instrument. After a brief absence, Yoda went back to Turrak.
By 26 BBY, the Wheel had undergone an expansion with the addition of an Upper Ring. At this point, a fragile peace existed between the Republic and the station's Baron Administrator, Jaspara. Consequently, the Jedi Order pledged to avoid the Wheel. However, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker secretly boarded the station in 26 BBY, in an attempt to locate Grynask Sanberge, the head of the Nova Crime Syndicate.
In 10 BBY, Ephant Mon successfully negotiated an arms agreement on the station with the representative of the Pyke Syndicate.
Following rejections from both the Grand Hutt Council and the Bounty Hunters' Guild regarding a potential alliance against the Galactic Empire, the Alliance to Restore the Republic explored the possibility of an alliance with the Mining Guild and launched an inquiry into a Mining Guild operation situated on the Wheel.

The Wheel made its initial appearance in the 1978 Marvel Star Wars comic Star Wars (1977) 18, which is part of the Star Wars Legends continuity. It subsequently featured in other Legends works, including Star Wars: Republic and Star Wars: Legacy. A distinct iteration of the Wheel later appeared in the non-canon animated series LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures (2016–2017) by Bob Roth and Bill Motz. Within this show, the space station functions as the residence of the Freemakers, a family of scavengers who operate a starship repair business known as Freemaker Salvage and Repair. This particular version of the Wheel is structured into three sections: the luxurious Upper Ring, the more modest Middle Ring, and the less reputable Lower Ring. Situated in the Abrion system, the Wheel serves as a key setting for several episodes of the series.