
Yoda, a celebrated Jedi Grand Master, guided the Jedi Order through the High Republic period, the era preceding its Sith-inflicted downfall, and during the Galactic Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire. Though diminutive in size, Yoda was greatly respected for his profound wisdom and strength. He mentored numerous Jedi generations, eventually holding the esteemed position of the Jedi Order's Grand Master. He was instrumental in the Republic's defense during the Clone Wars, survived the infamous Order 66, and lived long enough to impart the Jedi legacy to Luke Skywalker, thus paving the way to immortality.

Born in 896 BBY, Yoda dedicated centuries to the Jedi Order, ascending to the role of Jedi Grand Master and contributing to the education of countless younglings. During the High Republic Era, specifically in 382 BBY, Yoda played a crucial role in ending a fierce conflict between the Jedi and the anti-Jedi Path of the Open Hand cult. Following this battle, later known as the Night of Sorrow, he made the decision to safeguard the living weapons used by the Path against Force-sensitives, known as the Nameless, by keeping them out of the Jedi Archives to ensure the Order's safety. Over a century later, he took leave from the Jedi High Council to instruct Padawans aboard the Star Hopper, leading them and fellow Jedi in combating the Nihil pirate group in 232 BBY. After mysteriously vanishing for over a year, Yoda resurfaced in 230 BBY on Corellia, where he, along with his former Padawan Kantam Sy and other Jedi, battled the Nihil, accompanied by Azlin Rell, a former Jedi who had fought in the Night of Sorrow. Given the Nihil's weaponization of the Nameless, Yoda hoped that Rell's accumulated knowledge of these creatures since the battle would aid the Jedi in devising a strategy to defeat them.

In the twilight days of the Republic, Yoda was nearly nine centuries in years of age. A prominent figure on the Jedi High Council, he was a contemporary of legendary Masters like Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi. During the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY, the unconventional Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker to the High Council, convinced that he had found the prophesied Chosen One. However, the Jedi elders sensed considerable fear and anger within the boy and declined to train him, deeming Skywalker too old and emotionally unstable to fully dedicate himself to the Jedi Code. Following Jinn's death during the liberation of Naboo, the High Council reversed their decision, despite Yoda's continued reservations about Skywalker's apprenticeship, having foreseen significant danger in his training. Simultaneously, the Jedi discovered that their ancient nemesis, the Sith, had resurfaced after a millennium of concealment. Aware of the Rule of Two, Yoda was certain that at least one Sith Lord remained active after Obi-Wan Kenobi's triumph over the Sith apprentice Darth Maul.

Over the ensuing decade, the galaxy teetered on the brink of civil war, with entire star systems—led by Count Dooku, a former Padawan of Yoda—threatening to secede from the Republic by 22 BBY. Unable to independently defend the Republic against this widespread betrayal, the Jedi assumed command of the newly established Grand Army of the Republic, with Yoda personally leading an army of clone troopers against the Separatist Droid Army of the Confederacy of Independent Systems in the first battle of the Clone Wars, thereby rescuing the Jedi and Senator from execution. For three years, Yoda spearheaded the Republic military's war efforts as a Jedi General, committed to achieving a swift and decisive resolution to the conflict. During this period, he was contacted by the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, who guided Yoda in learning how to preserve his identity as a spirit post-mortem. Yoda's endeavors against the Separatists were thwarted by Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith who conspired to annihilate the Jedi and reinstate the Sith to power. Following the commencement of the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY, which resulted in the deaths of thousands of Jedi on both Coruscant and across the galaxy, Yoda confronted the self-declared Galactic Emperor but failed to end Sidious's rule. Consequently, he retreated into exile, allowing the Sith Master to solidify his authority with a new apprentice, the transformed Anakin Skywalker, now known as Darth Vader, at his side.

Yoda spent his remaining years in isolation on the distant planet of Dagobah. After Obi-Wan Kenobi's passing, he was able to communicate with his spirit, who desired Yoda to train Anakin's son, Luke Skywalker. Initially, Yoda reluctantly agreed, but later, believing the galaxy would be better off without him, he declined Kenobi's request. Persuaded by Kenobi to enter the Cave of Evil, where he faced figures from his past and reconciled with his failures, he consented to teach Luke Skywalker, who soon sought out the legendary Grand Master in hopes of becoming a Jedi Knight. He instructed Skywalker for a period, until, despite Yoda's warnings, Skywalker prematurely ended his training to rescue his friends after experiencing a vision of their peril. A year later, in 4 ABY, as his health rapidly deteriorated, Yoda passed away from old age when Skywalker returned to visit him. He became one with the Force, shortly before Luke redeemed his father Anakin, who fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One by eliminating Sidious.

Years later, Luke Skywalker's attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order was undermined when his nephew Ben Solo succumbed to the dark side and destroyed his Jedi Temple. Believing the galaxy was better off without him and the Jedi, Skywalker went into exile, mirroring Yoda's earlier actions. After his student, the scavenger Rey, whom he reluctantly trained, also abandoned her training, Yoda appeared to Skywalker as a Force ghost. Yoda imparted the lesson of learning from failures and helped him forgive himself.


Early life

Yoda, born nine-hundred years prior to the Battle of Endor, belonged to an ancient and mysterious species. Little is known about his early life; he never revealed his homeworld. Possessing a strong connection keenly attuned to the Force, he joined the Jedi Order as a youngling. After undergoing the ritual known as the Gathering, he obtained his kyber crystal, and Professor Huyang assisted him in constructing his first lightsaber aboard the Crucible. During his time as a youngling, Yoda was known to skip across the lily pads in the Jedi Grand Temple's meditation pond.

While Yoda rarely discussed his early years, it was rumored that one of his first instructors was the Hysalrian N'Kata Del Gormo. Yoda was paired with a personal mentor. During their time together, Yoda's Jedi Master shared the tale of K'ungfu and Chuang, two esteemed Jedi from the past. Around the age of 100, in 796 BBY, Yoda was prepared to impart his knowledge. Having achieved the rank of Master, he dedicated the next eight centuries to training and mentoring generations of Jedi. It's estimated that he trained approximately twenty thousand Jedi throughout his life.

High Republic Era

Early High Republic Era

By the time of the High Republic Era, Yoda was regarded as a great Jedi Master. He had also earned a seat on the Jedi High Council and the rank of Grand Master. Two other Jedi, Xo Lahru and Pra-Tre Veter, shared the Grand Master title with Yoda. Later, the human Jedi Ry Ki-Sakka also attained this position. As the Jedi responsible for teaching younglings, Yoda encountered Gella Nattai, a human youngling who was frightened of the training remotes and fled the room. Finding Nattai in the Temple garden, Yoda sat with her and they observed a frog repeatedly attempting to jump into a waterfall behind a stone wall. Yoda used the frog's persistence as a lesson, teaching her to confront her fears and to always persevere.

An uncertain Path

The Path of the Open Hand

Following news of the Battle of Jedha and the failure of a peace treaty between the warring planets Eiram and E'ronoh in 382 BBY, Yoda went to the Republic Executive Building on the galactic capital Coruscant to meet with Supreme Chancellor Kyong Greylark while they waited for more information from Jedha. They spoke to Jedi Master Creighton Sun and Jedi Knight Aida Forte, who were on the ground on Jedha and confirmed that the E'roni ambassador was dead and the Eirami had deployed a droid army. They requested to perform an investigation on the Outer Rim Territories planet Dalna of the Path of the Open Hand cult, considering their involvement in the failure of the peace talks, the fact that Jedi Master Silandra Sho felt a disturbance that made the Jedi ill at the Path's almshouse, and that Jedi Knight Gella Nattai believed the Chancellor's criminal son Axel Greylark was working with the Path. Yoda admitted that he had sensed a disturbance beyond Jedha, and emphasized that they need to be careful, reminding them that there was always those who thrived in chaos. After much deliberation, Yoda and Chancellor Greylark eventually agreed to a fact-finding mission accompanied by two of her guards and to send Jedi Master Char-Ryl-Roy and Padawan Enya Keen to Eiram and E'ronoh to try and keep the peace and discover what was causing communications buoys to be down, Yoda explaining to them that Werth Plouth, the Path's Herald, was responsible for the riots on Jedha.

After the communication ended, Yoda expressed his concern as they received another message from Jedi Master Yaddle, who was accompanied by a Jedi Initiate named Cippa Tarko, though the connection of the message was poor. Tarko asked about Yoda, and Yaddle explained that he was a Jedi Master and not her brother. Yoda told Yaddle that they were sending help to Jedha and two Jedi to Dalna and that she was to return to Coruscant, but the message was so choppy they were not sure if she understood. Yoda had an unsettling feeling in the Force that reminded him of the feeling he got whenever a battle was coming. Master Yaddle did misunderstand Yoda's message to mean she was needed on Dalna and joined Sun and Forte there, who sent a message to Yoda confirming they were there shortly before Yaddle arrived.

Jedi Master Yaddle

Later, Chancellor Greylark had her guards summon Yoda to her to reveal that her son Axel had escaped from prison with the help of the Path and someone named Binnot Ullo. She told Yoda that she did not know who Ullo was and did not think Axel had many friends. He assured her that no one, no galaxy, and no republic was perfect, and that she should continue to fight for the greater good like the Jedi did. She explained that she felt like they have all been moving through a fog that has corrupted everything lately and Yoda insisted that Axel still had good in him and that the 'fog' was just corrupting him too. However, the Chancellor resolved to make Axel truly feel the consequences of his actions.

Chancellor no more

Chancellor Kyong Greylark

Eventually, Greylark received a message from her son on Dalna and immediately called Yoda to have him listen to it with her via hologram. After hearing Axel ask for her to go to Dalna to speak with the Path and with him, Yoda asked her what she would do, the Chancellor deciding to go to Dalna. She then recorded a message for Axel that included Yoda in it, wearing a blank expression, so that he could bear witness to her stepping down as Chancellor. After she sent the message, Yoda stayed with her wordlessly for a while, and she appreciated his kindness.

Before Greylark could leave for Dalna, Yoda approached her and said that since he had not heard back from Masters Sun or Ela Sutan, who had also been sent to Dalna, that he would go with her because she was still his friend even though she was no longer Chancellor. Yoda had a Jedi Longbeam cruiser follow them with a contingent of Jedi. While in hyperspace, they received a distress call from Princess Xiri A'lbaran of E'ronoh and Prince Phan-tu Zenn of Eiram. They then received a message from Chancellor Orlen Mollo, who said that the leaders of Eiram and E'ronoh were still not cooperating. Yoda volunteered to rescue the heirs due to their proximity to them and left, taking other Jedi with him.

The Night of Sorrow

Eventually, Yoda arrived at the battle that was now raging on Dalna between the Path and the Jedi, which came to be known as the Night of Sorrow. The Path, much of it reorganized into the Path of the Closed Fist, was led by Marda Ro of the Ro family. He was joined by Princess A'lbaran and Prince Zenn, the three announcing that the combined forces of Eiram and E'ronoh were there to fight together with the Jedi. When Yoda arrived on the ground at the Path compound, Jedi Gella Nattai told him to direct people to go to the cave system as there was potentially many more Path members there. On Dalna, he met Path Little Tromak. Yoda eventually came to forget Tromak but always remembered the importance of his visit to Dalna.

The Path's compound on Dalna

As the battle started to come to a close with it turning in the Jedi's favor, Yoda and Yaddle stood together, the latter watching Cippa Tarko sleep. However, A'lbaran and Zenn contacted them and informed them that explosions have been set off underground. As Yaddle suggested getting help, the ground shook and Yoda spotted sections of the caves collapse into sinkholes. Yoda and Yaddle then sensed a Jedi in distress and went to help. Finding a door in the ground, Yoda and Yaddle connected to the force and sensed Gella Nattai and Axel Greylark. Yaddle lifted up the ground, rocks, and soil while Yoda lifted the water to try and rescue them. Enya Keen then ran toward them, seeing Nattai, and pulled her and Axel from the mud-like water, having been brought to the surface by the two Jedi Masters. Yoda and Yaddle then set the water and mud down far away. In the sinkhole, E'roni and Eirami soldiers began recovering survivors. Yaddle noticed that the sounds of battle have faded and the sun was rising. She asks Yoda if the battle was done, and he says it was.

Yoda met with Kyong Greylark and Chancellor Mollo on a medical frigate above Coruscant, the three discussing now only having one Chancellor instead of two and what it means. Yoda suggested they speak to the Jedi Council and tell them everything that went wrong, but Greylark also wanted to focus all the things that went right, including the help of the Republic and the Jedi. Mollo revealed that the people of Dalna were calling the event the Night of Sorrow. While he imagined the future, Greylark assured Yoda that she would meet him on Coruscant soon, Yoda adding that there was much to celebrate and remember.

Return to the Temple

One of the Nameless creatures during the Night of Sorrow

Yoda then traveled to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, confirming first that the royal families of Eiram and E'ronoh had already gathered, who he met with when he arrived. He met with several Jedi, including Yaddle, who was standing with Tarko. Yoda raised his arm to silence the room and Master Sun rose from his chair, walking to the center of the room using a walking stick before beginning a funeral for Jedi Aida Forte, Orin Darhga, and Char-Ryl-Roy. Yoda allowed Roy's former Padawan, Keen, to keep his lightsaber and use it alongside hers.

Later, in the Jedi Archives, Creighton spoke with Yoda about Nameless creatures that the Path deployed on Dalna and the horror they wrought upon the Jedi, causing them to be weakened, hallucinate, and eventually be turned to dust. Yoda confirmed that there is a larger danger connected to them, which caused Creighton to wonder what Yoda knew. Realizing how catastrophic to the Order it could be if people found out about the creatures, and since they had heard no other reports of their usage, they decided to keep quiet about them and not include them in the Jedi Archive. They agreed not to speak of it again and each of them left.

Master of Kantam Sy

Yoda held the title of Grand Master of the Jedi Order since the days of the High Republic Era.

At one point, a human, Kantam Sy, became Yoda's apprentice. They were both stationed at the Jedi Temple located on the planet Endovar. Sy demonstrated exceptional talent, surpassing not only their fellow Padawans but also some of the more seasoned Jedi. Yoda himself acknowledged Sy as the most disciplined Padawan he had ever instructed and one of the most attuned to the Force. Despite this, Yoda refrained from performing the knighting ceremony for Sy, a decision that remained unclear to the Padawan. It wasn't until Sy entered into a romantic relationship with an acrobat named Aytar that they realized both Yoda and themselves had been waiting for such a development. Subsequently, Sy made the choice to leave the Jedi Order, influenced in part by their newfound connection with Aytar.

Yoda and Sy shared a fondness for sparring, a practice through which they often achieved understanding and Sy found inner peace when troubled or facing difficulties. Even when a solution wasn't immediately apparent during these matches, they would leave with a sense that an answer was within reach. When Sy sought out Yoda in the Endovar Jedi Temple's meditation room to announce their decision, Yoda challenged them to a duel, recalling their numerous past encounters in that very room and suggesting that this final duel could serve as one last lesson. Sy accepted the challenge, as refusing a duel with Master Yoda was not customary, but also recognized that this meant Yoda was aware of their decision. Yoda evaded Sy's question by initiating combat, before declaring that the time for a choice had arrived, though not the one Sy anticipated. Yoda elucidated that the Force had chosen Sy, just as it had chosen all other Jedi, and questioned when Sy would choose the Force in return. Sy asserted that they made that choice every day through their Jedi training, but after Yoda knocked Sy to the ground, Yoda questioned whether one truly makes a choice when there are no other perceived options. Yoda revealed that there was a reason he had not yet knighted them, before concluding the duel, helping Sy up, and sitting down with Sy to meditate.

Eventually, Sy inquired whether they should depart from the Jedi Order, but Yoda countered that there was no inherent "should," and that the concept of the right thing to do is a construct we create to reassure ourselves. Yoda also implied that Sy had ceased listening, both literally and in a broader sense. Yoda likened feelings to the wind, something we can sense and experience, but which ultimately passes, although at times it can feel like a hurricane, making it tempting to succumb to anger and fear. Yoda conveyed to Sy that to remain a Jedi, they must actively choose the Jedi Order and the Force, learning to heed the world beyond their emotions, even when those emotions are as overwhelming as a hurricane. After a moment, Sy placed their lightsaber before Yoda. Yoda nodded in response, and his Padawan departed, leaving him and the Jedi Order behind. Yoda felt sadness but offered his support during Sy's departure. Sy would reflect on the conversation they had that day throughout their remaining years.

More than a year later, Sy returned to the Jedi and met with Yoda on Endovar. At the time, Yoda was assisting a pet Happabore named Monsalmo, having been roused from a nap by the creature's squeals. Yoda was accustomed to her complex behavior, including finding her within the temple beneath the younglings' sleeping quarters. On this occasion, Monsalmo was pregnant and had climbed onto the roof of her pen to avoid giving birth in a fuel spill. However, the roof was unable to bear her weight and collapsed. Yoda used the Force to catch Monsalmo, but simultaneously, she began to give birth to her pups, necessitating that Yoda also carry them with the Force. Just then, Sy and a Force-sensitive girl they had rescued on the planet Naboo named Lula Talisola arrived and both used the Force to help Yoda carry Monsalmo and her pups. Yoda welcomed Sy back, remarking that they had left as a Padawan and returned as a Knight. Several hours later, Yoda knighted Sy in a simple ceremony so that they could take on Talisola as their Padawan learner.

Following the ceremony, Sy and Yoda gathered around a fire near the happabore enclosure, discussing the events that had transpired. Sy confessed that they struggled to comprehend how they could feel so certain about their path away from the Order one moment, only to be drawn back when they saved Talisola. Yoda explained that the young are the greatest teachers, and the most valuable lesson they impart is the necessity of detachment and letting go, that being a Jedi was to let go. Sy realized that they had been the one that taught Yoda that lesson. Yoda revealed that he had struggled with Sy's departure and had been unsure of the future. The two then shared Sweetpuff jamwiches with Talisola.

Yoda and Kantam Sy speak with Lula Talisola.

At a later time, Yoda and Sy convened with Talisola in the Endovar Jedi temple. Sy informed Talisola that the lesson she had taught the two masters was the most challenging of all. Talisola expressed hope that it was front flips with a lightsaber, which made Sy retract their statement and say that it was the second hardest lesson to learn. Yoda agreed, noting that the front flip was far from simple. However, the lesson Sy aimed to impart to Talisola mirrored the one she had learned from her and Yoda had learned from Sy: Detachment.

Before 232 BBY, Yoda journeyed to the Jedi temple on Takodana to retrieve a Force-sensitive Aloxian child named Qort from Maz Kanata and Jedi Sav Malagán and induct him into the Jedi Order. Padawan Reath Silas briefly encountered Yoda during shared events.

Time on the Star Hopper

By 232 BBY, Yoda, alongside Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, was stationed at the Jedi Grand Temple on Coruscant, where they assigned youngling Jedi Initiates to various temple outposts across the galaxy to continue their learning and training under their respective teachers. It was here that he met initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs; Yoda gifted Brightstar his own training saber after Brightstar sacrificed his to save Nubs while on a mission. Later that year, Yoda took a break from the Jedi Council, sensing that the Force was guiding him toward a different path. Consequently, Yoda joined the crew of the Jedi Padawan Academic Cruiser Star Hopper, allowing him to assist in the training of Padawans and younglings. This also enabled Yoda to help train Talisola, who was stationed aboard the Star Hopper.

Yoda appointed the Mon Calamari Jedi Master Ephru Shinn to occupy his seat on the council during his absence. During the Great Hyperspace Disaster in the Hetzal system, Jedi Master Avar Kriss established a Force network, which was eventually supported by Jedi located outside the system. Yoda—positioned somewhere with the group of younglings he was currently instructing—contributed to the effort, focusing his energy on the network to prevent a Tibanna gas container from colliding with an R-class sun.

Yoda, Torban Buck, and Lula Talisola fight the Nihil on Trymant IV.

The Great Hyperspace Disaster also triggered the Emergences, events where massive pieces of debris exited hyperspace in various locations throughout the galaxy, posing a threat to planets at near lightspeed. Eventually, the Trymant system faced the threat of an Emergence. The staff of Republic Security Zone Monitoring Satellite 777B-Alpha reported the incident to the Starlight Beacon space station, who then requested assistance from the only Republic or Jedi vessel within immediate range, the Star Hopper. Aboard were Yoda, fellow Jedi Master Torban Buck, and a class of Padawans. As they journeyed through hyperspace to the Trymant system, Yoda advised the Padawans to prepare for any eventuality, as the situation was uncertain, but the Force would guide them. Upon learning that they were the sole Republic or Jedi ship available to respond, one of the Padawans suggested remaining at a distance and awaiting backup. However, Yoda insisted that they were Trymant's only hope and needed to proceed. Shortly before exiting hyperspace, Yoda instructed the Padawans to share the information they had gathered about the calamity. Yoda and Buck decided to remain on the Star Hopper to utilize the Force to divert the largest pieces of debris but deployed the Padawans in Rescue speeders to provide assistance on the planet's surface.

However, amidst the chaos of the Emergence, a Spider Cruiser known as the Squall Spider, commanded by the Eye of the Nihil, Marchion Ro, arrived in Bralanak City to collect Elder Tromak, whose services Ro sought to obtain certain information. When the Padawans attempted to persuade Nihil marauders to allow them to use the Spider Cruiser to evacuate civilians, a fight ensued, prompting Yoda and Buck to intervene and assist the young Jedi in their fight against the Nihil. During the conflict, a Force-sensitive civilian named Zeen Mrala, who had aided the Jedi against the Emergence and the Nihil, informed Masters Yoda and Buck that her friend Krix Kamerat had been captured by the Nihil and needed to be rescued. Lula Talisola volunteered to go, but Yoda insisted that he would rescue the boy. Master Buck protested, arguing that he was not a fighting Jedi and should not be left in charge of the other Jedi, but Yoda disregarded his concerns. Yoda then shielded the group of Jedi from a large plasma projectile launched by a Nihil marauder by slicing it into pieces with his lightsaber while it was still airborne. Yoda then departed to locate Kamerat, but first asked Mrala to take her pet Cru Cham Cham with him.

Yoda discovers a piece of the Nameless control rod on a Nihil ship.

Marchion Ro was aware of Yoda and his power, and upon spotting him on the planet, he instructed his subordinates to keep the Jedi Master away from the Squall Spider, but Yoda managed to sneak aboard the ship nonetheless. Yoda eventually located Kamerat and informed him that they needed to leave immediately. Yoda told Kamerat that Mrala had sent him and proved it by showing him Cham Cham. Yoda then provided Kamerat with a Holoprojector, instructing the boy to use it to contact Mrala when he was ready. However, Kamerat soon after alerted the pirates to Yoda's presence. Having been raised by the Elders of the Path, a religious order descended from the Path of the Open Hand that distrusted Force-sensitives due to believing the Force should only be appreciated from a distance, as if it was a fire, only to see that his best friend Zeen Mrala had secretly been Force-sensitive and never told him, Kamerat felt betrayed and ended up siding with the Nihil because of that sense of betrayal. With the Nihil searching for him, Yoda fled from the marauders but discovered that the Nihil possessed a strange, purple artifact in a storage crate. Yoda hoped to escape unnoticed, but Cham Cham emitted a loud cry that alerted the Nihil to their location, leading to a confrontation. Yoda escaped and reunited with Mrala, revealing to her that Cham Cham had devoured several Nihil limbs during the encounter. Yoda then informed Mrala that she needed to accompany them to Starlight Beacon. When she inquired why he had not saved Kamerat, Yoda explained that he could not save someone who did not want to be rescued. With the Nihil driven from Trymant, Yoda, Torban Buck, Zeen Mrala, and the Padawans traveled to Starlight Beacon in the Star Hopper.

Starlight Beacon

Following the Battle of Kur, Yoda accompanied fellow Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter to Starlight Beacon. The two met with Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh to discuss Bacta manufacturing for the relief effort following the Great Disaster, as the right crops were needed after the events on Hetzal. Before their meeting, they visited the beacon's hub to meet with Master Avar Kriss and inform her that the council had convened and appointed her as the Marshal of Starlight Beacon. Kriss also asked Yoda if he was returning to the council, but Yoda clarified that he was not finished on the Star Hopper. Yoda later attended the Beacon's dedication ceremony, where he spoke briefly about the dedication plaque placed in a stone monument. He conversed with Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, Nash Durango, and Nubs, recalling their adventure to retrieve the dedication plaque after it was stolen by the pirate Taborr Val Dorn, who was secretly Prince Cyrus Vuundir of Vuundalla. He expressed his pride in them and encouraged them to join the other Jedi for Lina Soh's speech. After the Jedi departed, Yoda spoke with Prince Vuundir, who was no longer in his pirate disguise, sensing much conflict within him but also acknowledging his potential for greatness if he made the right choices. Yoda told Cyrus that the future was in his hands. Joining his fellow Jedi, he raised his lightsaber and proclaimed, "For light and life."

Yoda discusses Zeen Mrala and the Nihil's secrets with Estala Maru and Avar Kriss.

Approximately a week later, Zeen Mrala was settling in well on Starlight, prompting Masters Yoda, Avar Kriss, Kantam Sy, Estala Maru, and Torban Buck to check on her and discuss her plans, with Yoda even bringing pastry treats. The Masters deliberated and concluded that she was too old to begin Jedi training and likely could not be sent back to Trymant. Master Sy suggested that she remain with them temporarily, as she had proven herself valuable, which Yoda acknowledged as an excellent point. They ultimately decided to let her stay, partly in the hope that she could be helpful against the Nihil. When it became clear that locating the Nihil would be challenging, Yoda revealed that he had given a holoprojector to both Kamerat and Mrala. Mrala confirmed that they had communicated, for which she apologized, but Yoda dismissed her apology, stating that she might have just saved the day. Yoda explained that they could use the holoprojectors to track the Nihil, but they would need to be relatively close. Yoda was determined to find the Nihil to figure out what the mysterious artifact he had found was. The Jedi decided to travel to the Bright Jewel system, as there had been recent Nihil activity there, and see if they could pick up a signal.

Yoda flies a Jedi Vector in the Battle in the Bright Jewel system.

In the Bright Jewel system, a routine patrol clashed with a group of Nihil raiders, who alerted the Republic Outpost on Ord Mantell. Yoda, Torban Buck, Kantam Sy, and numerous other Jedi flew Jedi Vectors from the outpost to confront the Nihil. The conflict escalated into a full-scale battle. Eventually, all of the Nihil fighters were defeated, but Yoda was concerned, as he felt that it was too easy and that something might be amiss. The Jedi then received a distress signal that they initially believed to be from the Ord Mantell base, until Yoda suspected that it was not actually from the base. They determined the signal to be from the junk moon Quantxi, and so Yoda ordered the Jedi to travel to the moon and send for backup from Starlight Beacon, though he also worried that they were too late.


Yoda and Elder Tromak's shuttle is shot down over Vrant Tarnum.

Yoda traveled to the junk moon of Quantxi with Masters Torban Buck and Kantam Sy to assist the Padawans of the Star Hopper against the Nihil force stationed there. However, Yoda crossed paths with Elder Tromak, who had escaped the Nihil after being escorted off Trymant IV with Kamerat by Ro, after landing. Yoda recognized him from Trymant. Tromak offered the Jedi bogaranths to ride to the Nihil, clarifying that even though he hated Jedi, they had a common enemy. As Masters Sy and Buck saddled up onto the bogaranths, Tromak pulled Yoda aside. Reminding Yoda of their meeting on Dalna years prior, he asked the Grand Master to journey with him to Kharvashark Ruins on Vrant Tarnum to stop the Nihil from recovering the second half of the mysterious artifact, with Yoda informing Tromak that the Nihil already had half of the weapon. However, Tromak was insistent on keeping the artifact's location a secret, so he told Yoda that he could not bring his comlink. Yoda agreed to this, and after sending one last message to the other Jedi telling them not to follow him, the two traveled to the Stygmarn system above Vrant Tarnum. However, the two encountered a network of drones and were shot down, allowing Ro a to acquire the other half of the artifact.

To the Jedi Order as a whole, Yoda was suddenly missing in action. As the Drengir crisis and conflict with the Nihil persisted, Yoda's name became one of many mentioned alongside Jedi who had disappeared or perished during the conflicts. He remained missing by the time of the attack on Valo and the subsequent Battle of Grizal, both of which marked significant escalations in tensions during the struggle between the Republic and the Nihil. In the latter engagement, Ro unleashed the living weapon known as the Great Leveler against the Jedi for the first time, using the completed artifact to control it. Remembering that Yoda told them and Buck not to follow him, Sy told the Star Hopper's Padawans, after they asked whether they could go searching for the missing Jedi Master, that they needed to trust in the Force. But Yoda's departure affected the Star Hopper's close crew in an incredibly deep way.

Amid the stress of the Nihil conflict, the Jedi of Starlight Beacon use one of Yoda's recipes to come together and better understand each other.

During the skirmish on Xais, Master Avar Kriss found herself recalling the wisdom of Yoda as Master Sskeer once again resorted to extreme violence. She remembered his frequent pronouncements that once one treads the path of darkness, it forever taints the heart. Later on, Masters Kantam Sy and Torban Buck brought together a group of Jedi to prepare Master Yoda's cherished recipe for special, story-infused sweet custard cakes. The Masters insisted that the recipe explicitly stated that the cakes would only turn out correctly if the bakers shared a story about cooperation during the process, a tale in which they broadened their understanding of their own capabilities, discovered trust in another, or achieved a deeper comprehension of the Force.

Subsequently, when Sy was tasked with investigating Nihil activity on Corellia alongside Master Cohmac Vitus, Sy remarked that the young, alongside Master Yoda, were the greatest teachers they could possibly have. This led Vitus to inquire about any news regarding the venerable Jedi Master, to which Sy responded that they could not sense him, though that didn't necessarily signify anything. Sy voiced their conviction that if Yoda had passed away, they would all have felt it, yet Cohmac remained concerned about his prolonged absence nonetheless. Sy also expressed their sorrow that everything felt as though it would be far easier to comprehend if Yoda were present. Later, upon Vitus's request, Sy disclosed that Master Yoda had permitted them to undertake a walkabout of the Jedi Order, understanding that denying it would have meant the end of Sy's relationship with the Order. Sy even recounted the entire story to Vitus, including Yoda's influence both on the day of their departure and their return. Cohmac also shared with Sy his wonder about Yoda's perspective on the unfolding events.

Following the Battle at Dol'har Hyde, an engagement culminating in the capture of Nihil leader Krix Kamerat and his subsequent detention aboard the Star Hopper, Zeen Mrala and Lula Talisola visited Yoda's former quarters on the ship, reflecting on the Jedi Master. Mrala felt a sense of longing that she believed was only possible for someone you had known your entire life, particularly missing the Jedi's welcoming aura and his joyful smile. She felt that they were in greater need of Yoda's assistance than ever before, given Kamerat's capture. Mrala then questioned Talisola about the likelihood of Yoda's return, to which Talisola confidently affirmed that he would, and that he wouldn't want them standing there worrying about him.

Padawans Reath Silas and Ram Jomaram also pondered Yoda's disappearance while on Corellia. Silas commented that he seemed like he would have been a "pretty fun" Master to Kantam Sy, adding that he remembered being able to feel Yoda's wisdom from a considerable distance. Both Padawans were tormented by anxiety regarding Yoda's vanishing and conjured up nightmarish possibilities about his fate, which they confessed to each other. Silas speculated that if Yoda were there, he would have said, "Forgive himself, a Jedi must, mm? Not being ruled by fear does not mean not feeling any fear at all, mm!" a sentiment that Jomaram found remarkably accurate.


Simultaneous to the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Sy, Vitus, Jomaram, Silas, and Mrala joined Corellian bodyguards and civilians in fighting Nihil who were attempting to seize a fleet of MPO-1400 Purgill-class star cruisers and Republic Longbeam cruisers from the shipyards in Coronet City on Corellia, intending to amplify the chaos and devastation of the space station. As Sy, Vitus, and Mrala charged through a throng of Nihil, a group of the pirates commandeered a massive ship from one of Corellia's shipyards, aiming to use it to assault Starlight. However, the three Force-sensitive individuals employed the Force to impede the trawler and prevent its escape, but their grip was tenuous, and Nihil reinforcements soon arrived. Suddenly, Master Sy noticed the trawler becoming lighter, seemingly weightless. Abruptly, the remaining Nihil war cloud was swept away, bewildering the pirates and revealing Master Yoda in hooded robes, wielding the Force to hold the trawler aloft with his lightsaber ignited at his side.

Yoda remarked to Sy that it appeared they were in need of assistance, prompting Sy to collapse and weep at the sight of their former Master. Yoda then utilized the Force to send the massive ship crashing down upon the horde of Nihil reinforcements, resulting in a fiery explosion. As more Nihil approached, Yoda launched himself feet first into their leader and then used the Force to subdue the others with a single gesture. This inspired Sy, who exclaimed "For light and life" before reuniting with Vitus and Mrala to fight alongside Yoda. Yoda and Sy collaborated to defeat a Nihil wielding a buzz saw, Sy disrupting his balance before Yoda impaled him from behind with his lightsaber. The Jedi then regrouped with the Corellian fighters, and Yoda proclaimed the rallying cry "For light and life," which resonated throughout the crowd. Ultimately, they succeeded in driving the Nihil away, securing victory in the battle.

The Nameless (pictured) emerged as a massive threat to the Jedi Order, but Yoda's quest for answers brought him to Azlin Rell who had had a connection to the beings.

In the aftermath, Jomaram, who had played a crucial role in the Jedi's success elsewhere in the battle, reunited with Sy, who introduced him to Yoda. Yoda stated that they had much to discuss and insufficient time, to which Sy added that they required a secure location to regroup and debrief. Alys "Crash" Ongwa, one of the leaders of the Corellian fighters, offered a hideaway to the Jedi. The group, including Yoda, sought refuge in the hideout of Baynoo Ongwa, Crash Ongwa's mother, in The Green on Corellia, traveling via various ships and airspeeders to reach their destination. There, they were joined by a mysterious hooded figure, the former Jedi Knight Azlin Rell, who had accompanied Yoda. Rell remained silent, concealing his face and continuously, quietly singing the nursery rhyme 'Shrii ka rai ka rai', which held a connection to the Nameless. Yoda declared that there was much to explain without actually elucidating anything, but no one questioned him, assuming that there would be time for explanations later. The group ate, bathed, and then attempted to sleep.

During the night, all the Force-sensitive individuals were awakened by a sensation of the final crash and destruction of Starlight Beacon in the Force. After sensing the death of Jedi Orla Jareni aboard Starlight Beacon, Master Cohmac Vitus gathered Yoda, the other Jedi, Zeen Mrala, and his Padawan Reath Silas. Vitus intended to knight Silas, but Silas confessed that he felt he had only learned how little he truly knew from all the fighting and death. Yoda, however, praised this, stating that it was perhaps one of the most difficult and crucial lessons to learn. Silas also observed that there was not one single path forward, but also said that might just be an excuse for feeling lost. Yoda assured him that it was impossible to be lost when there was not one right way forward. After more questions from Silas, Yoda then asked jokingly if he thought all of those Masters that thought he was ready were wrong. This prompted Silas to say he was ready, and together Masters Yoda, Vitus, and Sy knighted Reath Silas. But Master Vitus then handed his lightsaber to Silas, and after exchanging nods with Yoda, left the house, and left the Jedi Order for good.

The following morning, Yoda and Sy conversed and prepared to depart, while Zeen Mrala reflected on the joyous and inspiring moment when Yoda had joined the battle. Yoda approached Crash Ongwa and Deemus Abrus, who had assisted the Jedi before the battle, and bid them farewell. Yoda informed the two that a new threat had emerged and that all the Jedi needed to return to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, prompting Sy to reveal that the recall signal that Yoda had requested had been sent out minutes prior. Yoda explained that the path ahead would be challenging, but that they would find a way forward by being guided by the secrets of the past. This involved Rell, whose years of research on the Nameless Yoda hoped could help them learn how to fight or stop the beasts.

Speaking with Rwoh

In 132 BBY, Jedi Master Vernestra Rwoh approached Yoda to speak with him after she had interrogated a memory-wiped Mae-ho Aniseya. The Jedi Grandmaster was seated with his face towards her when he was approached.

Master of Dooku

Yoda was the Jedi Master of Count Dooku, who ultimately renounced his commitment to the Jedi Order.

Decades later, Yoda accepted the human Dooku as his final known Padawan during the era of the Galactic Republic. In 90 BBY, Yoda journeyed to Serenno alongside other Jedi Masters and younglings Sifo Dyas, and Dooku. Yoda subsequently took Dooku as an apprentice in 86 BBY, and while Dooku initially desired to become the Padawan of Lene Kostana, his disappointment waned upon learning that he would be Yoda's apprentice. During a visit to Serenno, Master and apprentice together, Dooku's father berated the Grand Master for bringing his son to the planet, harboring a dislike for the Jedi Order and Force-sensitives. On one mission to the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk, Dooku witnessed his master confront a colossal, fearsome terentatek. Decades after his apprentice attained Knighthood, in 42 BBY, Yoda was informed by Dooku of his departure from the Jedi Order, much to his dismay, and when his former student offered to surrender his lightsaber, the Grandmaster permitted him to retain ownership of his weapon.

Pre-Invasion of Naboo

Yoda visited Kashyyyk on several other occasions before the Battle of Kashyyyk, serving as a Jedi negotiator in numerous incidents involving the Wookiees and their Trandoshan neighbors. This earned him the ancient title of "Defender of the Home Tree," and also membership in many Wookiee leaders' and all the inhabitants of Kachirho's honor families.

Yoda also taught outside the Master/Padawan relationship, and trained all the Jedi younglings prior to their teaming up with Jedi Masters, including Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Since his days as a youngling, Mace Windu, a human who would eventually rise to become part of the Jedi Council, never responded well to the Grand Master's humor, which became one of the reasons Yoda continued to use his humor. Kanan Jarrus, as Caleb Dume, often heard Yoda counsel, "Do, or do not. There is no try." He also instructed groups of younglings in the fundamentals of Jedi training, including lightsaber instruction. He oversaw younglings undergoing the Gathering to find their own kyber crystals; on one such occasion, he told youngling Ahsoka Tano of how she would know her crystal when she saw it. With these words in mind, Tano successfully found her crystal. At another point, he taught Tano of how one could find things they were not purposely looking for.

Invasion of Naboo

Yoda was a leading member of the Jedi High Council during the last years of the Galactic Republic.

At the time of the invasion of the planet Naboo by the Trade Federation, Yoda was still a member of the Jedi High Council, and was the sole Grand Master of the Jedi Order. By the invasion, he had been training Jedi students for approximately 800 years. In the time before the invasion, Yoda participated in a council meeting. Several hours after that meeting, he took to mediating in a small garden in the temple, only to be interrupted by fellow council member Mace Windu, who, after Yoda waited for him to explain why he wanted a private discussion, expressed his belief that Yoda had sensed something he was keeping private. Yoda repeatedly responded that he sensed nothing: the issue was not that there was a problem to be sensed, but that something was being hidden. Not understanding but trusting the Grand Master's judgement, Windu excused himself while Yoda, incorrectly believing the dark side was far away, tried to find what it was that he could not sense. Yoda was unable to uncover the fact that the sensation was caused by the secret plots of the Sith Lord Darth Sidious.

During the Federation's occupation of Naboo, Yoda was present when Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn presented Anakin Skywalker, a young boy from the planet Tatooine, to the Council, hoping to train him. Although Jinn believed Skywalker to be the Chosen One, prophesied to bring balance to the Force, Yoda and the other Council members did not share his opinion, sensing that the boy was harboring a high amount of fear and his future was uncertain. They therefore refused to allow for his training.

After Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi returned to Naboo, they forged an alliance between the human inhabitants of the world and the native Gungan species in order to combat the Federation occupation forces. The Federation's droid army was eventually deactivated after Anakin Skywalker accidentally destroyed its command ship. During the battle, however, Jinn and Kenobi dueled a Sith apprenticeDarth Maul, the Dathomirian Zabrak apprentice of the Sidious—which cost Jinn his life.

At Jinn's funeral, Yoda and Windu discussed the return of the Sith.

With the Naboo having waited until the Council's arrival to begin the funeral, Yoda, along with other members of the Council, was present at the Naboo victory parade and Jinn's earlier funeral, where he shared his thoughts on the apparent reemergence of the Sith with fellow Master of the Order Mace Windu, pointing out that the Rule of Two, the Sith succession system in effect at the time, meant that another Sith was still present. Unbeknownst to the two Jedi, the remaining Sith was Sheev Palpatine, the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, who had been sworn in after a Vote of No Confidence forced his predecessor Valorum to resign.

Yoda and the other Council members remained at the funeral until Jinn's body turned to ash. Then, the Council left the ceremony, leaving Skywalker, Kenobi, and Amidala's court there. With Jinn dead, following the events on Naboo, the Council named Jinn's former Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi a Jedi Knight, who informed Yoda of his master's final will—that Skywalker be trained. Reluctantly, Yoda permitted him to take the boy as his Padawan. Yoda also attended the parade held by the Naboo and Gungans to celebrate their victory.

Separatist Crisis

Yoda on the eve of the Clone Wars.

A decade after the Naboo crisis, thousands of systems disillusioned with the Galactic Republic seceded from the government and formed the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the leadership of Count Dooku, Yoda's former student who had abandoned the Order due to widespread corruption within the Republic. As the Galactic Senate, the Republic's main governing body, debated the creation of a standing army, an unsuccessful attempt was made on the life of Senator Amidala of Naboo. After Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker cornered the assassin, the killer was in turn killed by a mysterious person who escaped using his jetpack. These events prompted the Council, including Yoda, to task Kenobi with tracking him down.

Kenobi's investigation led him to attempt to locate the planet Kamino, whose location had been erased from the Jedi Archives. This discovery alarmed Yoda, who surmised that only a Jedi could have erased the files. Interrupting a training session with the Bear Clan, Yoda helped Kenobi pinpoint the world's exact location through meditation, allowing the latter to travel there. Following Kenobi's departure, Yoda experienced a vision while meditating, in which he heard the voice of the spirit of Qui-Gon Jinn, and sensed that Anakin Skywalker was in terrible pain. He discussed the vision with fellow Master Mace Windu afterwards.

Yoda and Windu are informed by Kenobi.

Having arrived on Kamino, Kenobi reported that the Kaminoan cloners had created a clone army, the order for which had been placed by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who had perished around the time of the Invasion of Naboo. Kenobi believed that the template used to create the army, bounty hunter Jango Fett, was the person involved in the attack on Amidala. After a brief encounter with Fett, Kenobi followed him to the planet Geonosis, where he found that Dooku's Separatists ordered the assassination attempt on Amidala and had constructed a droid army. After relaying the information to the Jedi Council, Kenobi was captured and scheduled for execution, later joined by Amidala and Anakin Skywalker.

The Clone Wars

Battle of Geonosis

News that Skywalker and Kenobi had been captured prompted the Council to dispatch a Jedi strike team to Geonosis, while Yoda headed to Kamino to take command of the clone forces. As a clone strike team interrupted the execution of Kenobi and his associates, the clones suffered casualties at the hands of the numerically superior Confederate battle droid forces. Yoda led the clones into battle, thus beginning a galaxywide conflict that would become known as the Clone Wars.

Yoda dueled his former apprentice Dooku on Geonosis.

As the clones engaged the Confederacy's forces in a massive battle, Yoda headed to rescue Kenobi and Skywalker from Dooku, who had incapacitated the duo in a duel. The diminutive Jedi Master showed his mastery and power over the Force surpassed that of Dooku by casually repelling the latter's telekinetic assault and Force lightning. He then engaged Dooku in a brief but intense duel, having the upper hand. Dooku, realizing he was outmatched by Yoda, used the Force to bring a large metal pillar down on the unconscious Skywalker and Kenobi, forcing Yoda to break off the duel and use his own powers to stop it from crushing them. Dooku used the distraction to flee aboard his personal craft. Although the battle on Geonosis ended in the Republic's favor, Yoda was concerned about the growing influence of the dark side of the Force and the outcome of the Clone Wars.

Mentoring Anakin Skywalker

As the Clone Wars progressed, Yoda decided to alleviate Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker's fear and inability to lose loved ones by assigning him a Padawan learner, Ahsoka Tano. He believed that by becoming a teacher, Skywalker would develop emotionally and that when the time came for Tano to go off on her own, he would understand that his excessive bonding to those he cared about was unnecessary. Tano traveled to the planet of Christophsis, where she presented herself to Skywalker in the midst of a battle against Confederate forces.

After the battle had concluded, Yoda, himself, arrived on the planet and assigned the duo to the task of finding Rotta, the son of influential Hutt crime lord Jabba, who had been kidnapped as part of a plan arranged by his uncle Ziro to alienate the Hutts and the Jedi and drag the former into war. After the two Jedi successfully completed the mission, Yoda, along with a group of clones, extracted them from the planet Tatooine.

Ambush on Rugosa

Yoda with clone troopers on Rugosa.

Some time later, Yoda and a small squad of clone troopers—composed of Clone Lieutenant Thire and two troopers, Jek and Rys—were sent to the neutral coral moon Rugosa to negotiate the construction of a Republic base on Toydarian territory with the incumbent monarch, King Katuunko. Simultaneously, the Confederacy dispatched Asajj Ventress, an assassin trained by Confederate leader Dooku, to the moon with droid escort to pressure Katuunko into siding with the Separatists.

Yoda's starship was ambushed by two Confederate vessels upon arriving into the system, forcing him to use an escape pod to land on the surface of the moon, accompanied by three clone troopers. The Jedi then successfully made contact with the Toydarian delegation, prompting Ventress, who was at the king's location, to challenge Yoda: if he could defeat her droid units, Toydaria would join the Republic, but a defeat would result in the planet pledging its allegiance to the Confederacy. The Jedi accepted, and Katuunko requested that he be given a fair fight—an agreement which Ventress did not intend to honor.

Yoda destroys a Confederate AAT.

Encountering the battle droids, Yoda single-handedly eliminated an entire squad without resorting to his lightsaber. He then proceeded to aid his clone troopers, until the arrival of droidekas compelled them to make a hasty retreat. To cover their escape, the Jedi redirected the droids' blaster fire towards a nearby rock formation, causing it to collapse and crush the droids. Following this, he and the clones withdrew to a closeby cave for respite. Within the cave, Yoda embraced his inherent role as an instructor. Addressing each clone by their given name, he uplifted their spirits by delivering a lecture on their unique connection to the Force.

Hearing the distinct sounds of additional Confederate forces drawing near, Yoda and his escort team departed from the cave. The Grand Master, acting alone, engaged and obliterated three tanks along with their accompanying infantry, which greatly amused the king but infuriated Ventress, who had been observing the droids' advancement through a hologram. Violating the agreed-upon terms, the assassin dispatched droidekas with the intention of eliminating Yoda, an attempt that was thwarted by the clones who launched their last rocket, triggering a rock slide that buried the enemy forces.

Katuunko, deeply impressed by Yoda's capabilities, made the decision to align himself with the Republic. As Yoda approached to meet with the king, he skillfully used the Force to prevent Ventress from committing murder, subsequently returning her lightsabers to inflict humiliation upon her. When Ventress initiated an avalanche using strategically placed explosives, Yoda intervened to rescue Katuunko, Thire, Jek, and Rys from being crushed by the falling rocks, employing the Force to manipulate the debris away from them. Shortly thereafter, Republic gunships arrived to extract the group.

Aboard the cruiser once more, Yoda retreated to his quarters and entered a state of meditation. He extended his awareness through the Force to perceive the clones with whom he had served, recognizing their individual differences yet discerning a shared set of desires within each of them: to dutifully follow orders, to achieve victory in battle, and to excel as soldiers. Yoda reflected profoundly on the humanity of the clones, concluding that the Republic was obligated to acknowledge and understand them as individuals, fostering their growth rather than treating them as mere automatons. Upon resuming his meditation, he experienced a vision, witnessing Thire, Jek, and Rys in the times to come. Mindful of the inherent perils associated with visions of the future, Yoda terminated his meditation, yet remained troubled by the unsettling nature of what he had seen.

The Malevolence crisis

Yoda and Windu confer with Ahsoka Tano, who was adamant on rescuing Koon.

As the conflict intensified, the Confederacy engineered the Malevolence, a heavy cruiser specifically engineered to disable and obliterate Republic warships utilizing its mega-ion cannons, which went on to destroy numerous vessels, leaving no survivors. The Jedi Council tasked Jedi Master Plo Koon with the mission of locating the formidable weapon. However, upon discovering its whereabouts, his fleet was ambushed and decimated by the very warship they sought. While Koon and a number of clones managed to survive within an escape pod, Yoda, in conjunction with fellow Jedi Mace Windu and Obi-Wan Kenobi, explicitly forbade Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano from initiating a search for survivors within the perilous system, citing the grave threat posed by the Malevolence. Skywalker and Tano, however, defied these directives and successfully carried out the rescue of Koon. Subsequently, the Malevolence met its end through a coordinated assault by the Republic.

Gunray's capture

Sometime following the destruction of the Malevolence, Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray was apprehended by the Republic forces on the planet Rodia. However, during his transport to Coruscant aboard the cruiser Tranquility under the supervision of Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and Ahsoka Tano, a Separatist boarding party, commanded by Asajj Ventress, successfully liberated the prisoner. Unduli and Tano subsequently reported the escape of Gunray to Anakin Skywalker and Yoda.

The Zillo Beast

Following the Battle of Malastare, Chancellor Palpatine gave orders for the Zillo Beast to be transported to Coruscant for research purposes. Nevertheless, the Zillo Beast managed to break free from captivity and commenced a destructive rampage across Coruscant. Yoda and Jedi General Aayla Secura joined forces with Skywalker, Kenobi, and Windu in an attempt to subdue the creature. As gunships deployed gas bombs in an effort to incapacitate the beast, Yoda, Secura, and Skywalker employed the Force to shield themselves and their comrades from inhaling the harmful gas. Ultimately, the Zillo Beast was neutralized by the effects of the gas bombs.

Facing the rising darkness

Attack on the Jedi Temple

Ahsoka Tano speaks to the Jedi Council

During the height of the war, Barriss Offee, aided by Letta Turmond, detonated explosives within the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Subsequently, Yoda instructed Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano to return from Cato Neimoidia to assist in the investigation, expressing a reluctance to place trust in anyone who had been present within the temple during the bombing. Despite the clouding of Yoda's judgment, he continued to provide guidance to the Jedi as the leader of the Council.

Turmond was apprehended by Skywalker and Tano. While incarcerated, she requested a private audience with Tano, asserting that Tano was the only individual she could confide in. Following Turmond's death by Force-induced strangulation, Wilhuff Tarkin, serving as an admiral within the Republic Army, ordered Tano's arrest, accusing her of orchestrating the attack. In a desperate attempt to establish her innocence, Tano escaped from custody, prompting a large-scale manhunt led by Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex. During the pursuit, Tano lost her Shoto lightsaber.

After Tano sought refuge in the Underworld, Yoda directed Skywalker and Plo Koon to locate her and bring her back to the Temple, an order met with some resistance from Mace Windu, who believed that Skywalker's emotional bond with Tano would only complicate matters. Tano was swiftly captured by Asajj Ventress, who offered her assistance in exchange for a pardon for her past transgressions as a Sith. Tano contacted Barriss Offee at the Jedi Temple. Offee lured Tano into a trap by suggesting she could uncover evidence to prove her innocence at a warehouse on Level 1315. Upon arriving, Offee ambushed Ventress, seizing her lightsabers and mask. She then attacked Tano, rendering her unconscious in front of crates filled with Nanodroids, effectively framing her for the bombing.

Tano was then returned to the Temple, where Yoda and the remaining members of the Jedi Council reluctantly agreed to expel her from the Jedi Order and subject her to a military tribunal before the Senate. Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, and several other Council members were present within the courtroom, where Tano was prosecuted by Tarkin and defended by Padmé Amidala. However, before the jury could deliver its verdict, Skywalker dramatically entered the proceedings with Barriss Offee, who confessed to her responsibility for the bombings and the false accusation against Tano. In light of this revelation, Yoda, Skywalker, and the Council extended a personal invitation to Tano to rejoin the Order, but to their surprise, she declined and departed. Yoda would later come to regret the Council's decision and began to question the fundamental principles guiding the war.

Biochip conspiracy

Yoda speaks with the Council about Tup.

Several years preceding the commencement of the war, Palpatine and his apprentice, Count Dooku, secretly orchestrated the creation of the Clone Army with the unwitting assistance of Sifo-Dyas, who had foreseen visions of an impending conflict. Once this was accomplished, they had organic inhibitor chips implanted within the brains of the clones, designed to compel them to obey any command issued by Palpatine, specifically the execution of the Jedi. Upon receiving a simple order, the clones would enter a trance-like state and carry out the given instructions without question.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, clone trooper Tup assassinated Jedi Master Tiplar when his inhibitor chip was activated prematurely. Sidious instructed Dooku to capture Tup in order to prevent the Jedi from uncovering the truth. Tup was eventually transported to Kamino after Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, and ARC trooper Fives managed to retrieve him from a Separatist Transport.

Upon escorting Tup to Kamino, Fives and Rex were greeted by Jedi Master Shaak Ti, along with the primary architect of the clones, Kaminoan scientist Nala Se. Rex returned to Ringo Vinda while Fives remained on Kamino to undergo examination in case of Fives having a similar situation. Disagreements arose regarding the appropriate course of action. While Shaak Ti advocated for a brain scan, Nala Se proposed terminating the clone and conducting an autopsy to isolate the cause. Shaak Ti contacted the Jedi Temple, where Yoda, alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi, determined that Tup should be brought to the temple for examination through the Force.

Unbeknownst to the Jedi, the Kaminoans were aware of the inhibitor chips and were collaborating with Count Dooku, who used his Sith name, Tyranus, to prevent the Jedi from establishing a connection. Dooku ordered that Tup be terminated and that the chip be sent to him for analysis.

Angered by Nala Se and Master Ti's treatment of Tup, Fives escaped from the medical center and embarked on his own mission. Fives feigned leaving the planet, but secretly remained to try and save Tup and uncover the truth. He and the medical droid AZI-3 were able to conduct a brain scan on Tup, revealing the existence of the inhibitor chips. Fives had the droid extract the chip from his and Tup's brains. Tragically, the already-weakened Tup succumbed to his condition shortly after the operation, whispering his final words to Fives. Fives held Nala Se responsible for Tup's fate. Suspecting the Kaminoans of treachery, and with the support of Master Ti, Fives insisted on presenting his evidence and the removed chips directly to Palpatine. Fives was eventually brought to Coruscant, at the request of Shaak Ti, where he was brought before the Chancellor. As the ship landed, Nala Se drugged Fives, causing him to act strange.

When Fives attempted to assassinate Palpatine, Yoda was a part of the Jedi Council that ordered Anakin Skywalker to investigate. Fives was killed in the end, and Yoda was ultimately told that the doctors had found another cause, and that a vaccination had been prepared in case of a future incident.

The mystery of Sifo-Dyas

Some time later, the Jedi received a distress signal from a moon near Oba Diah. Sending Plo Koon and Commander Wolfe to investigate, they found the remains of a shuttle and the lightsaber of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, who was killed sometime around the Battle of Naboo while dealing with a conflict on Felucia. Upon reviewing the temple archives, Jocasta Nu and the Jedi discovered that the information had been sealed by order of the Supreme Chancellor. While sending Anakin Skywalker and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi to Felucia, Yoda went to speak with Palpatine, not knowing he was the Sith Lord that orchestrated the murder and the creation of the clone army. Palpatine told Yoda to visit Chancellor Valorum, as these events had happened before the vote of no confidence that led to Palpatine becoming chancellor. Palpatine then contacted Count Dooku, telling him to destroy the last piece of the puzzle before the Jedi would be able to unravel the mystery.

Yoda meets with former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum on Coruscant.

Anakin and Obi-Wan attempted to communicate with the native tribe on the Felucia, but were unable to understand them. They did learn, however, that a second Jedi had shown up with Sifo-Dyas.

Valorum told Yoda that he had sent Sifo-Dyas to negotiate with the Pyke Syndicate to stop a booming drug trade underneath Coruscant. Valorum also revealed that he kept this secret, fearing his opponents in the bureaucracy. The talks were postponed after the Council sent Sifo-Dyas to intervene on Felucia. Valorum was unable to identify the second Jedi, but did say that his assistant, Silman, was with Sifo-Dyas when he was shot down.

Eventually, Yoda dispatched Anakin and Obi-Wan to Oba Diah, where they learned the Pykes were paid to shoot down the ship carrying Sifo-Dyas, but had kept Silman captive as leverage and that Dooku was in fact the individual known as Tyranus, leading them to realize Dooku impersonated Sifo-Dyas to help push forward the Clone Wars. Yoda, not knowing how to stop the plot, suggested the Jedi keep the discovery a secret, and that they should keep playing the Sith Lord's game.

Discovering immortality

Yoda hears the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn.

During a meditation session near the war's end, Yoda perceived the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn, who manifested his presence by levitating Yoda. This occurrence left Yoda preoccupied during the subsequent Council meeting, prompting concerns about the potential effects of the war's pressures on his well-being. While taking a walk through the Temple gardens, Yoda was approached by Anakin. Yoda questioned him regarding his interaction with Qui-Gon's spirit on Mortis, which Anakin had dismissed as a deception, citing the Jedi doctrine that one could not maintain their individual identity after merging with the Force. Yoda responded that he now questioned this dogma.

Yoda shared his experience with the Council, much to their skepticism. They nonetheless agreed to meditate alongside him in an attempt to validate his experience. Despite meditating together for an entire day, they were unable to perceive anything. Ki-Adi-Mundi voiced concerns that Yoda had become vulnerable to Sith manipulation, leading Yoda to undergo medical evaluations that confirmed his continued good health. Jedi Doctor Rig Nema proposed that Yoda undergo a deprivation ritual designed to enhance his meditative abilities and pinpoint the source of the voice.

In agreement, Yoda was suspended within a liquid-filled tank, equipped with an oxygen mask to bring him as near as possible to death without actually becoming one with the Force. While unconscious, Qui-Gon's voice requested Yoda go to Dagobah, and to tell no one about it. After, Obi-Wan broke open the tank due to his concern over Yoda's failing life signs.

Placed on bedrest and under guard, Yoda convinced Anakin to help him escape by posing as simply accompanying each other for a walk. Guided to the Jedi Temple Hangar, Anakin lent Yoda his astromech droid, R2-D2 to accompany him to his personal interceptor. Yoda and R2-D2 flew to Dagobah, where Yoda asked the droid to stay with their ship while he found a clearing to meditate.

Yoda communes with Qui-Gon on Dagobah.

Qui-Gon's voice greeted him. Yoda asked why he could not see him. Qui-Gon explained he had not been fully trained enough to do so. The Living Force appeared to Yoda in the form of fireflies, guiding Yoda to a cave strong with the dark side, it showed the Jedi Master a vision of the future, where a hooded Sith Lord slaughtered the Jedi. Qui-Gon explained to a distraught Yoda that he would help him bring hope for the future, and directed him to the planet that spawned the midi-chlorians.

Yoda confronts his own dark side.

Upon arriving at the worldspring, Yoda entrusted his lightsaber to R2-D2 for safekeeping and ventured into the world to encounter the Force Priestesses, who consented to instruct him in achieving life after death. Initially, Yoda confronted a manifestation of his own dark side, overcoming his arrogance. Subsequently, he experienced a vision of the Jedi being massacred in the Temple, where an apparition of a dying Ahsoka Tano inquired whether she would still become one with the Force despite her expulsion from the Jedi Order; this vision embodied Yoda's remorse for placing Tano on the path that led to her departure. An apparition of Katooni then invited Yoda to enter a peaceful courtyard to escape these painful events. Seeing Qui-Gon Jinn, Kenobi, Tano, and Dooku together, alive and full Jedi, Yoda eventually recognized the vision's falsehood, overcoming its temptation and his attachment to those that have fallen.

Instructed to complete his trials on the Sith homeworld of Moraband, Yoda and R2-D2 flew to the valley where the ancient Sith Lords were buried. Recognizing the danger, Yoda instructed R2-D2 to return to the Jedi Temple and inform the Council of what happened, if he did not come back after three nights. Specters of a serpent, undead Sith warriors, and even Darth Bane himself confronted him, but Yoda brushed them off. As he entered a temple execution chamber, the Force Priestesses warned Yoda that whatever he encountered there would be beyond their control.

Unbeknownst to Yoda, Darth Sidious and Dooku sensed his presence on Moraband, and met in an abandoned tower in the industrial sector of Coruscant. Using Dooku and Yoda's Force-bond, Sidious planned to reach out to Yoda and crush his spirit. Appearing in a vision to Yoda in the form of Sifo-Dyas, Sidious temped Yoda, until the Grandmaster rejected him. The Dark Lord then had Yoda wake up in a Republic attack gunship with Anakin and members of the 501st Legion, en route to terminate the Sith on Coruscant. As they arrived, the clones, led by Captain Rex, rushed at Dooku only to be killed with Sith lightning. Skywalker immediately attacked Dooku while Sidious fled. Walking sadly past the fallen clones, a dismayed Yoda witnessed Skywalker defeat Dooku and brutally decapitate him. However, he left Skywalker and pursued Sidious.

Emerging out on a catwalk, Yoda and Sidious dueled. Skywalker tried to help, but Sidious knocked him out. Sensing an opportunity, Sidious damaged the catwalk, forcing Yoda to divide his attention between Force-lifting Skywalker to save him from falling to his death and blocking Sidious' Sith lightning. After Sidious taunted him by suggesting he sacrifice Skywalker to concentrate on defeating him, Yoda put down his lightsaber to ensure Skywalker's safety. As the catwalk collapsed, Yoda maneuvered Skywalker to safety, then Force-threw his saber to ensure the Sith would fall and grabbed Sidious, dragging him down too. Yoda tore Sidious's hood off, seeking his identify, but in the vision world only seeing a shadow, then an empty robe, before both fell to their "doom." The incident proved Yoda's selflessness and demonstrated his resolve to Sidious, who concluded the illusion as he realized it would take more to defeat or taint the Jedi Master.

Yoda awoke and was greeted by a Priestess who explained he would continue his training with Qui-Gon's spirit. As she disappeared in a glow of light, Yoda had a vision of the future, including his own death. Yoda returned to the Jedi Temple, where Windu and Kenobi greeted him in the garden. Yoda claimed his journey had been uneventful, but wondered how long the Jedi could resist the dark side during the war.

Utapau crystal crisis and Kashyyyk defense

Following the death of Master Tu-Anh on the sinkhole world of Utapau, Yoda and his fellow Jedi Council members sent Master Kenobi and Anakin on a mission to investigate her death. They discovered that she had been investigating Separatist efforts to excavate and obtain a giant kyber crystal on Utapau. After destroying the crystal and thus denying the Separatists access to the weapon, Yoda was present at a Council meeting when the two Jedi gave a report of the events on Utapau. During the meeting, Yoda recounted how the ancient Sith had constructed superweapons using massive kyber crystals to power them up. He feared that Dooku's mysterious master Darth Sidious had similar intentions.

Yoda traveled to the defense of Kashyyyk and helped fight off Separatist raiders who threatened the Wookiees. In addition to having been granted the title due to his negotiations with the Trandoshans, Yoda was granted the Defender of the Home Tree title for his help in protecting the planet.

The plan to assassinate Count Dooku

The Jedi Council partnered Master Quinlan Vos with Asajj Ventress to kill Dooku.

Through a hologram, Yoda, alongside his fellow Jedi Council members, bore witness to the devastating attack orchestrated by Count Dooku on Mahranee, the native planet of the Mahran people. Despite initial hesitation regarding an assassination, the Council ultimately determined that eliminating Dooku was essential to halt the ongoing conflict and prevent further loss of life. To carry out this task, they selected Master Quinlan Vos, known for his extensive experience in covert operations, to assassinate the Separatist leader. When Vos suggested a partner, Yoda proposed Asajj Ventress, Dooku's former Sith apprentice and a member of the Nightsisters, aware of her deep-seated animosity towards Dooku. Ventress consented to aid Vos in his mission, but insisted that he first learn the ways of the dark side.

Despite their preparations, Dooku and Grievous overpowered Vos and Ventress, ultimately capturing Vos. Dooku then successfully swayed Vos to the dark side by revealing that Ventress had killed his former Master, Tholme. Rejecting Ventress' offer to rescue him, Vos embraced his role as Dooku's new Sith apprentice, adopting the identity of "Admiral Enigma." Ventress subsequently informed Master Kenobi, who relayed this information to the Jedi Council, including Yoda. In the months that followed, Admiral Enigma achieved significant victories for the Separatist cause.

When Akar-Deshu, a Mahran Jedi and old friend of Vos, brought Ventress to a Council meeting to discuss Vos's rescue, Yoda and Kenobi defended Ventress when Windu advocated for her arrest. During the meeting, the Jedi learned that Ventress had instructed Vos in the dark side to facilitate Dooku's defeat. While Windu remained suspicious, Yoda and Kenobi were convinced of Ventress's genuine care for Vos and her renunciation of the Sith path. After dismissing Ventress, Desh, and Anakin, the Jedi Council deliberated on whether to involve Ventress in their rescue plan. When Master Kenobi volunteered to lead the mission to save Vos, Yoda supported Kenobi's proposal and emphasized Ventress's crucial role in the operation. He also suggested that Kenobi include both Ventress and his former Padawan, Skywalker, in the mission.

Upon receiving intelligence from Admiral Wullf Yularen indicating that Count Dooku and "Admiral Enigma" were plotting an assault on Taris, the Jedi Council recognized the urgency of rescuing Quinlan. Ultimately, the Council decided to grant Ventress a pardon for her past transgressions in exchange for her assistance in rescuing Vos. The rescue mission proved successful, and the Jedi managed to retrieve Vos alive. In recognition of her contributions, Ventress received a formal pardon. Unbeknownst to Yoda and his colleagues, Vos had become a Separatist double agent, aiming to gain Dooku's confidence in order to uncover the identity of Darth Sidious and ultimately destroy the Sith.

Leveraging his position within the Jedi Order, Vos leaked classified information regarding Jedi and Republic military operations to Count Dooku, enabling the Separatists to sabotage these initiatives. Following growing concerns among several Council members regarding Vos's true allegiance, Yoda held a private discussion with Vos and discerned that Quinlan had succumbed to the dark side. To assess Vos's loyalty, the Jedi Council tasked him with assassinating Dooku, while secretly dispatching Kenobi and Skywalker to monitor his actions.

Vos successfully defeated Dooku in lightsaber combat, but refrained from killing him. When Vos demanded that Dooku reveal the location of Darth Sidious, Kenobi and Skywalker intervened, arresting both men. Upon learning of Vos and Dooku's capture, Master Yoda instructed Kenobi to bring them to the Jedi Temple for interrogation and execution. However, Vos and Dooku escaped with Ventress's unintentional assistance, leading to the events of the second battle of Christophsis. Eventually, Ventress aided Vos in returning to the light side, but was seemingly killed by Dooku. Subsequently, Kenobi and Skywalker apprehended Vos and returned him to Coruscant.

After Vos confessed to his crimes and explained his motives for wanting to destroy the Sith, Yoda and the Jedi Council accepted his repentance as genuine and granted him a pardon. Kenobi, who believed that the assassination order against Dooku was morally wrong and contributed to Vos's fall, assumed responsibility for overseeing Vos's rehabilitation. Kenobi accompanied Vos to Dathomir for Ventress's funeral.

The Clone Wars' Final Days

Yoda counsels Anakin about his visions.

Three years had passed since the initial clash on Geonosis, and the Republic was faltering under the weight of the Confederacy's offensives. Throughout the war, Palpatine had steadily accumulated personal authority from the Senate, granting him control over both the war effort and the Republic itself. Despite their reservations about opposing the widely popular Chancellor, the Jedi Council grew increasingly concerned about the concentration of political power in Palpatine's hands. A Separatist attack on Coruscant, the Republic's capital, was launched by General Grievous, with Yoda actively participating in the defense of the planet. During the battle, Yoda employed the Force to cause enemy ships to collide.

Shortly after the battle, Skywalker sought Yoda's counsel, revealing that he was experiencing disturbing visions of a loved one's death, though he concealed that the person in question was his secret wife, Padmé Amidala. Yoda cautioned Skywalker to be wary of his visions and his emotions, warning that fear was a pathway to the dark side, and advised him to "train himself to let go of everything he feared to lose." Unsatisfied with this response, as he could not bear the thought of losing someone he loved, Skywalker remained troubled. Shortly thereafter, Palpatine, seeking to expand his influence over the Jedi Council and further endear himself to Anakin Skywalker, appointed the young Jedi as his personal representative on the Council. With little choice, the Council reluctantly accepted Palpatine's interference, but denied Skywalker the rank of Jedi Master, much to his frustration. Furthermore, the Council tasked Skywalker with the unofficial assignment of spying on Palpatine, an assignment he was less than enthusiastic about, as he considered Palpatine a friend and mentor.

Yoda and the Jedi Council discuss the Kashyyyk invasion.

Following Skywalker's appointment, the Council decided to take action to prevent an impending Separatist invasion of Kashyyyk. Given his high regard among the Wookiees, Yoda chose to personally oversee the defense. Before departing for the planet, Yoda discussed Anakin's assignment with Obi-Wan and Windu. Kenobi voiced his former Padawan's disagreement and questioned whether he would fulfill the prophecy, given Windu's doubts about his abilities. Yoda suggested that the prophecy might have been misinterpreted, but Obi-Wan expressed his belief that they would not be disappointed, a sentiment that Yoda hoped would prove true.

Yoda observing the Battle of Kashyyyk.

While on Kashyyyk, Yoda participated in a holographic Council session, where he learned from Skywalker that Republic intelligence had located the fugitive General Grievous in the Utapau system. When Anakin volunteered to lead the campaign, citing Palpatine's approval, Yoda and Mace both disagreed, and Yoda nominated Kenobi instead. Fellow council member Ki-Adi-Mundi seconded the nomination, and the decision was finalized. Yoda ended the call and was approached by Commander Gree, who informed him that the droids had activated their power generators. Yoda ordered his troops to prepare, and the battle soon commenced. He observed the battle from above when a shot almost hit him.

Later, during a meeting in the Temple's war room with Windu, Anakin, Mundi, and Aayla Secura, they were interrupted by Commander Cody, who reported that General Kenobi had engaged Grievous and that the battle on Utapau had begun. Skywalker was then dispatched to deliver the news to Palpatine, as his reaction could provide the Council with insights into his intentions. After Anakin's departure, Mace informed the other Jedi that he sensed a plot to destroy the Order and that the Chancellor was surrounded by the dark side. Mundi and Windu proposed taking control of the Senate if Palpatine refused to relinquish his emergency powers, but Yoda cautioned that this would lead them down a "dark path" and that they needed to proceed with caution.

Immediately afterward, Ahsoka Tano and Commander Rex joined the call. She revealed that they had successfully captured Maul on Mandalore and that he would be delivered to Coruscant, a service that Yoda greatly appreciated. Ahsoka stated that she had done her duty as a citizen, but when Yoda asked if she had done so as a Jedi, she simply replied, "not yet." Tano wished to speak with Skywalker, but as he had already left, Windu and Yoda explained Obi-Wan's situation to her. Upon realizing that the war could soon end, Windu retorted that it depended on Palpatine, but declined to elaborate further, which did not sit well with Yoda. As the members of the call departed, Yoda remained and asked Ahsoka if she had anything else to say. After a brief pause, she confirmed that she would personally inform Anakin. Yoda then said, "May the Force be with you, Padawan," and ended the transmission.

As the battle on Kashyyyk raged on, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine revealed his true identity as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, eliminating a group of Jedi Council members who had come to arrest him, and through promises of dark knowledge, turned Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the Force. When Sidious bestowed the title of Darth Vader upon Skywalker, Yoda sensed the event through the Force.

Order 66

Anointing his new apprentice Darth Vader, Sidious dispatched him and a contingent of the 501st Legion to assault the Jedi Temple and slaughter all within. Simultaneously, Sidious initiated Order 66, a contingency order that mandated the clone troopers to eliminate their Jedi Generals, a directive they complied with due to the activation of their biochips.

Yoda survives the attempt on his life.

As the clone army betrayed and attacked their leaders across the galaxy, Yoda sensed the deaths of his fellow Jedi and collapsed to his knees. Commander Gree and Captain Jek received Order 66 moments later and prepared to fire upon Yoda. However, Yoda anticipated their intentions and decapitated the duo with his lightsaber. He then escaped with the assistance of the Wookiees Chewbacca and Tarfful in a Wookiee escape pod, rendezvousing with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had evaded death on Utapau.

Yoda fights the 501st troopers guarding the Jedi Temple.

The two Jedi discussed their predicament, during which Bail and Yoda informed Kenobi that the Temple was broadcasting a coded retreat message, instructing all surviving Jedi to return to Coruscant. Yoda and Kenobi decided to return to the Temple and reconfigure the beacon to warn any survivors to go into hiding, and to that end Bail took them to Coruscant. The two Jedi fought their way in and witnessed the effects of the rampage by Vader and his clone unit, including the visible lightsaber cuts on several dead Jedi. In the meantime, Sidious, as Palpatine, reforms the Republic into the first Galactic Empire with himself as its Emperor. That was the beginning of the Age of the Empire.

The Age of the Empire

Duel in the Senate

Having recalibrated the signal, Kenobi sought to uncover the identity of the individual responsible for the massacre. Aware that watching recordings of their fellow Jedi being slaughtered would inflict pain on Kenobi, Yoda cautioned him before the younger Jedi activated the security recordings. The duo then learned of Anakin Skywalker's fall to the dark side, his Sith title of Darth Vader, Palpatine's Sith identity, and the transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire. Concluding that the two Sith had to be eliminated, Yoda proceeded to the Galactic Senate to confront the Emperor, while a deeply reluctant Kenobi departed for the volcanic planet of Mustafar to face his former apprentice.

Yoda battling Darth Sidious in the Senate chamber.

Upon arriving at the Chancellery Secretariat, Yoda confronted the Emperor, who surprised the Jedi and briefly rendered him unconscious with a burst of Force lightning. As Sidious boasted about eradicating the Jedi Order, Yoda managed to regain consciousness and slammed his opponent into a wall. Sidious attempted to escape, but Yoda blocked his path. The two then drew their lightsabers and engaged in a fierce duel that extended into the central auditorium of the Senate Building, forcing the Sith back to his speaking pod. Briefly separated from Yoda, Sidious launched the numerous Senate hoverpods at his opponent, but the Jedi managed to catch up with him, engaging him at close quarters again with his lightsaber drawn. Sidious then blasted Yoda with a burst of Force lightning which tore Yoda's lightsaber from his hand, but which the Jedi proceeded to successfully deflect with his bare palms. Yoda slowly redirected Sidious's force lighting at him, appearing to give the Jedi Master the upper hand. However, the buildup of energy subsequently triggered an explosion that blew both combatants apart and caused Yoda to fall to the bottom of the chamber, while Sidious was thrown out of the pod but managed to barely hold on to one of its guardrails, gaining the high ground. Despite neither achieving a decisive victory, Yoda realized he had been defeated, prompting him to flee through the maintenance tunnels of the building. He then contacted Organa to request rescue via his airspeeder, considering the duel his personal failure and expressing his intention to enter self-imposed exile.


After being rescued by Organa, the two traveled to the asteroid Polis Massa, where Yoda consulted with Qui-Gon Jinn's spirit, who offered to train him in techniques that would help him retain his identity after death. Obi-Wan Kenobi, having defeated but not killed Vader on Mustafar, arrived soon after, bringing with him the dying Senator Amidala. She gave birth to her twins from Anakin Skywalker and named them Luke and Leia before her death.

Sensing the children's power in the Force, Yoda, Kenobi, and Organa decided to conceal them in unsuspecting locations to prevent detection by the Empire; Luke Skywalker was delivered to the Lars family on Tatooine, while Organa personally adopted his sister, Leia. As the trio prepared to go their separate ways, Yoda requested a moment alone with Kenobi. He revealed that he had training for him during his solitude on Tatooine, and that Qui-Gon Jinn had reached the path to immortality, having returned from the Netherworld of the Force. Yoda resolved to teach Kenobi to communicate with Jinn.

Yoda lands on the planet Dagobah, his home for the rest of his life.

Using an E3-standard starship lifeboat, Yoda returned to Dagobah to begin his own exile, where he awaited the twins' maturation and continued his study of the Force. The lifeboat served as Yoda's initial shelter but it started to degrade within a year due to Dagobah's swampy environment. As the first shelter was slowly consumed by the swamp, Yoda built a new home for himself. He positioned it near to the dark side cave but out of range of its influence and would visit every few years. Furthermore, Yoda's light side presence on Dagobah kept the Cave in check, holding the Cave's dark influence back and, in doing so, keeping the Dagobah ecosystem in balance. However, the Dagobah wet season created a need for the Jedi Master to regularly relocate to the planet's highlands for the duration. Following the destruction of the Jedi Order, Yoda was listed as one of the Inquisitorius' priority targets amongst presumed survivors of the Great Jedi Purge.

Yoda was among the Jedi survivors listed by the Inquisitors.

Approximately a year after Order 66, Tano was in hiding on the world of Thabeska, where she had met a Force-sensitive child named Hedala Fardi. Despite her young age, the child proved to be wise, and Tano was upset that Fardi would likely never be able to prove her wisdom to Yoda. Later, while sleeping aboard the CR90 corvette Tantive IV after Organa offered her a chance to join his rebellion, Tano remembered Yoda's advice to her when she was getting her first kyber crystal. Awaking and knowing she should make a new set of lightsabers, she thanked Yoda, even though she knew he could not possibly hear or help her.

Helping the Spectres

Yoda appearing to Ahsoka Tano and biding her farewell.

During his exile on Dagobah, Yoda maintained an eye on other Jedi throughout the galaxy, including those who ventured into the various Jedi Temples found amongst the stars. Roughly four years prior to the Battle of Yavin, Yoda communicated with Kanan Jarrus, a survivor of Order 66 and former Padawan of Depa Billaba. Jarrus had traveled to the Jedi Temple on the planet Lothal with his own Padawan, Ezra Bridger, to whom Yoda also spoke. Bridger was in the temple in order to overcome his greatest fears; Yoda acted as an anonymous guide in helping Bridger do so and to understand why he wanted to become a Jedi and how to withdraw from the anger and the wish of revenge within him. This guidance led Bridger to receive a kyber crystal, which he used to build his own lightsaber. Meanwhile, Yoda counseled Jarrus about Jarrus' insecurities as a teacher.

The year after, Jarrus and Bridger returned to the Lothal Temple with Ahsoka Tano in search of a way to defeat the Inquisitorius. Yoda cast an illusion of the Jedi Temple Guard for Jarrus, including the Grand Inquisitor as he was before the Jedi Purge. The Inquisitor forced Jarrus to recognize his fears and knighted him a true Jedi. Meanwhile, Bridger pleaded with Yoda for help: though still filled with fear and shame and thus disinterested in fighting the Empire before training a new Skywalker, the Jedi Master ultimately rendered aid and directed him to go to Malachor. When the other Inquisitors arrived, Yoda used the Temple Guard to distract them as the Jedi escaped. As she fled, Tano turned back and saw Yoda, who smiled and waved at her: she smiled back being the last time they saw each other.

The last Jedi

During the events that led up to the Battle of Yavin, Yoda noticed that with the Dagobah rains ended it was time to migrate back to his lowland hut, and was grateful as his usual accommodation for the wet season reminded him too much of the Jedi Temple and his failings. He reflected on how age had affected him and realized that he had become truly reliant on the walking stick he had originally adopted as an affectation for a joke played on his padawans. The Jedi packed what little he owned and left but not before he checked for the Imperial probe droids which had once searched for him endlessly.

Yoda during his exile on Dagobah

As Yoda journeyed further down the slope, a sensation washed over him. It wasn't a probe droid, nor an Imperial vessel, but rather a disturbance in the Force originating from Obi-Wan Kenobi and the remnants of Anakin Skywalker. Suddenly, a probe droid materialized, prompting Yoda to swiftly retrieve a pot, a gift from Kenobi. Channeling the Force, he shattered the pot against the droid, only to be struck by the sudden, sharp pain of Kenobi's death at the hands of Darth Vader. With the Jedi momentarily distracted, two more droids appeared, but Yoda dispatched them both with ease, continuing his journey homeward.

The familiar hut, though weathered from disuse, remained standing, damp and soft to the touch. After five days, Yoda had managed to dry and tidy the dwelling. Each glance at the empty shelf, once home to his now-destroyed pot, brought a pang of sadness for the loss of Obi-Wan's present. Overwhelmed by loneliness, he reached out through the Force to the spirit realm, seeking Qui-Gon Jinn. Instead, Obi-Wan's spirit answered, imploring him to train Skywalker's offspring. Haunted by past regrets of declining to train Anakin's daughter, and assured he had sufficient time to guide another, the Jedi Master initially agreed, until he discovered Kenobi spoke of Anakin's undisciplined son. Despite this, Yoda reluctantly conceded to Kenobi's request to direct the boy to him. Later, contemplating his choice, Yoda revisited the "Cave of Evil," finding solace in its emptiness, devoid of new terrors.

A mysterious visitor

Some time later, a woman shrouded in mystery, formerly known as Madelin Sun and now as "The Archivist," arrived on Dagobah. She sought Yoda on behalf of Lady Qi'ra, head of the criminal organization Crimson Dawn, who desired Yoda's aid in dismantling the Sith. Upon her arrival, the Archivist was attacked by a monstrous creature. Yoda, using the Force, intervened from afar, saving her. He then guided her into the dark side cave, hoping to discourage her pursuit. Experiencing a change of heart, she departed the planet, observed by Yoda from a distance. The Archivist returned to Qi'ra, falsely reporting Yoda's demise.

Kenobi's haunting

Three years after agreeing to train Skywalker's son, Yoda was contacted by Kenobi's spirit, initially ignoring the spectral Jedi Master. Kenobi pressed Yoda to recognize the growing darkness consuming the galaxy. Yoda lamented that the threat had become too formidable for him to overcome, prompting Kenobi to remind him of the fundamental Jedi lesson: "size matters not." Yoda confessed that he had sensed Kenobi's passing and had deliberately avoided him, again expressing a sense of defeat. Kenobi refuted this, disbelieving Yoda's words and asserting that Yoda didn't believe them either. Yoda reflected on his failure to prevent Darth Sidious and Anakin Skywalker's descent, concluding that the galaxy would be better off without his presence.

Subsequently, Yoda experienced a dream in which Bree Menaren, a former pupil, encouraged him to play the taratti. Sensing something was amiss, Yoda turned to see the sky obscured by a colossal battle station. Drawing his lightsaber, the Jedi Master found himself facing an apparition of Anakin Skywalker as a Padawan, his eyes glowing with a yellow light, also urging Yoda to play with the toy. Activating his weapon, Yoda was confronted with a distorted vision of an undead Qui-Gon Jinn, who condemned Yoda for his ignorance before engaging him in a brief lightsaber duel. As Yoda began to refute his claims, he was obliterated by a blinding green light emanating from the superweapon above.

Yoda awoke from the nightmare to find Kenobi at his side. When Yoda questioned the spirit's continued presence, Kenobi stated that he would remain until Yoda agreed to hear him out and do as he asked. Seeking to escape Kenobi's presence, the elder Jedi Master left his hut in search of herbs for his soup. Kenobi followed, reminiscing about the past and recalling Yoda's baking when Kenobi was a youngling. Unable to find any herbs, Yoda remarked that he had taken a wrong turn, only to realize that he and Kenobi had arrived at the Cave of Evil—precisely where Yoda needed to be, Kenobi suggested, "from a certain point of view."

Entering the Dark Cave

Yoda declined to enter, suspecting that was Kenobi's intention, to which Kenobi simply inquired if Yoda believed that to be the correct course of action. Yoda observed that the location was steeped in the dark side and held nothing to prove, with Kenobi arguing that his fellow master should therefore have no reason to fear it. Yoda dismissed the venture as a pointless waste of time, but ultimately relented.

Upon entering the vergence, Yoda was startled by a creature of Dagobah's wildlife, the Jedi Master grumbling that he had become old and foolish. Yoda was then confronted by a voice from the shadows—an apparition of Dooku, his former apprentice. The illusion blamed Yoda for his fall to the Dark Side, revealing his hand in the death of Yaddle and beginning to duel Yoda. Yoda then experienced a vision of High Republic Era Jedi Keeve Trennis, who refused to help Yoda and, like Dooku, blamed him for her final fate.

Yoda has a vision of Keeve Trennis in the Cave of Evil while fighting an apparition of Dooku.

Trennis used the Force to push Yoda into a mound of skulls, which a burning Anakin Skywalker claimed to be the Jedi Master's failures—those who had died. Bail Organa, Padmé Amidala, and Mace Windu emerged from the grave, reminding Yoda that they had looked to him for answers. Yoda replied that he could not have known how things would ultimately turn out, only for a spectre of Darth Sidious to cite the Jedi Master as the greatest of his apprentices, blind and unaware. Sidious noted there way no way back because of him, to which Yoda began repeating the phrase and drowning in the pile of corpses.

It was then that Bree appeared, reminding the Jedi Master that there was no situation was entirely without hope—something he had learned from Yoda himself. Bree elaborated that one could make as many mistakes as was required because, as Yoda finished the thought for him, "the greatest teacher, failure is." Yoda remembered the lessons of the Jedi and struck down the remaining ghosts of his past.

Emerging from the cave, Yoda found Kenobi waiting for him. In response to Kenobi's unspoken question, Yoda affirmed his agreement to train Anakin Skywalker's son. Retrieving Bree's taratti from his robe, Yoda declared his readiness to both teach and learn.

Accepting a new student

Shortly thereafter, Luke Skywalker, guided by Kenobi's spirit, sought out Yoda in his Dagobah exile to receive Jedi training. Concurrently, Yoda, awakened by a sense of the dark side and the echoes of past trauma, discovered his storage area to be empty. Driven by hunger, he embarked on a challenging trek across Dagobah's untamed landscape. Eventually, Yoda reached a valley teeming with vibrant creatures, particularly a unique species. Herds of these creatures roamed the valley, offering the most promising source of meat Yoda had yet encountered.

Luke Skywalker joins Yoda for dinner within the Jedi Master's hut.

Years prior, consumed by shame, Yoda had relinquished his lightsaber, vowing never to wield it again, opting instead for a bow. To secure his meal, Yoda prepared his bow and aimed at one of the creatures, swiftly killing it with a single shot. On his return journey, Yoda felt the ground beneath him begin to shift and crumble, causing him to fall. At the last moment, Yoda grasped the edge, reflecting on the parallels between this moment and his duel with Darth Sidious long ago. Yoda's grip failed, and he tumbled to the ground below as boulders began to accumulate on top of him. Yoda lost consciousness.

Yoda entered a dream filled with pain, suffering, anger, and hate, before abruptly awakening. Realizing his predicament, Yoda began to laugh, mocking his own foolishness for allowing himself to fall into this situation. He began to doubt himself, contemplating his entrapment on Dagobah, but suppressed those feelings, remembering that he was one of the last Jedi. He reached out to the Force and, in that instant, he realized that his shame, his hubris, his blindness, had all clouded his vision and realized his failings as a Jedi. However, he knew that failure was the greatest lesson a Jedi could learn, and understanding this brought him peace as he rejected allowing his shame to guide him any more. With this newfound peace, Yoda reattuned to the light and used its power to move the boulders resting on top of him. With a newfound sense of responsibility and understanding, Yoda began his journey home.

Upon arriving back at his dwelling, Yoda began to prepare a stew when he heard a commotion in the trees surrounding his hut. A visitor had arrived. He emerged from his hut to discover this newcomer, recognizing him as Skywalker, the boy Kenobi had permitted to travel there to learn from him. As he observed Skywalker from the trees, he understood that he would not be the last Jedi, but merely the instrument to train the future.

Yoda trains Luke Skywalker on Dagobah.

Stepping out, he resolved to test the boy, concealing his true identity and instead promising to lead him to Yoda. As Skywalker grew impatient within Yoda's hut while the Jedi Master prepared rootleaf stew, Skywalker's growing frustration and his age caused the Jedi to question the wisdom of training the boy, but Kenobi's spirit managed to persuade him to proceed. Over the following weeks, Yoda trained the young Jedi.

Yoda proceeded to tutor Skywalker with a variety of exercises, including the telekinetic manipulation of objects in the area. As part of his training, he also sent Skywalker into the dark side cave in order to demonstrate the dangers of falling to the dark side of the Force. During his tenure with Yoda, Skywalker sensed that his friends were in danger in Cloud City on the gas giant Bespin, and headed there to confront Darth Vader in spite of Yoda's and Kenobi's persuasion to the contrary. Although Kenobi was distraught by Skywalker's rushed departure, Yoda reminded him that there was still another offspring of Anakin Skywalker—Leia Organa.

A disturbance in the Force

Sometime later, the same mysterious woman helped activate the Fermata Cage, a mysterious artifact created by Darth Momin. On her second attempt, Yoda along with other Force users amongst the galaxy sensed the disturbances emanating from the cage.


Yoda becomes one with the Force.

Skywalker, having engaged in a duel with Vader on Cloud City, returned to Dagobah after a year. Yoda, frail and nearing death, confirmed what Vader had revealed to the young Jedi on Bespin: that the Sith Lord was indeed Anakin Skywalker, his father. He also cautioned him that, with his training nearing completion, his final task would be to confront Vader again and defeat him, and warned Skywalker not to underestimate the Force powers of Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious. Yoda also said that when he dies, Luke will become the last of the Jedi. Therefore, he wanted Luke to pass on what he had learned. Finally, he also managed to inform him of the existence of another member of the Skywalker family. Yoda then died, and his body vanished as he became one with the light of the Force. The Cave of Evil exploited the Jedi Master's weakening presence and subsequent death to expand its influence once more, spreading a darkness across Dagobah.

Postmortem and legacy

Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, and Obi-Wan Kenobi as Force spirits on Endor.

Thanks to the techniques passed on to him by Qui-Gon Jinn's spirit, Yoda managed to retain his consciousness without a physical presence by becoming a Force spirit. Moments after his death, he was able to appear to Sidious, who had felt his death in the Force. Sidious, who had been fantasizing about killing Yoda himself in the past few minutes as well as inwardly celebrating his demise, was surprised by Yoda's appearance, thinking the feat impossible. Putting on a show, he gloated on the fact that Yoda was now dead and implying that Yoda was there to witness Sidious' final glory as he crushed the remnants of the Rebel Alliance and took Luke Skywalker as his new apprentice. Yoda stressed that Sidious could not win, but Sidious pointed out that he already had. Awaiting Yoda's reply, Sidious discovered that his specter had vanished.

Luke Skywalker later used the training he received to confront Darth Sidious and Darth Vader aboard the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station over the forest moon Endor as part of an all-out attack on the station by the anti-Imperial Rebel Alliance, defeating Vader and turning him back to the light side of the Force, resulting in Sidious' death at the hands of the redeemed Anakin Skywalker. As Anakin died from his wounds, Yoda and Kenobi appeared to him, smiling upon their redeemed friend.

Yoda then taught Anakin the ability of retaining his consciousness after death. As the rebels and Luke celebrated on the surface of the moon due to the demolition of the Death Star II and the deaths of Sidious and Vader, the ghosts of Anakin, Kenobi, and Yoda briefly appeared to Luke. After that, Anakin asked Yoda and Kenobi whether Luke would be alright, and Kenobi responded as Yoda stood by. For the next years, Yoda's spirit, alongside Obi-Wan and Anakin, continued to guide Luke. Though it was rare, Yoda also spoke to Leia offering her guidance and teachings of the force over the years of her life, teachings she would later pass on to Rey.

Approximately five years after Yoda's passing, the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin took a member of Yoda's species, Grogu, to train under Ahsoka Tano on the planet of Corvus. While with Djarin, Tano explained that she had only met one other member of Grogu's species: Master Yoda. Tano refused to train the Child but told Djarin that Grogu could reach out to other Jedi at the seeing stone on the planet of Tython. Thus, Luke Skywalker learned of Grogu and, after saving Djarin, Grogu, and their allies from a platoon of Dark Troopers, took Grogu as an apprentice. Thirty years after Yoda's death, another Force sensitive, Rey, heard Yoda's voice describing the Force during a vision she witnessed upon touching the lightsaber that previously belonged to Luke and Anakin Skywalker.

Yoda appears before Luke on Ahch-To.

Sometime later, and after Rey had visited Luke on his hermit-island on Ahch-To, a disillusioned and self-loathing Skywalker tried to burn down what few Jedi artifacts and writings were left in hopes that it would rid the galaxy of the Jedi once and for all, who, through him, had failed. Luke was surprised by the sudden appearance of Master Yoda as a Force spirit, who not only did not seem to mind the ancient scripts burning up, but was the one to actually start the fire by causing lightning to strike the tree. In fact, unbeknownst to Luke, Rey had already taken the Sacred Jedi texts when she left. During their meeting, Yoda pointed out that mistakes and failure were important lessons, if not the most important lesson, for a Jedi Master. Ultimately, Yoda helped Skywalker come to terms with his failed training of Ben Solo, and to realize that despite his fear of failing another student he could still be what Rey needed. Inspiring Luke to face his past and forgive himself. This final, heartfelt meeting between the two friends led Luke to change his mind and help save the Resistance from certain defeat during the Battle of Crait.

During the Battle of Exegol in 35 ABY, Yoda's voice was heard by Rey among the voices of many Jedi of the past who aided her with destroying the resurrected Darth Sidious. "Alone, never have you been," he told her, before telling Rey to "rise in the Force."

Personality and traits

Yoda served as a teacher for the Jedi for 800 years.

Renowned for his profound wisdom, Yoda dedicated eight centuries to guiding and instructing generations of Jedi. He embodied the ideal grandmaster. When Jedi Master Avar Kriss connected to his Force-bond network, she perceived Yoda's mind forming a distinct part of the Force's collective consciousness. The melody of his wise and magnificent mind resonated with heartbreaking beauty for Kriss. Despite his unassuming physical appearance, his voice seemed composed of pure light, leading Kriss to regard him as the epitome of the idea that individuals are more than merely the crude matter of their bodies, a lesson Yoda would later impart to Luke Skywalker. He initially hesitated to accept Anakin Skywalker or Luke Skywalker for Jedi training, deeming them unsuitable. However, in both instances, he allowed Obi-Wan Kenobi to convince him to accept them as trainees.

Yoda possessed a deep understanding that perfection was unattainable, yet goodness, or the potential for it, existed everywhere and within everyone. He encouraged his friend, Chancellor Kyong Greylark, to persevere in her pursuit of good within the galaxy when she felt uncertain, including her efforts to establish communications extending to the Outer Rim. He also firmly believed and conveyed to her that her son, Axel Greylark, despite his descent into criminality, possessed inherent goodness and would eventually find his way back to it. Even after Greylark relinquished her Chancellorship, he remained steadfastly by her side, offering his kindness and even accompanying her on a perilous mission solely because of their friendship.

Within the Jedi Temple, a small garden served as Yoda's preferred meditation spot, with other Jedi typically respecting his privacy during these moments. Indeed, Yoda found solace and tranquility in his own thoughts, relishing the opportunity to meditate and feel the calm Living Force flowing through him. During his duel with Dooku on Geonosis, when Dooku triggered a partial collapse of the room, Yoda faced a critical decision: pursue the fleeing Sith or protect the injured Obi-Wan Kenobi and unconscious Anakin Skywalker from the falling debris. He chose to prioritize the safety of his comrades over pursuing Dooku. However, when fellow Master Plo Koon's fleet was decimated by the Confederate superweapon Malevolence, Yoda forbade Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano from launching a search for Koon, citing the inherent dangers posed by the Separatist vessel. Early in the Clone Wars, upon learning that he would be facing Dooku's apprentice, Asajj Ventress, during his mission on Rugosa, Yoda expressed disappointment at not confronting the Count himself, believing that he could end the bloodshed by meeting with Dooku; Yoda believed he could connect with his former Padawan and redeem him to the light side of the Force. Later in the war, however, Yoda reluctantly agreed to a plan to assassinate Dooku in the name of stopping the war. Obi-Wan Kenobi, after the plan's failure, would argue to his fellow councilmembers the mission had been a step too far into the dark.

Padawan Reath Silas speculated that having Yoda as a master would be "pretty fun" while discussing Yoda's former apprentice Kantam Sy. Yoda's preferred teaching method revolved around empowering his students to discover insights for themselves. Even if Yoda's role was simply to wait for the student to catch up, he observed that they nearly always arrived at the necessary realizations. When Master Mace Windu questioned whether Yoda had sensed something or not, he waited until the younger Jedi realized he was sensing nothing. Windu remained confused, forcing him to explain that the feeling of nothing needed to be caused by something. He disagreed with Windu's sentiment that "nothing" and "something" were always opposites, and he made sure to never be fully sure of himself, knowing there was more to learn. Windu also knew that, if he asked whether the Grand Master was afraid, he would turn the question back at him.

Yoda maintained his composure even when subjected to insults, such as when the mud dwellers referred to him as a "weird little frog." During the Invasion of Naboo, Yoda believed himself comfortably shielded from the dark side, unaware of the growing power of Darth Sidious, with the exception of what he knew he could not feel. Indeed, Yoda concerned himself with trying to uncover the feelings that were hidden from his senses, which he eventually understood to be the dark side. Yoda was able to resist being tempted by the specter of the dead Sith Lord Darth Bane, who had appeared to him in a vision on the planet Moraband, recognizing that the spirit was a mere illusion and rejecting its call to the dark side. However, he was quite concerned and worried about the danger and threat of the Nameless, which he secretly knew of quite well, opting to keep information about them out of the Jedi Archives so that they would not be known and used against the Order.

Wise yet old, Yoda spent his final years on Dagobah, training Luke Skywalker and coming to terms with his own mortality.

Yoda's teachings resonated deeply with his students, even when they struggled to fully grasp their true meaning. Upon hearing pilot Leox Gyasi explain why he had named his starship "the Vessel," Silas was struck with the opinion that Gyasi sounded like what Yoda's teachings would be like if the Jedi Master took spice. As such, Silas decided his reasoning was either a very good or extremely bad sign. Despite barely knowing the Grand Master, Silas was greatly struck by his disappearance during the High Republic Era, with fellow Padawan Ram Jomaram, despite having never even met Yoda, agreeing and feeling the same. As he neared his death before the Battle of Endor commenced, Yoda accepted his own mortality and imminent demise and died becoming one with the Force. Yoda's ears were expressive and would sometimes curl when he was expressing strong emotions like surprise. These ears were also highly sensitive and also sometimes would move to express his emotions. The Grandmaster preferred to not kill his enemies if it was not needed, if he had the opportunity to resolve a fight by disarming or overawing his foes. Yoda opposed profanity, urging others to not use such language.

Yoda also possessed a sense of humor and curiosity, despite his advanced age and profound wisdom. Part of the reason Yoda kept up his sense of humor was that Jedi Master Mace Windu, even as a youngling, did not respond well to it. As such, he took teasing his fellow council member, once asking if he had arrived for a private discussion because he had embarrassing questions, which Windu denied instantly. Afterward, he elected to wait to speak, wanting Windu to begin the discussion and viewing it as him cracking as if he was under pressure. Windu also found Yoda's behaviors distracting, yet he would always trust the older Jedi's judgement and he himself described Yoda as "hilarious". His sense of humor continued with others, as shown when he playfully rummaged through Luke's belongings when he first met him, fought R2-D2 for a torch, and laughed gleefully when he supposedly set the ancient Jedi texts on fire, and finding Luke's continued ignorance amusing, commenting that he had "missed him." Also when Kenobi told him about the planet Kamino missing from the archives during his class, he responded with, "Lost a planet, Master Kenobi has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing!" Being unable to destroy Darth Sidious and bring down the Empire made him sad.

Yoda maintained a high level of secrecy regarding his homeworld, never divulging its location to anyone. Despite his rigorous Jedi training and esteemed position within the Order, he confessed to secretly disliking ancient Jedi texts. He exhibited a distinctive and peculiar speech pattern, characterized by rearranging words in his sentences, typically placing the subject and object before the verb; for instance, he would phrase sentences as "Good relations with the Wookiees, I have."

Powers and abilities

Yoda was one of the most proficient Jedi with the lightsaber.

Lightsaber combat

Despite his advanced age and diminutive stature, Yoda was an exceptionally skilled lightsaber combatant, utilizing a short lightsaber with a green blade. To execute the necessary maneuvers, Yoda augmented his physical abilities with the Force while employing the Ataru lightsaber form. Such was his command of this style that he nearly bested Darth Sidious in their duel. Furthermore, Yoda demonstrated lifelong mastery of the Niman lightsaber combat style, retaining proficiency throughout his life.

Yoda exhibited exceptional skill in deflecting blaster fire, consistently overcoming multiple opponents simultaneously with ease. As a demonstration of his power, he single-handedly defeated an entire droid army dispatched by Ventress to assess King Katunko's allegiance, all without sustaining a single hit. This test was designed to see if Katunko would ally with the Jedi or the Separatists.

Yoda's lightsaber prowess reached its zenith during his engagements with Sith Lords Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. In his confrontation with Dooku, Yoda maintained control throughout, forcing Dooku into a defensive posture. Dooku was only able to escape because he chose to flee. Although initially evenly matched, Yoda gradually gained the advantage in his duel with Sidious, compelling the Sith Lord to resort to Force powers.

Force powers

Even with his small size and advanced years, Yoda possessed immense power and skill in the Force, establishing a connection and knowledge of Force techniques perhaps unmatched by any other Jedi. Obi-Wan Kenobi regarded Yoda as the most powerful Jedi he had ever encountered. Until the fall of the Republic, the Grandmaster was celebrated as the greatest Jedi of all time. While unwavering in his dedication to the light side, Yoda also possessed a profound understanding of the dark side and its interplay with the light. Records going back centuries, at least to 232 BBY, indicate he was considered the greatest of the Jedi. Despite the physical toll of age, Yoda remained strong in the Force during Luke Skywalker's training. Even after death, as a Force spirit, he retained control over weather phenomena.

Yoda uses the Force to lift Skywalker's X-wing out of the Dagobah swamp.

Yoda was remarkably adept in all forms of telekinesis. When Avar Kriss collaborated with other Jedi to move a sun-bursting explosive, she found his level of power (which he lent via her Force Song) to be very grand, helpful, and impressive. On a mission to rescue a child, Yoda immobilized two pirates holding the child, forcing them to strike each other before launching them into the air. He then swiftly subdued the remaining pirates who attacked him. Yoda employed Force deflection to counter a Blue stone spear thrown by a member of the Mud dwellers, although maintaining control of the spear proved challenging. Subsequently, Yoda levitated numerous boulders and rocks to intercept additional spears, sustaining the levitation throughout an entire conversation. Later, he lifted two boys engaged in a spear fight long enough to calm them. Yoda struggled to repel many of the Blue stones hurled at him by the Rockhawkers due to their telekinetic resistance and his reluctance to harm the children involved. However, after mastering Stonepower, Yoda effortlessly subdued and disarmed attacking Rockhawkers without inflicting lasting harm.

During his confrontation with Dooku on Geonosis, Yoda showcased his superior telekinetic abilities by effortlessly deflecting metal and stone projectiles launched by the skilled Sith Lord. In a battle against Confederate forces on Rugosa, Yoda swiftly manipulated two droids to slash them with his lightsaber, propelled components of a droid-controlled infantry unit high into the air, and opened the upper sections of another infantry tank before launching it and its droid pilot skyward. With ease, Yoda raised and repositioned droids to fire upon their allies, and slammed entire droid squads to the ground, all without harming his own allies. After neutralizing the droids, Yoda effortlessly overpowered the Sith Assassin Asajj Ventress with telekinesis, halting her lightsaber strike mid-swing and disarming her with a simple gesture, and repulsed the many stones caused by Ventress activating an explosion. Yoda could float in a meditative state, if he wanted to avoid touching the ground.

Yoda's skill set included the use of Force barriers, evident when he contained a cloud of deadly gas. He could strike down opponents by telekinetically guiding his lightsaber. In an attempt to defeat the Sith Emperor, Yoda swiftly incapacitated two Red Guards by slamming them into a wall. He breached the Emperor's defenses and used a Force push to blast Darth Sidious through the air. He also stopped and threw a Senate hoverpod Sidious had thrown at him when they fought in the Senate building, an all the more impressive feat since it was thrown upwards against gravity. Later, on Dagobah, Yoda destroyed an Imperial Probe Droid by throwing a pot at it with the Force. He then Force crushed two more droids before they could report his location. To demonstrate the boundless potential of the Force to Luke Skywalker, Yoda levitated his student's sunken T-65B X-wing starfighter from a Dagobah swamp onto dry land without visible strain.

In just a few days of training, Yoda learned to utilize Stonepower to deflect Blue stones. He could move a boulder three times his size—a feat unknown to his master—though it exhausted him. Yoda could also employ Stonepower to parry strikes from giants of living stone and, with the help of his students, summon other giants to defeat his opponent. Yoda was capable of wielding Force lightning, projecting multiple energy arcs from a single finger. He also possessed the ability to manipulate flames with the Force.

Jedi Padawan Bell Zettifar wondered if Yoda, with focused effort, could use the Force to negate gravity. During his duels with Count Dooku and Darth Sidious, Yoda displayed exceptional Force Deflection, effortlessly stopping and redirecting Dooku's Force lightning with his bare hands. He even managed to halt Sidious' Force lightning using only his palms, though he couldn't completely deflect it. The resulting energy explosion flung both combatants apart, ending the duel in a stalemate and forcing Yoda to retreat. Yoda could diminish or neutralize the effects of Force attacks by emitting a calming aura. He could absorb blaster fire and lightsaber strikes with his bare hands, channeling the absorbed energy into his own attacks, such as Force pushes and enhanced Force lightning.

Yoda was capable of absorbing and deflecting Force lightning with his palms.

Beyond his combative Force abilities, Yoda's profound connection to the Force and extensive studies granted him numerous additional skills. He could enhance himself and locate known objects or individuals regardless of distance, and effortlessly dispel or destroy multiple Force illusions simultaneously. During the trial of Quinlan Vos, Yoda revealed his ability to discern a Force-user's alignment simply by touching them, claiming the Force allowed him to read the history of a soul. He could easily sense Vos's fall to the dark side, despite Vos's attempts to conceal it from other Jedi. Yoda could also detect lies, emotional states, and thoughts in those he interacted with.

While isolated on Dagobah, Yoda could perceive active Jedi through the Force, but not those who had abandoned the Jedi path, except for Vader, who remained within his monitoring range. Yoda could detect living beings and droids with the Force, and on Dagobah, he could sense all or no droids across the planet. He maintained mental contact with Jedi Temples galaxy-wide and could telepathically communicate with any Jedi within them, manipulating the experience to his liking by accessing the World Between Worlds. Still on Dagobah, Yoda conjured an illusion of the Grand Inquisitor (in his former Jedi guise) to test Kanan Jarrus's worthiness. He also sensed that Malachor offered Ezra Bridger and Kanan Jarrus a chance to confront the Sith, and informed Ezra. When the Lothal Jedi Temple was invaded, Yoda sent illusions of Jedi Temple Guards to subdue the Inquisitors, allowing the living Jedi to escape.

With effort, Yoda could conceal himself and his Force abilities, becoming undetectable to most. He sensed the disturbance caused when two Blue stone spears were struck together. He also sensed the killings during Order 66, which physically staggered him. Forewarned by the Force, Yoda destroyed the clones sent to kill him on behalf of the Sith. He could also sense impending battles, experiencing a distinct feeling before the Night of Sorrow. Yoda could use the Force to see in total darkness or when blinded. Additionally, he could use Force healing, even healing himself and others during battle with a wave of his hand. Yoda could also experience Force visions and invoke them at will for insights up to three days into his future. However, he understood that Force prophecy was not absolute and that the future was ever-changing. The Grandmaster could make great leaps with the Force for maneuverability, dodging, and charging. His visions foretold the possible, and eventual, fall of the Jedi during the Clone Wars, and even his own death. Yoda sometimes knew if he was probably going to die in a battle he fought in and could augment his physical abilities.

He also fully mastered maintaining consciousness after death, a skill Qui-Gon Jinn couldn't achieve, allowing him to manifest visibly rather than just as a disembodied voice. As a Force spirit, Yoda could manipulate weather, creating lightning strikes. He could also strike Luke Skywalker with his walking stick, demonstrating the ability to physically interact with the living world despite being non-corporeal.

Other skills

Yoda also displayed piloting proficiency, despite typically deferring to his soldiers. When forced to travel alone by Qui-Gon Jinn, Yoda comfortably piloted Anakin's interceptor without causing damage until his return to the Jedi. Sidious and Yoda were equally matched during their duel in the Galactic Senate.

According to Obi-Wan, Yoda's greatest weapon was his thirst for knowledge. Yoda could endure hours of walking without food or rest up a mountain/giant. Padawan Reath Silas once noted that he could sense Yoda's wisdom and knowledge from a kilometer away.

During the Clone Wars, Yoda proved himself an exceptional strategist and leader, serving as a highly effective general. His abilities were evident during a confrontation with Confederate forces on Rugosa, where he inspired hope in his troops despite overwhelming odds and tactically defeated the droid army by exploiting weaknesses in infantry and tanks, even tricking one droid controller into destroying another tank.

Yoda was a skilled diplomat. While his Dagobah cooking was lacking, he excelled at baking, with Jedi Master Torban Buck particularly enjoying his pastry recipe.


Throughout the Republic Era, Yoda wielded a shoto-style lightsaber, which he lost in a duel with Darth Sidious at the end of the Clone Wars. He kept a near identical lightsaber with him on Dagobah. He also used a cane. It began as a lesson, but really more of a joke, for his Padawans; he would limp into a room with the cane, then he would cast it aside and quickly use his speed in the Force, only to finally grab the cane once more and hobble away. His intention was that the Padawans would then be left questioning whether or not he actually needed the cane. Nevertheless, as he grew older during his exile on Dagobah, he found he truly had come to need it. As a Force ghost, he could manifest his staff and use it to strike living matter. His cane was made from a Gimer stick, which released natural plant substances that aided his meditation when chewed. The nutritious juices also eased his thirst and acted as a natural painkiller.

Behind the scenes

The Original trilogy

Early concept art by Joe Johnston.

Yoda was introduced in the 1980 film Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and later appeared in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the final installment of the original trilogy. He also featured in all three prequel trilogy films and numerous episodes of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. Yoda also played a role in various Expanded Universe materials, now branded as Star Wars Legends and deemed non-canonical. In George Lucas' notes for the first chapter of the original trilogy Yoda originally named as "Bunden Debannen" and nicknamed as "Buffy". During the development of the sequel, Lucas, drawing a comparison between the character and "a little Dalai Lama", decided to use an eastern sounding name and changed the character's name to "Minch Yoda" in the resultant treatment before simply shortened it to "Yoda" for the final film.

Originally, Ben Kenobi was to impart much of the information and training given to Luke on Dagobah, but after Kenobi's death in A New Hope, George Lucas created Yoda to assume the role of Luke's mentor. Early concepts depicted Yoda as a large alien before settling on his diminutive form, with various gnome- and elfin-like designs created by the Episode V design team. Once Yoda's appearance was finalized, make-up and creatures supervisor Stuart Freeborn sculpted a detailed puppet, brought to life on screen by Frank Oz. Oz did not like that the ears would wiggle a bit every time he turned the puppet. This was due to the puppet's weight and holding it above his head, which caused his muscles to tremble.

While Yoda was primarily portrayed with the Oz-performed puppet in The Empire Strikes Back, actor Deep Roy filled in for long shots of Yoda traversing the swamps, wearing a detailed mask and costume. Yoda had additional play in the draft script for Return of the Jedi: when Emperor Palpatine strikes at Luke Skywalker with Force lightning aboard Death Star II, the Force ghost of Yoda would have appeared alongside the ghost of Kenobi. Both Jedi would have deflected the Emperor's lightning to protect Luke. Like Anakin Skywalker and Kenobi did in the draft, Yoda also returned to life instead of remaining a ghost.

The Prequel trilogy

A new, younger-looking model was constructed by Nick Dudman's animatronics team for Episode I, where Yoda also appeared as a CGI model in two shots. In Episode II, Yoda needed to be more agile than he was in the original trilogy and would have to fight during his duel with Dooku, which was a creative risk for the film. Initially, Lucas told Animation Director Rob Coleman that Yoda would be featured as a puppet and the animators would create a digital version of him for his duel with Count Dooku, but Coleman did not love the idea. He thought that it would be very difficult to match what was done for the Yoda puppet in The Empire Strikes Back and interpret how the puppet's movement would be put into a digital character. Early on in briefing, Lucas told Coleman and his team that Yoda would be seen full-body and he would have to run, jump, and fight. Coleman felt like he and his team could work on Yoda after gaining knowledge and experience from working on Watto, Jar Jar Binks, and Sebulba in The Phantom Menace. The new goal was to use a digital Yoda for every scene and sequence that he appeared in. To ensure the animated version of Yoda did not surpass the realism of Oz's puppet work, Coleman's team secretly developed animation tests using key scenes from The Empire Strikes Back with the new technology, and these scenes were evaluated. Based on the strength of these animated tests, Coleman's crew was given permission to create a digital Yoda, which was realized entirely through computer-generated imagery.

Coleman was terrified of creating a digital Yoda because of the backlash against Jar Jar, and he did not want to be known for "wrecking" Yoda, but he was unwilling to back down from a challenge. Coleman's memory of seeing Yoda in 1980 managed to keep him on target. Coleman studied the footage of Yoda in the Empire Strikes Back frame by frame and realized it was very limited. When creating the digital Yoda, he wanted himself and his team to honor the range of motion he thought he saw in 1980. Coleman pitched that the digital Yoda would do three talking shots while delivering memorable lines of dialogue, as well as three shots without talking to show the ability to convey a performance even when silent. Coleman worked on a closeup of Yoda for the film in which Palpatine was speaking to Jedi in his office, and Lucas purposefully cut to Yoda who was looking over his shoulder. This was meant to indicate that Yoda did not trust Palpatine.

Coleman collaborated with Frank Oz to ensure the digital Yoda was as faithful as possible, learning the exact shape Oz's hand formed inside the puppet's head and how it affected expression. Coleman made sure that he did not go too far in terms of Yoda's movement. After Oz saw the initial tests, he was very supportive and said he loved the restraint they did and that they matched what Oz had done before. Initially, the digital character lacked the original detail of Yoda's ears wiggling with head movements, making him appear too young. Coleman's team added the detail in the digital character, and Yoda now looked the correct age.

From the start of the creation of Yoda and Count Dooku's lightsaber duel, most of the work would fall to Coleman's team. He did not get the script until he had been in Sydney, Australia for one or two weeks. The first draft described the fight as "'In a fight that defies description, Yoda and Count Dooku battle." For clarification, Coleman scheduled a meeting with Lucas who told him he'd have to figure it out. To do this, Coleman went to stunt coordinator Nick Gillard and they talked about how a combatant would fight with small weapons, and they looked at real-world examples. Also, Ahmed Best, the actor who played Jar Jar, introduced Coleman to some anime and martial arts that he thought could be helpful. However, Coleman still was not sure how to depict Yoda's speed and style in a fight. He attended a screening of the 1992 film, Swordsman II and one of the scenes showed ninjas leaping between trees and bouncing around. Coleman studied the action in the film, and this inspired him to give Yoda the ability to jump around. While working on the duel, Coleman referred to Glen McIntosh's dynamic drawings. In the duel, Lucas wanted a shot of Yoda pulling back his duster to reveal his lightsaber as a reference to the iconic shot of the gunfighter at the O.K Corral. After finishing the duel, Lucas and Coleman felt happy with it. Despite Coleman's concerns, Lucas wanted Yoda to jump, leap, and flip during the duel.

Coleman worked on a shot that was called "The Widowmaker." In the shot, an animated Yoda denounced Kenobi's sense of victory and said "Begun, this Clone War has." That line was approved and unapproved a couple of times. Also, Coleman received many notes telling him the line had to be sadder. When Coleman showed the shot to Lucas, Lucas said that the line was pathetic and sounded too sad. Lucas said Yoda should not sound sad, and should instead sound reflective, concerned, and upset over the inevitability of the Clone Wars.

For Episode III, the shot of Yoda clinging to the Senate podium during his duel with Sidious was animated by Tim Harrington. Coleman thought that his blocking was excellent, but Coleman was looking for more strain on Yoda's face. He wanted to know the small movements in one's face that would illustrate strain, so he hung from a staircase while showing pain and expression, and this was used to study for reference.

Animated television shows

Character studies of Yoda created for The Clone Wars episode "Ambush."

Yoda's voice in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Forces of Destiny was provided by veteran Star Wars voice actor Tom Kane. During the Revenge of the Sith DVD press conference in 2005, Oz initially mentioned that he was going to be involved in the Clone Wars series, but in a 2007 interview with Aintitcoolnews.com he eventually denied any involvement. In spite of this, Oz later returned to voice the character in Star Wars Rebels. Piotr Michael provided the voice for Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures.

The Sequel trilogy

Oz reprised his role as Yoda in all three films of the sequel trilogy: Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi (2017), and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker (2019). In The Force Awakens, Yoda's voice was heard during Rey's Force vision along with Obi-Wan Kenobi's. During the film's early development, Yoda was originally going to have a bigger role, a decision that went far enough to ask Frank Oz to record some lines as Yoda, although these recordings went unused when the character was cut from the film. The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson praised the development process for Yoda's appearance in the film.


The number of toes on Yoda's feet has been a long-standing debate. According to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Yoda has three toes on the front of each foot and one on the back, similar to many birds.

Non-canon appearances

On October 29, 2014, a Yoda costume was added to The Sims 4 as part of a Halloween-themed update, allowing playable child Sims to wear it. The costume is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay.

