Savina Besatrix Malagán

title: Savina Besatrix Malagán

During the High Republic Era, Savina Besatrix "Sav" Malagán served the Jedi Order as a Jedi Master. This female Kyuzo was stationed at the Jedi Temple located on Takodana. In battle, she fought using two lightsabers that projected purple blades, and she donned brown Jedi robes along with a Kyuzo war shield. Early in her training, as a Padawan, Malagán went against the Jedi Order and joined Maz Kanata's pirate crew during the Battle of Jedha. Later, while in command of the temple, she assisted Kanata in caring for a young Qort, and she eventually fought against the Nihil. After the attack, she welcomed the Star Hopper Padawans as they arrived to provide assistance, and she observed Qort engaging the Nihil once more as she watched over the temple.


Life as a Jedi

Around 397 BBY, Savina Besatrix Malagán, a Force-sensitive female Kyuzo, joined the ranks of the Jedi Order by 382 BBY during the High Republic Era. She eventually became the Padawan under the tutelage of a Jedi named Kaktorf and was based at the Jedi Temple on the planet Takodana, which was situated across Nymeve Lake from Takodana Castle, the stronghold of the pirate queen Maz Kanata. Malagán formed a friendship with Kanata, and she angered her Master by secretly fighting alongside Kanata's crew in the Battle of Jedha in 382 BBY.


Sav Malagán and a very young Qort

At a later point, Malagán, now a Jedi Master, continued to operate from the temple on Takodana. When Kanata suddenly found herself responsible for an Aloxian infant of unknown origin, the pirate sought Malagán's assistance after learning the child's background from the Patrolian Farks. This child, named Qort, was soon discovered to have Force abilities and was entrusted to the Jedi Order, becoming a Jedi youngling. However, Malagán, Kanata, and other residents of Takodana remembered him.

The Nihil

Malagán looks at the Nihil arriving over Nymeve Lake

In 231 BBY, the Jedi Temple where Malagán was stationed came under attack by a group of Nihil led by Krix Kamerat, with their fighters approaching over Nymeve Lake. After evading a blast from a Nihil fighter, Malagán ascended into the sky, leaping between ships and destroying them with her pair of purple lightsabers. Krix was the only one to escape, returning to Dol'har Hyde to report his failure at the hands of Malagán and to prepare for another assault. While examining some debris, Malagán encountered Bareen and Sabata Krill, who claimed they wished to defect from the Nihil and offer their help.

When the Star Hopper arrived, Malagán and Kanata greeted the Padawans, expressing particular excitement at seeing Qort. Malagán introduced the Krill sisters and led the Padawans into the temple to establish defenses and prepare for further Nihil activity. She unveiled some pirate gear borrowed from Kanata from under a sheet, much to the surprise of Farzala Tarabal. As they set up cannons on an upper level of the temple, Lula Talisola questioned Malagán about her continued use of the traditional Kyuzo war helmet. Malagán replied that it was due to the hat's numerous uses, and she promptly threw it at the foot of Sabata Krill, knowing she was faking innocence and tripping her. At that moment, planted thermal detonators detonated throughout the temple, causing its destruction.

Malagán and Kanata watch a fully unleashed Qort

As Malagán and the others recovered from the explosion, Krix's Nihil fighters appeared. With his mask destroyed, and remembering Malagán's lessons, Qort unleashed his full power and soared into the sky, destroying the Nihil's ships. From the lake's edge, Malagán and Kanata watched Qort in amazement, joking that he resembled both of them. Kanata also expressed concern about the loss of some antiquities in the temple's destruction, but Malagán dismissed it, asking if she could stay at Maz's Castle for a while.

Personality and traits

Malagán and Kanata welcome the Padawans into the temple

Sav Malagán was a Kyuzo female characterized by green skin and orange eyes. She demonstrated the ability to maintain a calm demeanor even in the heat of combat, and she was perceptive of others' actions. As a longtime friend of Maz Kanata, Malagán valued the pirate's companionship, and the two shared caf and slumber parties, often reminiscing about their past adventures with laughter. Despite the Jedi Order's discouragement of attachments, including ties to one's cultural heritage, Malagán wore and used a traditional Kyuzo war shield, justifying its use by pointing out the armored hat's numerous practical applications.

Powers and abilities

A fifteen-year-old Savina Malagán.

Sav Malagán, as a Jedi Master, possessed exceptional skill in utilizing her Force powers and engaging in lightsaber combat. She single-handedly repelled the initial wave of a Nihil attack on Takodana, relying solely on her weapons and abilities.


Sav Malagán was attired in cream-and-brown Jedi robes and a grey Kyuzo war shield hat. She fought with two lightsabers that projected purple blades, and these could be joined together when not actively in use.

Behind the scenes

A preview of Sav Malagán first appeared in The High Republic Adventures (2021) 8, which was released on Cinelinx shortly before the comic's publication on September 1, 2021. Daniel José Older, the comic's author, confirmed her identity in response to a question on Twitter asking if it was a Kyuzo Jedi, stating that she was the "most badass" Jedi he had ever written and that he had the opportunity to design her lightsaber, which he noted was a first for him.

